Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 23,1943 Page Eight Locals Mrs. Henry Webb transacted business in Grants Pass on Mon- day. Mrs. Winnie Parker and Mrs. Bob Sharpe of Holland were holi­ day shopping in Grants Pass this week. —o--- Holiday shoppers seen in Grants Pass this week were Mrs. Fessler, Jim and Alice Hogue, Art Cribb, Clyde Prevatt and Mrs. Marchant and daughter. Harriett. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Watkins were business visitors in Grants Pass this week. —o--- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Balzke of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hill made a O ’ Brien, were in Grants Pass on trip to Grants Pass on business I business today (Thursday) and last Monday also doing their Christinas shop­ Bill Haynes transacted business ping. —o— several days this week in the I H. M. Smith, who is building county seat. a group of residences at Suther­ ■—o ■ ■■ lin, Oregon, arrived home today, Owen Maddox of Cave Junction' transacted business in the county, (Thursday) to spend Christmas at home. seat on Monday. —o--- —o— Mrs. Fred Spraul of Elk Creek Mrs. Elvina Kaufman of Hol-; land made a business trip to Lodge was shopping in Grants Pass this week. She accompanied Grants Pass this week. Mrs. Chet Taylor and Mrs. Ernest Taylor who were also on a shop­ Mrs. Sophia Bunch of Bridge- view was in Grants Pass on busi­ ping tour. —o— ness the first of this week. Mr. an<] Mrs. Emil Dopyera of Mrs. Chas. Strong and daughter Grants Pass were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chet Betty, were holiday shopping in Taylor last Saturday evening, lat­ Grants Pass this week. er attending the dance at the Le­ gion hall. The Dopyeras were for­ Bob Fleming (,f Holland return­ ed from a week's visit in Portland mer residents in Kerby but now re­ side in Grants Pass where where he visited his sister and oth­ Dopyera is in business. er friends. ------------- 0-------------- —o— Scott's Market wishes to an-1 New Poison Oak Killer nounce that the store will be closed Saturday and Sunday, all day both | Showing Good Results days. Dec. 25 and 26. Mole experience with the use of —o— Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Lee ac­ I ammonium sulfamate to kill poi- companied hy Mr. and Mrs. Bob son oak indicates that it is the Smith were transacting business in best chemical to use for this pur- Grants Pass the first of the week. pose under many conditions, but it is not as good for eradicating —o—— other kinds of perennial weeds as Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shamp of Idlewild. Calif., attended the Co. A some of the other chemicals, ac- dance last Saturday. They re­ i cording to a summary of recent ported a most enjoyable evening. i tests issued by Chester Otis, as­ sistant farm crops specialist, and Mrs Howard Crowe of Hood L. E. Harris, associate agronomist, River, Oregon, spent last week vis­ at O. S. C. The only other chemical that iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. equals ammonium sulfamate in N. Cooke of O'Brien. She left for killing power on poison oak is at- her home last Monday. lacide. Ammonium sulfamate, a Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baumberg- nitrogenous weed killer, has the er were in Grants Pass Wednes­ advantage, however, in that it does day on a hurried trip to get some not sterilize the soil and even has equipment for the Cave City Tour­ some fertilizer value. It has fire retardant properties instead of be­ ist park. ing inflammable, which is one rea­ —o— Mrs. Dick Thompson nee Ruby son for its scarcity on the market. Hosford, left last Saturday for her The armed services are using it for home in Portland after spending