Illinois Valiev News, Thursday. November 16. 1911 CLASSIFIED ADS Joint Meeting of Ixxige In Kerby, Nov. 28th WANTED—Acreage to plan-t on share i. Sec Wendell Lee. Rt. 1, There will be a joint meeting Cave •■unction 28 Ilf of I. O, O. F. lodge of Grants Pass GIFT SHOP—Lovely home made and the I. O. O. F.’s of Kerby at articles, aprons, embroidery the Odd Fellows hall in Kerby, pieces, all kinds of baby sets, Tuesday, November 28th, when the Christmas cards, decorated sta­ degree work will be the featured tionery. “Willadora”, opposite part of the evening. All members Frederick’s Camp. 27-8tc and visitors are invited to attend. ABSTRACTS — Title insurance, affiliated with Commonwealth, Inc., Josephine County Abstract Co., 217-219 No. 6th St., Grants Pass. COMPLETE DISPERSAL AUC­ TION SALE of herd of 35 pure­ bred Jersey cattle; production tested and classified; construc­ tive breeder award. November 15, 1944, Josephine County Fairgrounds, Grants Pass. Ore­ gon. Write for catalog, M. G. Gunderson, Silverton, Ore., sales manager. Col. Hughes, Forest Grove, Oregon, auctioneer. JER­ SEY PARADISE FARM, Geo. R. Riddle, owner, Grants Pass, Ore. 2t FRYERS FOR SALE—Mrs. Cock- shutt on old Waldo road, second house on the left. 29-ltp FOR SALE—Two wheel trailer. Inquire at News office. 27-tfc STRAYED to George Wells ranch on Caves highway, one Jersey heifer and one Jersey steer, short yearlings. Owner please claim and pay for pasture, feed and care and this adv. Have been here since August 15. George Wells, Rt. 1, Box 156. 27-ltc FOR SALE—1930 4-door Dodge sedan, fair tires, good motor. Car in good condition. Inquire News office. 29-ltp FURNITURE — When you need New or Used Furniture, think of Manchel’s. Keep up the home the boys are fighting for. Man- chel's Furniture, 112 N. 6th St., Grants Pass. -2-tf. An early increase in electric service to Oregon farms not now reached by power lines is in pros­ pect as soon after the war closes as materials are available, accord­ ing to a report from the rural elec­ trification administration just re­ ceived by the OSC extension serv­ ice. This report shows that a seven million dollar postwar expansion program is already planned in Or­ egon, which will bring electricity to about 13,300 new consumers within three years after materials are released. Of the expenditures planned, five million dollars would be used to buill distribution lines and two million dollars to finance related facilities. The Oregon ex­ pansion program, already approved is part of the total five-year rural electrification program, which in­ cludes private as well as coopera­ tive agencies. ------------ o------------ Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Grant from Los Angeles, have moved to the valley in their home where Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Barnes formerly lived. The Grants purchased this proper­ ty some years ago, but are now liv­ ing there. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes purchased 80 acres north of the cemetery where they recently built themselves a lovely five room house. ------------ o------------ BUY WAR BONDS LOG CABIN GARAGE Selma, Oregon General Auto Repairing Motor Tune-up — Lubrication Art Dedrick, Prop. DYNAMITE Try Valley Lumber Co. if you need blasting powder. 221 West F St., Grants Pass. 44-tfe DO YOU? DO YOU—miss the enjoyment of church« radio, movies, social groups? DO YOU—sit in the corner alone while your family and friends converse? DO YOU—know that the Aurex vacuum tube hearing aid enables deafened to bear whispers? DO YOU—know that you can have a home or office demonstration at no coat? Write for free booklet, ’’Hearing.** FOR SALE—Pre-war furniture, Rt. 1, Box 28, 1 *-2 miles from Cave Junction on Caves high­ way. 29-ltp FOR REAL VALUES in used fur- niture and household goods Try Hollywood Specialty Shop We buy, sell and Exchange. 626 South 6th Grants Pass WINDOW FRAMES Any kind or any size LOST Buckskin horse with “OK” brand on hip, rope halter and leather bridle, south of Bridge­ view. Finder call Ed Bayse or Takilma store. A Morton, own­ er. 25-tf FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE In­ surance. See L. A. Athey at the News office. tf FOR LEASE OR RENT—60 acres. 30 under cultivation water right. Good buildings. House furnished. See L. E. Athey. News office. CLASSIFIED ADS Sure get good results. Someone might have the thing you want, or you might have what someone else wants. Two-bits makes a bargain. FOR SALE—Milch cow. muscovy ducks, turkeys, chickens, etc. E. L. Bridant, Sucker bridge, near new saw mill. 29-ltp War Bonds REMEMBER COOKED FOOD SALE At Kellert’s Variety Store for the P.