Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, November 27, 1947, Image 1

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    University of Oregon
(jfteMtif te the Cfoeych CfVeJ
A Live Wire Newspaper Published in the Interests of the Illinois Valley and Surrounding Districts
Volume XI.
No. 31
New Oificers
Elected For
Belt Lodge
A t th e ir reg u lar November
m eeting, B elt Lodge No. 18, A. F.
& A. M. had a special dispensation
from the G rand Lodge of Oregon,
to hold th e ir annual election of
officers in November instead of
the usual tim e in December.
The m eeting was exceptionally
well attended and afterw ards a
special geese luncheon was given
the m em bers by the W orshipful
M aster A rth u r K ellert, which all
greatly enjoyed. The following
officers w ere elected and appoint­
ed at the m eeting:
Scott T urner, M aster
Claude M asters, Senior Warden
George Morey, Ju n io r Warden
F reeling Saw yer, T reasurer
H arold Bowerman, Secretary
Kenneth Robinson, Senior Dea­
Phil Sawyer, Jun io r Deacon
Dave W hite, Senior Steward
George Logan, Ju n io r Steward
George M artin, Marshal
A rth u r K ellert, Chaplain
Bill George, Tyler.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lugt and
son, George, are spending several
weeks up in Lone Mt. Valley, at
Mrs. P earson’s residence, afte r
disposing of their business in the
O’Brien store. We hope Mr. and
Mrs. M athiason and Mr. and Mrs.
E aton, who came recently to our
valley from San Gabriel, Calif.,
will like our friendly community.
The K erby P.-T. A. Study club
will have th e ir first m eeting next
Tuesday, December 2nd at 2:30
p. m. in the prim ary school build­
ing. The topic chosen is “ Infant
and Child C are.” This is a study
group, and open to all mothers in­
terested in child study.
Thanksgiving plans are many
for our community. Some fam il­
ies are preparing the traditional
tu rk ey feast, while others do not
feel gastronom ically inclined. At
any event, it’s a day of “ Thanks­
giving” fo r w hatever we have.
Mrs. Jam ison, who form erly
lived in O’Brien, is still confined
to her home in F ruitdale, bears
the best wishes of her many
friends here.
Some newcomers in our midst
are Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Barker,
who are living up near the Maddox
residence in Lone Mt. Valley.
■ ~o —
Mrs. Ruby Thompson has gone
to Roseburg to spend Thanksgiv­
ing holidays with Mrs. Albert
Thompson, who will be rem em ­
bered as Mrs. T resa Cochran, one
tim e resident of O’Brien.
Jim m ie Penniger is to have his
tonsils removed this week end.
Mrs. Buddy Maddox w ent to
Crescent City last Tuesday on bus-
C ontributions for this column
may be le ft at the O’Brien store
n ot la te r than W ednesday noon
for publication.
The crop production in the
U nited States this year is estim at­
ed a t 5 percent below 1946, but
only 1 percent below the average
of the five excellent years, 1942-
1946, according to this w eek’s
farm price, crop and w eather re ­
view prepared by the OSC ex­
tension service from USDA m ar­
ket reports and other data. Ac­
cording to the governm ent crop
rep o rt, corn and other feed grains
are below average but total food
grains are a record high. Hay,
oilseeds, fru its, and truck crops
reached relatively large, or above
average production.
For the
country as a whole, overall yields
are reported below average, but
to tal crop yields in the w estern
region are well above average.
Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, November 27, 1947
New Illinois
Boy Scouts
Laurel Cemetery
Bethel Is
Studying foi
Makes Report
A very im portant m eeting, th at
will in terest citizens of Cave Ju n c­
tion in p articu lar and valley res­
idents in general, will be held I
W ednesday, December 3rd in the
council cham bers of the G rants
The la u re l Cemetery associa­
Members of Troop 20, Boy Pass city hall.
Monday evening eight members
This m eeting is sponsored by tion has a fine rep o rt to make of
of the Council fo r the newly- Scouts of America, assisted Harold
form ed Jo b ’s D aughters attended Bowerman in the cemetery clean­ the S tate Board of Health and has work accomplished on the grounds
a meeting of Bethel No. 13 in up Saturday, November 15. Those to do with all kinds of w ater sys­ of the old I. O. O. F. cem etery
G rants Pass. Those attending present were George Morey, Scout tems. I t is in reality a school, which the association has taken
were, Mrs. Clara H am m er G uard­ M aster; Wesley H artw ell, Alfred showing w hat happens when pipes over fo r im provem ent and beau­
ian and Harold Bowerman, Asso­ Hale, Jackie Cook, Billie Kester, leak, and also shows how and what tification. The old burned area
on the north side has been cleared
ciate Guardian. O ther Council Jo e Mellow, W alter Farm er, Lar to do with faulty plumbing.
