Illinois Valley News, Thursday, November 27, 1947 ALL DAY MEETING R U S T Y ’S Cakes and Pastries • "Our Specialty" Glazed Donats Maple Bars Fruit Rolls • Open 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. There's a Cerreti The Illinois Valley Riding club ' met last Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ted Womack at Kerby with about 10 members present. After making plans for an all day outing next Friday and other business matters disposed of, j the hostess served her guests de­ licious cake and coffee. Next Friday members will meet at the home of Mrs. Marie Smith and start on their hike which will get them to the old Waldo mines J on Rockydale road, where at noon another cowboy dinner will be en­ joyed by 12 members who plan to participate. u n io n LARRY MUSIL, Manager For Every W ire Rope Job Engineering service is at your call to assist you in selecting the right wire rope size, grade and construction to best suit your operation. May we place you on our mailing list for our informative and instructive bulle­ tin, "ROPE DOPE”? CAVE JUNCTION. OREGON Subscribe to the News. When you think of u n io n -fo rm e d • wire nop. is I/M ’KERS and FROZEN FOODS Pursued The Egg and I Forever Amber y« y " The most powerful story of love and fury ever to come out of the violent West! T e resa W rig h t a n d R o b e rt M itchum in a For U nion Wire R oix service c t * l on "Pursued" ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE Illinois Valley Ice Co. TWO COLOR CARTOONS The Hamiltons, Myo and Bill YOUR COMMUNITY Cave Junction S u n d a y , M onday a n d T u e sd a y — 3 D ays N ovem ber 3 0 th a n d D e c e m b e r 1 a n d 2 — REFRIGERATION CENTER I 8 A Best Seller Becomes a Best Picture Tu ne U p Your M o to r From where I sit... fy Joe Marsh For W in te r D riving "The Egg and I " C la u d e tte C o lb ert a n d F re d M acM u rra y And a Perfect Supporting Cast with MARJORIE MAIN and PERCY KILBRIDE as the “ Kettles” Ma Hoskins Sneezed at Catsl Ma Hoskins couldn’t understand why she got a tit of sneezing every time Harpo, the cat, came in the room. Finally figured she’d have to get rid of Harpo altogether. Then Doc Hollister explained she had an “allergy." Cat’s fur made her sneeze like strawberries give some folks rash. He gave her an inoculation so she and Harpo could live sneezelessly together. I guess a lot of ns have “aller­ gies” in the social aenae. Some folks just ran’t stand movies, or radio comedians. Other folks don’t go for WILL MAKE HISTORY F rid a y a n d S a tu rd a y , N ovem ber 2 8 a n d 2 9 — pri'formet. to out-perform * ■MHUnA.~ t-.V- •» .. ' . Think Of A WEEK THAT beer. Myself, I enjoy a moderate glass of beer or two with friends . . . but it’s up to them what bev­ erage they choose. From where I sit, the important thin g is not to let our social allergies resu lt in antisocial taboos. Let’s not criticize the fellow who likes beer if we like cider. A little inoculation of toler­ ance can help us live-and-let-live happily together. Cold mornings make a difference in starting your motor, and it should be tuned up to the change in weather conditions. I t’s not ex­ pensive and it sure pays dividends in motor performance. Come in, let us explain. We also have a plentiful stock of Tires, Tubes and Batteries and other Auto Accessories TWO DAYS ONLY W e d n esd a y a n d T h u rs d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 a n d 4 The Woman— The Picture you'll remember forever "FOREVER AMBER n IN TECHNICOLOR C. G. & EL G arage ■ r ■ • Wrecker Service Copyright, ¡947, United States ft reuen Foundation NO ADVANCE IN ADMISSION PRICES zt V a. ('ave Junction «wa I’hone 8 Send The Illin o is Valley News to Your Friends S ta r r in g : L inda D a rn e ll, C ornel W ilde, R ic h a rd G reen e a n d G eo rg e S a n d e rs SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS ATTRACTION ADULTS:— $1.20 including tax CHILDREN:—55c including tax Boxoffice Open at 6:30— Performances at 6:45 and 9:30 C. G. MILLER CUSTOM BUILT - - DAVENPORT & CHAIR MERL YOUNG MODEL GROCERY Friday S atu rd ay O n ly 5 Reasons Why You II G e t Lasting Satisfaction BO RD EN ’S M ILK— T all C ans, each By th e case 1 Expert hand crafts­ manship assures pre­ cision tailoring, well matched patterns and seams. 2 Hair and staple cot­ ton filling for long life and lasting resiliency. 12c $ 5 .6 9 HO USEHO LD S O A P — R inso, D uz, O xydol, pkg. 33c CRACKERS S unshine a n d S n o w flak es 1 P ound p a c k a g e 2 P ound p a c k a g e 23c 43c HOT BARGAINS K A R O — B lue L ab el, 5 lbs. W ESSO N O IL— 1 q u a rt KLEEN EX — No L im it JELLO 3 packages Q U A K ER O A T S — 3 lbs. A L B ER ’S O A T S — 3 ,bs. NUCOA— 1 pound 65c 89c 17c 25c 39c 39c 39c M O R R EL’S SNACK LUNCH M EAT 1? O unce c a n 47c «B ® 3 Hand - sewn front edge eliminates sag. . . keeps furniture look­ ing new. FLOUR GOLD M EDAL O r D R IFTED S N O W - 25 P ound sack 50 P ound sack B. P. JO H N S I Hand - tied springs on full web base give firm long-lasting foun­ dation. 5 All frames a r e double doweled, glued and corner blocked i.r M $ 2 1 6 .5 0 WISHING YOU A u A ppY THANKSGIVING Take Advantage of MancheTs PAY - PLAN Use your Furniture while paying for it MWiiiHS • “ ’-iw" ’-rt Cave Junction Grants Pass COFFEE $ 2 .2 9 $ 4 .5 3 ALBER S PA N CA K E FLO U R — 2 'g P o u n d p a c k a g e 35c 4 Pound package ............. 49c 10 P o u n d p a c k a g e ............ $ 1 .0 5 C H A SE & SA NBO RN or DEL M ON TE— 1 p o u n d 45c O T H E R PO PU L A R BR A N D S— 1 P o u n d fo r 48c 2 P o u n d s for 95c POTATOES 100 P o u n d S a c k . No. 2 ’s $ 2 .9 8 H appy Thanksgiving To You A ll