Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, April 22, 1948, Image 2

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    Illinois Valley News, Thursday, April 22, 1948
Squash lose about one-third o t
th e ir carbohydrates in three m onths
o f storage and o ve r 59 per cent
when stored six m onths.
Mail-Order Idea Extends
To Citizenship in South
New Chemical Curbs
Many Fruit Pests
Tests Show Fungicide
Effective in Orchard
WAITRESSES AT SCHOOL . . . Boyce Campbell, one of the profes­
sors at the fooilhandlers’ school, delivers a lecture on bacteria and
disease, llis student body is warned of the need for proper washing
and sterilization of common eating and drinking utensils.
H aitress Hits the Campus
tteallh Schools Spread
WNU Feature
C h a ra cte rize d as e ffe c tiv e ag a in st
a wide range o f f r u it pests and d is ­
eases, a new d in itro fu n g ic id e and
in se cticid e fo r o rc h a rd use now is
a v a ila b le c o m m e rc ia lly u n d er the
trad e nam e o f DN-289 I t is a stable,
c le a r
so lu tio n
c o n ta in in g
e ig h t
a c tu a l
d in itro -s e c b u ty l-
phenol in each q u a rt and is re a d ily
m is c ib le w ith w a te r.
DN-289 has p ro ve d e ffe c tiv e as an
in se cticid e fo r use in th e d o rm a n t
p e rio d ag a in st a v a rie ty o f insects
such as rosy apple a p h id , c u rra n t
aphid, b la ck c h e rry a phid, m e a ly
p lu m a p h id and v ib u rn u m aphid,
eye-spotted bud m oth , c h e rry case-
b e a re r, p e a r p s ylla and o y s te r shell
scale on apple and lila c . P ro m is in g
re su lts also have been shown in con­
tr o l of San Jose scale, s c u rfy scale
and the eggs o f the E u ro p ea n red
m ite .
As a fu n g icid e , DN-289 has been
AUSTIN, Tex,—The waitress and—of ail things—the lowly dish­ used
successfully fo r c o n tro l o f sooty
washer are eternal sophomores these days, treading their way through b lo tch on pears.
campus grounds to collegiate classes.
A m o u n t o f the com pound re q u ire d
It all started here in Austin, where the Texas Board of Health in to a tta in good co n tro l ranges fro m
1937. in a desperate effort to reduce disease—spread via public food
preparation and catering, inaugurated what it termed the first "Food
handlers’ School" in America. Since then, schools have been firmly
established in almost every state, in thousands of cities and ir
innumerable private industries. Attendance by foodhandlers ir
many cities is mandatory by mu­
nicipal ordinance.
taurateurs alike.
He initiated the issuance of
Idea Termed Fantastic
'sanitation placards” to public
First formulated by Lewis Dob­ food caterers which are displayed
Photo shows an apple p ro te cte d
son, then a sanitation engineer in I he restaurants. But these are
by DN-289 Heft) and c lu s te r a t­
for the Texas health hoard, the not issued unless a minimum of tacked by rosy apple aphid.
"fantastic" idea was presented to 80 per cent of the employes have
Dr. George W. Cox, director of received their "diplomas” from a one q u a rt to tw o q u a rts in 100 g a l­
the board. Dr. Cox, a veteran foodhandlers' school. The pro­ lons o f w a te r. A p h id s are c o n tro lle d
doctor and currently serving his prietor, therefore, actually be- w ith one q u a rt w h ile tw o q u a rts are
to k ill bud m oths, ca se -b e a r­
rPoord^oTn^.t (,llr,e,( tor ior.,a, new come a sanitation truant officer, needed
record, grasped the possibilities I With the war, and the myriad e r and the pear p sylla. H e a v ie r con­
ce n tra tio n s m a y be needed to con­
problems arising as a result, the tr o l o yste r sh e ll scale.
