Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, April 08, 1948, Image 3

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    Illinois Valley News, Thursday. April 8, 1948
Woman's World
Alter Coats, Dresses, Add
Boleros to Remain in Stvle
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Make, UiLi Jlavely lo ck ßadily
£luAÌwatite>i 9d N ea t a n d *fo¿m,
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By Ertta Haley
TF YOU agree with Mark Twain
! A that "A woman is always better
dressed in fashion than out of it,”
| then you’ll gradually be remodeling
your last season's clothes to this
season's modes.
Fashion experts claim that it will
take at least two years for the aver­
age woman to replace her present
wardrobe with new clothes and the
•*new look.” This means that re­
making, remodeling and refurbish­
ing will be the order of the day for
some time to come.
Trot out the wardrobe problems in
your closet to see how they can be
handled. Imagination plus ingenu­
ity with needles and thread will do
For instance, take the short-skirt­
ed, short-waisted problem. What
better way to solve it than to cut the
dress apart at the waist. Insert a
wide strip of another nicely match­
ing or contrasting material and add
a matching band at the hem? The
wide midriff inset will delineate the
tiny waist while the bottom band
adds a graceful flare.
Honey Almond Cream Cake Tops Desserts
(See recipes below)
Dessert Tonic
It you're casting about for new
desserts, you’ll like the ones we've
selected today. All of them are real­
ly luscious and fun to make. But
there's even m^re fun to serving
them and listening to the family
rave over them.
Just about thi3 time of year we
want to do something different to
our menus and it's a good idea to
start in the dessert department.
You may like a delicious honey
almond cream cake with a delect­
able filling to put just the right end­
ing to the dinner; or, perhaps a
honey applesauce cake would be
Just the thing.
Maybe you'd even prefer an un­
usual variation of apple pie, or one
of the other pastries which haven't
been in the picture. You’ll find these
in today's column whether it's for
luncheon, dinner or just entertain­
Hiney Almond Cream Cake
(Makes two 8-inch layers)
2 cups silted cake flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1 teaspoon soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup shortening
1/3 cup milk
3/4 cup light corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
2 eggs
1 2 cup honey
1 1/2 cups oven-popped rice
1 tablespoon melted butter.
Stir flour, baking powder, soda
*nd salt into mixing bowl, Add
shortening, milk, corn syrup, , va-
nilla and almond extract. Beat un­
til smooth, about 150 strokes. Scrape
bowl and spoon often during baking.
Add eggs and beat 250 strokes;
scrape bowl. Add honey and beat
150 strokes. Pour batter into two
8-inch greased pans. Sprinkle one
layer with rice cereal which has
been crushed and mixed with melt­
ed butter. Bake in a moderate
(350 degree) oven about 30 minutes.
When cool, spread honey almond
cream between layers, placing the
layer with topping on top.
Broiled Whitefish
Lemcn and Parsley Garnish
Boiled Potatoes
Lettuce with Sour Cream Dressing
. ’Chocolate Chip Custard Pie
•Recipe Given
Use Inserted Bands
To Add Length
Draped Pump
This pump by a St. I.nuis manu­
facturer illustrates the new look
in shoes with its closed, unadorned
elegance. Notice the draped ef­
fect achieved in the vamp to take
the place of eonspicuous trimming
which is no longer in the fashion
,„ X he £ prln * »"d Summer i» u e of F A K H.
IO X Oder. a » M ll h of a ( » jii( In .p iro llo a
for m i » kume d i r u m ik t r . F rra k n iliin a
Many of your crepe dresses can
d lre rtlo " . and a freo paltern p iin trd in .
be made longer by bands in the plain cotton that shows your knees,
atda the booli 25 ranta.
skirt. The skirt, if a rather full take a tip from grandmother's day
type, can be cut apart and length­ and use patchwork sewn around the
ERE’S a clever summer wash­
ened by adding faille or material hem.
able that you can put together
i l l no time! It's cut all in one piece
A plain dress may be cut apart at
greased pan <£x8 inch pan) and
drawstring to snug in your
two places across the skirt or at
waistline. Youthful und charming
; bake in a moderate (350 degree)
as can be.
oven for 35 to 40 minutes. When
ed with bands of eyelet. Repeat the
cool, frost with honey meringue.
P a tte r n No. 1743 is fo r slips 12. 14, u ,
touch of eyelet at the neckline and
18 and 21*. Size 14. J yards of ;.ti or Sil-inch.
sleeves in a band.
Honey Meringue
1 4 cup honey
Your remodeling will be simplicity
1 8 teaspocn salt
itself if you have a thermoplastic
Tailored Frocks
dress “twin” to eliminate the guess­
1 egg white
A HANDSOMELY tailored shirt-
• In N R (N ature’s Remedy) TibletsJ
work in fitting. This dress form
Heat honey over hot water; pour
waister th at’s a pet style with
there are no chemicals, no minerals,
"double” of your own figure, which every well dressed woman. But­
over egg white; add salt. Beat until
no phenol derivatives. N R Tablets are
thick enough to spread.
may be molded in about half an toned down the front, it will be
different—e rf different. FureZy peg/.
hour, actually cuts dress construc­ cool and comfortable to wear— a
table—a combination of 10 vegetable
Cocoanut Cream Pie
ingredienti formulated over 50 year»
tion time in half and proves a boon joy to launder. Have cap or short
set-in sleeves.
ago. Uncoated or candy coated, thei»
(Nine Inch Pie)
in all sewing and remodeling prob­
P a ltern No. 8874 romps In sises 14, IS,
action is dependable, thorough, ye|
1 2 cup sugar
18, 20 : 40, 42, 44 and 4fl. Kiss IS, 4 yards of
gentle, as millions of NR's h tv»
Cut skirt crosswise . . .
