Page Two ss Illinois Valley News, Thursday, October 28, 1913 - hath sent forth the Spirit of his rather accurate and acceptable of the corn belt plus freight. Un­ Son into your hearts, crying, Ab­ work. Tuesday two large tables der the present ceilings it is pos­ ba. Father.” Galatians 4:6. were empty because no women sible now to buy live hogs in cen­ Miss Gregg recently arrived in came to fill them. Could you have tral Nebraska and the eastern Da­ An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest the valley from California, sang a been one of those? If so was kotas at ceiling prices there, pay valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY beautiful solo, “Jesus, oh what your excuse legitimate? the freight to Portland, and still Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois CHURCH a name.” Would you be comfortable that sell them here at substantially un­ Valley Publishing Company. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Everyone is invited to attend some mother s boy, wounded and der the published ceiling of Entered ax second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Young People’s service, 7:45 P these services. suffering, in a far away land, $ 15.75. Present ceiling price re- Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 187a longing for home and its comforts, lationships between live hogs and tn. Evening service, 8:15 p. m. had to suffer more acutely because dressed pork are somewhat favor-! Editor M C A I MEY Prayer meeting Wednesday, S of a shortage of the simple sur­ able to western slaughterers. P- m. gical dressings that would ease his -------------- o- --------------- o------------- — wounds? Yet this may happen— SUBSCRIPT ION PRICES ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH may be happening even now, who] Small Boy Offers OF SEVENTH DAY In Josephine County knows, because some one of us Cake Recipe Guaranteed $1 SO One Year - ... ADVENTISTS was indifferent and neglectful of .75 Six Months To Dough Up Axis Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. the pressing appeals being sent SO Three Months Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. out constantly from our Red Cru-- BLANCA. Colo.—A small boy of Outside of Josephine County Prayer meeting Wednesday at for workers. | Blanca, Colo., has propounded a >2 00 One Year 7:30 p. m. We all recall the famous old , i recipe for a cake that is guaran­ You are invited to meet with saying. “For the lack of a nail The Illinois Valley News reserve, the right to reject any advertising the shot was lost; for the lack of teed to satisfy the appetite of ev- us. ' cry American. copy which i* deems objectionable. Advertising rate« on application F. W. Cooper, elder, Cave Junc­ a shoe the horse was lost; for the | The boy is Raym >nd Fosdick. tion. lack of a horse the ruler was lost | Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. -------------- o-------------- and for the lack of a rider the' Fosdick of Blanca. KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL battle was lost.” Who dare- deny' The recipe reads as follows: REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS UnifJ that our Red Cross dressings may Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, INGREDIENTS be the nails, tliat may save some 9 :45 a. m. 2 cups <>f Hitler lives, that those lives saved may -------------- o-------------- 'a cup of .Mussolini save a battle, and bring speedier CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY Marniti NATIONAL ÉDITORIAL— homecoming and ultimate victory 6 cups of Japs CHURCH O0N brf SPARER 1 teaspoon of Rising Sun 0 R E C (X> 11143 Y** ASSOCIATION to our beloved colors? Prisoner of War! frustrated... Geo. H. Gray, Pastor. E R,s' 4-4s Oj)l A T I 0 N 1 teaspoon Manila P U B L I S h ] e R,s’ lonely. War Prisoners Aid is one .Are you doing your bit? May Sunday School 10 a. m. DIRECTIONS of the great tasks of tlie 17 Na­ we not be priviliged to see the 11a. m. Sift Hitler three times through Morning Worship tional War Fund agencies. This Ranger Crew House crowded to bathed wire. Chop Mussolini, then Song Service 8 p. m. tures released to the world of navy NEWS RROM OUR year you can help all these and battles in the South Pasifih as a overflowing next Tuesday after crack and shell Japs. Add Rising The Sunday school lesson was the needy here at home with ona BOYS IN SERVICE noon and on every succeeding navy photographer-storekeeper on Sun and beat like hell. Then add "How