The first school was or­
foodhandlers’ school really came
Research w o rke rs are c o n d u c tin g
ganized at University of
Into its own. Dodson was loaned
xte nsive tests to fin d o th e r insects
Texas in Austin. There was
to University of Michigan to set e and
diseases th a t m a y be c o n tro lle d
no paid tu ition ; textbooks
up a similar school; Cox prepared
w ith the ch e m ica l, w h ich was d e v e l­
were free to all "students,”
a complete blueprint on his school oped
by Dow C h e m ica l com pany.
anil a "diploma" was pre­
and was swamped with requests
sented upon graduation.
f o r it. Schools mushroomed
The foodhandlers’ school, which everywhere.
Packaging of P o u ltry
•mphasi/od protective methods to
Even the army borrowed
Is New Developm ent
avoid spread of disease, embraced
the system, installing two
I he w hole field of personnel, from
schools in Texas camps. The
F a rm e rs o f to m o rro w m ust be
bus hoy to chef. Concentration
I SS Wisconsin adopted the
p o u ltry m e rch a n d ise rs as w e ll as
was accentuated on the dish­
□reducers i f th e y are to com pete suc­
Texas idea aboard ship. In
washer, a key figure. Sanitary
every ease, new ideas and in­
cessfu lly w ith the new " b r o ile r fa c ­
precautions, including use of
novations were added, until
to rie s ." P ro g re ssive p o u ltry ra is e rs
single-service paper cups, was
m ust keep a ttu ne d to th e tim e s if
several universities actually
stressed. Employees were aca-
they are to m ee t the ch a lle n g e of
had included sim ilar courses
as a selective undergraduate
curriculum .'
_ It is estimated that more than
125.000 foodhandlers have gradu­
ated from the seven permanent
foodhandlers' schools established
throughout the state and two
"traveling schools” for small
Drug Developed
From O at Hulls
Proves Effective
n i lC A I. U MTKESS . . . I c t a
Hartkoff, 19-year-ol I waitress at
an \u s lin cafe, is typical of un­
trained waitresses. Before at-
ten.hng the fooiihumllcr** school,
she carries water glasses with her
lingers rubbing the drinking edge
of the glasses.
demit ally taught the various types
of disease which they, through
their own ignorance, might unin­
tentionally s p r e a d . Trained
teachers were engaged, movies
Used, and every modern tutoring
device employed to quickly but
efficiently train all personnel.
Renew Education
Even after graduation, they
were cautioned to renew their ed­
ucation every three years. All
this among a student body, which,
on an average, had an l.Q. equi­
valent to the eighth grade in pub­
lic school.
llie school was an overnight
sun ess. Although the legislature
did not officially make it manda-
torv to attend. Cox cleverly con­
ducted a public education cam­
paign that drew almost unanimous
support from the public and res-
NORWICH, N. Y. The yellow,
glittering stuff looks like finely
ground gold - but it isn’t —in­
stead. it s furacin, a new, powerful
drug which promises to take its
place alongside the world's most
effective germ killers.
It is being manufactured in
laboratories in this picturesque
Chenango river valley town. Un­
like penicillin, which is made from
mold, furacin is a chemical
Its common sources are plain,
ordinary oat hulls, which come
from the great plains of the mid­
iuracin already has established
itself for effectiveness in treat­
ment of infected battle wounds.
It is credited with saving a leg
or an arm for many a soldier who
returned home with a wound that
would not heal.
As a dressing, furacin also has
proved itself a weapon against
infection in skin grafting opera­
tions. in the treatment of dia­
betic gangrene, furuncles, surface
ulcers and infections resulting
from burns.
( redited with developing the
new drug is Dr. Albert B. Scott
of West Virginia. He admits he
is a conservative and that is why
be insists that furacin is not a
wonder drug."
Accepted by the American Med­
ical association, the drug has
been used in various hospitals and
several laboratory tests are be­
ing undertaken.
Library's Collection Spirals In Value
ALBANY, N. Y Rankl'd as
one of the best state libraries in
the nation, New York's state li­
brary consists of books and manu­
scripts that cost 2 million dollars
but now are worth 25 million dol­
lars. Its service varies all the
way from helping a backwoods
physician diagnose a rare disease
t o providing aid for a billion-
dollar concern in a knotty engi­
neering problem.
In charge of this vast store-
of special and general
».now ledge is Charles F. Gosnell.
I he state librarian says the 11-
rary. although not as well known,
is second in many respects only
to the Congressional library in
»' tshington.
