Illinois Valley News, Thursday, November 23, 1944 FARMERS MAY HELP WITH TAX NOTES How farmers may earn a good rate of interest on money set aside for taxes and at the same time materially assist the 6th War Loan drive was pointed out last week in a plan endorsed by the Ameri­ can Bankers’ Association War Loan Committee, which suggested purchase of Series C Tax Notes during the coming war bond drive. The committee drew attention CLASSIFIED ADS LOST—Ration Book No. 4, issued I to Herman T. Borgman. If found please deliver to News office, Cave Junction. GIFT SHOP—Lovely home made articles, aprons, embroidery pieces, all kinds of baby sets, Christmas cards, decorated sta­ tionery. “Willadora”, opposite Frederick’s Camp. 27-8tc STATE FARMERS TO GET MILLIONS FOR DAIRY PRODUCTS LOST—Hub cap for Oldsmobile. Finder please notify C. V. Lack­ ey, P. O. Box 41, O’Brien, Ore. 30-ltp ABSTRACTS — Title insurance, affiliated with Commonwealth, Inc., Josephine County Abstract Co., 217-219 No. 6th St., Grants Pass. _______________________________ _ | FOR SALE—Two lots, very reas­ onable. H. Elroy, Kerby, Ore. | 30-4tp WANTED—Some one to cut wood standing, small timber and pil­ ing tops. Will furnish buzzsaw and give 70 per cent and take 30 per cent tiered up. O. C. Larsen, Cave Junction. 30-2tc j FOR SALE—Winter apples, good cooking. Also some Delicious, 5c per pound. Bring contain­ ers. Mrs. Ed Bayse, Takilma. . 30-ltp FOR SALE—Two wheel trailer. Inquire at News office. 27-tfc FOR SALE or TRADE—Large 2 wheel trailer for Fordson trac­ tor. Excellent rubber. O. C. Bryant, Takilma. 30-ltp FOR QUICK SALE — Modern house with screened porch. Al­ ready connected with wood stove and hot water heater. Newly laid linoleum on floors. Includes about one acre of ground. Lib- eral terms with small down pay­ ment. Last chance for good buy. Inquire IL F. Cramer at Cramer's garage, Cave Junction. 80-ltp FURNITURE When you need New or Used Furniture, think of Manchel’s. Keep up the home the boys are fighting for. Man- chel's Furniture, 112 N. 6th St.. Grants Pass. -2-tf. to a provision of the Individual In­ come Tax Act of 1944, relating to payment of estimated 1944 tax by farmers, defined as those deriving two-thirds of their gross income from farming. The law has post­ poned until January 15. 1945, fil­ ing and full payment of farmers’ estimated tax returns for 1944. Thus farmers advantageously may purchase Series C Tax Notes dur­ ing the coming war bond drive, ap­ plying them on tax payments when due. Attention was called to the fact that Series C notes will only be accepted as tax payment during | and after the second calendar montlj after the month of pur- chase. Purchase of Series C notes for payment of January taxes, therefore, must be made on or be­ fore November 30, 1944. ------------- o. LOG CABIN GARAGE Selma, Oregon General Auto Repairing Motor Tune-up — Lubrication Art Dedrick, Prop. DYNAMITE Try Valley Lumber Co. if you need blasting powder. 221 West F St., Grants Pass. 44-tfc FOR REAL VALUES in used fur­ niture and household goods Try Hollywood Specialty Shop We buy, sell and Exchange. 626 South 6th Grants Pass LISTINGS WANTED — Country and town property, acreage, ranches, and business opportuni­ ties. Leave listings at Dorothy's Dinnette, Cave Junction, our valley office. Geo. P. Chalker, realtor. 26-tf income tax purposes. For those’’ farmers already keeping a regular set of books or farm accounts, the filling out of a return will be rela­ tively simple, says Svinth. For those who have not kept books, it I still is not too late to gain some advantage by using a prepared account book to record tb-e year’s transactions from memory. The farm management depart­ ment of Oregon State College has prepared three kinds of account books, all of which are available at the county agent’s office. These are a five-year inventory book, an Oregon cash farm record book, and the complete Oregon farm account book. For those who desire a sim­ ple book in which to record the year's business transactions in ad­ vance of making the income tax return, the Oregon cash farm ac­ count book is recommended by the I county agent’s office. Youngblood's Market KERBY, OREGON THE - HEART - OF - ILLINOIS - VALLEY Happy Thanksgiving To All During the one-year period that i the dairy feed program has been in effect, nearly four million dol­ lars in dairy payments have been distributed to the state’s farmers and dairyfen through the county AAA committee, R. T. Taylor, state chairman, reports. Payments are being made now for the months of September and October at the rates of 70 cents a hundredweight for whole milk and 10 cents a pound for butterfats. Producers are asked to submit their evidence on sales as soon as possible, with December 31 the closing dates for filing September- October applications. Taylor