Illinois Valley News, Thursday, May 10, 1945 A Bell Jòr Àdanol u rtarutis THE STORY THIS FAR: The Ameri- ran troop* arrived at Adano, with Major Joppolo. the Anizot officer in charge, Sergeant Bor th wax In charge of securi* ty. It was the hope of the .Major to build confidence and replace the town bell stolen by the Nazis. He arranged with the navy to permil the Axhermen to return to the watera. liespite orders is­ sued by General Marvin, barring carts from the city. Major Joppolo recalled the order to permit food and water to enter the town. Nasta, former mayor of Ada no. returned from hiding, but was placed under arrest by the Major to save him from an organized mob. He was or­ dered to report daily and repent his sins. ; -ha. Improved L'nijorm International Two Smart Suit II SUNDAY From One Pattern || SCHOOL LESSON ■> OOL — comfortable — gaily em­ broidered and made of but 1 yard of material! The applique chicks are sister s; brother goes nautical. C 0 0 sg Bv HAROLD L LUNDQUIST D D here. Mister Major. That wet stone” Tomasino, “and get a bottle of Mar­ Of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. —she pointed at Tomasino—“al- sala.” Released by Western Newspaper Union. Make two suits frat i one pattern! Pat­ Wine on top of torrone, and prob­ most refused to go and ask you.” tern 909 has a transiei pattern of 2 bibs, Captain Purvis said: "Where are ably mixed right up with it. Major pockets, necessary patteinaneccs for suits Lesson for May 13 these pretty mackerel the old fish- Joppolo could think of nothing less in sizes 1. 2. 3 and 4 tempting, but Captain Purvis, hear ­ hound is supposed to have? Say. Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se­ Major, we got to make a deal here. ing the word vino, shouted: “Vino, lected and copyrighted bv hurray for vino." Giuseppe here says he thinks Council of Religious Education; used by permission. Major Joppolo stood up and said like the dark one best.” Giuseppe put in a word for his I “Purvis, either you shut your big THE TRAGEDY OF THE loyalty: "I'm a save a blonde for I trap or I'll throw you out of here." NORTHERN KINGDOM Captain Purvis said: “ Aw come you, boss.” Major Joppolo really didn't know on. Major, don't be a spoil sport. LESSON TEXT—I Kings 12 26-30; what to say You know you feel the same way. 1-4. 13b-18; II Kings 17 7. 8 GOLDEN TEXT—O magnify the Lord Giuseppe said quickly to the fat if you were just honest enough to with me. and let us exalt His name to­ say so.” Rosa, “Where are the girls?” gether.—Psalm 34.3. “Shut up. Purvis!” The Major’s The mother said: “If you think GOÍOEM FLAKES OF I you can hurry two pretty girls try- eyes blazed, “That's an order. Now Nations as well as people come MtEAF AMD 3FAM I ing to make themselves prettier. you behave yourself.” to crossroads in their history, and One morning Tomasino the fisher­ you'll find them in the bedroom.” Captain Purvis stood up and sa- taking the wrong road then means Major Joppolo was alarmed to see luted w'th a wavering dignity. COM3/MED MM7M man called on Major Joppolo at future disaster. Solomon had built the Palazzo. As he entered the Giuseppe get up and go into the Tomasino came back with the up a great national prosperity, but SC/GARSfVEEr building, and even as he walked into bedroom. He wondered what kind wine, and Captain Purvis saluted at the expense of heavy taxes. He the Major's office, he looked like an of girls these were, anyhow. 7EMDEK FA/SSMS the bottle, bending slightly at the had forgotten God. and was suc­ But in a few moments Giuseppe American sight-seer. His neck bent waist and aiming the breakaway of i ceeded by a son who followed in his back on itself and his eyes wandered came back, leading a girl by each the salute straight at the bottle. footsteps. hand He had apparently explained around in dull amazement. Offered an opportunity to ease the Rosa, sensing that something was breakfast Major Joppolo was pleased to see the situation to the girls, because burden of the people <1 Kings 12-141, wrong, shouted desperately: “ My him and said cheerfully: “Good Tina went directly to Major Jop­ • Taste it... and you’ll agree. Rehoboam in his folly made it great­ polo, shook his hand, and sat down buy, my buy!" But nobody laughed er. and the nation was divided. The Post's Raisin Bran is a magic com­ morning, Ttimasino.” Tina jumped up and said: “Let's ten northern tribes, which were bination.' Made from real Post's But Tomasino's face changed beside him, and the dark one. Fran­ 40% Bran Flakes, plus seedless from curious to sullen, and he said: cesca. went .straight to Captain Pur­ dance,” and she ran over to the ra­ henceforth to be known as Israel, raisins that stay tender, thanks to vis, shook his hand, and sat down dio and turned on Radio Moscow. followed Jeroboam, and the two ”1 did not want to do it.” Post’s exclusive Tender-Sured “Moscow always has the best mu- southern tribes under Rehoboam be by him. "Do what, Tomasino?” process. Ask your grocer for Post'» "Mmm,” said Captain Purvis, sic,” she said. Judah. came the kingdom of Raisin Bran—today. “Come to the place of authority, "not bad.” He felt secure in the Francesca, with Major Joppolo's with God's Jeroboam started this Palazzo. I have never done it certainty that the girls did not speak help, carried the table from the favor, and might have led his people in my life. My wife made me do English. middle of the room to the end away aright, but instead he became the | Due to an unusually large demand ar.d It." "Take it easy," Major Joppolo from the radio, Captain Purvis king whose name stood for wicked- I current war conditions, slightly more time “Why? What did she want?” said. rushed over to Rosa, held out his ness .see II Kings 15:18». The story is required in filling orders for a few of "She said that if you had low­ Tina said in Italian: “I heard you arms, and said: “Okay, fatso, let's of that downfall is a sad picture of the most popular pattern numbers. ered yourself to come and see me breathing in church last Sunday. dance.” Send your order to: unbelief and failure. on my fish-boat, I could lower my­ Rosa understood from his gestures I. Religion Meets Politics (I Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. self to go and see you in the Palaz­ what he meant, and she stood up Kings 12:26-30). Box 3217 San Francisco i, Calif. zo. She wanted me to invite you to A Pott laughing. The tipsy Captain and his Jerusalem, now in the rival king­ Enclose 16 cents for Pattern Cereal come to our house tonight to help huge partner careened around the dom of Judah, was the center of | eat some torrone which my daugh­ No. room. After a couple of turns Rosa Hebrew worship. While the people ter Tina made. My wife is a diffi­ collapsed into a chair. Name. of Israel were free to go there | cult woman. 1 hate her. She thinks Then Captain Purvis danced with to worship, Jeroboam saw that it Address she is the authority in my house." Francesca, and Major Joppolo with might lead to their being led away Major Joppolo said: "Please be from him. It was a shrewd political Tina. They stamped and laughed so good as to tell your wife that and talked above the music until deduction, but it left God out of the even though her husband was so Tomasino said glumly: “You are picture. reluctant in the delivery of her mes­ He established new centers of making too much noise. You will sage, the Major would be delighted worship, where calves of gold were wake the girls.” to accept.” Tina ran over and toned the radio set up. They were probably in­ Tomasino said: "1 am of half a tended to be a symbol of God. but down a little. mind not to tell her. I hate her.” they bespeak the folly of mixing "The girls?” the Major said, Promptly at nine o’clock Major Tina blushed. She said: "My worldly things with the things of When opening a can of paint, Joppolo knocked on the door at 9 God. They become an abomination sister's daughters.” jab two holes on either side of the Tomasino Via Vittorio Emanuele, and a snare. “Francesca's?” In 1942, eur first year at war, can near the top. Stretch a opened the door, but did not show The people responded to the ap­ “Oh. no, of my sister who is in 4' zkb of the rubber consumed wire through the holes and it can the slightest pleasure at having a parent interest of the king in their Rome.” in the U. S. was synthetic; In then be used to remove excess visitor. 1943, 35%, and In 1944 80%. Major Joppolo did not think to welfare, and worshiped at the most paint from the brush without "Come in," he grumbled, At the present time, more ask why the daughters were in Ada- convenient place. Religion had met causing the paint to harden on The Major stepped in und tried than 85% is synthetic. no and the mother in Rome; or why politics, and had let politics take the the sides of the can. to shake his hand but could not find Tina blushed; or why she did not upper hand. The synthetic rubber Industry Is us­ it in the dark. Someone has suggested that seem very anxious to talk any more ing soap at the rate of 100,000,- A soap shaker may be made by "Wt have to climb many stairs," when we begin to fii.d ways to mat e about the sleeping girls. 