Illin o is V a lle y N ew s, T hu rsda y, A p ril 8, 1948 L e a ding F re ig h t Ite m B itu m in o u s coal ran ks firs t in c a i* loadings and tonnage o f any fre ig h t co m m o d ity handled by ra ilro a d s o f the U n ite d States. A p p ro x im a te ly one-eighth of the fre ig h t revenues o f A m e ric a n ra ilro a d s is d e rive d tro ia b itu m in o u s coal tra ffic . IN THESE UNITED STATES Revival of County Fairs Features Harvest Time New Device Controls ‘Cancer* of Buildings Pipes Enable Chemical To Reach Term ites T e rm ite s , the “ c a n c e r" o f b u ild ­ ings. now can be c o n tro lle d . T h ro u g h a ll the ages the tin y in se c t th a t feasts on wood in homes, fa rm b u ild ­ ings and o th e r s tru c tu re s has been a constant d e stro ye r. A n n u a l p ro p ­ e rty losses ru n fa r in to the m illio n s . O rd in a ry c o n tro l m easures could not get a t the in tric a te tunnels h id ­ den aw a y in d iffic u lt and im p o s s ib le to rea ch places. A new device, h a ile d as an e ffe c­ tiv e m eans o f c o m b a ttin g the de­ s tru c tiv e pest, was d e m o n stra te d a t the an n ua l convention o f the N a tio n ­ a l A sso cia tio n o f H om e B u ild e rs in C hicago by W. B. H ill o f M e m p h is , Tenn., n a tio n a lly kn ow n as a te rm ite e xp e rt. ■ / fe i I'M QI K FORM ITION . . . Among (he many s|ieetaeular rock forma tinns abounding in Mammoth Cave National park is this “Hall ol China.’’ MECCA FOR VISITORS Distinctive Cave Formations Abound in New National Park H is m eth o d consists o f in s ta llin g a series o f slotted pipes a t the tim e o f co n stru ctio n in a ll in a cce ssib le areas, in c lu d in g d ir t- fille d porches, sun p a rlo rs , stoops, steps and fir e ­ places. A n n u a lly a p e rfo ra te d pipe is slip p e d in to the a llo tte d pipes and a ll hidden areas are tre a te d w ith a p o w e rfu l c h e m ic a l to x ic b lo w n Co-Ops Are Big Business WNU Features M em b e rsh ip in fa rm cooperatives Long an adjunct of harvest-time festivities throughout the nation, has passed the five m illio n m a rk , the county fair showed a marked revival this fall after removal of and the business handled to ta ls wartime entertainment restrictions. m ore th a n s ix b illio n d o lla rs an­ American,fairs were born at a time when farming was the country’» n u a lly . G ra in cooperatives have the predominant e.-terest, explaining the agricultural character which has biggest d o lla r to ta l. prevailed at the events. Fairs are older than the nation itself, Delaware's first fair having been held in 1690 at New Castle. 1 -------------------------------- -—------ Csf er \ A }fair at Baltimore opened in Housewives vie for prizes for the without dieting best cakes, canned fruits and Halted by Wars vegetables, jellies and pickles, You may lose pounds and have a The War of the Revolution quilts more slender, irraceful fifu re . N o and other needlework. ««erasing. N o laxatives or drugs stopped many fairs, including that w .th A Y D S Food Candy P la n — \ Sideshows Popular at Lancaster, Pa., but some were D O C T O R ’ S A M A Z IN ’«; DIS­ O \ ER Y. You d o n 't cut out n n r Before the 20th century, fairs C meals, resumed in later years. Fairs held or a ll the things you like, i ou s in g ly take A Y D S before at Parrot’s Grove in the suburbs were selling concessions for lunch meals, which autom atically curba of Washington, D. C., were at­ rooms, ice cream, candy, peanuts appetite. Result is you eat less and Absolutely harmless! - tended by President and Mrs. and popcorn. These helped to pay lose P R weight. O O F P O S IT IV E ! E m inent physician®’ Jefferson, cabinet officers and the prize money and other ex­ •u ixrvise d clinical tests and repot t quick and! diplomats, but they ended with penses. Sideshows behind great PtR IM SN T »1* ° ' cr 100 usr“ " HY , x “ pictured canvases lined the “mid­ the War of 1812. A Y D S T o d a y. O n ly ( 2 R9 to r a full! 3^-days supply— possibly more titan you w ill! Those early fairs lacked the way.” nee ago. erty in 1839 for $10,000, and which range in size from small The real origin of the cave long upon his death 10 years later, college a g fo n o m is t outfits employing one or two men “ N ew v a rie tie s seem to hold Antedates man's history and goes the cave was placed in trustee­ up to mammoth enterprises like back to an early geological era. ship for nine nephews and nieces. some s o rt o f m a g ic c h a rm o ve r Pacific Airmotive corporation, m a n y fa rm e rs ,” sta te d Robinson. The cave's passageways and Meanwhile there was a which has 700 employes on its “ I a m h a p py to see the fa rm e r formations present many