Paere Eight Locals Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 30, 1913 | holiday vacation with their mother, , Mrs. C. G. Morris on Caves high­ way. and other relatives. Gordon Bill Tome of Holland, wag a Leonard, who was in town on busi­ county seat visitor the first of the ness brought them home in the eve­ ning. week. — o Mrs. Irene McCasland and her Mr. and Mr«. R. C. Harsh trans­ acted business in Grants Pass last daughter, Miss Vivian, spent the Christmas holidays in the valley Tuesday. visiting friends. They —o— Frank Freitas and son, were j Portland Monday. — o— county seat visitors on business W. B. Roberts of the Cave City this week. theater, with his two children, --- 0---- Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cooper and spent the week end in Cave Junc- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sharpe were tion looking after his property. shoppers in Grants Pass this week. Mr. Roberts is now employed in southern California, and came to W F. Darger of the Associated spend the holidays with his family Oil Station made a business trip in Medford. —o— to the county seat last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Seager —o— and faimly were the guests of Mr. Miss Edda Burke came home from Medford to spend Christmas and Mrs. Sam Miller at (’amp Muir. Mr. Seager will be one of the elec­ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. trical engineers on the Pasco, Ed Burke at Kerby. Wash.. Dupont powder works, rep­ —o— resenting the Newberry Electric Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Collman and Corporation of Los Angeles, The family returned Wednesday from visitors left Wednesday for Pasco. Portland where they were on busi­ - ■■ ■ o-------------- ness for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Smith made a hurried trip to Grants Pass on Monday, Mrs. Smith went for medical attention, due to serious sinus trouble. —o— Jack Harris arrived in Cave Junction last week to spend Christ­ mas with Mrs. Harris and their son, Arthur. Mr. Harris owner and operator of a Redding, Calif. year Model Cash Grocery MR. AND MRS. (). W. (¡REEN the Pomeroy ranch, entertained a Washington Letter large group of his friends from (Continued from Page One, Seattle over the Christmas holi- sues. But this is a working Con­ I day. gress and a lot of fine constructive legislation has been acted upon. NEW YEAR’S This has been unspectacular, has 1 not made the big headlines, and is generally classified under the head of minor legislation, but it ha> been good constructive work. ♦ ♦ • Dance Supper by the Ladies at Midnight. Tickets OF WHAT VALUE is grat­ itude if it forever remains unexpressed? We are grate fill to you for the loyalty w hich has enabled us to make measureable progress dur­ ing these difficult times. And we want you to know it. 1 V Jaaperaon F .1 Kolb i uve Junction, Oregon SI.00 Rogue Theater W e Wish You A HAPPY NEW YEAR V s Wed.. Thur.*.. Fri.. Sat.. December 29, 30 31, Jan I •I DOOD IT” Red Skelton —PLUS— Special Midnight Shaw January 1. 1944, 1 1 p. m. HERE COMES ELMER" Al Pearce I I I i • i I I 1 This is my last letter until the new session convenes in January For some time I have been won- dering how I could do what 1 would so very much like to do— send Christmas greetings to all of my thousands of friends in the Fourth District. can’t send I ............... ....... 1 Christmas cards- that would be a physical impossibility. What I would like to do would be to write each one of you a letter convey ing Christmas greetings and my sincere wishes for the New Year j —and so this IS my letter to you. wishing you a pleasant holiday sea-1 son and the best possible for the year 1944. Sincerely, HARRIS ELLSWORTH Sunday, Monday. Tuesday. January 2. 3. and 4 "CLAUDIA" Robert Young. Dorothy McGuire Wed., Thur*., Fri. and Sat. January 5. 