Illinois Valley News, Thursday, June 7, 1915 out to help in the clean-up at the church and much work was ac­ complished during the day. Pot­ luck dinner was served at noon and was much enjoyed. Latest word from Mrs. Ruble Nicholson says that her father. Mr. BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY John Hines, Beaver City, Neb., is CHURCH slowly improving, and is now able Sunday school, 10 a. m. to sit up for a short time daily and Morning worship, 11 a. m. Young People’s service, 7:45 P also to take some food. James was called home but has again been in. able to return to camp. Mrs. Nich­ Evening service, 8:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 olson thinks it may be some time before her return home. P- m. ------------- V-------------- --------------o------------- An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 M C Editor ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County One Year . . ..... Sis Months ...... Three Monthe ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Outside of Josephine County >2 00 Ono Y«ar “GOING MY WAY” --------------- V.................. ASSEMBLY OF GOD I. O. O. F. HALL, KERBY Residents of the Illinois Valley have a job to do that must be done—some of us may have to swallow three or four times before we can make up our minds about it, but in the long run we’ll all take it in stride and do what has to be done. The Illinois valley and her communities have what is commonly called “Growing Pains’’, we are growing faster than we can keep up with the parade. Our schools are trying to keep abreast with this growth, and that is what is going to make us look around. The Kerby school district MUST have a new build­ ing. The old school house “ain’t” what she used to be, and the people voted to build a new modern school house and it must he done, and should be built this summer. Nearly all the school districts in the valley have consolidated with Kerby, and this brings many more children to the one school, and it simply cannot stand the extra number of pupils. The Kerby district will hold their annual meeting Monday, June 18th and will elect a new school board and vote the budget. The high school budget and the election of one di­ rector will come up Thursday, June 28th. Citizens who are property owners and have a right to vote at these elections, should take the trouble to do it and see that we have good schools. On June 22nd, at the special election, the proposi­ tion of voting to consolidate all school districts in the county into the County Unit System will confront the voters. This is a radical change from our present school system, and the voters should acquaint them­ selves on the issues. As far as we are concerned, the county unit system has some good points and we be­ lieve some bad points. We have not made up our mind which outweigh the other, when we do we will tell the voters our position, and they can take their own good judgment. We wish, however, to admonish the taxpayers of this valley, that they have a serious problem to face, and they should do their duty and get acquainted with the facts and then go out and vote. \ oung Americans are the citizens of tomorrow, and we should give them every opportunity. Our school system is that oppor­ tunity. Notice is hereby given that all those interested in the Kerby Fire District and the formation of the same, should attend the meeting called for Monday, June 11th, at 8:30 p. m. and the meeting will be held in the IOOF hall. Kerby residents are vitally in­ terested in the fire district and they should attend this meeting and get their district started. ------------- V-------------- —BUY WAR BONDS— Sunday school ----------- 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship ........ 11:00 a.m. Young Peoples Service, Sunday 7 p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible study, Wednesday 8 p.m. Evangelistic Service .... 8:00 a.m. Rev. D. B. Wantland, pastor. troble for the pair even after they are married. After many ups and downs the story winds up with ev­ erybody happy. “Show Business’’ is one of the films selected for showing to troops in active combat on the bat­ tle line and in hospitals on the far outposts all over the world. For good entertainment see this pic­ ture that sho-,-s next Wednesday and Thursday nights. ------------- V-------------- WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS! SHOES FOR Baby Sister Brother, Mother and Dad! Work, dress or play! Rationed and unrationed. LEGION DANCE SATURDAY Attend the American Legion dance next Saturday night, June 9th, at the Legion hall, to the rhythm of good music. Midnight eats by the Ladies’ Auxiliary. CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH Women’s and Misses’ Bathing Suits Play Togs Slack Suits Women’s Garden Hats George H. Gray, Pastor Sunday School ................... 10 a.m. Morning Worship ............ 