Among the rare items
' io n o f letters and autographs
of men who signed the thsl.ira-
tion of n
hi use
new developm ents in the in d u s try .
W ith in a sh o rt tim e the consum er
w ill have a w ide ran g e o f selection
fo r p o u ltry and m e a t pro d u cts. T his
w ill necessitate b e tte r m e rc h a n d is ­
ing on the p a rt o f the in d iv id u a l
p o u ltry m a n .
One o f the p rin c ip a l m eans o f
m ee tin g th is ch a lle n g e is fo r the
p o u ltry ra is e r to s ta rt s e llin g c h ic k ­
ens u n d er b ra n d nam es in an e ffo rt
to p ro m o te his p ro d u ct fo r the tim e
when consum ers again w ill be
"c h o o s y ."
To a cco m p lish th is, good p a cka g ­
in g is essential. M odern tra n s p a re n t
BATON ROUGE, La.—Here in
The course consists of two sim­
the United States, where you can ple textbooks, "Our Constitution
buy anything from a ball of twine and Government” and "Federal
to a 10-room house by mail, it’s Textbook for Citizenship." Stu
not surprising to realize that citi- dents are permitted a helper, who
zenship can be attained the same may be a relative, friend or the
neighborhood schoolteacher, to
assist them in thoroughly under­
Operating in Louisiana for the standing the lessons.
past year under supervision of
No time limit is placed on the
State Department of Education, course. Some students have com­
this “citizenship by mail" pro­ pleted the entire course in less
gram is helping hundreds of for- than a month while others have
eign-born residents to prepare for iabored over their lessons for a
citizenship m the United States. year
From the Federal Immigration
Completion of the course and
and Naturalization Service, the I passing of final examination en-
Department of Education receives title the student to a certificate
a list of names of people who are from the Department of Educa-
seeking citizenship in Louisiana, i tion. But more than that, it pre-
Circulars then are sent to these pares him to cope with questions
People explaining the advantages he will be asked when he goes
°. 1 le
course and inviting into naturalization court to re-
them to register for it.
' ceive citizenship.
More Fathers
p a cka ging o f readv-to-eat p o u ltry
w ill increase sales and profits.
Tests conducted w ith the same
grade of p o u ltry , h a lf being sealed
in fle xib le packages, the others w ith ­
out co ve rin g , proved th a t d em and
f r the packaged b ird s was one to
three tim e s as la rg e as fo r the un ­
w rapped ones.
F o r p ackaging, cellophane, tra n s ­
p a re n t reg e n e rate d ce llulose film o r a
ru b b e r h y d ro ch lo rid e film are a v a il­
able. They are m o istu re -p ro o f, a ir-
to liquid and grease.
Pullets Termed Better
Layers Than Old Hens
F u rth e r evidence o f the im p o r ­
tance o f keeping on ly pullet» fo r
la y e rs and s e llin g a ll old hen» is
contained In testa conducted a t
w estern K e n tu c k y substation.
A verage re su lts o ve r 11 ye a rs
show th a t annual p ro d u ctio n o f
B a rre d Rock p u lle ts wag fo u r dozen
eggs per b ird g re a te r th a n th a t o f
hens. In the case o f W h ite L e g ­
horns. p u llets la id three dozen eggs
oer b ird m ore than old hens.
Get Training
Child Care
NEW YORK-Training in child
care and maternity care for
fathers—not just mothers—is a
definite trend.
"Classes for prospective fathers
were sort of like man-bites-dog 10
years ago w'hen the idea was first
started but now they are becom-
ing the accepted thing,” declares
Miss Hazel Corbin, director of
Maternity Center association.
The classes are particularly im-
portant now, she said, because of
the increased responsibility placed
on fathers when mothers and ba­
bies are sent home from over­
crowded hospitals three or four
days after the child’s birth.
Men Were Bewildered
Maternity Center association
was first to give fathers’ courses
in child and maternity care, be­
cause the demand from bewildered
men showed the need for them.
n X nnÍn,K7 hie r ° rga,nÍ'
zations h a v e started similar
courses in Flint, Mich., Philadel­
phia, New Haven, Brooklyn and
many other cities, Miss Corbin
Maternity Center association
now graduates four or live classes
a year, and has trained approxi­
mately 2,000 men in the ways of
the nursery.
