Paire Four Illinois Valley News, Thursday, June 22, 1944 ocals Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farlien made a business trip to Grants Pass on Tuesday. Mrs. Lucy Riley and Mrs. Dor­ othy Krieger made a business trip to Grants Pass on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wendt and son Bob transacted business in Giants Pass on Wednesday. Q 0 Model Cash Grocery Q Cave Junction, Oregon O. W. GREEN, Proprietor 0 PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd AND 24th 0 0 Fruits and Vegetables Fresh and Cured Meat 5 à SQUARES POTATOES 0 New, 22c 33c BACON Per pound ...................................... 10 pounds for Tí ONIONS TUNA 35** 43c {/i Size cans, per can...................... 0 6 Pounds for MAYONNAISE, Best Foods 35c Tí 2 TOMATOES 35c Pounds for Pint jar PICKLES, Sweet Mustard 0 2 FIGS rJrJC Per jar ................................... Packages for Tí KIDNEY BEANS, Fancy BOILED HAM 65c 14c Per pound ....................................... 0 No. 2 (’ans......................... Chase & Sanborn BEANS Tí BAYO 33c 11c COFFEE, Reg. or Drip, pound package Per pound 0 PEACH PRESERVES SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR 28c 52c Package Pound jar Tí 2 MUSHROOMS, TROCO OLEOMARGARINE Stem and pieces 26c 43c 0 Per can Per pound .............................. BALL ZINC CAPS JUICE Tí 8 LEMON 25c 25c Package ................ Ounce cans, 2 cans for 0 RAISINS THRIFTY LIDS 10c 55c Package ........... ............ Tí 4 Pounds for HAY SALT WHEAT 67c 0 5 CRACKED 29c 50 pound sack Pound bag Tí PRUNE JUICE FLY SPRAY. Bif $1.20 29c Per gallon Per quart 0 WE WILL HAVE MORE Tí CANNING ■Crown Flour and Feeds' APRICOTS NEXT WEEK 0 0............................................................................. ... .................................. GJ : J. I. Sklar of the Pacific Coast Land company of Los Angeles, was in the valley last Tuesday on bus­ iness. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Dave Renfro, Mrs. Mel Gates and Mrs. Carl Zerkoph, made a business trip to Medford last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Reese R. Esgar left last Monday on a business trip to Porterville, Calif. They expect to be back the last of this week. —a— Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Johnson and sister Grace, of Merrill, Oregon, visited friends and relatives in the valley over the week end. —o— Olaf Larsen transacted business in Grants Pass Tuesday and also met his son and family there who will visit at the Larsen home for a while. —o--- Mrs. Elizabeth Fullerton left for her home in Santa Monica, Calif., after visiting her brother, W. T. Sherman and family for the past fortnight. —o--- Glenn Halm, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Halm, left via Greyhound for Portland Wednesday to take his physical examination for avia­ tion cadet. : : —..... ¿ Mrs. George James left on a business trip to Portland and be­ fore returning home will also visit f> ¡ends there. She will be gone about two weeks. —o--- Clarence Baird and his sister Grace Baird were in Grants Pass Monday. On Tuesday Clarence left for Ft. Lewis where he will recently purchased home, the has been given other acts passed be inducted into the army. Frank E. Barrett ranch. Mr. Bol­ by Congress. It happened that the ----- 0----- inger has owned several farms near OPA administration was more in Mrs. Russel McCrudy and child­ Grants Pass and disposed of them the public eye and has received the ren of Klamath Falls have been to make his home in the Illinois most attention. However, similar visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lewis valley. He plans to make addi­ administrative abuse« of other laws at Bridgeview, ami other residents tional improvements on the ranch are occurring. .The Wagner Labor and friend« in this vicinity. as soon as material is available. Relations Act is a reasonable stat­ —o— The Bolingers have one son, Earl, ute, but the administration of it Mr. und Mrs. L. A. Stone who in the navy and Robert and Helen has caused strikes, confusion, and recently sold their home on the are in Los Angeles. bad relations. There are numer­ Redwoods highway, were in the ous other minor examples. Since valley last Tuesday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lew Holland and the courts as presently constituted I friends. They have purchased a Clara Mayes of Lakeview were vis- generally uphold the Administra­ i ranch near Merlin where they will tors in the valley last week with tion, we are dangerously near, un­ make their home. friends They brought with them der this Administration, a change —o— Jerry Anderson, son of Archie An­ in the form of our Republic from Edith Ingram of Medford was derson who will spend his summer a three-branch government, name­ a guest at the Trefethen home vaction with his grandmother, Mrs. ly legislative, administrative and over the week end. She is a daugh­ Elizabeth Holland at Bridgeview. I judicial, to a government of only ter of Bill Tycer and came to spend While here Mrs. Mayes made a trip two branches, namely administra­ l ather day with him. Sally Daw- to Crescent City to see her mother, tive and legislative. Since the Con­ - >n of Portland also visited there Mrs. Maggie Gates, who has been