Illinois Valley News. Thursday. April 6, 1911 I CLASSIFIED ADS VICTORY GARDEN WORK PRAISED FLOWER LOVERS CHOICE VARIETIES of plants still available. Members of the Illinois Valley Garden club will be in charge at the News office. Make your selections early. WANTED- A good h.mie for a seven months old pup. Very smart, well broke around the house. See Mae Haynes. Caves highway. 49-ltp There was a typographical errdr last week giving a sailor’s address. Here it is corrected: Russell St. John, I 2 6 U. S S. Ard 6, care Fleet Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. He would like to hear from the boys if the valley i.i the serv­ ice. FURNITURE — When you need New or Used Furniture, think of Manchel's. Keep up the home the boys are fighting for. Man- chel's Furniture, 112 N. 6th St.. Granta P -tf FOR SALE CHEAP—Model T mo­ tor block and parts and other miscellaneous items. Bill Haynes, Caves highway. 49-ltp ABSTRACTS — Title insurance, affiliated with Commonwealth. Inc., Josephine County Abstract Co., 217-219 No. 6th St., Grants Pass. FOR SALE—6x9 Wilton rug, good condition. Inquire News office. FOR SALE—Semi-modern 4 room house and 10 acres with ISO foot frontage on Caves highway. See L. E. Athey at the News office. NOTICE E. E. DOPERA will pay cash for your old furniture, pianos, over­ stuffed. What have you? Phone 86, Hollywood Specialty Shop, 626 So. 6th st., Grants Pass. In Grants Pass Fancy anti assorted Lunch Meats. Pickles. Potato ( hips. Cookies, Sandwich Spreads. Jellies and Jams. William M. Jeffers (right). president of the Union Pacific Railroad and chairman of the Industrial Advisory Garden Committee of the National Victory Garden Institute, presents the Institute's plaque to II. D. Collier, president of Standard of California, for the oil com­ pany's outstanding work in the Victory Garden movement in 1943. The presentation took place in New York. Collier assured Jeffers Standard had an even broader War Garden program this year. OFF IN A CORNER WITH PHIL SNORT i WARDROBE CLEANERS I Î I 5TAIORUF PROCESS S’ 'i. x ,5 .8 -Louisiana admitted a» 18th state. 1812. ' We e have added another service for our customers which t we believe they will find inviting during the year. . We now stock bulk ice cream, and have this delicacy now on hand. It will be a pleasure to serve you. Easter. Senate ratifies treaty for rurch.:n» of Alaska. 1867. > JP-''£ I TEE *'** . a X 10—Robt Patterson build« (on on site of Lexington. Ky, 1779. I I OPENED RECENTLY 11—U. S. expedition to Ama- JadAAUjr k . zon river lands at Para. •T7 - »*** 1852. Ì Barton s Beauty Shop 12— American Railway Union organized, 1893. 13— Henry Ford starts com- mereiai aviation. 1925. ’ 14— Office of SurgeonGen eral of army created. 1818. WHU U. S. TIRES Recapping and Repairing DUCKWORTH The Tire Man I 518 East F Stieet. Opp s te Post Office, in Grants Pass I I I Offering the popular price permanent waves as well as the nationally known Helene Curtis Cold Wave. i Ì For appointments phone 462-R or post card will reserve appointment. LEE BARTON Owner and op 'iator, formerly with the Peter Pan Beauty Salon ❖ BnmniflnB n u¡faainnnntinn i un nxini2n¡ni ainm 5nnr:iJu:iñutn!íñ?:nímt:tüññ:*ñHnñ:!!uT:::;n.:T.m /iiimmiiiudunuiniirr:untnrLg ^..iinfiiniiannu tnaïuûiniuûiûmmi LINE-UP ON ME HOME FRONT MEANS KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURNING FOR THE BOYS WHEN THEY COME HOMI Ambulance Service DAY AND NIGHT PHONE 388 L B. Hall Funeral Home Near County Courthouse •'»th . n.l “C" Streets Grants Pass FOR SALE—10 acres, close in. 4 room house, garage, chicken house, wood shed, electric water pressure system, some wood tim­ ber. Dandy location close in for home or business. 3 acres have been cleared. All on paved h gh- way. Write owner, P. O. Box 246, Cave Junction. 49-1 tc A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time Buy Quick - Easy - Safe War Write or call for complete information— Bonds First Grants Pass Branch of the United States National Bank Hood Ottico, Portland, Oregon if lit num V ? V» c »' mi« uncí co * poh « tion The World's News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor »' An International Daily Neu spacer $ i» Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Free from Sensational­ ism— Editorial« Are I imel) and Initructive and It* Daily Feature«. Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. »' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 S You now have an opportunity to buy those extra pieces of Furniture for the home that you have wanted for some time that we were unable to secure until just recently, but now our stock is quite complete. We have a generous supply of those little things that make the home more beautiful. We cordially invite you to come in and inspect our new stock—it is the largest we have ever had. Now is a good time to buy what you need. Th. Christian Science Publishing Society One Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price 1 12.00 Yearly, or JI 00 a Month. r ! v I . •• in, lading Magazine Section, ll 60 a Year Introductory Offer. 