This begins with the prac­
tical details of baby bathing,
at which fathers are often
more deft than women be­
cause they are eager to learn.
Miss Corbin says. They learn
to handle the ehlhl so he w ill
feel secure and not in danger
of being drop;ied as well as
how to sterilize bottles and
prepare formulas.
The child care end of the courses
also includes the growing child.
The classes also teach fathers
embryology—the baby's develop­
ment before birth, so the father
w ill know w hy his wife needs pre­
natal care. Then he will not com­
plain because he thinks she goes
to the doctor too often, may urge
her to go if she neglects it.
They teach the physiological
and emotional changes that take
place in a pregnant woman, so
that if her temper is sharper than
usual or she is prone to tears,
the prospective father will be
equipped to meet the situation
with tact or diversion.
Middle Class Tots
Are More Inclined
I o 1 liiiinb Sucking
Good p a cka ging , a« dem on­
s tra te d by th is eellophane-w rapped
ch icke n , is good a d v e rtis in g .
Most Unusual County
DETROIT, Mich. — Thumb
sucking is three times more prev­
alent among children of middle
class families than among chil­
dren of the poor, according to
Dr. Martha Ericson, psychologist
at Merrill Palmer school here.
The reason, Dr. Ericson ex­
plains, is that youngsters on the
Gold Coast are nursed less by
their mothers and are bottle fed
i shorter periods than the “tene­
ment child."
Other findings, gleaned from in­
terviews of 48 middle class and
52 lower class mothers in Chicago,
1. Children in middle class
families are expected to assume
responsibility in the home earlier
than the lower class children.
2. The school and work ex­
pectation for middle class chil­
dren show that children are ex­
pected to prepare themselves for
a profession. The lower class
parents would like their children
to become professional workers,
but high school graduation is
usually the actual ceiling level for
most of the low class children.
School Children Get
Fewer Report Cards
NEW YORK New York City’s
200.000 elementary public school
children are getting a break this
year in that bugaboo of child­
hood the report card. They will
receive only four this year. Last
year they received six. and in pre­
vious years they got one a month.
The new cards, however, include
■ space for notations by teachers
of personality and appearance.
aviation notes
Boundary county, Idaho. Is tha
o n ly county in the U n ite d States bor­
dered by tw o states and a foreign
H id in g K in g A lfre d
A stone p illa r near Boroughbrldge
village, E ngland, com m em orate«
the h id in g place o f K in g A lfre d .
One Sunday a fte r President
C oolidre had returned to the
W hite House fro m rhurch, where
he had gone alone, M rs. Coolidge
in q u ire d :
“ Was the sermon good?“
“ Yes,“ he answered.
“What was it about?”
“ Sin.”
“ W hat did the m in is te r sa y? ”
“ He was against it . ”
One W ay O ut
“ W hatever made y o u r husband
take up scouting lo n g enough to be­
come a scoutmaster, M rs. R uggs?”
"W e ll, M rs. F rum p, you know we
have a lo t o f lawn to be mowed in
the summer, and m iles o f sidewalk
to shovel in the w in te r.”
The dream of every active army
a*r f°rce pilot—all the "hedge-
hopping" he could possibly do—
^as come true for two veteran
combat iiiers of the European
theater. They are now engaged
*n a different kind o f "blitzing"
men *n Pennsylvania gypsy
m<Jth control work by airplane in
forest areas of Luzerne and Lack-
aw®nna counties,
., Skimming dangerously close to
the tree tops, their bomb loads
are tanks ot DDT solution. Their
attack guns are spray jets which
force a fine mist that deals death
to caterpillars engaged in devour­
ing foliage from invaluable forest
They are pilots of planes used
in early morning and late evening
in cooperative efforts of state and
federal agricultural departments
to wipe out the destructive gypsy
m° th On 28-°°° aCres
the 600-
square-mile infested area.
The two ex-army DDT fliers
are Robert E. Frownfelter 31, of
Garrett, Ind., and Val Mackie-
wicz, 28, of Northampton, Mass.