gress cannot write administrative the past week. very ill. detail into law, we are placed in a i -- i Q- ■ i very difficult, not to say impos­ o Mr John Ulrich and son John­ sible, situation. As I see it, the ny returned to her home in Hol-, I only way of reestablishing the Re­ Washington Letter ■o' <| alter a month’s visit in Klam­ public under the Constitution is to I ath l ulls with Mr. ami Mrs. Ulrich (Cortlnued from Page One) go back to the three-branch system Si She was accompanied by Mrs. to write administrative detail into of government. Ulrch Sr., who will spend a few any statute The best that could Weeks as a guest of her daughter- be done, therefore, in addition to in-law and her sister, Mrs. J. H. throwing certain other safeguards Dow on Caves highway. around the administration of the — o--— law was to provide a system of ap­ i Friday and Saturday, June 23-24 Mi .u <| Mrs. W. A. Bolinger and “THE HEAVENLY BODY” peal through the courts from UFA < lnl.Ii en. Shirley, Howard, Gary Hedy Lamarr rulings. Also Disney Cartoon It is true that some minor groups I sought the passage of amendments Sun., Mon., Tues. Afternoon 'Holy Smoke!” the preacher that would give their interests spe­ June 25th,'26th and 27th "FLESH AND FANTASY” shouted, “Someone set the church cial advantage. The House was Edward G. Robinson on fire! ' And we are right in the well aware of those moves, and all BOND PREMIERE middle of a covered dish supper such amendments were killed. Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m. with plenty of Huhrer’s Enriched There were a few also who sought Camp White Stage Show to wreck the functioning of the Bread. —PLUS— law. but these attempts were also On the Screen TWO GIRUS AND A SAILOR” voted down by large majorities. Van Johnson ♦ ♦ • What happened during the past Wed., Thur»., Fri., and Sat.. 29th. 30th Julv 1st two years of administration of the June 29th. •JACK LONDON' Price Control law is very similar Michael O’Shea, Susan Hayward to the type of administration that I KERBY VARIETY STORE Come Home FLASH LIGHT BATTERIES ( In Technicolor) DISHES, UTENSILS ! GIFTS, Etc. i BUY WAR BONDS Al SO NEWS AND SHORTS r j Open from 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. J Enjoy a Meal Out 1 • j Give the Wife a Rest I I Home Baked Pastry 0 i » I » 0 A Neighborly Cafe You Will Like For Drugs, Toiletries Fountain Service Come to OWL PHARMACY 9 & 0 & 0 In Grants Pass Reliable Watch Repairing J. L. JOHNSON I 0 » 0 h 0 Cave Junction ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY I & DRY CLEANERS Agencies I Barber Shop. Cave Junction Lew Hammer, Selma Waldo Motel, O'Brien h 0 is ¡DR. A. N. COLLMAN| Naturopathic Phyiici.n : - = Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 i 5 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. Sherman’, Camp Cave Junction a........... ........................................ GRANTS PASS HOTEL THIS MONTH MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 "G’’ Street Grants Pass, Oregon WARDROBE CLEANERS INSTEAD AUTNOaiKD tttTftlBUTO* STANDARD OIL PAOOUCTS AH AS VIM! AMC compiiti itMOt ^gíííFI ■ I TTL1P (in UMAIV COTTAGI! GATEWAY TO TMf OAEOON CAVIS K. C. (KEN) Hamilton Texaco Gas, Oil, Greases Cave Junction Illinois Valley Parts and Service Walter Freeman — Ray Wilson Grants Pass Mail your cleaning and press­ ing work to us — We will mail it back cleaned and pressed. WINDOW FRAMES Any kind or any size made at Valley Lumber Co. .221 West F St Phone 47 We Carry a Complete Line of ( ROSS CUT SAWS Building Material Filed at Shell Service Station Ar CLINT HARDS Ready to take away! SHINGLES ’ (ELOTEX WALLBOARD ACME PAINTS TENKOTE Cave Junction HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Liquid A>br*to> Roofing—10 Year Guarantee Ambulance service day or nite 210 West “A” Grants Pass Lumber Co. Phone 334 —BUY WAR BONDS— South Approach to Caveman Bridge Rivoli Theater E 1 w ii< h tor Special JULY Ith SHOW Announcement Cave Junction J SKIP BUYING A TIRE CAVE CITY THEATER \\ rh RODI») Ma. DOWELL and LASSIE I Fluhrer’s Enriched Bread Carl A. Townsend, S. F. 1/c spent four days with his wife and fully enriched. Try it today. baby in Kerby. He left for Ocean­ side, Calif., to await further ord­ ers. Mrs. Townsend will be re­ membered as Winnie Hassler, graduate of the 1941 Kerby high school class. Rogue Theater SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. JUNE 24th AND 25th 0 & 9 & 0 1 I McCRACKEN ~ ’S CAFEi 1 Friday a d Sat ir.' v. June 23-2 I "WDM \N OF THE TOWN’ Clane T r PLUS— "HAT CHECK HONEY" Grace McD >nald And 3rd Chapter •’BATMAN" : I Sun., Mon.. Tues., June 25. 26, 27 "WHISPERING FOOTSTEPS ’ John Hubbard —ALSO— “BANJO ON MY KNEE” Barbara Stanwyck Wed.. Thurs.. Fri.. and Sat. June 29. 29. 30. July 1 WEEKEND PASS" Martha O’Driscoll —AND— Mr. and Mrs. A. Kellert “SUNDOWN VALLEY” Charles Starrett Mii ■ ' I <<*«!•!«!••*«••• •«•••<•*«««••*< ■ ■««<(•£ I and 4th Chapter "BATMAN’ 7:15 p . m . Farm Fencing Several Sizes Now In Stock STEEL FENCE POSTS — Won’t rot or burn Prices are still pre-war. No increase 2-Inch Mesh POULTRY NETTING BUY BONDS — BUY MORE THAN BEFORE Rogue River Hardware S i '« m "Where Most People Trade” Grants Pass. Oregon Si?e* ’ DON LEE-MUTUALÀ LOWELL THOMAS ►NEWS"* TIME Standard of California