Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 9, 1911 RATION STAMPS OUR DEMOCRACY- GREEN STAMPS K, L and M in Book IV, good for processed fruits and vege- tables, expire March 20. by Mat FULL PRESSURE /S NEEDED BUE STAMPS AB, BB, CB, D8 and EB in Book IV, (ten points each) good for processed fruits and vegetables expire May 20. BROWN STAMPS Y and Z in Book III expire March 20. RED STAMPS AB, BB, and CB in Book IV (ten points each), good for meats and fats, expire May 20. CLASSIFIED ADS * DYNAMITE Try Valley Lumber Co. if you need blasting powder. 221 West F St., Grants Pass. 44-tfc FOR SALE—12 and 16 inch block wood. 75c a tier. Come and get it. Barton-Womack Lumber Co. Mill No. 1, O'Brien. 45-4tp FURNITURE — When you need New or Used Furniture, think of Manchel’s. Keep up the home the boys are fighting for. Man­ drel's Furniture, 112 N. 6th St.. Grants Pass. -2-tf. io FOR SALE—No trespassing cards at The News Office. 52tf FOR SALE—Baled hay, latus clover, priced $30 at barn. Auc­ tion yard, Brahs Bros., Grants Pass. 44-2tp ► ABSTRACTS — Title insurance, affiliated with Commonwealth. Inc., Josephine County Abstract Co., 217-219 No. 6th St.. Grants Pa--. HAVE BUYERS for ranches, large and small. You furnish the property and we furnish the buyers. List with Sam J. Mil­ ler, Muir Auto Court, Cave Junction. 5-tf FOR SALE — Weaner pigs, good, fat, about nine weeks old. Ben George. 45-1tp L. E. (TED) ATHEY Is now a licensed real estate broker and would appreciate listing of pro­ perty from those who wish to dispose of their holdings. NOTICE > E. E. DOPYERA will pay cash for your old furniture, pianos, over­ stuffed. What have you? Phone 86, Hollywood Specialty Shop. 626 So. 6th st.. Grants Pass. There will be an Auxiliary card party this Saturday night. Very nice prizes. All welcome. L ( 1 RPb'Xt Y ST ter World War II of consumer in­ flation followed by even more monetary inflation. Countries in which gold will freely circulate as a medium of exchange will be the best off. Countries which attempt to get along with some form of managed currency will be in the worst shape. Hence, we should ultimate­ ly have in s >me form a currency which even if the circumstances were restricted would be inter- i changeable for gold. Thus, 1 pre- ' diet that our present managed money system is on the way out. More money has probably been lost through speculating in gold shares than in any other stocks. On a long-term basis, however, 1 i now favor stocks of gold mining companies which were profitably producing before World War II. During the war. gold is subordinate ■ in importance to nickel and copper and to the products of many other mines. In view of this, and the manpower shortage, nearly 60 per cent of the mines in the United States, Canada and South Africa have shut down. The remaining are operating on a greatly reduced basis; in fact gold production in , United States and Canada is less ! than at anytime in 100 years. After the war, when all efforts are turned to stimulating world trade, gold may prove the only medium through which interna tional payments can be made. Thus gold may rise in value in terms of o ' pi esent currency. Further­ more, >.s restrictions are lifted with respect to manpower ail mater-i I tionably, a bank plan worked out with most of the 25 I united nations' governments. People Want Gold on its own account to private busi­ In World War I it was gold, ness to cover goods in transit. Like not currency, which Colonel Law­ our federal reserve system it might rence used in order to win the prove a highly profitable and use­ -up^iort of Arab tribesmen. His­ ful enterprise. tory repeated itself when our own Dr. Hai ry D. White of our treas­ Genera! Mark Clark landed in Af­ ury department and John Maynard rica with a bag of gold. Gold will " The cold neutrality of on impartial Keynes, the British money author­ always talk when no other form judge"—Burke ity, have both proposed plans for of money is effective. That a ».^rXi MARCH the stabilization of international natural demand for gold exists to­ -11—Create bureau of Indian currencies. The White plan favors day is shown by the price of gold • affaire. 