Illinois Valley News. Thursday, December 30. 1943 NEWS EROM OUR BOYS IN SERVICE For Drugs. Toiletries Fountain Service Come to OWL PHARMACY In Grants Pass , HAPPY NEW YEAR NEW YEAR’S Dance FRIDAY, DEC EMBER 31 Dance the Old Year Out and the New Year in at BRIDGEVIEW GRANGE HALL Supper by the Ladies at Midnight. Tickets SI.00 * I' FRENCH LAUNDRYj & DRY CLEANERS I I i I I I I 5TA1ŒUF PROCESS l I have been meaning to write to you for gome time, but I’m just not the type that can sit right down and write a letter. I have been reading your ser­ vice men’s column for some time and enjoy it very much. In fact it’s the only way of knowing where all the fellows are that I used to woik with, go to school with, etc. There's only one thing wrong with it and that is. that I don't get but about half or less of the papers published. So from now on 1 would like you to send me the I. V. News every week and will no­ tify you of any change in address. Enclosed is my check. The last paper I saw told about Bud Squire and it seems as tho he is among the top ones who have seen the most action. And Harry Smith Jr. seerils to be get­ ting action at a girl's college. I think it would be great if the fel­ lows would send in some kind of a statement or article to the paper. Especially those who have seel’ action. 1 haven't heard from Don Hill or Bud Brooks, who were among the first to join up before the war. As for myself, it is indefinite as to when 1 will see action. 1 have been assigned to the 43rd Fighter Squadron but have not been given a plane as yet. Everyone seems to be in doubt as to why we’re here and what they are going to do with us. But eventually orders will get here from the 4th service com­ mand (which covers this section) and things will start rolling again. Up until now, I have been sta­ tioned at Santa Ana, Calif.. Hem­ et. Merced, all in California ami received my commission at I.uke Field, Phoenir, Ariz. I’ve flown Ryans, Vultee. B. T. 13-A, North American ATI 6 and Curtiss P- 40’s. I'm now hoping for 51’s (North American). I’m in the best branch of the service, in a swell outfit and this is a swell place. But I have had a cold ever since we arrived on the coast. Too much of a change from Arizona. Well there is not much more to write, so until next time. Sincerely yours. JACK HAYDEN. -------------- o-------------- V Registered Stock To Be Up for Sale TO GIVE OUR NEW YEAR MESSAGE EXTRA FORCE X WE RE BACKING IT UP WITH A SOLDIER, SAILOR AND MARINE. YES, HERE S WISHING YOU A GREAT, WONDERFUL NEW YEAR it WM J. McLEAN FAMILY Two Jackson County Hereford bl eeders have consigned registered cattle to the third annual Red Bluff Hereford sale to be held on Jan. 2yth and 29th at Red Bluff, Calif. The affair is sponsored by the Tehama County Cattlemen's Asso­ ciation, according to Sam Ayer, of Red Bluff, chairman of the as­ sociation's committee in charge of the event. 300 hulls and 65 females have been consigned by 28 breeders from Oregon, Washington, Mon­ tana. Colorado and California. Kerby. Oregon Send The News to your friends zzzzzzzzzzzz-zzzz zz z zz z zzzz/zzzz. III MANÍ HEE’S FURNITURE GRANTS PASS them to our services as often as CLASSIFIED ADS they would like to attend. ---------------o-------------- Mr ami Mrs. A. K. Smith of FURNITURE — When you need Kerby, were in Grants Pass trans­ New or L'sed Furniture, think of acting business affairs this week. Manchel’s. Keep up the home the boys are fighting for. Man- chel s Furniture, 112 N. 6th St., -2-tf. / Resolve Tr. Fighter Pilot 43rd Air Base Sq.. McChord Field. Tacoma. Wash. | Dear Mornay and All: Page Five — BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH Morning worship, 11a. m. Young People’s service. 7 :45 p KEEP OU Evening service, 8:15 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday, I ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS with WAR BONDS Sabbth Schoo! at 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 11:00 a. m Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. You are invited to meet with Xcw Ù car’s I)av \round the \\ oriti By MISS ABBIE CONDIT National Recreation Association. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Church service at 7:30. Across from Legion hall. • Rev. and Mrs. I,. W. Coor. --------------- o--------------- KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday school at 1. O. O. F. hall, 9:45 a. m. -------------- o-------------- SUGAR l’INE SHAKES — After the 1st of the year 1 will be able to furnish sugar pine shakes and shingles. Leave orders at tho News office. H. G. Keithly, O'Brien. Oregon. 33-3tp TO GIVE AWAY—4 months old part Australian Shepherd pup. Also two large male kittens. Mrs. C. G. Slack. 1 mile north of Kerby. 35-ltp W Cooper, elder, Cave Junc- The speculative attitude of this young lady is ample proof that she is taking her Xew Year's resolu­ tions seriously. She isn't going to take a chance on making a resolu­ tion she won't keep. Perhaps she has determined to study harder or to be of greater help to her mother —but at least she is going to keep her word. FOR SALE- 2 pair men’s logger type boots, size 8 S. one pair 16 in. and one 8 in. Can be seen at Beard's Shoe Shop. 35-ltC GREETINGS} WE'VE BEEN HITTING ’EM WHERE THEY LIVE. FOLKS, CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY WANTED TO BUY or will keep for storage. Sewing machine in good condition. Mrs. Judy Tut­ tle. Cave Junction. 35-2tp FOR SALF. Old growth fir wood. Inquire at the H. C. Vernon place, on Caves highway. 