Illinois Valley News Thursday, March 1$, 194? Your public health nurse teach­ es good health practices and di­ sease prevention. GARDEN TIME—Bulbs and pack­ age seeds. Will have plants in season. Smith Feed and Seed Cave Junction. 46-3tc CLASSIFIED RATES Minimum charge 50c first inser­ RADIATORS cleaned and repair­ ed by expert mechanics Satis­ tion; 25c minimum thereafter, faction guaranteed. Lou’s Ra­ i The deadline for advertising is diator Service, Cave Junction, 12 o’clock noon Thursdays. across from Community church 33-tfc FOR SALE Classified Ads Come in and get your rate as MEYERCORD SAMPLE DECAL T R A C Y ’S STEAK. WHILE THEY LAST! • So Easy to Use a n d ... • So Easy to Remove! ADULTS ONLY-PLEASE! Illin o is V alley H ardw are HOUSE Grants Pass ■111 •»a blood I . “Ä E hoinds * W Mìci i t Customers O u r W a n t Ads CAVE JUNCTION HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT BY READING the world’s daily newspaper— THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HO IIITO R. You w ill find yourself one o f th e b est-inform ed persons m your com m unity on world o ffo lrs when you read this w orld-w ide d aily newspaper regularly. You w ill gain fresh, new viewpoints, a fu lle r, richer understanding o f todoy's v ita l news— PLUS help from its exclusive feotures on homemoking, educa­ tio n , business, theater, music, radio, sports. F<>R SALE—1 Maple bedroom set; pair twin beds and chest; late model G. E. refrigerator; lawn furniture and dining set; 6 ladderback pine chairs; and misc. pieces. Sunday between 10 a. m. and 6 p. m., at Cave !' . k Motel. 46-ltp FOR SALE—Oil cook stove with barrel and fittings; beds, bed springs and mattress; one large grocery counter; one 250 gal. tank new, can be used for gas fuel oil, kerosene or lub oil. York’s Service Station 47-ltp FOR SALE—Second growth slab and mill block wood. Joe B Jenkins, Rt. 1, box 15, Cave Junction. 37-tfc FOR SALE — About 3000 feet used electric wire. Zenna Gar­ rison, Kerby, Ore. 47-ltp FOR SALE—F-12 Farmall with plows and mower; ’34 Dodge truck; Ottawa power saw. Rain­ bow Panch, Holland, Oregon. 46-2tp FOR SA LE — Ducks. Sam B unch, OUR DEMOCRACY THE FIRST STEP -by Mat SEPTIC TANK CLEANING Repairing and building. B. C Gay, Rt. 3, box 624, Grants Pass Phone dial 2918. 47-tfc PLUMBING and fittings, pumps and electric water heaters. Where your plumbing dollars go further. Dayton 4 Son, Grants Pass, Ore 35-tfc WATER WELL PRILLING. Do­ mestic and irrigation we'ls, 12 to 36 months to pay. Latest equipment available. Satisfied customers our motto. Pa iuin & Story, 800 N. 10th St., Grants Pass, Phone 2631 or 3583 41-tfc DYNAMITE — Black powder fuses and caps. Illinois Valiev Hardware, agency for DuPon. Powder. 47-tfc LOG CABIN GARAGE General Auto Repairing Motor Tune-up — Lubrication Acetylene Weldin'? Art Dedrick, prop.—Selma. Ore. REFRIGERATION and small ap pliance repairing, wasting ma­ chines, etc., Necessary gas ami repair parts always on hand. 12 years experience. Drews Hard ware, or call for J. P. Rhea, O’Brien 37-tfc FOR KENT BY DAY — Cement mixer, alectrioally driven Illi­ nois Valley Hardware, Cave Junction. 26-tfc Bridgeview, Holland road. ltp FOR SALE—Dry old growth fir and limb wood, immediate de­ Subscribe new t o , The C hristion Scienco Publishing Society PB-5 thio opoclol "«ot- livery. Ross Philips, Rt. 1, box One. Norwoy Street. Boston 15, M oss, U $ A. ocquolntod” otter 1 428, Cave Junction. 