000 pounds a year —enough to fastening together two worn pre­ Tomasino complained. cover the needs of the population “Let's dance some more,” she our religion easy, we can be cer­ war tea strainers of same size. As a matter of fact, there was tain that it is the enemy of our of Chicago for one year. said. This homemade gadget makes it only one flight. At the top of it souls who is at work. When Satan they danced until they were possible to whip up an excellent A new kind of synthetic rub­ they turned into a brightly lighted begins to be solicitous about our sweating in the midsummer ber hat been developed from suds in the dishpan in a short hallway. Tomasino led the Major welfare and suggest that it is too heat. lactic ocid (buttermilk). time, thus utilizing all soap scraps through the hallway to a narrow par­ far to go to church, or that the It was Tina who said: "Some as they accumulate. lor. This parlor belied the unsocia­ weather is too cold (or too warm), The B. F. Goodrich Company hat fresh air. Mister Major?” — a — bility of Tomasino. for its furniture made experimental tires of rubber He said: “That would be a good etc., etc., we should be on guard. To avoid fatigue while you are consisted almost exclusively of produced from kok-saghyz, the Rut­ Religious ease was a big step idea." ironing or doing any work where tian dandelion. chairs a sure sign, in Adano, of downward for Israel, and it can be Tina said: “We can go right out you remain long in one spot, frequent and numerous guests Be­ for any other nation. Where does here." stand on a heavy rug or rubber sides the chairs there were only a America stand in that important She slipped out through wooden mat. large Italian radio in one corner matter? shutter doors onto a narrow bai- and a round table in the center The II. A Queen Meets a Prophet (1 Eggs which are very cold sepa- "I've never been so happy in my cony over the dark street, and the Kings 19:1-4. 13b-18). room was so narrow that from the Major followed her. chairs on either side one could reach life." Elijah under the mighty hand of rate more easily. Break them as Tina closed the shutter doors be­ whatever was on the table. God had defied the wicked king. soon as they come out of the ice You ought to take more exercise, hind the Major. Two guests had arrived before Ahab, and his more wicked queen, box if the yolks and whites are Mister Major." The two stood against the cool iron their identity the Major, and sur- Jezebel; yes. and all the prophets to be used separately. Major Joppolo said: “1 was late. of the balcony railing and looked — 9 — of Baal, and had been gloriously prised him. I was very late I got working on up at the sharp stars. Tina said Squeeze a little lemon juice victorious I Kings 18:17 41». “Hi. Major.” said Captain Pur- something, and I lost track of time “Do you like it here?" vis, who looked as if he had been The queen, who was devilish in through the meat grinder before 1 had to run to church, It was very Major Joppolo said: "I've never into a couple of bottles of wine. her wickedness and determination grinding dates, figs, prunes or rais­ embarrassing.” been so happy in my life.” “Giuseppe told me tht old fish- to destroy the worship of the true ins and they will leave the chop­ Tina said: "You had Father Pen- “That seems strange." Tina said, hound here had a couple of pretty God, threatened the prophet He per more teadily. sovecchio worried I could tel) by “when you're so far from home.” daughters I was getting kitida lone who had met the challenge of the “Im not so far from home, in a the way he got mixed up in his serv­ Dusting with talcum or corn­ hundreds of prophets fled in fear some Giuseppe here told me he'd way. ice.” Florence is almost a home bring me up. Good I old Giuseppe.” before the relentless hatred of this starch will help keep rubber Major Joppolo said “Do you go to me. My father and mother were venomous woman. gloves from sticking together on “Good night, a boss. said Giu- from a little town near Florence." to church every Sunday"” seppe. He was i much embarri ssed; The prophet felt that al) was lost. the inside. The powder is dusted “Where are you from, in Ameri Tina said: "Of course ” but God revealed to him that even both on the inside and on the out­ he had had no idea that the Majoi Major Joppolo was able to talk ca I mean?” would show up in that dark day there were many side. This should be done to any “The Bronx. Tina." with Tina, interrupted only once in who were still true to Him tv. 18». rubber material that lies folded. The Major was just as rinbar- “Where is that, the Bronx?" a while by bursts from the mother rassed as Giuseppe. He was think- It is a precious and encouraging bit “New York.” and gales of laughter all