From a health standpoint, this is and the brush area on the crest
members making the trip were ry W right and Bob Parsons. The
V irginia Steim er, B arbara Robin­ boys turned out a lot of work and one m eeting people of the city of the hill to the west has been
son, A lberta Budd, Helen Ulrich, aided the association in one more should atten d and know some­ cleared. A loop road has been
The time of the roughed out from the north en­
Ruth M asters and Alice Bower­ step toward the completion of the thing about.
m eeting was not given us, but we trance to the south entrance. The
large task before it.
At the regular meeting T hurs­ believe Mayor Hussey can pro­ m anzanita brush has been cleared
It was a beautifully conducted
from the old portion o f the cem­
November 20, the troop vide this inform ation.
meeting and the Council learned
etery. And the roadside has been
many things to help th eir own studied for the coming first class
cleaned up. The northeast corner
examinations to be held in two
of the property has been re-sur-
The appointed officers fo r the weeks. All but five members of Star Chapter Honors
new Bethel which will be known the troop are now second Class Past Matrons and Patrons veyed and 136 lots laid out.
All the above work has been
as Illinois Bethel are: Beverly Scouts and by the first of the
Last Tuesday evening W estern contributed as follows:
Dick, tre a su re r; A rlene Buckles, y ear it is planned that all will be
Tycer & Nealy Lum ber com­
lib rarian ; Shirley O'Brien, music­ F irst Class and in possession of S tar Chapter O. E. S., at th eir reg­
ular meeting, entertained Past pany furnished a tra c to r and two
ian; Billie Plumlee, outer g uard; many m erit badges.
Visitors at the m eeting w ere: Matrons and Past Patrons, with men fo r four days to do clearing
Peggy Monroe, recorder, Mary
Lou Hammer, chaplain; Jean Mc­ Mrs. Lou Hammer, Mr. Rossiter the la tte r putting on the degree work. This work was supervised
by Ronald Tycer personally. Jim
Kinnon, Sr. custodian; Thelma and Mr. Small, local Cub Scout work.
Guests from G rants Pass were Payne and Sam Bunch furnished
Plumlee, Jr. custodian; M arjorie Master. Visitors are always wel­
The many friends of Mrs. Edith McKinnon, inner g u ard ; D arlene come.
Mrs. M argaret Barnes, a past th eir Fordsons fo r cleanup work,
Phipps, ex-county nurse, were Wilhelm, Charlene McDaniel, N or­
w orthy grand m atron of the in both the old and new sections of
saddened this week when word ma Buckles, Patsy O’Brien and
Grand C hapter of Oregon, Mrs. the cemetery. O thers co n trib u t­
was received of her passing in Marilyn Masters, the five m essen­
Rodney Culvert and Miss C arlotta ing work were George Wells, Dick
Portland. She had been ill foi
Wiseman, and a large num ber of Sowell, Bit Smith, George T hrash­
more than a year and left several
and visitors attending. er, Tom Tycer, Hugh W hite, Ray
The Bethel will be instituted on
weeks ago for medical treatm en t W ednesday, December 10. All
Refreshm ents were served by W hite, Bob Smith, Sophia Bunch
She accompanied Dr. S. B. O s­ parents of these girls are invited.
Leo Hassler of Kerby and A r­ the com mittee in the large dining and M attie Seyferth.
good on his many trips th ro u g h ­ M aster Masons and E astern Stars th u r C arter of Takilma sustained room where tables were beautiful­
U nder the leadership of George
out the county and served on the always welcome.
painful leg and perhaps internal ly decorated with lighted tapers Morey the following Scouts helped
on the cleanup, Wesley H artw ell,
clinics held in Cave Junction in
injuries Friday afternoon at the and chrysanthem ums.
the Legion hall. Mrs. Phipps was
Election of officers at the next A lfred Hale, Billie K ester, W alter
site of the Kern & Kibbe road op­
the wife of Jack Phipps of the |
erations on the Happy Camp con­ m eeting will be Tuesday, Decem­ Farm er, Bobby Parsons, Joe Mel­
ber 16th. Visiting members al­ low, L arry W right and Jacky
Cave Junction B arber shop.
The boys were attem pting to ways welcome.
George W. M artin has com plet­
Former Residents Honored
p u t a line from a “ c a t” to a shovel
some 150 concrete lot m arkers
which had become stuck in the FAULTY BRAKES CAUSE
On 60th Wedding Anniv.
and plans on making more.
mud, when the cat backed up and
j ju y
A r T Ih P h lT g
V eterans
organizations have
caught the boys before they could j / r i r l / s l / I L C ii/C /Y ld
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Derrick
for th eir Memorial
form er residents of the Valley |
g et away, crushing C arter s knee | F orty two per cent of vehicle
and now making th eir home in
and H assler’s rig h t leg. Both men <jefects resulting in fatal acci- Park and clearing of th a t section
G rants Pass, were recently hon­
Oregon S tate Highway commis­ ware rushed to the Josephine Gen­ dents in Oregon last year involved will he in charge of A rth u r K el­
ored on their 60th wedding an n i­ sion sta rte d w orking on the Red­ eral hospital a fte r receiving first fau lty brakes, the Oregon State lert.
