Page Four Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 30,1943 Spirit of Hope hl/hat 1/on ßuif. With Symbolizes All WAR mix lis New Year Rites ★ ♦ An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, u r^er the act of March 3, 1879 M C ATWEY Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County Outside of Josephine Couflty One $2 00 Year The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS urif) NATIONAL ÉDITORIAL— ' ASSOCIATION O recoq T P ublisher THE NEW YEAR With a World War being waged, and the United States furnishing most of the equipment and men to fight it, it might seem that we have a very gloomy New Year staring us in the face, but this is not so. The darkest cloud has a silver lining behind it we are told, and the clouds are not so black, they could be much blacker, so we have much to be thankful for and much to look forward to. Those of us who are left behind to keep the wheels running for the boys on the fighting fronts, must come to the realization that we are going to have to make further sacrifices of our time, our energies, our pleasures, our daily lives. And these sacrifices are as nothing to what the men on the battle lines are making, or even those who are in the forces bringing up supplies for the fighting men. The men in the rear are not having a picnic. We are the ones who are hav­ ing the picnic, if there is one, and we don’t know it, at least some of us don’t appreciate it. The New Year holds much promise for the future. We confidently expect the war with Germany to be over in this New Year, so we can turn loose all our efforts in cleaning up the Japs, and when we finally get startl'd with them, it should not last long, perhaps a year after the (¡ermmans have been whipped. So the New Year, even at its worst with a World War, has much promise for a brilliant future—the future all Americans love and will fight for. If you have any resolutions to make, be sure the most important one is to do everything you can at home to help win this war. Do our tasks the best we know how, and we can rest assured that success will crown our efforts. We wish each and every one a Brilliant and Hap­ py New Year, and to the boys in the service — God keep you and help you and bring you all back safe to vour families and loved ones. ¡kippi! Rem l|eûr I I I I I I I is on New Yem s that we keep "open house" a happy ol II X L. ( AI E I I I I I Para-Ski Troopers The observation of New Year’s is universal, and al­ though the precise date of its solemnization may vary among different races and creeds, the spirit of hospital­ ity and hopefulness prevails traditionally. Prior to China’s adoption of the Gregorian calendar, the Chinese New Year was cele­ brated during the time of the first moon — around the first of Febru- ary. Tradi­ tionally, all debts must be paid by mid­ night on New Year’s Eve or “face” is lost on New Year’s Day. In the old days, the cele­ bration began a week prior to the Eve when homage was paid to the Kitchen God and climaxed on the “fifteenth day of the First Moon” by “Teng Chieh,” the Feast of Lanterns. The progression of festivities was accompanied by good conduct among young and old, parties and exchanges of greeting cards. When will this war end? Nobody knows, so the Army is continuing its training of Para-Ski Troopers They're parachute troops who know their way about on skis or any other place in snow covered mountainous country. A great measure of the success of Russia's victories last winter is at­ tributed to these troops who move with the silence of a snowflake. Our work on the home front is not so hazardous as that of the Para-Ski Troopers but it is important that we perform our daily tasks and make every effort to increase our regular purchase of War Bonds. U. S. Treasury Department ♦ Happy \ w \ want eveiyone to t* Valley! stoic not only as an honor but as a grave responsibility We will meet that responsibility by mak ng every effort to improve our service in 194 4 Ham I lotti — General Merchandise MR AND MRS H \RRY I LOYD Holland. Oregon ☆ ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE Grants Pass Hindus Celebrate in April. The Hindus use a lunar calendar and solemnize their New Year toward the last of April Many of the devout make pilgrimages to the Ganges and other holy streams for the purpose of washing away their sins, others offer propitiatory gifts to the gods in local temples, while feasting, exchanges of calls and greeting cards prevail. Rosh Hashana. the Jewish New Year, is one of the highest of Ortho­ dox holy days. Also known as the Feast of Trump­ ets, the sounding of a ram’s horn, the Shafur, calls the faithful to worship, remind­ ing them of God's providence in car­ ing for His people and rcdedicating them to His serv­ ices. Rosh Hasha­ na commemorates the Day of Crea- tion and special prayers are offered in the synagogues for the rest ration of Zion In the home, the head of the house prays in behalf of his family over an apple or round loaf of bread which has been dipped in honey: the roundness thereof sym­ bolizing the desire for a smooth and prosperous New Year SOME DAY SOON WE hop< to thank you personally for your kindness to us during 1943. But right now. with the Spirit of New Year’s in the air we want to say W SUNNY days during 1944, but we can and do wish you 366 HAPPY days. We hope that the coming year brings you more true Barton - Womack Lumber Co. happiness, true friendships, and more opportunities than any year that has gone before. O’Brien, Oregon ( arners Automotive Service Co. Keep on Backing the Attack with your purchases of WAR BONDS. Give War Bonds for Christmas. January ‘Two-Faced.’ The Gregorian month of January is the namesake of Janus, the two- faced Roman god accredited with the ability to look backward and for­ ward simultane- ously. New York city, on New Year's Eve, re- fleets the gaiety, toasting and med­ iation traditional to New Year's celebrations around the world, The streets, particularly Br adway, are thronged with thousands f festi­ val-minded persons, the hotels, etc., are crowded with parties, and many gather in churches to welc me the New Year in prayer. As the clocks strike twelve, the noise-makers are blown full blast accompanied by the whistles on every ship, tug. etc., . in the vicinity, joined by th se of the t surrounding communities Our entire business w bcm built upon Honor Norse Goddess. Once upon a time, long before the l Nordic tribes were converted to Christianity maybe even before the I Saviour was born—the tribesmen decked their lodg­ ings with ever­ greens in honor of Hertha, Norse goddess of the home and domes- tic affairs Hertha paid her annua! visits during the time of the Win­ ter Solstice and descendedthrough the smoke which curled upward from the flr boughs burning upon a spec al altar of flat stores. When the family and serfs were gathered before the blaze Hertha w i!J direct the person w . sest in lore and legend to foretell the f rtunes of those present. For centuries the legend of Hertha s slippers survived in Ger­ many Cakes, baked Ln the shape of a slipper, were tilled with candy and small gifts Given to ma.dens and children, the slippers of Hertha sup­ posedly bestowed the qualities of virtue, health and beauty American children may have nev­ er beard of Nordic Hertha, but rare­ ly dues a youngster hang up his C!.: ■ I’ ass' o ng without worrying whether or act Santa Claus will be able • : eerc down the ohimnev E can hardly wish you 366 HAPPF NEW YEAR triendsbip. We look upon all our customers as our friends, and are determined to give them the friend- liest service possible. It is our aim to wrap up a littl«* friendliness in each transaction. = x\l/._ 1 : * cWlvus/tM ★ The first Union Flag of 13 stripes was unfurled by George Wash­ ington on New Year's Day, 1776. This is another good reason for rejoicing at this time, for Old Glory is a symbol of freedom wherever it waves. So, Happiest New Year to you, and God bless you, one and all! rhanks. fi 'lCTTils, one nnd all. for the privi- to say right now, as fervently as we can sev it . . HAPPY NEW YEAR : : : L Camp Muir à : SAMMY AND HGGS Cave .Junction, Oregon a