Frownfelfer made 221 combat re­
connaissance flights while Mack-
iewicz flew a B-17 flying fortress
on 50 combat missions from Italy,
Contrary to general opin­
ion, airline stewardesses wed
“ Just Joes” — just like every­
one else. A survey of 100
Pan American stewardesses,
disclosed that the glamourous
beauties seldom, i f ever, wed
millionaire passengers they
meet on flights. More than
half the girls do their center-
aisling with airlines person­
nel— pilots, airport managers,
traffic men anil pursers. The
rest m arry childhood sweet­
hearts. They do m arry, how­
ever—and fast. On the aver­
age, PAA stewardesses last
9.7 months before the love
bug bites them.
Accidents among former mili-
tary pilots flying light planes back
home are waning after reaching
an alarming point during the
Many of the 250,000 returning
war pilots wanted to continue fly­
ing. But when they tried to fly
ordinary light planes as tney had
flown their fast, fighting ships,
it just didn’t work. Although they
were good pilots, they were crack­
ing up all over the lot.
Watching crackup figures spiral.
Civil Aeronautics board was con­
vinced that last year's total of
4,562 would be passed by about
2,000 this year.
CAB urged former military
pilots to submit to check flights
in light ships.
Gift Nightgown
YO U have a dainty lingerie g ift
to make fo r one of y o u r friends tr y
this rom antic puffed sleeve nighty.
You can tu rn out a p re tty special one
if you use pastel flower-sprigged
rayon silk or satin and velvet ribbon
ties in orchid, lavender, Am erican
Beauty o r magenta color. Makes a
v e ry expensive looking gown at not
too great an expenditure!
To obtain complete pattern. Anishin» In­
structions for the Gift Nightgown (Pattern
No. 5034) sizes 14, 16, 18 Included, send 20
cents In coin. Your Name, Address and
Pattern Number.
Due to an unusually large demand and
current conditions, slightly more time Is
required In Alling orders for a few of tha
most popular patterns.
Send your order to:
530 South Well» St.
C hicago 7. LU.
Enclose 20 c en ts for P a tte rn .
N o________________
A ddress«
’¿ ¿ M M ®
7ry ¿emo» s# tfa fe r-
for got/
The ju ic e o f a lem on in a glass o f
w ater, when taken firs t th in g on aris­
ing, is a ll th a t most people need to
insure prom pt, norm al elim ination.
N o m o ro h o r ih l a x a t iv o » th a t ir rita te
the digestive tr a c t and im p air n u tri­
tion I Lemon in w a te r isffoód fo r you I
G e n e r a tio n » o t A m e ric a n s have taken
lemons fo r health —and generations
o f doctors have recommended them.
They are rich in v ita m in C: supply
valuable amounts o f Bt and P. They
a lkalinize; aid digestion.
N o t t e a » h a rp o r t s v r , lemon in w a te r
has a refre sh in g tang — clears the
m outh, w akes you up. I t ’s n o t a
pu rg a tive — sim ply helps yo u r sys­
tem rr.Tulofe Uttlf. T ry i t 10 days.
U S I C A t IF O S N IA S U N K It r U M O N J
In one of the first operations of
its kind, 19 purebred greyhounds
were »hipped to Pari» from Ire-
land recently in a T W O c a rg o
plane. 1 he high-strung dog» are
shown aboard the plane.
Hard on the winged heels of
the plane piloting "flying farm­
ers comes the "flying farm re­
When a combine,
tractor or other piece of equip­
ment stalls in the midst of an
important farm operation, Wil­
liam E. Vulgamott or Oliver R.
Bowers, implement dealers of
Cerro Gordo, 111., rush to the res­
cue. They land in a field near
the idle machine and quickly rush
the renair»
16— 4»
Kata cost money. Stop
STEARNS costly ra t dettraction
livestock and
lu c rin e p to r o feed,
p e rty . K ill ra ta
with S tearns' Used by
fannera for 69 years,
ft $100 of DRUGGISTS
J ht /6 ca L QnvcAtmcjiL
ißui/. and édetd IpitA.
¿1. J . ¿ ^ a V U liiA . /Tin t i n A