Illinois Valley News, Thursday, June_7^1945____________ _ Dairymen of County Purchase Guernsey Cows Representatives of the Jose­ phine County Guernsey Bull asso­ ciation have just returned from a quality farm dispersal sale at Car­ nation, Washington. The local breeders brought home with them $5,595.00 worth of purebred Guernseys. The average sales price of 160 head was $495.00. Everett Robinson of the Red­ land Guernsey Farm purchased Chuckanut Fuchia. the second high sow of the sale for $2,625.00. Fu- chia has 625.5 pounds of fat in class GG, which means that she is under two and one-half years of age. Ben Nelson and Son, W. A. Johnson and Sons and Everett Robinson each purchased a heifer calf ranging in price from $450 to $610. These animals are from outstanding cow families and will be used to enrich the present blood lines which the association already has. The Bull association purchased three bulls at the sale of the high­ est quality available in the Pacific- Northwest. These bulls are from proven sires and outstanding cow families. The high cow of the sale was Chuckanut Phylba, which sold for $4,000. She is the dam of Chuck­ anut Phylbond, a bull now used by the local Guernsey association. Those attending the sale from the county were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Robinson, Ben Nelson and Cecil L. Johnson of the Valley Rogue Guernsey farm. Judge Johnson said that the- as­ sociation owns nine outstanding bulls. We are now in a position where it will not be necessary to go out of the state in order to se- cure our bred sires. The local as- sociation will be able to purchase its bulls from its own members. Join the Campaign To Vacation ot Home This is a request for your co­ operation in a campaign to urge civilians to stay off inter-city buses and trains this summer un­ less the trip is necessary to win­ ning the war against Japan. Women, children, workers in factories, offices anil elsewhere, housewives . . . everyone should be informed that travel space is urgently needed for the redeploy­ ment of troops and war materials from Europe to the Pacific and for the increasing use of dis- charg troops returning home, cas­ ualties and military furloughees. The armed services wish civil­ ians here in the west to realize these facts, knowing that contin­ ued whole-hearted cooperation on ’ -C/ Your '1 ruck or (’ar Should Have an Electrical Checkup The heart ami muscle of your car are its electrical system. Don't let it de­ teriorate from sheer neg­ lect when a checkup can save the life of your ear for many more miles of safe driving. Wt Have Facilities for GENERAL OVERHAULING Y our Truck or Car Acetylene and Arc Welding (AVE JUNCTION GARAGE W E. FARLIEN, Prop At ('ave Junction Motor Court NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING the Home Front will materially help the one objective for which NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 3, of Josephine County, State of Oregon, that “SCHOOL everyone is praying, fighting and working . . . successful and speedy MEETING of the said district will be held at Kerby School House on the 18th day of June, 1945, at 7 o clock p.m., for the purpose or conclusion of the war against discussing the budget for the fiscal school year, beginning July 1, 1945, and ending June 30, 1946, hereinafter set forth, and o proposition of levying a district tax. Japan. --------- v--------- Garden Contest to Close Entries July 1 BUDGET ♦2. •3. *4. *14. $ 8,303.75 3,000.00 *17. Estimated Total Receipts and Available Cash Balance or Deficit........................................ $11,303.75 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Estimated Expenditures for the Ensuing School Year in Detail ITEM I. 1. 2. 3. •4. ♦5. GENERAL CONTROL Personal service: , (1) Superintendent ................................... *(2) Clerk ..................................................... *(4) Compulsory education and census (5) Other services .................................... Supplies .............................................................. Elections and publicity .................................. Ia-gal service (clerk’s bond, audit, etc.) . Other expense of general control: (1) Principal conference ................. ....... -I 14—Flag Day. —15— U. S. accepts treaty to settle Oregon boundary dispute, 1846 18—Ford Motor Company In­ corporated with $100.000 capital. 1907. Total Expense of General Control $ 2,065.00 II. 1. INSTRUCTION—Superviiion Personal service: (2) Supervisors, Music ..................... Supplies, principals and supervisors $ 1,250.00 200.00 Total Expenie of Superviiion $ 1,450.00 111. INSTRUCTION—Teaching 1. Personal service: * (1) Teachers—8 at $1600.00, 2 at $386.00 (Shop and home ec) ................................................................................ *3. Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) ....................................................... *4. Textbooks ............................................................................................ . *6. Other expense of teaching (testing) ......................................... »13,572.00 200.00 1,500.00 70.00 Total Expenie of Teaching ............................................................. $15,342.00 $ 1,975.00 Total Expense of Operation V. *1. •2. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Repair and maintenance of furniture and equipment Repair and maintenance of: (1) Buildings ....................................................................... (2) Grounds .......................................................................... •4. VII. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION *1. UPON QUESTION OF INCREAS­ *4. ING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT LIMITED BY SECTION 11. AR­ TICLE XI. STATE CONSTI­ Vili TUTION *4. Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs $ $ 256.00 220.40 $ 205.64 $ 1,450.00 $15,342.00 $14,768.65 $11,527.94 $ 9,322.21 $ 1,975.00 $ 1,737.00 $ 1,140.39 $ 1,046.98 $ $ 1,660.14 $ $ 500.00 300.00 100.00 $ 900.00 $ 10.00 900.00 1,620.00 1,000.00 1,800.00 389.73 229.89 i 1,440.00 500.00 $ 6,370.00 FIXED CHARGES Insurance ......................... $ 800.00 Total Fixed Charges $ 800.00 CAPITAL OUTLAYS New furniture, equipment and replacements $ 3,000.00 Notice is hereby given that an ♦7. election will be held in School Dis- trict No. 3 of Josephine County. X. EMERGENCY State of Oregon, at Kerby school house in said school district to be­ Total Schedule II—General Fund -Total estimated expenses gin at the hour of 7 o’clock p. m„ for the year—sum of items 1-6, II-5, II1-7, IV-8, V-4, VI-4, on the third Monday of June, being VII-4, VIII-7. IX-3, X the ISth day of June, A. I>., 1945, for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters of said district the Schedule III—Bond Interest and Sinking Fund quetion of increasing the tax levy for the year 19 15 over the amount limited by -ection 11. article XI. of DEBT SERVICE-BOND INTEREST AND SINKING FUND *1. Principal on bonds (include negotiable interest-bearing the Constitution of Oregon. warrants issued under section 111-1016, O. C. L. A. The rensons for increasing such • o Interest on bonds levy are: New school house, increased en­ '3. Total Schedule III—Debt Service-Bondi and Interest rollment and increased per pupil cost. The amount of tax, in excess of Schedule V—Special Improvement Fund (Serial Levy, Etc.) the 6 . limitation, proposed to be levied for said year is $22,724.25. POST-WAR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT FUND— *4. New furniture, equipment and replacements__ Dated this 22nd dav of May, 1945. ARTHUR KELLERT. *7. Total Schedule V—Special Improvement Fund Chairman Board of Directors. ATTEST: EMILY KELLERT, District Clerk. Schedule VI—Summary of Estimate! of Expenditures, Receipts NOTK’E IS HEREBY GIVEN to th«- legal voters of School Dis­ trict No. 3 of Josephine County, State f Oiegon, that the ANNU­ individu*»- AL SCHOOL MEETING of said P~ —" »o "‘■, Distr t will be held at Kerby school house; to begin at the hour ,w«l of 7 o’clock p. m., on the third Monday of June, being the 18th day >f June. A. I). 1945. Th < meeting ts called for the purp< -e of electing Chairman. Di­ rector and Director and the tran saction of business usual at such meeting. In districts of the second and _____ » A .our phyM- third classes the ballots shall not be counted until one hour after the cian about time set for the meeting to begin. Until the count begins, any legal voters of the district shall be en­ titled to vote upon any business be­ fore the meeting. Dated this 22nd dav of May, 1945. ARTHUR KELLERT, Chairman Board of Directors. 632 North Fifth Street ATTEST EMILY KELLERT. (¡rants Pass, Oregon District Clerk. I Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies $ 6,370.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 1,650.00 $ 1,225.00 800.00 $ 279.20 $ 155.45 $ 271.33 $ 3 OOO OO $ 3.000.00 $ 200.00 $ 11.81 $ 633.00 $ 1 OOO OO $ 1.000.00 $ 1,708.60 $ 55.00 $ 1,160.86 m on? on $24,209.59 $15,150.72 $14,094.91 $ $ 3,000.00 937.50 $ 3,937.50 $ 3,937.50 1.500.00 $ 1.500.00 and Available Cash Balances, and Tax Levies Total All Funds ESTIMATION OF TAX LEVY NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING $ 2,065.00 300.00 400.00 225.00 50.00 VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES 1. Health service: *(2) Supplies and other expenses ......... 