11 a. m Sunday school attendance de­ creased to 46 due to several fam­ ilies being on the sick list and oth­ ers away on vacations. Visitors were Mrs. Abbie Cross and Julia Cross of Caldwell, Idaho; Walter and Mary Margaret England, new residents on the George Wells ranch. In Cave Junction ILLINOIS VALLEY SHOPPING CENTER Going on vacation. No work taken after June 15 until further notice. JOHNSON’S WATC H SHOP HONOR THE MAN THE WOMAN WHO WEARS THIS EMBLEM I STOP! ill 4 A MEN’S and BOYS Swim Trunks Sport Trunks Sport Shirts Dress Shirts Polo Shirts Dress Pants and Hats KRIEGERS Rev. Gray’s text was taken from St. John 16:2, his subject, “Tracing the Persecutions of the Church thru the First Three Cen­ turies.” Mrs. John Dow sang “The Name of Jesus.” On Wednesday 12 persons were * The ranch home of Mr. and Mis. Hal Moore at Wonder, last Sat­ urday evening was the scene of a double occasion, their 20th wee­ ding anniversary, and Mr. MooreV birthday. About 28 friends gath­ ered to make it a gala affair. Mrs. Moore’s birthday gift to her hus- band, was a beautiful Masonic ring. A social evening was enjoyed and at a late hour delicious re­ freshments and cake were served the guests. Continued from Tage One Sabbath School ............... 1:30 p. m. The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising Preaching ........................ 3:00 p." m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application 7:30 p. m. You are invited to meet with us. f tj _______ _______ -_______ F. W. Cooper, elder, Cave Junc­ C REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS Ur..ij e» V J w tion. IIBWOOD LMPIfte AilOCIAllvN SCHOOL ISSUES Moores Entertain At Ranch Home Kerby Fire District Meeting Monday Nite * Don't Throw it Away Yet! THEY HAVE DONE THEIR SHARE! This tiny gold button, one you’ll see in more and more lapels these days, is the returned service man or woman’s badge of honor. It is presented with the Honorable Discharge as a symbol of our nation’s gratitude for having served our country faithfully and well. The veteran who wears this emblem has earned the respect, admiration and gratitude of all of us. Clark's Insurance Agency O DEL ROGUE HOTEL BLDG.. GRANTS PASS THE SPECIAL ELECTION The voters of the state are called on to go to the polls on Friday, June 22 and vote on several measures that will be on the ballot. Two of them have been re­ ferred to the people by the last legislature. The first and foremost is a 10 mill tax levy for building new structures for our state institutions, which are needed—no mistake about that. The thing that voters will have to acquaint themselves with, about this measure—is the fact that while the referen­ dum calls for a 10 mill levy, in reality the levy will NOT BE COLLECTED or imposed on the taxpayers —liecause, the state already has the needed sum in the reserve, but the Oregon law compels us to vote the levy to enable us to use the reserve fund. There would lx* no need to put the 10 mill tax into execution, and it will not be done. We sincerely hope all voters will un­ derstand this and vote for the state building fund. The next measure is the so-called cigarette tax. This is a highly controversial measure and it will have a tough time getting by. The money raised from this source will go to the public school system of the state to relieve property taxes. It calls for 2 cents a pack­ age on cigarettes. The theory on the cigarette tax is this—many peo­ ple who use cigarettes in the state do not contribute in anyhianner towards the upkeep of our schools. This means was adopted to get them to pay their just share towards the school system. Cigarette smokers may not like the idea, but many of them realize the situation and will support the measure, even when it takes a little more from them, but it is such a trifle it will never be noticed. This paper hopes the voters of the valley will go to the polls on this special election day and vote their preference. We don't care how you vote—but go out and VOTE. Bill Schleifer had the front of new sign reading ’'Bill’» Cafe", his cafe painted by "Slim" Ham- adding much to the appearance of rick this week and also erected a the building. VOI R PRESENT CAR MAY HAVE TO LAST YOU A LONG TIME! i : I : : Think it over—you know that reconversion takes a long time . . . that the first new cars should rightly go to returning veterans. LET US KEEP YOUR CAR IN SERVICE UN­ TIL YOU CAN GET A NEW ONE. KEEP IT LOOKING LIKE NEW! You re Essential Let us To the Community STEAM CLEAN As We’re Essential To Your Car Your car! . . AND CLEAN AND REPAIR YOUR RADI­ ATOR FOR SUMMER DRIVING!’ Avoid letting your car wear down, and it won’t break down and keep you from performing your essential service*. We are equipped with expert workmen and working part* for every kind of car repair—so drive right in, to be sure of speedy service— a thorough job—at the right price. D & D GARAGE Hannum & Kelt Chevrolet 411 South 6th Street i A.— Thone 520 Grants Pass DUKE ELLINGTON KERBY DICK WAYMAN ALL NIGHT SERVICE J