a week visiting friends in the val­ ley and looking after her property in O'Brien. CAVE CITY THEATER I I I 1 SÉASOnS CHO I Ì HE STAGE COACH has given place to the stream­ I I I liner. The electric light has snuffed out the soft- beamed candle. Tinkling sleigh bells are drowned in the roar of motor horns. But who will say I that Christmas has lost its charm? W ith Christ- mas at hand we renew our pledge of devotion to ideals of honest dealing, and express our appre­ ciation of your friendship for us during 1943. HEAP ON MORE WOOD, THE WIND IS CHILL; LET IT WHISTLE AS IT WILL, WE’LL KEEP OUR MERRY CHRISTMAS STILL! Model Cash Grocery MR. AND MRS. O.W. GREEN these fire retarding properties; nevertheless, more supplies are available now than a year ago. The experiment station recom­ mends that this material be mixed with water at the rate of one pound of ammonium sulfamate per gallon. This is sprayed on foliage, stems and crowns until the liquid drops freely. The best time for application is in the late summer or early fall. So far the ammonium sulfamate has not shown up satisfactorily on deep-rooted perennials, such as morning glory. Canada thistle, and whitetop. o SATURDAY .„d SUNDAY DECEMBER 25 and 2« Here We Go With FIBBER McGEE, MOL- II EDGAR BERG! N and chari ie M c C arthy brought forth her born son and wrapped in swaddlying clothes laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them at the inn. Luke 2:7 Rogue Theater \ ALSO NEWS AND SELECTED SHORTS \ We Wish You A MERRY CHRISTMAS' ( AVE CITY (’OFFER SUOI V. V. Jasperson F. ,1. Kolb *» Jr Caw Junction. Oregon Lumber was a California indus-[ try two years before that State’s, famous "gold-rush.” Today, most of the gold has been mined-out. Wc can't win the war without the but new timber is growing there navy; our soldier can't win unless our ships deliver; merchant ships faster than ever. can't deliver unless the home front provides. One important convoy job is flashing signals as this youth is doing in the Battle of the Atlantic. Your equally important job is to continue buying War Bonds until MERRY CHRISTMAS V ictory. J,'. £ j-rnuwrv Prfartmcnt Wed.. Thurs., Fri.. Sat. Dec 22 23, 24. 25 "SO PROUDLY WE HAIL Claudette Colbert - Veronica L Paulette Goddatd MERRY CHRliJ'iLO Sunday. Monday Tuesday Dec. 26. 27, 29 "A LADY TAKES A ( HANCE Jean Arthur - John Wayne I • A* A* I X* X'x' I X* I I Martin’s Hardwi Mr and Mrs George Martin K 1 MÍ Kra LIGHTS ON THE FIR TREE, Rivoli Theater 6£ST U1SIIÉS Santa may have new modes ot transporta tion in lus b.igoi tricks, blit our wish is that his 1943 pack include a great big package ot old time Chtistmas cheer, addressed you, dear friend YOl I ☆ r*ji ! Wed.. Thurs.. Fri, Sat. 29. 30. 31. Jan 1 "I DOOD IT" Red Skelton Plus Preview Jan. 1. It p. ni. ■ HERE COMES El MF R" Al Pearce - Frank Albertson MERRY XMAS AND \ HAPPY NEW YEAR" TO ALL OUR PATRONS’. 1943 I: '9+3 To Each and All May your Christmas of 1931 approach in joyness the carefree Christmases of early years. Dl CKWORTH The Tire Man Grants Pass T( i Wed.. Thurs.. Fri. and Sat Dec 22. 23. 24 25 "GOOD FELLOWS Cecil Kellawav - H len Walker — PLUS — DOUGHBOYS IN 1REI \ND" Kenny Baker . Lynn Merrick AND 9th Chapter of Serial "G-MEN VS BLACK DRAGON" ... MAY IT BE A VERY Sun.. Mon.. Tues Dec 26, 27. 2S "FIRST COMES COUR \GE" Merle Oberon - Brian Xherne XT SO — "DANGEROUS BLONDES' Mien Joslyn - Evelyn Keyes Wed , Thur«.. Fri . Sat Dec 29 30 31. Jan. 1 "FOOTLIGHT GLAMOUR” Penny Singleton - Arthur Lake — PLUS — BLAZING GUNS ' Hoot Gibson - Ken Maynard And 10th Chapter of Serial "G MEN VS Hl \CK DR \GON" I- SNOW ON THE WINDOW LEDGE...THE JOYOUS FACES OF CHILDREN ... HAPPY ONE FOR YOU CAI 1. JUN( TION MOTOR ( OI RT i Ken mid Beulah Hamilton < fi Ó