Illinois Volley News, Thursday, January 24, 1946 Classified Department AUTOS. TRUCKS & ACCESS. I SED At ro PARTS 1 >FI>—NF W —RFBl II.T Generators, starters, axles, springs, trans­ missions. re. r ends, motors. SEATTLE Al TO WRECKING CO. 1950 1st Ave. S Seattle 4. Hash We Ship Anywhere. Ml CELI%NEOUS irn <’ ti'v St HI I • Y WORI ■ WAR II Agents. distributors, veterans wanted. C. M. Bartrng, Iowa Falls, low... Farm Productivity Must Be Increased BOBBY SOX PERSONAL Soil Treatment Need Be Given Consideration Marty Links MAIL ORDER PHOTO FINISHING Developing, printing, enlarging, copying Write for price list . nd free mailing bag PHOTO s: RViCrs. Inc. 699 Market St. - San Francisco 4. Calif Warning that farmers are “selling their soil fertility capital and calling 1 ___ WANTED TO BI V ___ it a profit," Dr. George N Holier. I WILL B I FOR < I t < \ < agronomist of LaFayette. Ind., price good c.e n u..> F..‘. ! . »’\LI. , urged greater application of scien­ 113« I.. Durnslde t io.. .J I *, < .c.on tific knowledge and research as a means of maintaining farm produc­ RARBITS & SKINS tivity. LIVE white rabbits 4 “Richard. I would like you to meet m.v cousin—and I'd also like to emphasize that she's leaving for home next Monday!” “What'll they cut besides whiskers?” WANTED—Rabbits and rabbit skins. Mkt price or better OvtrlunXr, N5704 Post, Spokane, Washington. By Ernie Bushmiilcr NANCY to 5 Lbs. 24c. “Successful farming requires the Want rabbit skins, poultry and veal. Ruby A Company, 935 S W. FTont, closest understanding and co-opera­ Portland. Oregon. tion with nature," he pointed out “Agricultural research is directed 20c to 45c EACH paid for white (fry­ er» rabbit skins High tension constantly toward learning more stretchers, $1 50 dot.. prepaid Ship to E. E. Luc«, Warren, Oregon. and more of the unchanging bio- HIGHEST prices for rabbits and skins. J. F. Cox, 1510 Western Ave., Seat­ tle, Wash. HELP WANTED SALESMEN— Men or Women—Take orders for Bronzed Baby Shoes— Average earnings $20.00 per day. Dignified work. Write Western Art Co., 4715 University Ave., San Diego, 5, Calif. PICKWICK POULTRY PICKERS. Paramount Products Corporation, 1533 Boylston Ave., Seattle, Wash. Beans as well as all other crops will respond to proper soil manage­ ment. FOR SALE logical principles governing produc­ tion of crops as well as animals. MUTT AND JEFF .......... r i well , what ’ s Y our FT SPECIALTY?-- ^XCOMEON.COMEON! HERES J YEP-' here ' s where ) the ¿WE START WORK'y PLACE.C^ "ÄCTORS MUTT 7[ BOOKING AGENT P incus än .C acuj -------------------------- By Bud Fisher nj V 1 let ’ s see that ’ s enough £ AtAMMy TRY IT OUT FOR AWHILE ? L 0- LITTLE REGGIE TZ/THIS IS ONE OF 7 / OUR FINEST MODELS 1<-DEEP VELVET TONES ? I AND NOTICE THE II z 0 Jt 7J 'S ■ X WE CAME >UP HERE 150 per dav. Plenty timber. Land and all >12.000.00 G. J. B «ri, Brock- wa-, Oregon. While it is true that nearly 90 per cent of human infections with tula­ remia result from contact with rab­ bits, birds, rodents and even such ani mats as dogs, cats coyotes, foxes, hogs and sheep have been reported as carriers by tin j American Medical association. No specific treat ment has been Nut a Carrier {found Even the wonder drug, penicillin, appears to be of little value. Few. if any cases have been traced to domestic rabbits. The microbe is carried by bloodsucking insects, such as lice, i ticks and probably fleas. Care in handling carriers, including the I wearing of rubber gloves when dressing rabbits and other animalr of this type is recommended. .NEW A USED Comb Welding and ('ut ting Torches 5/16-3/16 hose, good used Alrco (hitting Torches and Tips All types <>f regulators. If you really want an outfit, we have the price Aino Distributor, Modern Welding Bini » Co., 4760 N. Eombard, netr risk*', IVr 'and, Ore­ gon. UN. 1992. BROAD-BREASTED breeding toms and pullets; pullorum clean; heavy stock. Order direct this ad. with shlnplng directions. Toms, >14; pul- lets. $^ Happy Hollow Turkey Farm, Box 83, Carey, Idaho. LOCKER8, botti« coolei i i eh-In boxes, nieat cases, mw ami used, refrigerai lori • <|ulmmnt TU 6644, PORTLAND REFRIGERATION COMPANY. 1516 N. E. Xllllng-sworth. Portland, Oregon. Al’TO MOTELS: lh st buys in Calif­ ornia, >29<»0 month net income; >35,- o<»0 down ami many more. Write H. Dove, Mu tel Specialist, Redwood City. Calif. 20 SPFCI/T. ©PPLY E enough ­ that VEkY VIRGIL Ey Len Kleis LIVESTOCK WANTED MACKIN. Tel. Tacoma. MA 3565. Rt. 4, Box 374, Puyallup, Washing- ten. Anthracite Field Tn a concentrated stretch of east­ ern Pennsylvania covering only 401 iftjuare miles, all but an insignifi­ cant amount of the nation's anthra­ cite is mined. After more than 100 years of mining there is still as much potential heat energy in that area as there is in all the petroleum the entire world has yet produced or This !>pe of knapsack feeder la | will produce from known reserves obtainable by pumping and flowing nut only easy to construct, but can also be used for hand seeding. This box is convenient for enrry- ing feed where a cart is not prac- tical. Should be made as light as possible; V« inch plywood is most desirable. A satisfactory size would be a bottom measurement of 18 inches by 12 inches with a height of 12 inches. SILENT SAM with or Box 97, ICELY PRINTED Personal Station­ ery, loo letter i - ide (club else) !»»o envelopes to match all for only >2.25 postpaid Pacific 3erv U Well Co. 693 Miriiion St , Fun I tti ^I sco 5, Cai ,'ornia. Knapsack Feed Box EVEMINGj JIMMIE'S OEFOKTUNllr AROSE. \CRES for sale or rent without stoe in achlnery. Kennewick, Washington. By Jeff Hayes I »anger of Drugs I j FOB «00D 1 JÆr.TIC! • Hemorrhoids • Rectal and Colcn | Ailment« | • Harnia (Rupturt) I O Gattrit Ulcer | Treated without HospitU t ' - 3 V ' w. if Operation Monday tbrnunh Frtdar: 10 A 1. Al. t, J P. M I tcHittgi; Monday, U edne’da' , , rrfj, 7 I, in Dr. C. J. DEAN ClINI^ The intrusion of certain wholesale , Physician and Surrten commercial and retail drug inter­ N. E. Corner E. Bur- ide end C I Ave lephono EA«t J j 18 F • I - ‘ C ests in the field of anima) health, in unrestricted selling of biological and pharmaceutical products which could be harmful to the livestock industry if improperly used. Is at­ tracting federal attention. DENTISTRY on Farmers are urged to purchase A i CREDIT TERMS only from a reliable firm, only such products that have been tested and proven suitable for their particular D r . H arrt S ìmlir , need by recognized authorities. illMt UK - NOWtSOW rWTUWI,(MM ïktdLsi