Illinois Valley News, Thursday, January 17, 1916 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE—ls acre ground, 2- room cabin, partly furnished, garage, tools, 1-year supply wood, etc. One and one-half miles south of Selma on Red­ wood highway. Fred Harpell. 38-ltp CUSTOM PLANING—See Ashby Fulk, Holland road. 38-ltp FOR SALE—Fordson tractor with plow. Good condition. See Ashby Fulk, Holland road. 38-ltp BODY FIR $4 tier, delivered, $3.75 tier on the ground. James Garvin, Elk Creek ranch, 3 miles south of O’Brien. S8-ltp 1 WE BUY WE SELL WE TRADE Velma’s Swap Shop Cave Junction 38-tf LOG CABIN GARAGE General Auto Repairing Motor Tune-Up—Lubrication Tires—Tubes Acetylene Welding Art Dedrick, Prop—Selma. Ore. FOR SALE—Large wood cooking stove, good condition. See at Bill’s Cafe. 38-ltc FOR SALE—Red Duroc weaner pigs, $7.00 each. Windel Lee, Caves highway. 38-ltc FOR SALE—A good grade of loose grass hay, $20 per ton. Martin Maurer, near Holland. 38-ltp FURNITURE — When you need New or Used Furniture, think of Manchel’s. Keep up the home the boys are fighting for. Man- ehel’s Furniture, 112 N. 6th St., Grants Pass. 2-tf News Items from Selma I ful spirit of interest and co-opera­ my Radcliff. They will have beef, second and fourth Monday eve­ tion is being shown. Mrs. B. J. dairy, pigs, lambs and poultry. nings of each month at 7 p. m. Dickerson has been elected as Meetings is scheduled for every ) sponsor of this movement. « “A Thought for the Week” Ask for no unearned applause, Cross no river until you reach it; See the merit of the cause. Before you follow those who preach it. Mrs. Fritz Krauss and Mrs. H. Lundquist attended the cooking school in Grants Pass Thursday. These ladies will demonstrate from things learned at this school, nt a meeting to be held here in Feb­ ruary at the home of Mrs. Laura Hogue. —o--- Cpl. Paul K. Smith is here with his family after being discharged from the army. He was in the European theater for 18 months. This is the first time he had seen his baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Meservey spent the week end in Grants Pass with friends. ——O— E. G. Skaggs of Washington left for his home Thursday after spending a week with his daugh­ ter, Mrs. Vern Black and family. Mrs. Emma Tuttle moved to Grants Pass this week. She will be greatly missed here by her many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Al Beddingfield and daughter Shirley from Kerby, BOWLING—Illinois Valley resi­ dents are always welcome to the “I” Street Bawling Alleys. Make up a party and come in. Bowl for health and pleasure. 20-tf A. R. Kothe, Paul K. Smith, visited Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Dicker- Robert Davis and Marvin Prentice, son Sunday evening. •11 just recently returned from overseas, were honored at a din­ Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson and ner party given by Mr. and Mrs. family have moved to one of the G. M. McFarland last Sunday. cabins rn Selma Auto Court owned Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. by Mrs. Damewood. A. R. Kothe, Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Smith and daughter, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Luce of Mrs. Guy Smith and children, Mr. Dryden and family moved to Le­ and Mrs. Howard Murphy and land this week, where Mr. Luce children. Marvin Prentice, Robert will be employed at a saw mill. Davis and Sharley Kiever. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ludvig have and Mrs. Mildred lkenberry have moved from the old Thompson been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold place to the Northup place on 4 « I.unquist. Mrs. Jacobson and Mrs. South Side Road. lkenberry are sisters of Mr. Lund­ quist. Mr. and Mrs. Juel Elmore and —o— family have moyed from the ■ Mrs. Charles Miller of Dryden Hagerman place to the Cates and superintenjant of the Selma place. Sunday school who is always a faithful attendant was absent last lien Wiswell, c mmm, is home on Sunday. She has been suffering leave visiting his parents, Mr. and from a bad boil in her ear. Mrs. H. D. Wiswell. —o__ The Deer Creek Junior Ranch­ "The Fireside Fellowship Hour” was well attended last Wednesday ers 4-H Club met last Monday eve­ evening at the home of Mr. and ning at the Fritz Krauss home to Mrs. Tom Breazeale. After the organize for this year. Carmelita Fellowship hour refreshments of Krauss was elected president: vice- sandwiches, cake and cocoa were president, Laura Leach; secretary. served to all by Mrs. Breazeale. Thelma Plumlee. Other members 'I The meeting this week will be at are Dorthy and Warren Donald : the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Warren, Henry and Frank Jones, : Gregg. Every young person in Danny Diane and Sally Tucker, the community is cordially invited Orlen and Arline Pickle, Henry, to these meetings where a wonder- Denny, Bill and Kohath Krauss. Freddy Breazeale, Arline Buckle, Belva Kelly, Barbara, John and Robert Clayton, Edward and Jim- DYNAMITE Try Valley Lumber Co. if you need blasting powder. 