-T. A. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 18 tank he was driving when water in the fuel line caused it to stall, Pvt. Abe Fortner of Livermore, Ky., later returned, cleaned the fuel sedi­ ment bowl and got the machine in operation, while still under heavy fire. The tank, repeatedly hit, stalled and Fortner repeated his cleaning until it finally went up in a blaze. The private has a bronze medal for his feat but War Bonds must be sold to replace the tank. I’. S’. Treasury Department Molly McGuire—I told you to go to Youngblood's store for me. Fibber McGuire—Just as soon as I break this stick. Molly—I’ll break it over your head if you don’t hurry! Fibber—Gosh, that lingo of yours busted the darn thing, I’m gone. OPEN SUNDAYS FROM NOON TO 6 P. M. THEY WOULD READ YOUR AD TOO, IF IT APPEARED HERE TO THE VOTERS OF JOSEPHINE COUNTY Your overwhelming vote of confidence in electing me to my first term as Sher­ iff is deeply appreciated. In return I pledge to you such service in the conduct of my office as to merit your continued confidence. esfoti* LOYD LEWIS TOY • TO THE VOTERS SMART Of the Seventh Senatorial District Words fail me in expressing my appre­ ciation and gratitude for the splendid support you gave me last Tuesday. I fully realize it carries with it a solemn obligation that I will discharge to the best of my ability. Let me assure you that I am not going to Salem as a representative of any party, group or clique; but of all the people regardless of party or other af­ filiations. Sincerely, DR. W. A. MOSER we now have JAMES RICHMOND FOR SALE — 3 room modern house with screened porch, wood stove and hot water heater con­ nected, new floor coverings. About one acre of ground. Small down payment with liberal monthly terms. Inquine H. F. Cramer, at Cramer’s garage. Cave Junction. 29-ltp Headquarters for 14 /nefies of Swretnenl Building Materials WANTED—400 24 or 30 inch shakes or bolts. Contact or write Nat Woolley, Cave Junc­ tion, Ore. 39-ltp LISTINGS WANTED — Country and town property, acreage, ranches, and business opportuni­ ties. Leave listings at Dorothy's Dinnette, Cave Junction, our valley office. Geo. P. Chalker, realtor. 26-tf Youngblood's Market KERBY. OREGON THE - HEART - OF - ILLINOIS - VALLEY OREGON FARMS TO GET MORE RURAL ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR SALE—International truck. Many People Called 36-C 30, long wheel base, 4 new tires, 700x20. J. A. Hembree, Rt. 1, Box 266 Cave Junction. I HAVE BUYERS for ranches, large and small. You furnish the property and we furnish the buyers. List with Sam J. Mil- ler, Muir Auto Court, Cave Junction. 5-tf WEPOES ___________________________ by JULIAN OLLENDOnFF___________________________ Page Five 632 North Fifth Street Grants Pass, Oregon made at Valley Lumber Co. 221 West F St Phone 47 TOYS TOYS TOYS cement Panel Doors, Glass Doors, Wyr-o-Glass, Glass-O- Net, Buillcrs Hardware, Hardwood Flooring, Cement, Fir-Tex, Composition Shingles. Double Hung Windows and Sash, Plywood, Paint. Varnish. Paint Brushes, Linseed Oil, Tur­ pentine, Sheet Rock, Flex Board. 2x1. 2x6, 2x12, 1x6, 1x12 lumber in stock. Bring in your lumber list and we will try and fill it. Seventy-Five Anortad I 2.19 All drasicd up In a pretty dotted dress with a "reat big bonnet to match. Composition. Cook Lumber Co. CAVE JUNCTION CAMP U-REST Ambulance Service A wonderful gift for a little child. It’a a "Shoo Fly” with a galloping bore* design. Strongly made. DAY AND NIGHT We now have our complete line of Toys on display. Dolls, stuffed dolls, animals, wooden toys, doll houses, pre-school toy«, blocks and games for young and old. We invite you to come in and see our toys. £)o your Toy shopping early. Rogue River Hardware "Where Most People Trade” Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 388 It't Streamlined I LWL You put ’em to- r IT« getber and paint r ff'em. Builds five -¿L f doll». Set include» paint» and every- thing needed. L. B. Hall Funeral Home Mae M. Hall, Manager Near County Courthouse 5th and “C” Streets Grants Pass "Woodettes” $ 1.98 i I J I f f L Freight Train 1.79 ’.neomctlve and tender, yon lol», box rir, flat car with I’ l 'M, c.’.bo )-a. PRESENT That Lasts A Year —•— A SUBSCRIPTION TO The Home Newspaper Hannum & Kelt Firestone Sixth St., Between J and K Phone 520