2. Transportation of pupils: *(1) Personal service (Bus Drivers) .... *(2) Supplies and other expenses (Gas) *(3) Repair and replacement of busses 3. Other auxiliary agencies (1) Personal service (Cook and 1 Helper) (2) Supplies and other expenses Grants Pass _______ _______ 1_________ Detailed Expenditures for the Last Second Year Year of the Give Yearly Totals Three-Year 1942-43 Period 1943-44 $ 1,000.00 •8. •4. Budget Allowance in Detail for the Current School Year 1944-45 20.00 IV. OPERATION OF PLANT 1. Personal service: *(1) Janitors and other employees (12 months) *2. Janitors* supplies ...................•.......... ?........................... ’3. Fuel ...................................................................................... *4. Light and power .............. .. ............................................. *5. Water .................................................................................... -First American combat­ ant troops of World War I sail from U. &. 1917. Estimated Expenditures for the Ensuing School Year by Totals Expenditures for Three Fis­ cal Years Next Preceding the Current School Year 1,500.00 175.00 75.00 25.00 20.00 100.00 150.00 ’6. •7. -----12—Declaration of Rights adopted by Virginia Convention. 1776. DUCKWORTH The Tire Man 3,839.00 414.75 100.00 Schedule 11—General Fund & JUNE G . 11—Public schools open In the Philippines, 1906. Complete Line of U. S. TIRES Recapping and Repairing $ 3,950.00 Estimated Total Receipts .................................................................................................................. Estimated Available Cash Balance or Deficit (Add Cash Balance—Deduct Deficit) •5. WWVfcrvM. Estimated receipts from County School Fund ................ Elementary School Fund State Irreducible School Fund Other Sources ............................. *15. *16. 2. -17—Father's Day Total Al Funds ITEM BUY WAR BONDS ,'OK EGON if ( < ( Eitimated Receipts and Available Caih Balances Schedule 1 Oregon 4-H club members have until July 1 to enter the $6,000 scholarship contest of the National Junior Vegetable Growers associ­ ation, according to H. C. Seymour, state club leader and chairman of the national contest for the west­ ern states. Recent unseasonable weather emphasized one of the goals of the contest, Seymour points out. That is adding to the nation’s food sup­ plies for the home, for other civil­ ians and for the armed forces. City, suburban and farm 4-H gar­ deners are eligible for the contest, whether their gardens are 20 by 30 feet or are commercial acre­ ages. A course of study empha­ sizing efficient production and marketing is sent to each club boy or girl entering the contest. Prizes include $100 war bonds to each of 33 sectional winners, $200 scholarships to each of four regional championships and a $500 scholarship to the national cham­ pion. Entries may be sent to Prof. Grant B. Snyder, junior growers adult adviser, 103 French hall, Massachusette State College, Am­ herst, Mass. --------------- V--------------- rotal estimated expenditures DEDUCT: Total estimated receipts and available cash balances (Schedule I) General Fund Total Schedule II Bond Interest and Sinking Fund Total Schedule III $36.839.50 $32,902.00 $3,937.50 11,303.15 11,303.75 xxx.xx 25.535.75 21,598.25 3,937.50 .................... x.xx x.xx X.XX Balance to be raised by taxation ........................................................................ X 1 »1» Estimated amount of taxes that will not be collected during the fiscal year for which this budget to made 25,535.75 21.598.25 3,937.50 4,000.00 4,000.00 X.XX $29,535.75 $25.598.25 $ 3,937.50 6,811.50 6.811.50 X.XX $22.724.25 $18.786.75 3,937.50 Amount necessary to balance the budget DEDUCT: Deficit forwarded to next fiscal year ................ .................................... Total eitimated tax leviei for ensuing fiical year Analysis of eitimated tax leviei: Amount inside 6'. limitation Amount outside 6 1. JAMES RICHMOND 4. limitation INDEBTEDNESS Amount of bonded indebtedness (in­ clude all negotiable interest-bear­ ing warrants issued under section 111-1016, O. C. L. A.) »37.500 00 Total Indebtednen (sum of items 1, 2. I) Dated this May 12th. 1945. Signed: EMILY KELLERT. District Clerk $37 500 00 ARTHUR KELLERT. Chairman, Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee May- 12th, 1945. Signed: wm . j. M c L ean , MARVIN B. CROSS, Secretary. Budget Committee Chairman, Budget Committee