5 tablespoons flour
proved. Get a 25» box. Use as directed.
Remodel Your Navy
1 8 teaspoon salt
ef another type in strips for length.
1 12 cups milk
Another wide band may be placed
530 South Wells SI. ■ Chicago 7, ill.
3 egg yolks, well beateu
at the hem.
Navy is again a favorite color and
Enclose 25 eenta In coins tor each
1 teaspoon vanilla
pattern desired.
There are several other remedies you can greet the season with one
1 cup cocoanut shredded
if your headache is hemline trou- that s remodeled from fall and win­ P attern No..
Combine first three ingredients, ble. One consists of cutting two ter. Why not consider cutting the
then add milk and cook over low lengths of material from around the dress in two, making the top a pert
heat until thickened Add egg yolks waist. This may be replaced with short bolero and the bottom a skirt.
and cook two minutes. Remove from grosgrain ribbon and hidden with a Lengthen in any of the ways already
fire, cool, and add vanilla and cocoa- gaily colored rayon sash of swathed mentioned. Then use the new suit-
nut. Pour into baked pie shell and cummerbund fashioned around the dress accompanied by the crispest
Two Ozark Families Sign (
cover with the following meringue; waist. Take two strips of materials, of white pique blouses.
seam them together and stitch these
Treaty to Halt ‘Fending-
When you've remodeled your
to the bottom of the dress.
dresses, turn your thoughts to the
SALEM, ARK—Male members
4 tablespoons sugar
The joining may be concealed by coat situation. Local sewing cen­ of two "feuding” Ozark families
2 egg whites, well beaten
covering it with any one of a num­ ter experts say that you can make have signed an agreement to "live
1 8 teaspoon salt
ber of kinds of decorative tape, a three quarter "shortie” out of your in peace and harmony” and to let
1 2 teaspoon vanilla
Add sugar to egg whites, beating braid or soutache. Or you may just last year's coat. But the real trick "all difficulties, differences and
constantly. Add salt and vanilla. want to run rows of stitching around is to line the coat with the cheeriest troubles of the past be forgotten and
Pile lightly on pie bringing It over the dress, evenly spaced above and print you can find. Then stitch forever done away with.”
The unusual document, filed in
a matching blouse for the gay en-
the crust. Brown in a mode’ate oven below the seam joining.
Another simple solution for skirt semble. Isn't that an idea—and es- justice court here, was the out­
for 9 to 10 minutes.
problems is to drop your skirt from pecially if the lining of the coat looks growth of a rock fight between the
•Chocolate Chip Custard Pie
two or three rows of grosgrain rib- as though it wouldn't last another Lawyer and Shepard families last
December, i
110 Inch Pie)
bon stitched together and sewed on ! season.
After that battle S. L. Lawyer,
4 egg yolks, beaten
top of the waistband. If you can
his son, Dahl, and son-in-law, Ar­
steal a tab of material from under­
1 2 cup sugar
neath the pocket or down a pleat, W ide Range Gives W om en thur Rosenberry, were charged
2 cups milk, scalded
with assault, and the Shepard
stitch this over the grosgrain, right
1 tablespoon gelatin
in middle of the front, and make | Chance to Be ‘W e ll-S u ite d ’ brothers, Jim, William and Frank,
1 4 cup cold water
1 teaspoon vanilla
the whole thing appear as a part of
As definitely a sign of the new were charged with flourishing dead­
ly weapons. They live on adjoining
1 graham cracker crust
the original design.
season as the first brave robin or farms.
Still another favorite trick is to April's traditional showers is the
1 2 cup sem i-sw eet chocolate,
Brought Into court, the six de­
drop the skirt from a yoke made of parade of suits which invariably fendants agreed to sign the "peace
(hopped fine
Honey Almond Cream Filling
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
treaty” drawn up by Judge Will II
do if the problem is a suit or dress something particularly crisp and D. Green, West Plains, Mo., attor­
4 egg whites
2 tablespoons honey
12 cup sugar
3 tablespoons flour
ter what the color, silhouette, width j The court accepted the signed
Beat egg yolks, add sugar and mux
1/2 teaspoon salt
of skirt or length of jacket, a suit document and then levied fines of
and cook in double boiler until thick.
1 egg yolk, slightly beaten
spells spring.
Add gelatin softened in water and
*1 on each of the six defendants.