42-tfc T he fir s t s t e p - p x - sazazz / vg - is im p o r t a n t , but in liv in o I Enclosed Is $1, fo r which pleas« send me The Christian -—1 month tor $ | [| Science M onitor for one m onth. tU. S. funds) I A S IN G A R D E N IN G ,T H E R E IS M U C H W O R K TO B E D O N E FOR SALE—Baled alfalfa hay, ft N om e_______________________ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lisien to The Christian B E T W E E N T H E P L A N N IN G ANO T H E A C C O M P L IS H M E N T . first cutting $25; second cut­ Science M onitor Views the ting $30. L. N Maurer, Rt. 1, WE S E T A G O A L FOR TH E FU TU RE S E C U R IT Y OF OUR N ew s" every Tuesday' ft Street_____________ ________________ _____ . Cave Junction. 47-3tp night over the American F A M IL Y THROUGH LIFE IN S U R A N C E A N O S A V IN G S , Broadcasting Company Zone_ State. I C ity____ FOR SALE — Clothes hamper, B U T TO R E A C H T H A T G O A L T A K E S electric fan, fruit jars, garbage W O R K , S E L T -D E N IA L ANO D E T E R M IN A T IO N . can and toaster. Inquire at the Newa office. 47tfc PIANISTS TO APPEAR FOR SALE—Complete acetylene MACHINE WORK—Be it large or Republicans Still Hold small, equipped for it all. welding and cutting equipment Majority in County AT LAST CONCERT Trumbull Machine Work» cheap. Max Carty, box 304, Allen Creek Rd., off Redwood Cave Junction. 47-2tc Republicans have made a net Vera Appleton and Michael Hwy. Grants Pass, phone 2909. gain of 24 registrations over the Field, “two artists of the piano REAL ESTATE CESS POOLS and Septic Tanks Democrats in Josephine county keyboard who play and think as FOR RENT — Furnished modern cleaned, free inspection and in­ since the special state-wide sales- one,” as the New York World cabins, reasonable monthly formation. Nile Smith. Leave tax election October 7, 1947. Telegram once described them, rates. Illinois Motel. 47-tfc orders at C. G. & E. Garage, County Clerk Ben Coutant re­ will be presented at the high school Cave Junction, Oreg. 46-8tp FOR RENT—Modern apartment, vealed today that 31 Republicans auditorium in the fifth and last Kellar Motel, Caves highway. SEE US For Sand and Gravel. We and 39 Democrats have been concert of the season sponsored 46-tfc also have good top soil for lawns and gardens. Clyde Knight stricken from the polling lists by the Josephine County Commun­ 70 ACRE FARM FOR RENT — Leave orders at C. G. & E. Gar­ There have been 323 Republican ity Concert association. Income now $80 per month, will The program is scheduled for age, Cave Junction. 46-8tp and 307 Democrats added. increase to $150 or more. Free Added registrations indicate Monday evening, March 22. Tho irrigation. Lloyd Snider, Dick LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY voters from other states who young piano team made its Town George Rd., box 234, Cave Junction. 43-tfc BOAR SERVICE—Three-quarter gained residence here are al­ Hall dehut four years ago. Reg. Hampshire. A proven sire most equally divided, with the Both artists are one-time stu­ FOR SALE—4-room house about of good pigs, $3 at ranch. Rt. Republicans slightly in the lead. dents of Carl Friedberg at the 1 b acres of land, garage, barn, 138, phone 1511, R. E. ♦ M IL T O N - 1 WONT At last October’s election, the Juilliard Graduate school. Sev­ chicken houses. Priced reason­ Smiley. 42-fltp DISTURB THE WIRES YOU'RE ably Call at News office for registration showed 5200 Repub eral years later, they met by acci­ USING...PLEASE LET ME USE directions. 