distinc- rolls. growing desire on the part of change to new v a rie tie s w henever /-equ/ar tive features. On the fifth or Kentucky citizens to remove Although new plane sales will th e y can in crease his y ie ld but ju s t lowest level in the cave is the tfa's fieaWifu/ way- the celebrated cave from pri­ continue to soar for several years, because a v a rie ty c a rrie s a new Echo river, 360 feet I,clow the , vate ownership and preserve tlie operators expect plane main­ T he ju ic e o f a lem on in a g la ss o f nam e is no in d ic a tio n o f its v a lu e ." ground's surface. Only a small it for all time as a national w a te r, when taken firs t th in g on a ris­ Robinson p ointed out th a t p e r­ NEW COEI) ACTIVITY . . . tenance to be a major factor in part of its course has been ex­ park. Brush-wielding coeds of Ohio their future operations. Main- ! ing, is all th a t most people need to fo rm a n ce re co rd s are m ore im p o r­ plored. Blind fish inhabit the Wesleyan university finds the new tenance men estimate that upkeep insure prom pt, norm al e lim in a tion . In 1921, the Mammoth Cave ta n t than newsness. river. Strange names, such as N o m o r , h a r ih la x a t iv e . th a t ir r ita to craze for hand-painted blouses and servicing costs on a light, National Park association was the Frozen Niagara, the Hindu formed Selection o f su ita b le h y b rid corn the digestive tra c t and im p a ir n u tri­ both pleasant a n d profitable single-engine plane will average at Bowling Green, Ky., Temple, the Lion's Den, have been v a rie tie s creates a n o th e r pro b le m tio n ! Lemon in w a te r is good fo r yo u ! and immediately began to collect given to various of the spectacu­ funds through voluntary dona­ U n lik e o th e r crops, some h y b ird From a small beginning, the G e n e ra tio n » o f A m erican» have taken blouse-painting craze has devel- o f. lts 1^,'1 ,^^ter ^ a t , yearly lemons fo r health —and generations lar rock formations. corn v a rie tie s are produced by only tions for the purchase of "the cave one o f doctors have recommended them . concern. E lig ib ilit y o f both the oped into an important “extra- uR*iTcP W1P je_ nearly half the Owned tin e in 1799 properties. A bill introduced in T hey are rich in v ita m in C: supply activity, particularly E i $3 000 Firi owner of Mammoth Cave congress by Representative Mau­ p riv a te h y b rid lines and the e x p e ri- • curricular” valuable amounts o f B i and P. T hey in t h p h n m p p r n n n m r a a n d n r t p r ic e IS W , U W , was a man named Valentine rice H. Thatcher, authorizing the m e n t sta tio n lin e s fo r c e rtific a tio n in the home economics and art s lk a lin iz e ; aid digestion. Simmons, who was in possession acceptance of the area by the fed­ depends on the p e rfo rm a n c e rec- departments of Ohio Wesleyan. N o t too »harp o r to u r, lemon in w a te r Bettie Jane Buchanan of Bar­ of the eave and 200 acres of sur­ eral government was signed by o rd r in a co rn y ie ld test. has a refre sh in g ta n g — clears th s berton, Ohio, is credited with rounding land in 1799. A patent President Coolidge on May 25, m o u th , w a ke s you up. I t 's n o t a originating the idea on the p u rg a tiv e — sim ply helps yo u r sys­ to the 200-acre tract was issued 1926, and boundaries for the pro- campus. An art major, Miss tem regulate its e lf. T ry i t 10 days. to Simmons in 1812 by Gov. posed park were set. M osquito Control Buchanan started the trend when U S f C A U FO A N IA S U N K liT I I H O N S Charles Scott of the Common­ she made the first hand-painted wealth of Kentucky. Big Cattle Contract blouse as a gift for her mother. July 9. 1812, was a busy day for speculators at Mammoth Cave. Scrawled in Pencil On that single day the caverns LUBBOCK, Tex.—Scrawled in k Wisconsin Firm changed hands three times. The pencil on a piece of tablet paper, fust sale price was $116.67. Later a million dollar contract recently Has Bookkeeping in the day, it was sold for $100, signed here represents one of the and again for $3,000. On Aug. largest cattle transactions for Service by M a il 25, 1812, one-half interest in the many years. eave was sold for $10,000 to Hy­ KENOSHA, VVis.—Designed to In an effort to help restock man Gratz of Philadelphia. The dry Texas ranges, Sam C. Arnett rescue the struggling small busi­ other half was then owned by a Sr., banker-rancher, and Tobe nessman from accounting con­ Mr. Wilkins of I-exlngton. Ky. fusion, a “bookkeeping by mail" Foster, oilman-rancher, both of The unusual interest in this Use o f D O T , 2,4-1» and other service is making headway here. Recommended Lubbock, purchased between 12.