around the of light in an otherwise dark scene. mg of thi e sentences from the Am- "The Bronx is part of New York room, except from Tomasino, who got notebook: “Don’t play favorites Our main interest in this lesson is City?" stared moodily at the floor Be careful about invita- not the experience of the prophet, “Sometimes I think New York The Major said: “Do you always but in seeing the cause of Israel's tions. ..." go to the Church of San Angelo?" City is part of the Bronx.” “Why, hello,” the downfall. Here we see one great "Oh. 1 should love to go there This time it was Tina who “Haven't seen the c reason—every king of Israel was a blushed “No." she said "Giu­ Is the Bronx beautiful" Is it beau- tain Purvis said. "Th< wicked man. Some were better and seppe told me you were going to tiful for Florentines in the Bronx? in the kitchen She' some worse, but all of them forgot be there I wanted to see what How would it be for someone from The Major sat down stiffly God. the American Major was like Most Adano?” Captain Purvis said “Say, I A nation is on the downward path “For m.v Florentine parents. I Sundays I go to the Church of the when its rulers forge» God. What didn't know you were an old hand Bencdettini " think it is beautiful, yes. it is beau­ ■ round here, you dog Whv don't about our own nation? What about Major Joppolo said: “What did tiful In Italy they were just poor the elected representatives of the you tell me about these good things" you think of the American Major"” peasants, and you know it is not people? Do we choose men for pub­ You old bum. I thought you never Tina said “He breathes very very beautiful for most of lhe peas lic office because of their Christian did anything but work Tell me. loudly, like the leaky bellows of the ants here. There my father is a faith and character, or on how are these chickens"” pi|H> organ at the Bencdettini." waiter He has a very good job, in Major Joppolo said weakly basis of political expediency or I The Major laughed the University Club, it is a very dilation" haven't Seen the girls, except one of “Have a piece of torrone,” Tina nice atmosphere, all the chairs are them in church. This is my first III. A Nation Meets Its Doom said "1 made it." leather like in the Palazzo and the Kings 17:7, 81. time here " One could not very well turn down walls are al! panelled My mother The hour had struck when God's Captain Purvis, who was unques an invitation put just that way. so has a washing machine Father has tionably tipsy, said Hey. sjieak heavy hand of judgment had to fall the Major took a big piece The a car It is very beautiful for them. mg of chickens, I heard one the oth­ on Israel, the northern kingdom of For me. it was not al- candy «us passed all around the 1 think 10 tribes. Verse 6 of this chapter You remember where Hoo er day JOEY: G •, Mom' I almost had to tell their Moms how easy it is to room, and fol a time all conversa­ ways so beautiful." relates their carrying away into cap­ ver said once that he was going to fight to ke-p the i- died Buns you put make those buns and other wonder­ "Why not. Mister Major?” tion stoi’ped Nothing could be in my lunch box! fix it so there would be a chicken tivity to Assyria, and verses 7-9 tell ful treats with Fleischmann's yellow heard except the crunching of nuts "Well. it's hard to explain You i us the reason for that judgment. in every pot" Well. 1 heard the oth MOM: Well, Joey, we ll Just have to label Yeast! between teeth and the smacking see. I grew up in America. I could er day that after the U S Army was Ingratitude for God's blessing tv. sound of boiled sugar coming un­ see that the Bronx was not the around these Italian towns for a 7» led to the worship of other stuck from tieth. During this time most beautiful place in America 1 while their was going Io be a chick gods (v 8' They knew God's hatred always wanted a little more than of chewing. Major Joppolo couldn't en on every lap ” AND ANOTHER THING, EPtTH... for the sin of idolatry, and His I don't know, it's hard to help thinking how strange it was to we had The Captain roared with laugh judgment upon those who walked FLEISCHAUNN5 IS THE ONLY rot Mr build a whole evening around the explain.” ter Giuseppe, although he had no in that wav, but they went right yeast for BAKING THAT HAS “No," said Tina, "you don't have eating of torrone. but that seemed idea what the point was laughed on. ADDED AMOUNTS OF BOTH to explain. 1 know what it is to be to be the program. politely. The Major was horrified Note m verse 9 that these things VITAMINS A AND 0, AS WELL That's why my hair is When he dared. Major Joppolo restless. Oy ’ **,r*«