may we know our parents?” gift...through your own commu­ board a small U. S. cruiser. Spe­ Tuesday this winter through. Manila; the more you beat the Golden text was “Children, obey nity's fund. I ROM TOM WALTON cifically. he took all those the navy —o— better. Grease pan, America, pour your parents in the Lord; for this Somewhere in the South Pacific released of the battleship “X”— the mixture in it, put in oven and is right. Eph. 6:1. South Dakota that were released Ilog Price Ceilings Al slam Corregidor. Turn on gas to Dear Mother. "Our Heavenly Father'’ was 95,000 degrees. Then go see Rev. Gray’s sermon and his text We hit port a few days ago and the other day. Terminals Act Queerly "Gone With the Wind.” On re- “And because ye are sons. God have received your letter, the one The girls like our coming, even you wrote in August. You .surely though they have ha<| t<> take Recently established ceilings on turning home, put on mask, open have written since then. You re­ cramped quarters in other dorms. live hogs have brought about some all windows and doors to let the ally can't tell anything about the We have dances for them Satur­ odil situations in terminal markets, odor out. Remove from oven and mail service down here. days and the best of them come. although these are for the most submerge in Atlantic to cool. Then The weather here is perfect and There are so many that want to part natural results of the price re­ return home anil buy war bonds so I am trying to get a good tan. but come, in fact, that a student com- lationships, according to agricul­ all the boys can make the same I'm shedding skin so fast I re mittcis designates those who may tural economists of the Extension thing. ----------- -—o-------------- main about the name color. I wish come each week. So far, we have service and experiment station at DAY AND NIGHT BLESSED EVENT you could see this place. It is a been “allowed” to meet only jun- Oregon State college. typical tropical island. They tell iors and seniors. Ho, hum, what For example, since the establish­ me that it has cocoanut palms on a life! Join the navy and- ment of hog ceilings at Chicago BORN—To Ml. and Mrs. Ray­ mond L. Frost of Selma, at the it. I've been doing a lot of fish­ As to duty when we graduate $14.75 a hundre.d all classes re­ Lathrop Maternity home in ing since we dropped the hook. To on Feb. 2(1, "scuttlebutt” navy gardless of size or range have been Grants Pass, October 20th at date I have caught the following: for rumor—has us going from selling at the ceiling price. In 1 :30 p. m., a baby girl named red snapper, yellow tail, blow fish, Italy to Australia. Chances are Portland, on the other hand, the Patricia Elizabeth, weight eight perch ami today I caught the larg­ those who finish in the higher current market price is consider­ pounds, 13 ounces. est of them all, a barracuda, a scholastic group will become the ably below the permitted ceiling --------- o-------------- man eating fish. They are con- head of the supply department on and there has apparently been no Send The News to your friends idei c(| more vicious than a shark. a cruiser or destroyer. Personal­ material effect on numbers of hogs We have a loud speaker hooked ly, I’m aiming for Alaskan or 13th marketed or on the differential be­ up from the radio shack to topside Naval District duty. But, what tween grades. At Chicago receipts ami can listen to short wave broad­ you ask for in the navy is what have been sharply curtailed, ac­ For Drugs, Toiletries casts from all over the world Last you don’t get, so 1’11 probably end cording to reports. night we heard a propaganda up in India. Fountain Service The published ceiling prices at w frr broadcast from Japan. Same bunch Our quarters are sumptuous Portland actually have little mean­ Come to of you know what. compared to similar college service ing, says E. L Potter, head of the F Well Mom, that's all until to schools. Two are in a room, ami division of agricultural economics. OWL PHARMACY > ? morrow. Write often. there is plenty of stretching room The hog price in Portland, except In Grants Pass * Love, for short periods, has consistently even an easy chair for the lazy. TOM. Well, thanks for the paper. It been the price at the western edge certainly helps to keep from home­ o— sickness. It doesn’t help my lone­ I ROM ENS. IL O SMITH liness now. because how could I Ens. II. (>. Smith (SCI USNR have any with Wellesley girls be Navy Supply Corps School mg what they are. But