The sale of dance tickets fo r the
versary in Tillamook where they wood highway th a t portion th a t aid by Dr. Collman. C a rter’s knee Motor association warned, in urg­
Thanksgiving Eve dance has been
passes through Cave Junction last was so bad the G rants Pass doc­ ing Oregon m otorists to check
were visiting.
The Townsend hall was beau­ week, and the work will continue to rs advised a bone specialist and their brakes for the w inter season going along nicely and there will
be a good source of revenue for
he was taken to Eugene by the
tifully decorated for the occasion. until completed.
There were 41 fatal accidents fu rth e r improvement of the cem ­
In the evening a b u ffe t lunch was
The crew under Sam Bunch, is Hull & Hull ambulance.
involving vehicle defects in 1946 etery grounds from this dance.
served with the following friends, grading the street, w idening it to
and 17 of these involved faulty
Additional donations to date
relatives and grandchildren pres­ the full 80 feet o f th e highway
brakes. No other one d efect fig­ have been received from Mr. and
ent: Messrs, and Mesdames L. G. rightofw ay, and will gravel that
ured in more than three fatal Mrs. K. C. Hamilton, Samuel J.
Ross, A1 Smiley, B. H. Boles, M. portion not paved from the north­
crashes, the Motor association M i l l e r , Mrs. H arry O. Smith, Rup­
P etty, E tta G unster, Ed D errick, ern city lim its to the Caves high­ SALMON CAUGHT
e rt Leonard and Mrs. A nna W itt-
all of P ortland; Geo. Derrick of way junction. W ork is now go­ BY J. J. VILLAIR
Indicating the im portance of ad ­ rock.
Elsie, O regon; W. L. Derrick of ing on a t th e Caves highway ju n c­
equate brakes, the association re ­
Myrtle Point, Oregon: Mrs. Dave tion intersection.
ported on recent braking power
Cammock of U nity, Sask., Can­
T here is hopes in th e fu tu re
tests, completed by the American
ada; Mrs. Geo Casady, I S. Rer- th a t the electric light and tele­
Automobile association.
rick, B. D. Derrick and fam ilies phone poles may be set back or re­
tests showed th at modern brakes
of Tillamook; Mr. and Mrs. Frank moved from the main street, but
Mr. and Mrs. R obert Smith
h id e’s engine.
Berns and fam ily of Lebanon, and until this is done, the stree t can­
develop more power than the ve- w ere tran sactin g business in the
Mr. and Mrs. Logan Derrick of not be widened fu rth e r than 80
“ The tests showed th a t when a county seat last Friday.
car weighing 3500 pounds and
Many lovely gifts and congrat­
Mr and Mrs. Ken Robinson and
having good brakes, is traveling
ulatory cards were received by
20 miles an hour, it takes 90 family of Kerby, shopped in
Mr. and Mrs. D errick.
horse power to bring it to a stop G rants Pass last week end.
Who Throw Bricks at Us
in 18 feet. This is as much power
Mr. and Mrs. Gage o f Caves
as is developed by the average
m otor,” the association reported. highway were in G rants Pass last
“ Around 188 h. p. is developed in week end on business.
tim e considering w hat is right with
Lumber is piling up at West the U nited States and less on what
the brakes while bring a car to a
Mrs. Thelma Soares le ft last
Coast sawmills in ever increasing is wrong, everyone would be bet­
stop in 71 feet from a speed of 40
for Redwood City, C alifornia
quantities due to critical sh o rt­ te r o ff except those advocates of
miles an hour. At 60 miles an
age of railroad cars, H. V. Simp­ various isms who seem determ ined
hour, the tests showed the brakes for an extended visit. She recen t­
son said today. Gross stocks on to underm ine the one governm ent
develop 280 h. p. in order to stop ly sold the Tip Top B eauty shop
to Mr. and Mrs. M atthey M. Smith.
hand a t the end of O ctober stood th a t has provided the m ost free­
in 160 feet.
a t 559,756,000 board feet, an in dom and opportunity over the
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. V illair made
Merle Young and Mrs. C. G.
crease of 54.7 per cent in six longest period in the w orld’s his­ a fishing trip to Gold Beach at required to bring cars to a safe
of the Model Grocery, le ft
m onths over the 361,778,000
the close of the season there in
last Monday for W hite Salmon,
board fee t of last May. Mills
Such was the contention of E October, and Jack hooked and tance of keeping brakes in first-
south of P ortland on the Southern C. Sammons, president of the landed one of the largest Chinook class condition. Good brakes are W ashington, th eir old home, both
Pacific system are feeling the United States N ational bank of salmon of th e season, a 46 pound­ a m ust to assure safe driving dur­ to take care of business m atters.
pinch most severely.
