Page Four Illinois Valley New*, Thursday, March 9, 1911 Ken Wells is home on several days furlough from Camp Cooke, Calif . where he is now stationed. —o— Arthur Youngblood of San Di­ ego, Calif., was visiting his broth­ er, I.aque Youngblood and his fam­ ily at Kerby last week. Eva Peter of Caves highway has been in .Medford with her sister, Clara Spencer, who has been seri­ ously ill in the Community hos­ pital in that city. Model Cash Grocery Mrs. Eluna Albright and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Johnson, have been with her brother, Raymond Baldwin and family since their recent bereave­ ment and loss of their son, George. -------------- o . PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 10th AND 11th 0........... — o— William Flow who purchased the Hussey ranch on the Illinois river last summer, arrived last Wednesday for an indefinite stay Mrs. Teel is taking care of the property during his absence Mr. employed on the Seattle Frow Post-I ntelligencei but will eventu- ally return to th«' valley to make it his home. —o— (3 2 Pounds ..... Mr. and Mrs. Chet Leonard of Medford were week end visitors at the R T Baldwin home near Hol­ land. CAVE CITY THEATER SAW RD MARI H PARSNIPS Per Pound 7c Asparagus, Celery. Carrots, Turnips, Lettuce, Cabbage, Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruit, Avocados BROOMS Each POST-TENS CEREAL Variety Pack. Package GREEN SPLIT PEAS 2 Pounds HEMO CHOCOLATE Jar S) RI P, Imitation Maple Bring Your Container A Lady Takes A Chance John Wayne and Jean r UHITED STATtS WAR BONDS STAMPS 1|||F Seeds are important—Get Dance FREENI W S ORCHE> I RA Supper by tie Lain- at M ainight. COME AND HAVE TIME Hamilton TABASCO SAUCE Bottle ALPINE COFFEE Per Pound BLUE SUPER SUDS Large Size 25c the 9 fi I FLOl R. Gold Medal 19 Pounds best—Use Diamond Seeds northeastern and southwestern Or­ egon. Mrs. Wertz left Tuesday a. m. to assume her new duties. She will have her headquarters in Portland at the State ESA office. She ex­ pects to get back to Josephine county often, as this is one of the 1»' counties in the two districts. Mrs. Wertz will work with fam­ iliar on their living plans empha­ sizing « specially the financial rec­ ords. health protection for rural families and the live-at-home food program. "Our aim in Farm Se­ curity is to aid every family who finances with us to maintain good ? fi 'Crown Flour and Feeds« s fi health, to grow two-thirds of their CARD OF THANKS total food supply and through care­ We wish to thank our many ful analysis of their expenses, to repay the loan and at the same friends for their expressions of time their net worth.” Mrs. Wertz sympathy and kindness during our recent bereavement, the loss of stated. our father, John V. Silva, and for Mrs. Wertz was formerly county the floral offerings. home demonstration agent her« Mrs. Frank Mellow aii«| Family. from 1925 to 1935. Mr. and Mra. Joe R Rogue Theater Friday and Saturday March 10. 11 "THE GANG'S ALL HERE' Alice Faye 15. 16. 17. 1* “SAHARA" Humphrey Bogart Rivoli Theater \ GOOD Wed , Thurs.. Fri., Sat. March 15. 16. 17 1* "SWING OUT THE BLUES" Lynn Merrick AND - PRAIRIE THUNDER" Dick Foran Plus 5th Chapter •OVERl \ND MAIL' COMING Sunda? Evening, March 12. 7:15 p. in. E\ ANGI LIST \ M I KI I I S Subject—“The Post War World” "A Plan That Carnot Fail " “1C» In Your Bible." Cave Junction (KEN) RELISH. Del Monte 12-oz. Jar 30c 3Oc fl 37c fi Sunday. M ndav. Tuesday March 12. 13. 14 "FOLLIES GIRL' Wendv Bajrie ALSO • FIND THE BLACKMAILER" Jerome Cowan SATURDAY, MARCH lMh Texaco Gas, Oil. Greases C SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 3 Pound* PIG’S FEET. Cudahv 1 l-oz. Jar fi 77c S ft ciate Home Supervise! for the Farm Security Administrat on in Friday aid Saturdav Districts VI and VII c uprising March 10. 11 “THE KANSAN' Richard Dix — PLUS — -THE CRIME DOCTOR'S ST. PATRICK’S STRANGEST CASE" Warner Baxter And 4th Chapter of “OVERl \NT) MAU." ber if vou hurry. Don't let your tires wear down so the* cannot be re­ capped It mat save you considerable inconvenience in getting new tires if you act now When vour tires are worn, get them recapped, and do it now Come in and let us explain further K I ?