6 Saturday Issue* 25 Cent«. Name......................................................................................................... ... Addr MANCHEL'S “Furniture 112 N SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Grants Pass Xi® I I I I I I Complete Line of ( all Wednesdays EGGERS SHOE SHOP located in Drews building where hotel was formerly. Open every day ex­ cept Sunday. Your patronage appreciated. Several pair good work shoes for sale. 47-tf In the name of the State of Or- eon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en­ titled suit within four (4) weeks from the date of first publication of this summons which date of first publication is March 16. 1944. and if you fail to so appear and answer within the time aforesaid Plaintiff will apply to the said court for the relief prayed for in the complaint herein, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore ex­ isting between plaintiff and de­ fendant. and decreeing plaintiff an absolute divorce front the De- pCj I i STRAYED—One Jersey cow has strayed onto my place. Cow is dry now. Owner please call and take her and pay for this ad. Clyde Runyan, West Side high­ way. 49-ltp Aubrey C. Hamrick. Plaintiff, vs. Louise Rebekah Hamrick, de­ fendant. Of APRIL w 7' i Grants Pass Mail your cleaning and press­ Dear I d: We have a bouncing ing work to us — We will mail little girl that can coo and goo and it back cleaned and pressed. splutter, sigh and cry and blink her eye and many noises utter, so we’ve named this little tot Oleo, Windows and Doors! ’cause we haint got any but her. So me and Kate have set up See late to pen these lines to you. a Valley Lumber Co. word or so, about Oleo so you will for your repair jobs not fret and stew. She came» to 221 W. F St. Phone 47 bless our home 1 gue.s, the finest thing we ever had; a beauty, too. and I tell you she looks just like her dad. She's not big, this little sprig and not so blooming small, ’FRENCH LAUNDRY fiom morn till night she’s just all & DRY CLEANERS right, you never hear her squall. Now if you are half the friend that I Agencies you pretend, you'll don your coat Barber Shop, Cave Junction and lid, crank up your car and Lew Hammer, Selma come up hyar : nd see what Katy­ Waldo Motel, O’Brien did. PHIL. FOR SALE — Primroses, phlox, darlington ias, chrysanthemums, day lilies, coral bells, and flow­ ering shrubs, at reasonable pric­ es. Sponsored by the Garden club at the News office. SUMMONS I | j -f A new shipment of SWIFT’S PREMIUM BACON has arrived at our store. " ° j fendant, and such other relief as may be proper and equitable here­ in. This summons is published by order of the IL>n. H. K. Hanna. Judge of said Court made and en­ tered March 9, 1944 ordering publication hereof once a week for four * 11 ceei ive we ka. JAMES T. CHINNOCK. WATCH REPAIRING Will open Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoffice address: First National Bank for business Monday. April 10. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. J. L. Johnson in Krieger’s build­ ing, Cave Junction. 50-ltcJ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF JOS E- PH1NE. Do you find them a problem? Here are some suggestions that might make lunches easier to prepare. We have a generous supply of OWL PHARMACY HAVE BUYERS for ranches, large and small. You furnish the property and we furnish the buyers. List with Sam J. Mil­ ler, Muir Auto Court, Cave Junction. 5-tf FOR SALE 1933 DeSota sedan in goed condition. Pie-war tires extra good. Also buzz saw, i.-.. blade, no power. Also h. p. stationary gas or diesel en­ gine. Also fruit jars, all sizes, Blacksmith outfit reasonable. See Charles Trefethen, O'Brien, Oregon. LUNCHES . Come to DYNAMITE Try Valley Lumber Co. if you need blasting powder. 221 West F St., Grants Pass. 44-tfc MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW Garden club plant sale at the News office. FORMERLY WITTROCK GROCERY Kerby, Oregon For Drugs, Toiletries Fountain Service FOR SALE—1934 Pontiac sedan, good mechanical condition, goad rubber. Also one stock trailer, two wheel, fair rubber. Also one 10-gal. crock. S. A. Shepp, 1 mile west of Cave Junction, turn at Coffee Shop. 49-ltp FOR SALE — Two young sows bred. One two year old colt. John W. Smith, Bridgeview. Youngblood's Market You'll Admire at 6th Street Prices You'll Appreciate’’ Telephone 166 Grant* Pan, Oregon ■