P ortland and fo r 17 years a mem­ er th a t took all the strength he ing the coming w in ter.”
Mr. and Mrs. H arry Messenger
“ Continued strong order file, ber of the state board of higher bad to land.
le ft last Sunday on a two weeks
calling fo r heavy lum ber ship­ education, in a vigorous address
The big fish was caught at the Trapping Season Open
vacation trip, via Redwood high­
m ents throughout the next sev­ to m em bers of the Men’s Faculty draws, at the mouth of the Rogue
way and before retu rn in g home
eral m onths,” Simpson said, “ ce r­ club in Corvallis.
river when the tide was going out.
will visit in Los Angeles and San
tainly indicates heavier than usual
Speaking on the “ Miracle of The above picture of Jack and the
T rapping season fo r mink,
construction right through the A m erica,” Sammons w arned his salmon was taken ju st a fte r the muskrat, o tte r and raccoon open Diego.
w inter on home and industrial listeners against those who try to catch.
cd November 15th, it was an ­
Buddy Squire of the Floor A
building. Norm ally building slows convince youth in p articu lar that
nounced by the Oregon S tate
down during heavy w eather.”
"capitalism is on tria l.” He said
Game commission, and will extend C arp et M aintenance company o ’
Cum ulative orders for the first capitalism is not as much on trial
Qoapl e f 0 WeJ
to F ebruary 15th. T here will be G rants Pass, son of Mrs. Judy
44 weeks of 1947 was 6,223,601,- as communism, which “ has re->
no open season on m arten, fisher, T u ttle of Cave Junction, was in
000 b. f . ; 44 weeks in 1946 was duced Russia to th e poor house On Thanksgiving Day
the valley last week taking care
beaver and ringtail cats.
5,614,558,000 b. f. and the 44 o f th e world, and socialism which
of several custom ers doing house­
Miss M arguerite Shirley Camp­
weeks of 1945 totaled 5,235,637,- is rapidly pu ttin g England th ere.”
bell and A lbert A. B eelart, both trappers are required to m ark
000 b. f.
of Cave Junction, will be united
Production for the first 44
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gillespie of
in m arriage Thursday, November tered with the commission. Land-
weeks of 1947 reached 6,083,917,-
27 a t 9 a. m , the Rev. A A. Meyer owners, who are not required to the Log Cabin grocery at Selma,
000 b. f.; same period in 1946 was TO BE GIVEN SAT’DAY
of the Catholic church, o fficiat­ buy a license, must, however, reg le ft last Friday for Eugene, re ­
5,857,581,000 b.f. and fo r 1945
tu rn in g home Monday. They vis­
H arold Bowerman will conduct ing. Only mem bers of the im­ ister the location of th e ir land
totals were 6,334,830,000 b. f
with the commission each season ited friends and attended the foot­
I a F irst Aid course n ex t Saturday, m ediate fam ily attending.
Miss Campbell is the daughter they trap All persons are re ­ ball game Saturday.
j November 29th, a t 7 :30 p. m., at
j the Seventh Day A dventist church of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Campbell quired to file within 30 days a fte r
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hamilton
and the groom, a son of Mr. and the close of the season a report
Dr. S. B. Osgood and his sta ff | on Caves highway.
on the num ber of anim als taken
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton
will conduct th eir next Clinic on
The last legislature passed a le ft Wednesday for Toledo, Ore-
The couple will make th e ir home
W ednesday, November 26, in the i ing these courses is welcome.
law abolishing the sale of trap p in g i gon, to spend Thanksgivin- with
Am erican Legion hall from 10 a.
licenses to nonresidents.
Mr and Mrs. Eaton Lough.
It pays to advertise in the News. tel on Redwood highway
m to 3 p. m.
One of the greatest full w eek’s
program ever given by the Ivy
Theater, comes this week end with
“P ursued,” one of the really
g reat w estern plays, which shows
F riday and Saturday, with Teresa
W right and Robert Mitchum sta r­
ring. I t’s a great picture. Space
prevents us from telling the story.
Three days, Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday next week, comes the
picture we have all heard about,
“The Egg and I,” with C laudette
Colbert and Fred MacMurray. If
you have read the book, you know
the story.
Then on Wednesday and T hurs­
day comes “Forever Amber.” A
book millions have read, now in
a great picture. Linda D arnell ns
Amber and gives one of the best
perform ances of her career.
For this picture the m anage­
ment of the th eater has no choice
in admission prices. The produc­
ers set the price, 30 the prices for
“ Forever A m ber” will be raised
for these two performances.
State Highway
Grades Street
L o c a ls