Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 23,1913 Page Four ( ROSS CUT SAWS Filed at Shell Service Station Cave Junction Grants Pass Mail your cleaning and press­ ing work to us — We will mail it back cleaned and pressed. MERRY CHRISTMAS MERRY CHRISTMAS HULL & HULI F II A LOANS by CLINT HARDS FUNERAL HOME Ambulane« service day or nite Phone 334 210 West “A BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH Valley Lumber Co. West F St. Phone 47 fined, for Christmas comes but once a year. We appreciate your friendly neighborliness, and hope to deserve it in the future. We wish you a very joyous Holiday Season, f rom HOUSE OF IIAMRIUK OBITUARY Guard Duty WARDROBE CLEANERS I I John H. Wittrock was born Ap­ ril 14. 1><79 at Pinal, Arizona. He received his early education in Tempe, Arizona, and Los Angeles, California. At the age of 20 he came to Southern Oregon, later returning to San Francisco where he graduated from the A. Vander Naillen school of engineering. He made his home since then in the Illinois Valley where he spent some years in mining and with the Forest Service. On June 5, 1916, he married Anna Feistel* and the same year attained the General Merchandise store which he has op­ erated ever since. Going to Ari­ zona the past three years for his health, where he passed away qui­ etly in his sleep the morning of Dec. 15. He leaves his widow. Anna who was with him at the time of his death and a daughter. Mabel Wittrock, who is employed in Port­ land. Johnnie Wittrock. as all knew No—this sailor isn't gunning for Santa Claus. In fact, he's on friend­ him, was a fine citizen, neighbor ly terms with the old gentleman. and friend, and a devoted husband He is merely standing guard at the and father. He was very much in­ Administration building of the Great terested in the progress of the val­ Lakes Naval Training station. ley and especially the schools. He was a member of both the Odd Fel­ Poinsettia. Christmas Flower lows and Masonic lodges. Funeral That Thrives in II arm Clime services were held at the Odd Fel­ The poinsettia is a native of Mex­ lows hall and in charge of both ico and South America and thrives lodges. Rev. Harold Shaw of in the southern United States, Grants Pass gave words of com­ The true flower of the poinsettia is not the brilliant red. The flower fort in a short sermon. Herbert is the small and inconspicuous een- Watts and Lucius Robinson, with ter of delicate green buds. Exami- .Mrs. Chas. Babcock furnished mu­ nation will show that the colorful sic. Interment was at the Odd "flower” consists of a few topmost Fellows cemetery. bracts that have turned from green to red, like autumn leaves Poinsettia is a four-syllable word Tlie correct pronunciation being poin-SET-i-uh. Grants Pass 19+3 American Strangely, no one knows the exact date of die birth of Christ Until some time in the Fourth century. Christmas 'Christ’s Mass) was vari­ ously celebrated on January 6, Feb­ ruary 2, March 25. April 19. May 20 and November 17 In 1644. the Eng­ lish parliament passed an act for bidding the observance of Christ­ mas Later Charles II revived the Feast, as Christmas then was called Harry Floyd ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE 0’ Sri Date for Christ's Hirtli in Fourth Century * Its just about time for that perennial paratrooper, Santa Claus, to start his friendly invasion. We just want to say we hope he makes a happy landing, right in your home, bringing you more Christmas cheer than you've ever had before. ★ From Greenland's icy moun­ tains to India's coral strand the age-old celebration of Christmas is in progress. In this season of universal good will we welcome the opportunity to thank you for that measure of confidence you have shown in us during 1943 and other years. We will do our utmost to continue to deserve it MONG the things for which our boys are fighting is the TIMES HAVE CHANGED, out Christmas remains un­ changed. the year's outstand­ ing holiday in the timeless cycle of love and good fel­ lowship. In the same old familiar way it gives us pleasure to wish for you in this season of 1943 the most in Christmas cheer and en­ joyment. 'Silent Kight’ "Silent \ight, Holy \iuht! dll is calm, nil is bright: Round son I irgin, Mother and Child . . The Christmas carol which li an stirred the world by the depth of its understanding, the strength of its emotional appeal anti its simplicity of diction, teas given to the world by a priest and the teacher m his parish. II ritlen for a Christmas festival in I RIH by Joseph Mohr and put to music by l ranz Gruber, "Stille V at lit" u as finished in « little i illage in lustria. Receiied uilh diliiihl t>\ enthuti- astic parishioners, this carol found its was around a uorld that seemed to be listening for just this echo of the angel song. right to celebrate Christmas in the traditional American way. It is with particular pride in our coun­ try's accomplishment in this direc- tion and with firm faith for the future that we send you now our heartiest Christmas wishes. Carner’s Automotive Service Co. Barton - Womack Lumber Co. O’Bi en, Diegon □ Christmas Gifts I nl,noun In Host European \ations EXCEL DRESS SIKH Outside of England and the Teu­ tonic countries. Christmas gifts are unknown in the Old World. In Latin countries, including France, gifts are exchanged on New Year s day In England, usually on the flrst weekday after Christmas. "Boxing day" is observed Packages, small gifts, and gratuities are given to postmen, errand boys, tradesmen, porters, charwomen JOYOUS \ J 0 4 S I N G ► tree is up, garlanded in wreaths of Christmas Carols tinsel, aflare with lights hat glow like fireflies. There it stands in the window, sparkling with nil the borrowed glamour of eltland. Early Xmas Morning With this glowing 1 Kickground to remind :00 o'clock Sharp us, we nix* readv to speak our piece. It n r is a very simple one . . . the same as last Everyone kindly invited to join in singing S. D. A. Church year anti the year before: Thank you rrntiiix that >.inta < lau» 1« p.itrl- i< as well as generous. he placet a .».nr of war bonds in this well Idled ,to< king More and more p< ople are Citing war bonds a« i hristnia« pres- -nts, thus aiding their eountrt'« war (Torts as well as simplifying their • ule shopping. one and all for your kindness to us, and McGregor Co Per.nsyl after St. ini. Grants Pas«. Oregon 0 0