35-1 tp ABSTRACTS Title insurance, affiliated with Commonwealth, Inc , Josephine County Abstract Co., Masonic Bldg., Grants Pass. CHURCH and the future looks a great Geo. H. Gray, Pastor. deal brighter. Here's wish­ Sunday School 10 a. m. ing all our friends Health, FOR SALE 6*4 ft. electric re­ Morning Worship 11 a. m. Happiness and Prosperity frigerator, good as new M. H. Song Service Maurer, near Holland. 35-ltp The Sunday scho in 1944. last Sunday was "G HAVE BUYERS for ranches, large Gift to the World.” The golden and small. You furnish the text was. "For God so loved the property and we furnish the WALDO MOTEL world that he gave his only begot­ buyers. List with Sam J. Mil­ ten Son, that whosoever believeth ler, Muir Auto Court, Cave in Him should not perish, but have Junction. 5-tf everlasting life.” (John 3:16). O'Brien, Oregon FOR SALE No trespassing cards Rev. Gray's sermon was “The at The News Office. 52tf Gift That Transforme d the EJ................................................................. B World ” His text from the Bible was “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable Gift." (11 Corinthians 9:15), A New Year's party based on the customs of other countries will pro­ vide an appropriate theme for your celebration this year Send out in­ vitations decorated with an hour glass or the Old and New Year, in­ viting the guests to come in the cos­ tume of some country. Ask each to bring a "white elephant” possession, securely wrapped, for as tradition has it in Scotland, a package in the hand of the guest insures the host a bounteous year. (These gifts will be exchanged later ir. the evening as one of the party activities ) Colorful decorations are in order This church enjoyed having the for the party In the Orient, dark Masons attend in a group last Sun­ green pine branches and light green bamboo stalks are hung on the gate day morning, and cordially invite posts, and tangerines and tangerine­ like fruits are indicative of long life £$$$$555 and happiness. Bright red lobsters and crabs are hung over doorways. In China on New Year's day ev­ eryone puts on brand new clothes and goes visiting; so at our party there may be a grand march with judges, of course, to award prizes for the prettiest, funniest, and most unique costumes. Y£0A May Joy Be Yours.’ At the end of the march each per­ son is given a card and a pencil. On signal each tries to obtain as many signatures as he can. He approaches someone, bows in Chinese fashion, saying "Kung Hi, Kung Hi” (I hum­ bly wish you joy), and the other replies "Sin Hi. Sin Hi" (May joy be yours). ‘Then each writes down the other's name At the end of five minutes the person with the largest number of names receives a trivial award. In Belgium we hear of a "Sugar Uncle." a "Sugar Aunt.” All the keys disappear from the inside doors in the houses before New Year’s Day. Then, when an unsuspecting aunt or uncle goes into a room alone, the children rush to lock the doors on the outside and do not permit the aunt or uncle to come out until he or she has promised ransom with which the children will buy sugar plums and candy Divide the group into a number of circles with 10 to 20 players in each A leader is given a key or a bunch of keys. He walks around the group nodding at players who fall in line behind him When about half the members of the circle are trailing along, he drops the key and all dash to find places. The one left out pays "ransom” by being “it." 'First F ooter' Relay, The circles may be easily straight­ ened out into file formation for a "First Footer” relay. In Scotland it is considered good luck to be the first to step into a house after mid­ night. so there is a mad da:,h from house to house after the stroke of 12. Each team is a would-be "first footer " The leader counts to 12 and on "12" the first member of each team dashes to a goal and back, touching off the next player, The first team finished is the lucky one and receives a prize of cookies or tiny cakes, as was the custom, Boys and girls of Russia have a rather strange custom. On New Year's Day they gc about throwing peas and wheat at passers-by The peas are thrown at enemies, while the lighter wheat is reserved for friends. Wheat grains are too small to handle conveniently, so give ev­ eryone eight or ten beans of one kind and eight or ten of another kind. Do not designate which is "enemy" or "friend.” Guests to trade beans with one another at the end of five minutes the with the fewest enemies and most friends Is given a prize. In France the children used to leave their wooden shoes out at Christmas time for presents, but the adults exchange gifts at New Year's time. In accordance with this cus­ tom the "white elephants” may be brought out and distributed In any manner you like - by drawing or In grab bag style All the presents should be opened on the spot as ar. appropriate climax to the party Paul Revere was born on New Year’s Day, 1735. We hail that dayl And just as he returned to his goldsmith's work, long after his historic ride, so will we return to the normal occupations of the ways of peace. That day we also hail, looking forward to it with renewed hope. HOWARD AND DOROTHA BEARSS X/ . » ('ave Junction, Oregon K ft 'r- GN THE THRESHOLD OF *- 1944 IT MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ENVISION A BETTER WORLD ... "A WORLD WHICH SHALL AFFORD TO ALL NATIONS THE MEANS OF DWELLING IN SAFETY WITHIN THEIR BOUNDARIES. AND WHICH WILL AFFORD ASSURANCE THAT ALL MEN IN ALL LANDS MAY LIVE OUT THEIR LIVES IN FREEDOM FROM FEAR AND WANT.” MAY GOD FED THAT DAY. WE PRAY, AS WE SEND YOU OUR NEW YEAR S GREETINGS. Golden Grants Pass, Oregon