221 West F St., Grants Pass. 44-tfc ERWIN L. SCHMIDT Public Accountant and Tax Consultant Grants Pass, Oregon Phone 1110 Evenings, 502 R 4. ABSTRACTS — Title insurance, affiliated with Commonwealth, Inc., Josephine County Abstract Co., 217-219 No. 6th St., Grants Pass. HAVE BUYERS for ranches, large and small. You furnish the property and we furnish the buyers. List with Sam J. Mil­ ler. Muir Auto Court, Cave Junction. _____________ &-tf American Legion dance. Satur­ day, January 19, 10 P- m. at Le­ gion hall. Midnight lunch. Every­ one cordially invited. ------------ o------------- Buy your Defense Stamps today. One Rack DRESSES V2 Price Choose From These Winter Dresses A January Clearance Feature Women’s HATS In Three Price Groups : I $1 CHOICE LAMB $3 $2 ALL WINTER STYLE HATS QUITE A FEW FELTS A January Clearance Feature New Spring Merchandise Arriving Daily Special meeting Belt Lodge No. 18, A. F. & A. M. degree work. All members requested to be pres­ ent. Visiting Brethren welcome. Saturday. January 19, 8 p. m. J. O. SEAT, W. M. Complete Line of BEEF v • ’ ■ ;,T ’"A ¡^GOLDEN RULE MOVING I V EVERYTHING TO Wi AR FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY Local—Long Distance AL HEMBREE PACKING 12 Year* Experience STORAGE Meat Department Scott’s Market All Leaders in Their Line 4 Big Wirehouiei ISHAM’S COMPLETE STOCK PASSENGER CAR, TRUCK AND TRACTOR DE LAVAL MILKING MACHINES 33 Years in Grants Pass 413 G Street—Phone 124 Dave Franklin Carl Beltz MYERS WATER PRESSURE SYSTEMS -k—--------------------------- - ----------------- .* OLIVER TRACTORS For Drugs, Toiletries Fountain Service TIRES ( LETRAC TRACTORS Come to OWL PHARMACY PLANET. JR. GARDEN TRACTORS In Grants Pass No Ration Certificates Required GENERAL MILLS “LARRO” BRAND FEEDS RECAPPING — BATTERIES — WHEELS SEAT ( OVERS — SERVICE WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. BILL ( HANDLER H Mile North of Kerby. Miller’s Seed & Feed 6th and L Streets Grants Pass SUTER andJSTARNES 1 I Josephine County Tire Headquarters THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... Grants Pass 643 South 6th Street I z4-*S. z z z z zz-z z-z z z z-z z FOR SALE — Mining location blanks, both quartz and placer and ♦respasa notices at the Illinois Valley News office. FOR HIGHER YIELDS Plant Velvon Barley, 85 bushels to acre this year on dry ground. Certified seed $3.75 per 100 at MILLER’S SEED & FEED Cor. 6th and L Sts., Grants Pass CASH BUYERS of poultry and eggs. We were here before the .nil wilt still be here after VJ day. Our market is Oregon. Rogue Valley Poultry & Egg. MOVING AND STORAGE—Spe­ cial trips at your convenience. Tariff rates. Commercial Trans­ fer. phone 583, • 16 East H St., Grants Pass. 23-tfc at SH ARPLY REDUCED PRICES A January Clearance Feature I Cave Junction VICLAND OATS, New to Oregon. We planted 3 sacks last year, harvested 57. Certified seed at MILLER’S SEED & FEED 6th and L Streets, Grants Pass ARE YOU planning an auction— I conduct all kinds of auction sales and always do my best to please you. It pays to sell the auction way. Harvey Wood, Auctioneer. Off. 618 S. 6th St. Ph. 906. Res. Redwood hotel, ph. 200. 19 Women’s Winter COATS NOTICE FOR SALE AT ROBBER’S ROOST At Kerby Watches — Studebaker, 21- jewel, 12 size, and Waltham, 17- jewel, 16-size, solid silver dust­ proof case. New Star drag salmon reel, Packard Bell car radio, and other articles too numerous to mention. SPENCER CORSETIERE For appointment or information write Mrs. W. O. Burch, Cave Junction, Oregon._______ 23-tfc FOR SALE—21 and 23-jewel American pocket watches, gold filled cases, movements of well- known makes such as Illinois, Waltham. Howard, Ball and Elgin. Some as low as $55. J. L. Johnson, first house west of Coffee Shop on the left. Call any dav except Saturday. 35-2tc Selected Group Lh /'l COMPLETE Welding and Repair Service rt I- s »f DAY OR NIGHT t J J. li Portable Equipment Carty's Welding and Repair Shop I J fl Freeman’s Garage v Y/ if a h- ¡1» » •» I,1 I -y 7, V I ßat^ ART: "Saw you at the movies last night, Judge. That was quite a weekend that alco­ holic went through, wasn’t it?” OLD JUDGE: "Sure was, but I’m afraid most people won’t really understand it.” V The knowledge of your doctor is in the pre­ scription he writes for you. Years of train­ ing in pharmacy give our registered pharma­ cists the exact knowledge to fill these im­ portant prescrip­ tions. We solicit your prescription 1 Drue Centre business. * OOxitqz’ccw A kiu ART: "What do you mean, Judge?” OLD J L’DGA: "Simply this. That poor chap was really a sick man...not just a drunk. Studies by famous psychiatrists and the medical profession show that alcoholism is not caused by a craving for alcohol... it is usually the result of some deep-rooted social, physical or emotional condition. If the* fel- is ♦ low had not turned to alcohol for escape, he would have turned to something else.” ART: "Are there many that get in that condition, Judge?” OLD JUDGE: "Fortunately not. Art. Sci­ entists at a great university have stated that approximately 95% of the people who drink do so sensibly. Only 5% are immoderate at times. In that 5% is the small number known as alcoholics. And the beverage distilling in­ dustry which does not want a single person to use its product immoderately, is cooper­ ating fully in the solution of this problem.” TH> »drfrtiimrnl lÿMsersZ Ctxfrttnft J< I I