Fm going Wellesley Branch, to keep you up to date on my ad Wellesley. Mass dress as the loneliness will prob­ Dear Mr. Athey- ably enter in then. But as for now, Ever since you have been so damn the torpedoes and full speed kind as to send me the 1. V. News ahead. every week as a message from the We now have a large stock of Toys for early valley, I have been meaning to Holiday selections, We advi»e early shopping write you a formal thank you let Now that ¡< change of ad ter. as many items will he hard to replace anti some dress has Income necessary I will impossible to get later. Shor now and save selfishly write th - lett r now. See- your time later for other gifts. ing the names and i eading al> >ut the doings of the "home folk," i» about the best tonic for home ■•¡c'. All Kinds of Games— in othei than my folks weekly * A (¡ood Selection of Dolls — ? letter that I know. A Large Variety of Wheeled Goods— \bout my new assignment: U my folks have probably And Many Other Interesting Items— it is probably about unique that any mernb. aimed forces from the v in fact, from the state o We re doing our best to earry service men ha». After all, ami evei sumption of a cei tain n on furlough wherever they need to go. Xtid objectivity, assignment t during this wartime there are many other bion’s most distinguished lege for almost five monl people w ho desene to travel w itliont delay. be a part of the fust men e Our trains are full—so we ask you not to attend this school in its 75 \iitf.mati,' Tun n ; old history qualifies a- at le travel unless vour trip is reallv important. “in tere 11ng" assignment. Three Gang Permeability Tuning The reason we aie here i Six Metal and Glass Sinelo-ended Tubes the Navy h*a a nee.I that con Five Piano Key Type Push Buttons ■tantly growing for trained «upplj l-iank Halm, son of Mr. and disbursing officers to pay and Mis. F rank Halm, now finishing Three Position Tone Control supply a Navy which >. growing h.< traili ng in the Mr Corp» at Elliptical Speaker faster than any navy hi the world’- Yuma. Mszona. Xtivancw reverrai ions reouireJ /or S. ctxuh »pact Sensitivity Control history Miss (It ConiJi I Mild Automatic Drift Compensator led Me (fee, president ol this . 4 RED ( ROSS lege who is head of tb< \\ WES. Dial Light Dimmer volunteered the facilities, and here New Full Vision Dial (( ’ttu'ev! from Page One' we are Currently and foi the V Automatic Volume Control ? I he \\ orld’s News Seen Through next two months, I will learn about What would you estimate as a J »' how the navy pays it personnel. coed and commendable percentage he hristian cienc e onitor ? J Then 1 will learn to outfit Seabee of iitt< n.lance from the women of /” IXiily Xcu i{\i ? ,s is Truthfui—(onHi uDf—l'nbi.i*ed—Free from Sennrional- units in the far Pacific, gather the this community? So far the nuni- WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF materials to build destroyer escort her ha, r — Editorial'* \rr l imclv and Instruktive and Itt Daily ed from 10 to some- s' I I eauirvs. 1 ogecher with the Weeklv Ma^arine Sektion, Make vessels, and all the other hundreds times alm double that number, $ the Monitor an Nrwapaper for the Home. of logistical job of supply that en­ the numl of dressings turned $ I hr < hr. in Sciente Pu:- ohing Society ter into all navy fighting opera out each k varying according- One. Nor» v Street, Boston. M.t«-icliuwtta GET YOURS BEFORE IT FREEZES tions today. This will take the rest ly. A wi ago with 15 present Pnce $12 Yearly. or it 00 < Month s' 1105 drei of the time. js were made. This Saturday loue, in. ding M iginne Sa tl J ’ 6<> a Y«M Because of my previous military­ week because of 'mail attend­ ? Introductory i' *er. t Saturday Issue« 25 Cents experience I was made a squad ance the number fell to 650. Some ? Name.__ ____ __ leader for the military drill we worker» ate attaining an enviable $ Addir« have for an hour every day My speed, turning out an average of SAMI” I- COPY ON REQUEST roommate is also a former enlisted 40 or more dressings per hour. 411 South Sixth Street £ Grants Pass man who took many of the pic- However, speed is not urged, but Illinois Valley News EET YOUR HEART OECIIH IJIJ' NATIONAL Ambulance Service PHONE 388 L. B. Hall Funeral Home Near County Courthouse 5th and “C” Streets Grants Pass > Department These men have the "right of rail" with us how about you? Table Model House Electric ^ad IOS 9 Hi T C ^/ie friendly Southern Pacific S M ANTI-FREEZE Hannum & Kelt Chevrolet