--------------------------------- -------------- - A ,JT OF PfûPit FvTt’ET All LYllF iilf PATTtRV MIL lh*DFIi)’ Good rubber for recapping it getting thinner and scarcer. We mote.| to the positii • A--o BUY PORK SAUSAGE Per Pound SCOTTISSUE 3 for Gallon TOMATO SOUP. Campbell’s 2 Cans That food preservation by freez­ ing is a year-round process, espe­ cially for those who use family­ sized storage lockers, is empha­ sized in a new O. S. C. extension bulletin. No. (123, “Food Preserva­ tion by Freezing." The bulletin is a revision and enlargement of previous publications on this sub­ ject from the college and is writ­ ten by several members of the ag­ ricultural and home economics staffs. W here facilities are available, freezing of foods has many advan­ tages compared with other methods of preservation, the authors say. Greater quantities of essential vit­ amins can be preserved, less labor and time are required for prepara tion, and the finished product more closely resembles fresh food in pal- atability and appearance. The 16-page bulletin contain- sections on handling meat and poultry, game birds, fish and other seafood, eggs, dairy products. ' fruits, and vegetables. * 15c 93c 25c 25c 53c WHIFFS O WHEAT 2 Packages Gives Program for Year and SUNDAY, I I «nd 12 5 No. 21 » Cans. 2 for ........................... JOHN V SILVA —o— . ............................................. ft I Fresh and Cured Meat | Fruits and Vegetables | ï ¿1................................................................................................................... 6 □................................... .... fi DELICIOUS APPLES *><|o TOMATOES, Standby, 7 Points Cpl. Norman Lane left last Sun­ day for Cap Roberts, where he is Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thompson stationed after spending a short of Selma, spent several days this furlough with his mother, Mrs. I. week shopping in Grants Pass. M. Wilson. —o— Mrs. Don Brooks and baby Dav­ Miss Jeanne Villair arrived Sat­ id returned to their home in Selma urday evening to spend a week's last Tuesday from Grants Pass. vacation with her parents, Mr. and Both are doing nicely. Mrs. J. J. Villair. She will re- —o— turn to U. of O. next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Frost, Mr. —o— and Mrs. Lester Frost and children Mike McBriety, with the Naval and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Frost Reserve nt San Francisco arrived and children spent the week end in home last week end to spend his Portland on business and visiting furlough with hi* parents, Mr. and relatives. Mr- Mike McBriety of Takilma. —o— —o — Raymond Price was the only lo- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McCas- cal man going to Portland Monday key have announced the closing of evening for examination. Earl the Big Chief cafe permanently Longanecker leaves next Monday and will leave -hortly for Portland for the navy and Don Brooks will where Mr. McCaskey will enter the leave soon for Army Air Corps. Vetei.ns hospital for treatment. —o — —o— Mr. and Mrs. George Brewer of Mi Chris Wendt and Mrs. Selma returned home last Monday Frank Halm were shoppers in from a two weeks visit at Marys­ Grant Pass the first of this week. ville. Calif., with M i-s Bremen, Today (Thursday) Mr. and Mrs. brother and family and their son. Wendt and son Bob, and Mrs. Joe, who is stationed at the Marys­ Frank Mellow made another busi­ ville» air base. ness trip to the city. -------------- o--------------- —o— Frozen Food Bulletin Bert Hadden, with the Engineers at Camp Sutton. North Carolina, anil Mrs Hadden and son, are guests (>f friends in the valley for ■ overa) days Their daughter, Mrs. •lay Parkinson, Jr., and baby, came from Southern California, to visit her parents while they are here. Cave Junction, Oregon O. W. GREEN, Proprietor SELMA NEWS ITEMS Henry Hefner of Takilma was in Cave Junction last Saturday, the fir-t time in six weeks. Henry In oke his ankle when his horse stumbled and fell on him. Dr. <'oilman took off his cast Satur­ day and now he is able to get around on crutches. —o— fi Í h Illinois N alley Parts and Service Walter Freeman Kay Wilson Quartette and Other Specials' Put Y ur Qne< on» in the Nil Free Pictures 4 B x. Come