41-4tc STARTED CHICKS Available licans anil 4198 Democrats. Scat­ dent on New York City’s music ONE OF THE O U TLETS.... now. Two McCormick Deering M IL T O N /* ® -// Branch Office of milker units for sale or make tering party registrations made thoroughfare, West 57th street. GORDON REALTY COMPANY They tried to recapture the spirit offer on trade. Time is getting the county total 9539. Walter J. Katin, Manager D o n ’ t o v e r lo a d y o u r w ir in g s y s te m . W h e n you Registration for the May 21 pri­ of their student days at twin key­ short for ordering certified 2 ’2 mi. South of Cave Junction hatching eggs or baby chicks mary election closes April 30. Citi­ boards and a professional union b u ild o r m o d e rn iz e p ro v id e A D fQ U A fi W /8 /N 0 . PHONE 1004 from high producing hens and zens must have six months' resi­ of their talents resulted. Bring Us Your Listings pedigreed roosters. Regular 1 “No use waitin’—Just see Katin” prices on the only certified and dence in the county and 30 days’ in SE E YOUR ELEC TRIG A L CONTRACTOR pullorum passed Rhode Island the precinct by election day. HAVE BUYERS for ranches, large Reds in Southern Oregon. Ask . and small. You furnish the the man who owns some. Bob property and we furnish the Desaulniers, Cave Junction, KERBY RESIDENT TO buyers. List with Sam J. Mil­ Oregon- 44-tfc HAVE VOTING PRIVILEGE ler, Muir Auto Court, Cave Junction. 47-tfc POULTRY AND EGGS—Cash on Mrs. Fred Dixon of Kerby, who the barrel head. We sell South­ CABINS $6.00 week and up. Mod­ Bendi» Washing Machine» ern Oregon first Rogue Valley- has reached her 80th birthday, ern furnished cabins $10 to Poultry A Egg, 618 So. 6th St., was born on Klamath Indian res­ Fowler Electric Water Heater» $12.50 weekly. Oil heaters Grants Pass. Ore.______ 47-tfc ervation and has never voted. She Y'a Rustic Inn, 2 miles south of Cave Junction. 27-tfe ORDER BABY CHICKS N O W - recently registered and stated she WIRING REPAIRING - FIXTURES SMITH FEED AND SEED, in wanted to vote at least once in her FOR RENT FURNISHED—Cot­ CAVE ELECTRIC & PLUMBING SUPPLY Cave Junction. 46-3tc life time. She will have that priv­ tages at Cave Park Motel, win­ ter rates. Walking Distance FOR SALE—Saddle horse $35. ilege at the next election. Licensed Electrical Contractors from town. 32-tfc Sundays only. H. F. Hartwell. CAVE JUNCTION PHONE 3801 3-10 mile off Redwood highway. TRIPI.K ATI; and DUPLICATE MISCELLANEOUS N. Airport road. 46-ltp stock sales books now available at the News offica. Get them FOR UNUSUAL EASTER CAN P R O F E S S IO N A L D IR E C T O R Y while stock lasts. DIES come to DUNCAN’S, the 1 Sweetest Place in Town, ty blk. National Forest Timber south of Kampfers. Filled eggs, H A L L ’S DR. A, N. COLLMAN chocolate eggs, baskets. 47-2tc For Sale Accounting Service Naturopathic Physician Don’t Forget the Old Fashioned Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 noon Johnson Building, Cave Junction REFRIGERATOR & WASHER Monthly and quarterly reports. REPAIRS—Motors and parts 2 p. m. to 5 p.m. Sealed bids will be received by for all makes. FRED CULP, the Forest Supervisor Grants Pass, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Also part time bookkeeping and BOX SOCIAL AND ENTERTAINMENT payrolls Cave Junction. 41-tfc Oregon, up to and not later than evenings only WATER WELL DRILLING- Free 2:00 p. m„ April 19, 1948, for all WINDOW FRAMES HULL & HULL Saturday, March 20th, at 8 o ’clock estimates, honest and reliable, the live timber marked or desig­ excellent equipment, terms if nated for cutting, and all mer­ Anv Kind or Any Size Funeral Home At Deer Creek Grange Hall desired. Rt. 4, box 384, Grants chantable dead timber located on Ambulance Service Day or Night VALLEY LUMBER Co. Pass, 1 mile out S. 99. Phone an area embracing approximately 210 West "A” Phone 334 221 West F St. 30 acres within Sec. 12, T. 39 S., Phone 47 2742. Paul Crisman. 