1 cup milk
Black and navy blue are the J
vanilla. Cool. Pour into crust and
1 teaspoon vanilla
sprinkle with chocolate. Add cream
1 1 teaspoon almond extract
with brown and soft neutrals like
Mix together corn syrup, honey, of tartar to egg whites and beat until
gray and deep beige ranking as
flour and salt. Combine egg and
most popular second choices.
milk. Add to first mixture and blend
Typical spring suit shades lead
well. Cook over hot water stirring Chill one hour.
off with the pastels in shades of j
constantly until thick and smooth,
Deep Dish Cherry Pie
gray, honey, beige, leaf green, palest '
about four minutes. Cool; add flav­
i Makes 6 servings)
cocoa brown, a few orange tones, !
oring. Spread between layers of
1 quart pitted sour cherries,
light blues and some apple blossom
Delicious Kellogg'» Corn Flake« are
pinks. The last color usually Is
natiafying fuel-/om // A quick energy
Applesauce Spice Cake
3 1 2 tablespoons corn starch
food for kid». T hey
(Makes 9 servings)
jacket of the pink and skirt of navy
1/4 teaspoon salt
Insert strips for len/jth.
aura can uae it!
1/2 cup bran
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
1 cup sweetened applesauce
1 teaspoon lemon juice
with a peplum (of course you al­
1 2 cup shortening
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
ways can add one or a long jacket
2 3 cup sugar
1 tablespoon melted butter
which will cover the yoke).
1 2 teaspoon salt
1 cup syrup
Hemline troubles which are not
Be Smart!
1 egg
1/2 pastry recipe
• too severe as to require lots of
1 1/4 cups sifted flour
, Place cherries in nine-inch deep length can be solved by using a tape
1 teaspoon baking powder
pie dish. Combine a half cup of applied to the hem. When there
1/2 teaspoon soda
cherry juice with other ingredients; Isn't enough hem to let down, take
1 2 teaspoon cinnamon
stir until well blended. Pour over a look at the waistband It's likely
1 2 teaspoon cloves
cherries. Cut nine-inch circle from to be made on the fold of the ma- j
1 2 cup » hopped nutmrats
pastry rolled 1/8 inch thick; cut terial. Clip the stitches that hold i
Surs, I can give you
1 2 cup seedless raisins
i slits or a cherry design to let steam the inside to the skirt, open it and
Soak bran in applesauce. Blend ; escape. Bake in hot (450 degree) press flat You can face this widen
Let your Scaled Power Franchised
ah Ttening, sugar and salt. Add egg i oven 10 minutes; reduce to mod­ ed band with elasticized ribbing / r
Dealer give your old engine th a t
and beat well. Stir in bran alter­ erate (350 degree) oven, bake 33 wide hem tape
new car feel I H e is an engine eapert.
nately with sifted dry ingredients. minutes longer. Serve warm.
W ith new Sealed Power Piston Kings
Cotton D resses Are
Add nutmeatg and raisins. Spread in
and a complete overhaul he can re-
Released br WNU Features
Bm'M Vigor--.£nergyj
ttore the power your car, truck, or
tractor had when new, whatever t ht»
make, model or cylinder wear con­
dition. Y o u ’ll save gat and oil, too!
See your Sealed Power Franchised
Dealer I
E asy to Lengthen
Measure shortening accurately.
' The water displacement method is
I good For every cup of flour. 1 3 cup
Don't roll the pastry too much or it of shortening la required. Place 2 3
will be tough. And avoid extra cup of water in the cup and add
j shortening until the water reaches
•rr. unts of flour.
Never stretch the pastry to fit the j the top. Saves a dirty cup, too.
tin or it will shrink. Fit loosely to
Never over-mix the flour and
av >id shrinkage.
j shortening. It's best to use scissors
To prevent a soggy crust in berry 1 or a pastry blender to prevent heat-
and fru.t pies, place in a hot oven on ; ing the fat with warm fingera. Leave
the lower shelf to set the crust and | tome of the fat in large sized pieces
bake it before it becomes soaked : so these streak through the crust
with the filling.
I and give you the desired flakiness.
Make Piecrust
Perfect Always
If your closet holds many cottons,
these are easy to remodel as far
as lengthening goes. One of (he
favorite tricks is to use a four or
five-inch band of plain material and
add it to the bottom. For a charm­
ing effect, applique the print of the
dresa over the plain material. Then,
using a zlgzagger attachment on
your tewing machine, make sever­
al rowa of atitching, following the
irregularities in the print. Hem the
material in the usual fashion.
When your closet skeleton it a
l-et year new-seasnn bolero take
its turn at contributing color con­
trasts to jour costum e. Sketched
here ta a solid black cutaway
bulcro with a white checked skirt—
a patent leather belt as a go-be­
tween. Patent leather belts, incl-
dentally, are tops In new acces­
sory Ideas.
Send ■ p o e ta i for
illu a tr a te d . in fo rm
• t i r a n e w b o o k le t
on 7 w ajra t o u v t
o il. I t ’a free and
m a y t a r e you lo t*
o f m o n e y S e a le d
P o w e r C o r p .. D e p t
I X .,
2£„M... . / '
S E A L E D P O W E R P I S T O N 'R I N O S
M * T IN ’ N IW
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