Illinois Valley News, Thursday, November 20, 1947 Mrs. Marcene Winters under- 1 for a weeks visit in Los Angeles. She was accompanied south by J went a major operation at the Mrs Carolyn Moore and Mrs. Vir­ Josephine General hospital in j Grants Pass last Thursday, with Fred Linkhart of Kerby, made ginia Henderson. | Dr. Ogle the surgeon in charge. a business trip to the county seat Mrs. Winters is getting along as last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Zapf re- well as could be expected but will ! turned Tuesday evening from sev­ Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dodd of eral days shopping in Portland. have to remain in the hospital for Dodd’s garage in Kerby, transact­ They brought with them a large at least two weeks, later to recup­ ed business in Grants Pass Mon­ stock of new merchandise for their erate in a convalescent home for another 30 days. Her many day. new store which will open in the friends wish her a speedy recov­ very near future. ery. Mayor Elwood Hussey and Councilman James S. Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Monroe were , returned this week from a busi­ ness trip to Eugene, Salem and business visitors in Grants Pass on Monday. Mrs. Monroe left lat- | Portland, on city business. er via bus for Klamath I alls where A marriage license was Issued to she will visit for several days. —o- — Albert A. Beeler and Marguerite 8. Campbell, both of Cave June-, E. R. Brown and Herbert John­ Where the Highways Meet tion, last Tuesday by County Clerk j son spent Sunday at the Brown LARRY MUS1L— Manager Ben S. Coutant in Grants Pass. home in O’Brien, returning to Klamath Falls later in Gene’s plane ADMISSION Mrs. 11. R. Floyd with Mr. and with Mr. Johnson at the controls. Mrs. Hutchinson, all of Hallond, Mr. Brown is looking after some Children.............. 17«, Tax 3c— 20c spent today (Thursday) at the of his property interests in the Adulta.................. 42c, Tax 8c— 50c Smock beach house in Crescent Klamath Falls district. City. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, L o c a ls DCEW Bob and Lester Frost and fam­ NOVEMBER 21 and 22 ilies, Raymond Frost, Glenn n Plumlee, Herb Tycer and R. J. McCracken, returned home last Sunday from an elk hunting trip ZACHARY SCOTT and to the middle fork of the John Day ALEXIS SMITH river. They brought home three COLOR CARTOON NEWS Mrs. Cecil Brink left this week nice elk. W. C. Kennedy and W. C. Ken­ nedy, Jr., of the Associated Serv­ ice, filed an assumed business name certificate in the county clerk’s office Tuesday for “Cave Junction Tire Shop.” "Stallion Road SUNDAY AND MONDAY O u r Great America iV NOVEMBER 23 and 24 Mack BRIAN DONLEVY and YVONNE DeCARLO In i f P ev B L O P lM d A N E W