Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 1, 1947 Coos Bay Saturday and returning home Sunday were Harry R. Floyd of Holland, George W Mr. and Mr». Gard Goss and Thrasher of Kerby and H. P. family left last Tuesday for Bur­ Bearss of Cave Junction. bank, California, where they will make their home. Mr. Goss re­ About six mechanics and elec­ cently sold his property to C. E. tricians from the Cabax mill of Martin. Eugene, are in Kerby for several weeks installing machinery and Mrs. Josephine Smith will be at wiring the new Cabax mill. The Johnson’s store next Monday, De­ work is progressing very fast. cember 8th from 2 to 4 p. m, to take applications for the Jose­ Jack Heald is registered at Pas­ phine Rural Health association’s adena Institute for radio and hospital service. Pasadena Playhouse. He will take part in “Captain Brossbounds Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kellert Conversion,” by G. B. Shaw at drove to Coos Bay Friday, where the Playhouse, December 30th. Art attended the Shrine conven­ Mrs. Mildred Ikenberry of Mil­ tion Saturday. Others from the valley who attended the ceremon­ dred’s Cafe, Kerby, Mrs. Louis ials from the valley, leaving for Jacobson and Miss Mildred Brown, L o c a ls '.'J G 's W 'X S S ttS DANCE ILLINOIS VALEY GRANGE Bridgeview Hall Saturday December 6th Good Music Good Eats Admission $1.10 all of Kerby, transacted bsuiness in Grants Pass on Wednesday. They also visited Mr. Jacobson who is confined in the Josephine General hospital with a fractured knee he suffered several weeks ago. He will be unable to return home for another few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Badden made a trip to Klamath Falls Tuesday and stopped to visit Mr and Mrs. Oliver Green in Ashland, who now own and operate the Ashland ho­ tel. The Baddens returned home Wednesday. Mrs. R. M. Ellis of Seattle apd formerly of Buenos Aires, Argen­ tina, was a house guest over the week end at “ Willadora," as guests on Monday and Tuesday were Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Taylor, former missionaries in South Rho­ desia, South Africa, now in charge of the Methodist church in Can­ yonville, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Castleberry of Portland visited relatives in the valley over the Thanksgiving holi day. The S. S. and J. J. Castle- berrys entertained at dinner the following dinner guests: Mr. anti Mrs. Delbert Clark and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. Castleberry, all of Grants Pass, and Mr. and Mrs Mickey Baird of Cave Junction. Rob Roy, son of Mr. and Mrs Wm. J. McLean of Kerby, was brought home from the Emanue’ hospital in Portland last week, and the cast is still on his right leg, sustained in an automobile accident last May. He is grad­ ually improving but it will be sev­ eral more months before the cast can be removed. His many friends in the valley will be glad to know that he is home at last. Xmas Program Planned ro r P.-T. A. Meeting CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS COME TO OUR OPENING DECEMBER 10th And this year give practical, electrical gifts for every day in the year service SWING ARM BRIDGE LA MI’S STANDARD 3-GLOBE PARLOR LAMPS ELECTRIC HEATERS ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC MANGLES ELECTRIC HEATING PADS ELECTRIC IRONS G. E. LIGHT GLOBES All sizes CAVE ELECTRIC & PLUMBING SUPPLY Across street from the News Office Cave Junction LARRY MUSIL, Friday and Saturday. December 5 and 6 “THE SHOCKING MISS PILGRIM’ (IN T EC H N IC O L O R ) Betty (iruble and Dick Haymes Added Featurette: “Traffic With the Devil” Color Cartoon: Beanstalk Jack Sunday and Monday, December 7 and 8 "THE YEARLING" (IN TECHNICOLOR) Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman, Claude Jarm an, Jr. Color Cartoon: Henpecked Hoboes No advance in admission prices Wednesday and Thursday, December 10 and 11 Double Feature Program “ BANJO” Sharon Moffett “ IT’S A JOKE. SON" Kenny Delmar and Una Merkel At the next regular meeting of the Illinois Valley P.-T. A., which will meet Thursday, De­ cember 11th, a Christmas program will be presented. Mrs. Clark, one of the high school English teachers will give a reading, Mary England will play a medley of Christmas carols on the accordion and there will be community sing ing. Out of town visitors from Granst Pass will be Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Gass, both members of the P.-T. A. county council, and will answer any questions on P.-T. A. work. The organization is also plan- , ning a pre-school study course. Anyone interested is asked to con­ tact Mrs. Evans in Kerby, Mrs Wilson at O’Brien or Mrs. York in Cave Junction. MERL YOUNG C. G. MILLER MODEL GROCERY Friday & S atu rd ay O n ly BABY FOOD— HEINZ and CLAPP’S Strained, per can .......... 6c Junior, Chopped, per can 10c WESSON OIL— 1 quart KLEENEX— No Limit JELLO— 3 packages HUNT’S TOMATO SAUCE— 4 Cans for .......................... 25c COFFEE CHASE & SANBORN or DEL MONTE— 1 pound ........ 45c OTHER POPULAR BRANDS— 1 Pound for 48 c 2 Pounds for 95c 89c 17c 25c ALBER’S PANCAKE FLOUR— 10 Pound sack $1.05 BORDEN’S MILK— Tall Cans, each By the case RANCHO SOUPS— Tomato, IO1/» ounce cans Vegetable, 1 0 'j ounce cans Chicken, 1 0 ounce cans Asparagus, 10'2 ounce cans 12c $5.69 GOLDEN MIX— For Griddle Cakes and Waffles 1 Pound 4 ounce pkg. 27c FLOUR GOLD MEDAL Or DRIFTED SNOW— 25 Pound sack 50 Pound sack $2.29 $4.53 8c 10c 15c 10c AMAISO CORN STARCH— 1 Pound package 11c CREAM CORN STARCH— 1 Pound package 10c IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT You will find Fresh and Cured Meats of the very best quality 7 ‘ Caves Hiway Grocery Has New Owners Last Eriday, November 28th, a deal was consummated whereby Mr. and Mrs Elmer C. Richard­ son, purchased the Ellis grocery on Caves highway from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson are well known to valley residents where they operated and owned the Dew Drop Inn. Later they sold to Mr. and Mrs. W. Wester, , leaving for Richmond. California, I where they thought they would permanently make their home. After an absence of nearly three I months they returned to Cave Junction, purchased property and again decided to reside here. In the near future they plan to build , in addition to their newly purch- I ased grocery store. For the present the store will be open daily from 8 a. m. to 7:30 p. m., except Sunday when they will open from 9 a m. to 6:30 p.m - O — ■ HEU Meeting Called For Tuesday, Dec. 9th The Illinois Valley HEU will meet next Tuesday. December 9, at the home of Mrs. Aubrey Hill, South Redwood highway. The subject is “Party Planning," and is to be given by Mrs. Ruth Hill Remember the 11 o'clock surprise! Potluck at noon and all homemak , ers of the valley are invited. BLFSSED EVENTS BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M >rrison at i mane, Calif. No­ vember 12, a 7 pound 5 ounce baby boy named Gerauld Glenn. Mrs. Morrison is the former Lois Taylor, daughter of Mr and Mrs. E. Y. Taylor, who at one time were residents of Cave Junction. Palladium Untarnished Palladium , preclou» white m etal used in Jewelry, does not tarniah b