Page Five Illinois Valley News. Thursday. January 20, 1944 *- News From the Boys 40 and 8 Men to Meet in Ashland (Continued from Pag* Two) ■ they overflowed into the Pass much? What is land worth there I now? Has it gone up much in K price? Is there much activity in ■ real estate? Did land values | around the Pass go up much as a | result of Medford? These are just a few of the many | questions I'd like to ask you. Now ? to answering some of the questions ■ you might ask me if I were there F with you. First of all. these islands I are not as bad as they are painted • and we are not half as abused as K some of the fellows would make it I seem. For one thing the weather I is not as bad here as it is painted. W It is true that it is changeable and I not very good for flying but it is I not cold and the wind does not I blow all the time. Some days are | very nice all day. Other days are I good for a while and then very bail. Generally speaking though. i this is much better weather than ■ northern Minnesota where I was born and spent the first 21 years t of my life. [ o my life. We have two good theaters and ! they show late shows. We have a band and it plays at least once each week. We have a very good library with a wide selection of U books. Our quarters are clean, well heated and with what we brought with us or can make here they are better than many people have in the states. Radio reception is good and many of us have radios. We ■ have shower rooms, recreation rooms, reading rooms and all the facilities of any camp in the states. Our P-X has all the com­ forts we are not supplied gratis by the Army. Candy, cigarettes, mag­ azines are plentiful and cheap. Our churches or chapels are close and our chaplains are the pick of the American ministers. I found a Methodist minister here from the county where I was born, needless to say that is the chapel where I attend services. Fox are everywhere, they are mostly red but there are a few Installation meeting of Southern Oregon Voiture of the Forty et Eight will be held in Ashland Sat­ urday night. January 22. accord­ ing to word received by Elwood Hussey The meeting will be a turkey dinner followed by the bus­ iness session. Anyone interested in attending the meeting should contact Mr Hussey. Pete Allen of Grants Pass, will be installed as chef de gare, and Dick Singleton, also of Grants Pass, will be i stalled as correspondent. Along With the New» THE RAM THAT KNOWS THE RATTLE OF MACHINE GUNS We take great pride in our live­ stock, for we have some of the best to be found anywhere. the time—and buy War Bonds —all that we possibly can. There are two good reasons England also takes pride in its livestock. Many of our breeds of cattle, sheep and boys the guns and planes and horses come from there. tanks they must have, The We think farming has been hard this past season, with the second is that War Bonds are shortage of labor and machin­ never ery. It has been harder else­ They return a third more than where. In England, for ex­ the original cost in ten years. ample. feed is scarce, meats are needed badly by the people, and German airmen machine • gun the farm animals in the You can cash them if you for buying War Bonds, The first is that it will give out a sound investment. depreciate in They value. need the money any time after sixty days. Buy Bonds now— fields every chance they get. to help your country and to help yourself—at your bank We must remember this all or post office. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Young People’s service, 7:45 m. Evening service, 8:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, p. m. --------------o—- ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Back the Attack Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. You are invited to meet with us. F. W. Cooper, elder, Cave Junc­ tion. BUY WAR BONDS RAYON SLIPS New arrivals in Lingerie give you wide selections in this department 98c - $1.19 - $1.39 ASSEMBLY OF GOD Church service at 7:30. Across from Legion hall. Rev. and Mrs. L. W. Coor. ------------- o-------------- ANKLETS New Numbers. Dark and Pastel Shades 15c - 20c - 25c CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH Geo. H. Gray. Pastor. Sunday School Morning Worship Song Service ROSE Bl SUES Jackson & Perkins quality bushes, many old favorites Bush and Climbers 10 a. m. 11 a. m. 8 p. m. 35c GARDEN SEEDS New 1944 Stock. Start planning your Victory Garden now 5c - 19c SEWING NEEDS Have you checked our Notion Counter for your Sewing Necessities lately. You will be pleasantly surprised at the selection you will find. McGregor Co Where It’s Easy to lie Thrifty GRANTS PASS kWAR BONDS, - ► $ A The World’s News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International Daily Neutpaper i* Truthful—Constructive—Unbiated—Free from Sensational- i»m— Editorial» Are Timely and Instructive and Iti Daily Feature*, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make Monitor an Ideal Newspaper foe the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Mauachuaetti Over the top in Italy? One more ridge, one more mile on the road to Berlin. Ai in victorious military cam­ paigns. people on the home front must sacrifice to provide all the sinews of war. One of these is the regular purchase of War Bonds. V. S. Trraiwy Sam J. Miller, my assistant, at MUIR COURT ( ave Junction ('an Save You a Trip to Grants Pass TED COATES Pass READ THE AD$ BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH I INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED 4 F Street (Continued on Pare Six) ’ i Price Ml 2 00 Yearly, or i 1 00 a Month Saturday Iiaue, including Magazine Section, »2 60 a Year Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Iuue* 2? Cents Name__ ..........______ ........................... Address * v' SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST Send The Illinois Valley News to your Friends I I I I I I II I I ! I