45-tfc EVERYONE WELCOME R. 6 W., W. M., Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon, estimated to be Spieth’s Insurance Service Daily Freight Service DYNAMITE Try Valley Lumber Co. if you need 1,818,000 feet B. M , more or less GRANTS PASS, PORTLAND CARL A. SPIETH blasting powder. 221 West F of Douglas-fir, 72,000 feet B. M . and SAN FRANCISCO P O. Bo« 11, O’Brien, Oregon St.. Grants Pass. 47-tfc more or less of Sugar Pine, and YANDELL BROS GARAGE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE 12,000 feet B M , more or less of ORDER NOW—Fruit trees, roses, White Fir and other species. No INCLUDING LIFE Pierce Auto Freight shrubs of all kinds. SMITH bid of less than $10.00 per M feet FEED AND SEED. Cave Junc­ for Douglas-fir, $11.95 per M feet Water Well Drilling WARDROBE Lighten Spring Cleaning Send Your tion. 46-3tc for Sugar Pine, and $7.75 per M PAUL CRISMAN & CO CLEANERS feet for White Fir and other spec- Rt 4 box 384 Grants Pass Ph1.2742 RUGS and CARPETS SI I’ERIOR PLASTIl B Grants Pass feet for White Fir and other spe­ Best equipment, honest rehab e Marbleite Table Tops, Drain To Us for the Mott Careful Mail your cleaning and pressing A card will bring us to the valley Boards, Store and Cafe Counter cies will be considered. In addi­ Cleaning work to us—We will mail it back tion to the prices bid for stumpi- Tops, Tile» Floors. Insulation cleaned and pressed age a cooperative deposit of $.-’ • .> TITLE INSURANCE Plastering and Waterproofing per M feet B M , to cover the cost Assure Yourself the We apply. ESCROWS H. J. Morales & Sons of tree planting, seed sowing, and Protection of —LIFE TIME SERVICE— • III»»»I •» FLORIST and NURSERY Rogue River Title Co. Mortarless Interlocking Block timber stand improvement work 507 I STRUT - PIALJ 3 6 4 MONITE on the area cut over, for the total Complete line of Evergreens and 212 N. 6th St. Grants Pass Co. Rt. 1, box 362, Cave June cut of timber under the terms of Shrubs — Rt 1, box 1348, North Moth Proofing G ra n ts Pass, O regon Pacific highway, Grants Pass FOR FURNITURE — Try Man this agreement, will be required. Windows and Doors! Phone 3504 chel’s First where it’s ‘‘Furni­ $1,500.00 must accompany each SEE ture You’ll Admire at Prices bid, to he applied on the purchase VALLEY LUMBER Co. SAND and GRAVEL You’ll Appreciate.” 47-tfc price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated damages, ac for your repair jobs From WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS cording to the conditions of sale. 221 West F. St. Phone 47 Wringer rolls and parts for all The right to reject any and all bids Illinois Valley Sand and makes. Fred Culp, Caves Re­ is reserved. Before bids are sub­ and Recordings in Albums or Singles Gravel Company Aristocrat Venetian Blinds frigeration 4 Washer Repairs. mitted, full information concern­ Care of Fredricks’ Motel 42-tfc ing the timber, the conditions of Listen to MUSIC NOTES Custom Tailored the sale, Bnd the submission of To Your Window DON’T FAIL To see the New bids should be obtained from the KUIN 4 :4 5 Monday, Wednesday, Friday Water Well Drilling Shock Proof and Waterproof Forest Supervisor, Grants Pass, W. R. LOVE WATCHES at Johnson’s, The Oregon, or the District Ranger, O’Brien, Oregon PAQUIN & STORY Jeweler, 619 H Street, Grants Pass. 45-tfc Cave Junction, Oregon. 800 N. 10th St., Grants Pass R. Knight & Son 47-49 Phone 2631 or 3583 TRACTORS FOR RENT—Phone M ASON WORK 105 North Sixth Street — Grants Pass Phone 3389 Dial 5-9106 after 6 p. m., Sac OLD NEWSPAPERS for starting HOFFMAN TILE AGENTS ramento, Calif 44-4tc . fires for sale at News office. Cava Junction W BARGAINS EXPERT CARPET CLEANING EASTER MUSIC THE M U S K ’ SHOP