points out that the dairy production payments have helped to maintain war-needed milk by relieving the squeeze on dairy pro­ ducers who were caught between rising feed costs and fixed ceiling prices for their products. As a part of the hold-the-line program, the payments have been effective in preventing an inflationary price spiral for dairy products, the chair- , man said. Building Materials we now have 2x4, 2x6, 2x12, 1x6, 1x12 lumber in stock. Bring in vour lumber list and we will try and fill it. Cook Lumber Co. L I With December 15 the import­ ant annual income tax date for farmers, the county agent’s office has obtained a supply of explan- I individual­ fur need». .,ed ir-ttrument 1 cement Panel Doors, Glass Doors, Wyr-o-Glass, Glass-O- Net, Buillers Hardware, Hardwood Flooring, Cement, Fir-Tex, ('(imposition Shingles. Double Hung Windows and Sash, Plywood, Paint, V arnish, Paint Brushes, Linseed Oil, Tur­ pentine, Sheet Rock. Flex Board. Easy Bookkeeping System for Farmers FOR SALE—International truck, 36-C 30, long wheel base, 4 new tires, 700x20. J. A. Hembree, Rt. 1, Box 266 Cave Junction. HAVE BUYERS for ranches, large and small. You furnish the property and we furnish the buyers. List with Sam J. Mil­ ler, Muir Auto Court, Cave Junction. 5-tf atory bulletins, report blanks and other information for any farmers in Josephine county desiring such assistance. County Agent Jens F. Svinth announced today. The bulletin, issued by the Unit­ ed States department of agricul­ ture, is entitled "Farm Bookkeep­ ing and the Federal Income Tax ’. It is a revision of a similar bulle­ tin issued a year ago and brought up to date in line with the provi sions of the 1944 tax law. While the individual income tax act of 1944 simplified some of the re­ quirements. it did not materially affect the problem of determining the net profit from farm opera­ tions, Svinth explains. The bulletin explains the kinds of records that are needed for tax purposes, discusses returns made on both the case and accrual basis, and shows how the various farm operations are to be reported for Page Three CAMP U-REST CAVE JUNCTION Send The Illinois Valley News To Your Friends Next time you hear a Southern Pacific train whistle in the night, think of it as something more than a loflely, haunting sound. It is a reassuring sound—a promise that even while you sleep, the war trains are rolling. It’s the confident voice of an industry that’s doing the biggest job in its history, and will be in there pitching long after the war is over. Wouldn’t you like to know the language of the train whistles? Below we show you: What S. R train whistles mean JAMES RICHMOND 632 North Fifth Street Grantg Pass, Oregon WINDOW FRAMES Any kind or any size made at Valley Lumber Co. 221 West F St Phone 47 ALMANAC- We haven’t room to explain all the whistles, but here are the commonest ones. The ”o” stands for a short sound, the dash means a longer sound. M M O M Warning a highway crossing. whistle when train is approaching O O O When train ia running, this means it will stop at next station, which is not a regular stop. If train is stand­ ing still, this signal warns that it is about to back up. One long whistle is sounded a mile before train reaches stations, railroad crossings, drawbridges, etc. ■M M O O O Signal for brakeman to protect rear of train. He must go down the track with necessary flagman’s signals. O O O M Signal for brakeman to protect front of train. M M M M NOVEMBER fu» 25-Order manufacturers give women same pay as men. 1942 lliis signal orders brakeman to return from the west. M M M M M Thia signal recalls brakeman from the east e LOST—Buckskin horse with "OK” brand on hip, rope halter and leather bridle, south of Bridge­ view. Finder cal) Ed Bayse or Takilma store. A Morton, own­ er. 25-tf FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE In­ surance. See L. A. Athey at the News office. tf Publish first issue of Con­ necticut Courant. 1764. 27—French blow up fleet as Nazis enter Toulon, 1942 28 - Indians destroy Sarato­ ga. N. Y, 1745. .20—Maj. Roberts takes por session of Detroit. 1760. ®Thar,k«glving Day MOO Thia tells other trains that a second section is following. O O This is the engineer’s answer to most signals from other trains. O O O O O O A succession of short sounds is a warning to persona or livestock on the track. DECEMBER FOR LEASE OR RENT—60 acres. 30 under cultivation water right. Good buildings. House furnished. See L. E. Athey, News office. CLASSIFIED ADS Sure get good results. Someone might have the thing you want, or you might have what someone else wants. Two-bits makes a bargain. 1—Baron Steuben under training of Colo any. 1777. Complete Line of U. S. TIRES Recapping and Repairing DUCKWORTH The Tire Man Grants Pass S'P The friendly Southern Pacific