minois Valley News, Thursday, September 13, 1945 CLASSIFIED Fun for the Whole Family DEPARTMENT ____ M1MH I.AXEOt’S ______ MsGl'FFEYS KEADFK<—IH7» EDITION. Clean. unused. Card brings price list Cash tM'd for used older editions. R'nneth Abbott. .”u Duncan. Ceiumbos t.O. RARBITS & SKINS LIVE rabbits 4 6 Lbs 24c. Want rab­ bit skins, poultry, veal, all meats, paying «<><>.) prices Rubv At Co.. 935 S W rronf. Portland. Oregon SPARKY WATTS By BOODY ROGERS HELP WANTED APABLE ranch hand. Want work on stock ranch where I can keep some saddlestock. I have Beg Chestnut Morgan Stud No. 7874, x head mares A- calls. Like to locate where good saddlestud is appreciat­ ed J. M McLean, Route 1. Valley, Wash Poc 5TAncy COSMIC KAY MACHINE HAS MAX HALFPINT THE WOPLP'S STRONGEST 0A0V-- TWO .MAIDS, one ward, one general. $85.00 per month room, board laundry T. B. Pavilion, Troutdale, Oregon. Tel. Gresham 5235. H e HIT SENATOR G. RDPLESTRING «0 HARP THAT THE SENATOR'S LARYNX TuRNEP OVER-CAUSING HIM TO TALK BACKWARDS Two practical nurses $ 125.00 per month room, hoard. £• laundry T. B. Pavilion, Troutdale, Oregon. Tel. Gresham 5235. ONE janitor, and on orderly 1X5.00 ner month room, board X laundry. T B Pavilion. Troutdale, Oregon. Tel. Gresham 5235. FOR SALE REG’LAR FELLERS—Sweet Prize By GENE BYRNES ( i ' m now workin ' on V. MY FIR.ST MILLION!’ THAT AIR-RIFLE. I BOUGHT FROM BAGGY HAS .STARTED ME IN WHA’ PROMISES TO BE A BIG BUSINESS! OKANOGAN County stock farm for sale 920 acres, 2X0 tn cult , balance | good pasture for 100 head cattle, 4 springs, spring water piped to house & barn, fair buildings, electric light plant; school bus. phone. Price $14,000. Good machinery Including traitor X- thresher Would sell with place John E. Bind. Owner, Molson, Wash. *0 ACRES BY OWNER—60 A farm land Concord and Wapato silt loam, tiled. 7-rm. mod house, big barn, all out bldgs . wood, fruit, nuts. Will sell fully equipped if wanted Priced reasonable, terms Perry Bond. Molalla, Ore., Rt. 3, Box 177. Ph. 47-T-2. 3 mi. SW Molalla. ■ $1 Oft WILL BRING YOU PROFIT­ ABLE Food Factory Price Book. On 1X0 Food Delectable Items, ra­ tion free Approximately 50c PROFIT on Every Dollar for you. Orders received by mail shipped nromntlv bv the factory .»nvwhere LILLIS QUALITY VOODS. 3131 Western Ave., Dept. 104, Seattle 1, Washington. i '1 " \ - ' I: I ’ FARM Wolf • 'ret k Hi th - way. CO acres In cult. Nehalem River runs through property. 3- story barn, 18 head white faced cattle 7-room modern home, com- pletlv furnished $22.000. terms. R T. CALLAHAN CO . 200-253 Mor­ gan Portland 5, Ore. Phone AT 0397 FARM K- »It SALE Writ« Donoho, Searcy, Arkansas. B. A. REGISTERED MILKING SHORT- HOHNS’—Bull calves for sale Bates and Clay blondlines. T R and r.i n-• accredited Satie fact Ion guarantee I G. A. ritzpatrlck or G. G Crulckshank, Tekoa. Wash. FOR »ALE PACKWOOD Cafe X Tav­ ern Building, lot and fixtures In­ cluded Well established, good busi­ ness F<»r particulars write <»r see Brook Xavnee, Packwood, Wash. FOR SALE 1480-acre stock ranch, 350 acres hay and grain, free wa­ ter. free range, fully equipped For particulars write Pink Becker, West­ fall. Oregon. POP—Lucky Break I I F YOUR BRAKES’ HAD BEEN WORKING PROPERLY By J. MILLAR WATT SEASIDE DAIRY, vegetable and poul­ try farm at the bench $19,000 New modern 6-rm home. New barn. 1000 chicken capacity now Brooder house 24 acres Grows fine lettuce and peas New Fordnon tractor, lots of equipment. 