6, 7 and S SALITE TO THE MARINES’ In Technicolor Wallace Beerv. Fav Bainter WISHING YOl ALI \ NEW YEARÏS, I94?’B£STUJIS«£S HAPPY NEW YEAR Rivoli Theater II 2 : 0 I 0 0 0 X' 0 S' 0 S' 0 I 0 The top of the world to you, folks! And now listen' We’re going to give you still better scrv ice in W44 Think we can’ We've got a iv.ord to beat, but just watch u* This is our New Year'- pledgc to old cu>t. mers, to new and potential. ‘1» Martin’s Hardware Mr. and Mrs. George Matt + + r ■ f ■- HEAR THE MUSIC OF THE BELLS Ring out wild bell* youi New \ eai '« gi eet ing Blow. win* lie*, blow! On with the dance, let the joy be un- confined! am we wish for food thini* that cornucopiae may contain. DUCKWORTH The Tire Man Orant« Pass GREETINGS TO EVERYROIIY REMEMBER, YOH ARE ALWAYS VERY WELCOME HERE BRIDGEVIEW GRANGE HALL JANUARY 1 and 2 YEAR'S HAVE A GOBI) TIME AMI DROP IN TH SEE IIS Dance the Old Year Out and the New Year in at CAVE CITY ((HIKE SHOP to serve our customers still NEW FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31. SATURDAY and SUNDAY And DONALD DUCK that resolution which we make each Miss Wilna Maurer, daughter Mr. and Mrs. I.. N. Maurer of Cave Junction, became the bride of Ray­ mond L. Hollins of Eugene, son of Mrs. Etta Miller of Council Bluffs, Iowa, at a quiet ceremony per­ formed in the parsonage of the First Christian church on Friday. Dec. 24. Gordon I.. Hypes, min* ister ', reail the service in the pres­ ence of the bride’s parents. The bride wore a light blue suit dress and brown accessories. She is a graduate of Kerby high school anil Eugene Business college. Mr. and Mrs. Hollins will make their home in Eugene, where both are employed at the Spear Jackson Saw company. On Tuesday evening a group of about 30 friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Maur­ er to charivari Mr. and Mrs. Hol­ lins. The young couple were the recipients of many lovely gifts as Well as sincere wishes for their fu­ ture happiness. -------------- o--------------- CAVE CITY THEATER Feature lime to renew old friendships and better than tlie year before >• Dancy Full-Length Technicolor * Another year, another page ... Wilma Maurer Bride Of Rat mond L. Hollins Miss Jeanne Villair left Sunday for Eugene where she will resume her .studies at the U. of 0. She spent the holidays with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Villair. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Willia Cross of Eugene, were house guests at the C. ('. Babcock home at the Esterly mine, over the holidays. Mr. Cross is a brother of Mrs. Babcock. Mr. and Mrs. Babcock accopanied them to Grants Pass last Tuesday. —o— Maxwell Field. Ala. —Gay K. Smith, age 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gay K. Smith, P. (). Box 232, Cave Junction, Ore., is now enrolled as W ade Entertains an aviation cadet in the AAF Pre Many Employes Flight School for Pilots at Max- j well Field, Alabama, an installa-1 John L. Wade who is one of the lion of the Army Ail Forces Train­ gentlemen who recently purchased ing- •'ommand. — o— Misses Margaret Morris of Bend and Anne Morris of Harrisburg, arrived last week end to spend the Bambi /944 JÁ/ Wed., Thur*.. Fri.. Sat. • 29. 30, 31, Jan 1 FOOTLIGHT GLAMOUR" The Bunistead* ALSO — "BLAZING GUNS Ken Mavnard. Hoot Gibson ANI» 10th Cnapter of Serial Fri., Sat. "G MEN va BL ACK DR AGON" Sun . Mon., Tues., Jan 2, 3 I •CHANCE OF A LIFETIME' Chester Morris. Jeanne Bate* — PUS — OH MY DARLING CLEMENTINE Frank Albertson Lorna Gray Wed.. Thur*.. Fri . Sat January 5 6. 7. and * IS EVERYBODY HAPPY" Ted I ewis and Band. Lvn> Merrick — AUSO - "MISSOURI OUTLAW’’ Western Action 11th Chapter of Serial Friday and Saturday "G MEN VS Hl \< K DRAGON" CHURCH BELLS RINGING . . . CRISP CRUNCH OF SNOW . .. LEADEN SKIES ... EAGER FACES. IT’S T H I 1 J . . . AND MAY NEW YEAR OF 1944 OPEN A CHAPTER OF HAPPINESS FOR YOLK < • \ \ E JUNCTION MOTOR COURT Ken and Beulah Hamilton We hav e a new 1944 Cal­ endar for you. Come in and a*k for your*. I4........ -.............. -........... - (9 Sr I