- property Indicated by these 000 and 13,000 head of cattle new ly-developed weed k ille r s is Organized less than a year ago by Many rapid transfers in ownership a id in g e ffo rts (o r m osquito con­ with three clients, Kenosha Busi­ valued at approximately one mil- DOCTORS at great increase in price was i lion dollars. tro l. Cost o f some o f the new in ­ ness Service now is helping more due to deposits of nitrate se cticid e s. h o w e ve r, m akes th e ir than 30 varied enterprises solve The cattle were bought from S c o tt’« Em ulate» known ns saltpeter found on tangles over profit and loss, in­ b a great HIGH the Red River Cattle company of use p ro h ib itiv e on la rg e m osquito the floors of Mammoth Cave. E N E R G Y FOOD breeding areas. P itc h in g and come taxes a n d government Tucumcari, N. M„ through ' Al- TONIC for all «ire« ! forms. Saltpeter, one of the principal bert Mitchell. All of the stock o ther m ore p e rm a n e n t m ethods AIR PHOTOGR IPHERS . . . Us­ Helps tone up adult Ingredients in gunpowder, was was bred by the ranch and bears s till m ust be reso rte d to In those Charles E. Goodell and Earle ing one of their eight F-13 photo­ ays terns low In A AD areas. V ita m in s . H e lp s given an extraordinary value in its brand. Munger are operators of the serv­ graphic planes ax a background, children build sound 1812 first by the French and ice. Clients now include restau­ photographers of the army air Photo, fro m the New Jersey Arnett and Foster plan resale teeth, stronr ben «a. British embargoes, which cut off of the cattle to ranchers of this a g ric u ltu ra l e x p e rim e n t sta tio n, rants, filling stations, bowling forces' air photo unit at Bikini supplies from Europe and later area in small lots to “restock shows an a ersol fog g e n era to r alleys, drug stores, retail mer- atoll line up a few of the many when the United States fought some >f these dry ranges out used by a m osq u ito e x te rm in a ­ chants, taverns and night clubs, type* of aerial and movie cameras Great Britain. Equipment for here." automobile dealers and garages, u s e d for the atom b o m b tion com m issio n . and a printing firm. explosions. use Harsh Laxatives More than just a T O N IC - it's P o w e rfu l no urishm ent! SCOTT'S EMULSION Coins Replace Stones in Wishing Well PHILADEIJ’HIA — Boys and girls and adults, too—now toss coins instead of stones in a "wish- ing well" tocati in northeast Philadelphia. The pond. 36 inches deep, was originally constructed by Clifford A. Payton as a landscape project on his property. He put a few fish and turtles in the pond but, fo his dismay, found the pond was the kevstonc of attention for Income From Poultry neighliorhood boys and girls who Increases in Nebraska | threw stones into the water. Sale e f p o u ltry and eggs has been Payton removed the fish and turtles. Much to his surprise, he found children — and frequently their parents — returning to the pond to toss in coins instead of I rocks. I On the first day after the fish were removed. Payton fished out I $6 from the pond. Since then, I proceeds have averaged $3 a day. a ccounting fo r 9 to 12 p e r cent o f the cash fa rm incom e in N ebraska, a cco rd in g to fig u re s co m p iled by J H. C laybaugh, e xtension p o u ltry - m an. Y e a rly egg sales h ave been m ore th a n 50 m illio n d o lla rs and as h ig h as 57 m illio n fo r the past five years. Sales o f p o u ltry have averaged m ore th a n 20 m illio n , re a ch in g a peak of 27 m illio n Man Pits Strength During the past year the num- Against Horse Team and ber of c'crtified civilian airport» landing areas in Illinois has ILLINOIS A DV AN CES [r ' CENTRALIA, 111.- There's still some dispute on the question of whether a team of horses can dis­ lodge a 200-pound man bracing himself with his heels in a hole In the ground. In the first test. Bob Hill. 254-pound, 6 foot 2 inch tavern operator, won a $100 wager. On the second trial Hill was seriously injured. ____ H lO H utctt T O N IC -13 PILES TROUBLE? doubled, according to Robert Dewey of the state department of aeronautics. Progress also has For Quick R elief been noted in the Improvement NG ER! N o w , a of existing fields and construc­ D O S T ■ n i l \ T A X T LO n v * a t h o rr« ta tion of new airports. Dewev re­ ro lie v a d ia l “ oxsinjf f fe e o m f r t o f p a in — I r r lt a t 1 d u e to p i la«. Tend» to » o f­ ports that there are now 152 ci­ te Itc n h — a n d s h r in k s w a lltn ? . V»e th is p ro v e « vilian airports and 92 landing d o c to r « fo rr .la . T o n ’ ll ha an nxe-d a t It» areas certificated or in the procesS « M t M or being certificated in the statp , MrocUoaa. ®enl or For poaitoriaa. Fo'io» iab»i sal« at aU dr o f «tore«