10 cows and apnrox. 400 laving hens Good Incom*’ SKA- SIDE GEARHART LAND CO. Sea­ side, Oregon. Ml \l MAR l< l "I i isage kitchen, groc dept 120 lockers, brine cooler, In native stone bldg 30x110 $55.000 yr Slaughter hse . good quota, Lg. custom slaughtering and curing 32 sort . i' i > • i r < r* • lc No oomn<' ' tion. 9-rm. residence, hdwd firs , furnace Thriving livestock raising Eastern Oregon $28.959. terms, phis Inventory F O. Box 141, En­ terprise. Oregon. GROCERY STORE —159 Frozen food lockers. gas pumps 2 bedroom modern home Dodge pickup and 2/3 acre land City lights dr water 4 miles west of Yakima. Wash W H Allsnbnngh, Route 2. Yaki­ ma, Wash. 1465 A STOCK RANCH, hlway 99 330 a alfalfa. 325 a meadowland. RIO a grain: soft a Irrlg . free grav­ ity water from Parks creek and Shasta river Dairy barn for 80 rows; 2 barns | t i.,_ h ■ . < |» <-t , | ml. school; school bus; 17 ml Yreka. Hunting nn*t Fishing $75 per acre Box 66, Gazelle, Cal. SOMEBODY’S STENOG—Family Stuff GOAT, purebred registered Nubians, outstanding, large. gentle, hornless, 18-mo old buck; Hl«*» our herd sire, grand sire born In Egypt. 1 all win- ter milkers. 3 doe kids, a pet that requires kind, friendly owner Rpec- ! ' Dunsmuir. Cal 615 ACRES—Well Improved farm, all nearly new buildings, electricity. 2 good well«. 4 J miles to county seat, good roads Write for particular* Mri. Gertrude Henderson. High- more. Month Dakota IDEAL dairy farm Sarnmlsh Valley, 15 miles North of Seattle 57 acres In oats. Barn bolds 58 rows Grav­ ity wilt-r. On paved highway Austin E. Griffiths Jr Rt 2. Box 301, Kirkland. Wash Phone 432 HUH.DERM OPPORTUNITY—10 acres add to Hermiston, many houses need»-d Get busy now 3 houses go with If Harrv Thorpe, Board­ man, Oregon. LARGE stock new and used auto part Coast Auto Wrecking, 2120 Pacific Ave.. Tacoma, Washington CHEAP Ozark mountain farms. Im­ proved and unimproved Mineral and timber land Write R. T. Phil­ lips, Jasper, Ark. ’OOM BAY COURT— Six 2-rm apt«, one l-rm apt, about 113»» Inc $6500 $2300 down ba, terms Owner P. O Box 732. North Bend, Oregon. BRI MONEY. raising Illy bulbs Choice honv-sites. ocean view, won- derful climate Fine soil. Geo. W. Eller, Brookings, Ore. SPECIAL GOOD HEALTH Your Great«,t Potttislon R. gain it by being relieved of Hemorrhoids (Piles). Fis­ sure, Fistula, Hernia (Rup­ ture). Our method of treat­ ment without hospital op­ eration successfully used for 33 years. Liberal credit terms Co’l for ,• rmination or seed lor ( ” booklet. Open tven/ngi, Mo" , Wed., fri., 1 to 9;30 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Physician and Surgeon W. B. Cor. E. Burnside and Grand Ave. Telephone EAst 3919. Portland 14. Qregos