1824. an actual gold fund. The Keynes in the Bombay and Cairo markets •4*1 12— Curtis aeroplane makes plan favors large credits over a where it is selling for almost dou­ ~ I successful trial trip tn New York. 1908. long period »f time without re­ ble the United States price of $35. quiring member countries of the This strengthens my belief that in­ •1J—Supreme Court affirm» corporation tax. 1911. world bank to put up any gold. ternational currencies, including This Keynes idea is highly infla­ our own, will be further reduced I 14— Eli Whitney receive» pat­ tionary. At the moment the White in value, This would mean further ent for cotton gin. 1794. proposal looks the best. I'nqui s- monetary inflation and a rise af- Y—IS—American Legion con­ I FOR SALE-—What have yon? An ad in this column sure gets re­ sults, and they cost so little. FOR NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by School District No. 3 for 75 tiers of 16 inch well seasoned fir heater wood, Wood must be delivered and piled in the wood shed by September 1. Bids will be the board reserves accept or reject all bids. ANNA W1TTROCK, Clerk. District No. 44-46 ceived in Pans, 1919. HARD wear &GOOD LOOKS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS . 1Í Open first direct cable between New Yoik and Rom«. 1925. f St Patrick » Day—Four rf army plane» »tart round- the-world Hight, 1924 -- WHV Complete Line of Page Three .tls after the war there should be a i'r’’r of earning p>wer to the g .<• industry. ( -ttiinv it is no ■n <• sell g >M stocks. New pur .-ha».'» should ' > confined to pro­ ducing corona ■ s with the 'le.-t oi e rating whose over-all cost of production is reasonably low. Windows and Doors! See Valley Lumber Co. for your repair jobs 221 W. F St. Phone 47 Youngblood's Market FORMERLY WITT ROCK GROCERY Kerby, Oregon Community Grocery and Market where we hope you will all feel perfectly at home — Come and go as you please — Shop around — Come in and see our store — There is no obliga­ tion to buy — If you see what you want, it will be a pleasure for us to wait upon you. THE NIC EST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD PASS UNDER OUR DOOR (HR (TSTOMERS We keep open on Sundays from 9:00 a. m. until 0:00 p. m. for your conven­ ience. A Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season Government Inspected Meats Ambulance Service PHONE 388 L B. Hall Funeral Home Near County Courthouse 5th and “C” Streets Grants Pass We Carry a Complete Line of Building Material Ready to take away! SHINGLES CELOTEX WALLBOARD ACME PAINTS TENKOTE Liquid Asbesto» Roofing 10 Year Guarantee U. S. TIRES Recapping and Repairing DUCKWORTH The Tire Man Grants Pass Lumber Co Grants Pass r MADE FOR HEAVY DUTY • What a beating Mar-Not can take and (till stay beautiful. Boiling water, soap suds, alco­ hol, scuffing feet and scraping furniture—Mar-Not takes them all and comes up smiling. FOR SALE — Mining location blanks, both quartz ami placer and ‘respa-s notices at the Illinois Valiev News office. CLASSIFIED AI>S Sure get good results. Someone might have the thing you want, or you might have what someone else wants. Two-bits makes a bargain. HIGH-GLOSS OR SATIN-FINISH SUMMONS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY EDITH NEDROW By ZELDA DAWSON. Her Guardian Ail Lit­ em. Plaintiff, vs. EDWIN MAR SHALL NEDROW. Defendant. To: The above named defend­ ant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com­ plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause within four <4» weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, which date is March 9, 1944. and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree annulling the marriage between you and plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as may be meet and equitable. This Summons is pub­ lished by order of the Hon. H. K Hanna, judge of said Court, dated March 2. 1944. ordering publica­ tion once a week for four (41 suc­ cessive weeks. C. F. PRUF.SS. Attorney for Plaintiff. U. S. Na­ tional Bank Bidg Grants Pass, Ore. 45-49 IN There will be an Auxiliary card party this Saturday night. Very nice prize« All welcome. Rogue River Hardware IH1 Issili Since 1899 \ ir Ar- f/ . * ÆK.1.. A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time Quick - Easy - Safe Write or call for complet« information — Grants Pass Branch o/ the United States National Bank H—O Office, PwetlawO. Oregon H I ■ B t B HHI4L BOB (IT IIHIUCI Thit MMrtormmf tpentoftá by Conforcnct of Akobolu Mattiate InäuUnti, Inc