Page Two Illinois Valley News. Thursday, October 21,1943 ------ ■■■—” Golden text. "The Sabbath was that their undiplomatic tongues got them into. Well, n idt f i man, and not man for gentlemen—you “doo deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application any kind, suitable« for making into F. W. Cooper, elder. Cave Junc­ we are now stationed. The trip woolen comforters. was a tiresome trip, as we had to tion. o- travel in chair cars all the way. KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL None of the country I have seen \ REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS unit GET TOGETHER GROUP Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, yet compares to the West Coast MET AT O'BRIEN HOME 9:45 a. m. or “Oregon.” •o- We have started ou first phase The Get-Together group met the MamLaa f flying at this new station. 1 NATIONAL ÉDITORIAL— CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY 15th of October at the home of i really think it is wonderful. I am PALPER O reco O0NLWS ( n ^ CHURCH Mrs. Janies Curnow in O’Brien, af­ hoping the Illinois Valley airport R S* 44s Ojc)l A T I 0 N P U B L I S HT E y Geo. H. Gray, Pastor. ter the two months summer vaca­ will be completed or open for pri­ Sunday School 10 a. m. tion. vate operation when the war is Morning Worship 11a. m. After the business meeting, de­ over. I ought to be able to make FIVE SENATORS 8 p. m. licious refreshments were served, Song Service good use of it. The Sunday school lesson was and an enjoyable afternoon was Well, if you would forward the “What to do on the Sabbath.” spent. According to an English newspaper (speaking of paper to my new address it cer­ our five United States senators who toured the war tainly would be appreciated. Thanks a lot. zones) one saw no good; one heard no good; one said Sincerely, no good; one wanted no good and one was up to no BIT. good. Yea, varily! it must have been a goodly crowd. Cadet Edwin C. Smith, Kennedy Hall, Los Vegas, The five senators toured the world in 60 days; took in all theaters of the* war and report that the there. 1 would like to have seen New Mexico. DAY AND NIGHT English are far ahead of us in most ways. They find .-.onie of the kids from home but DID YOU RECEIVE they are established most everywhere and we Amer­ maybe I will some day. I see in tile I. V. News about a YOUR NEW BONDS? icans are not. service men’s column. That is a The five senators should remember that the Brit­ good idea. Tell everyone hello for Th ise who purchased the Third ish have been a trading nation for hundreds of years, me. Invasion Bonds from the banks in while we in America have been isolationists. We were When I was in Merced I was fly­ Grants Pass, and who have not yet ing around one night, the moon received them, should let the bank afraid to mix with other nations, least we become con­ was so bright ami as full as it could know their address s<> they can be taminated with something. We refused to go into the be. 1 read my mailed to them. Near County Courthouse League of Nations. We wanted nothing from Europe light. Flying an by in­ Several people in the valley pur­ struments isn't ns it chased bonds at the banks ami they except her trade and money and as far as Russia •5th and “C” Streets Grants Pass sounds. They have instruments are being held there because the w as concerned, we refused for years to recognize that all over the cockpit and you keep purchaser did not tell them where Communistic government for fear of getting what­ your eyes going all over them, to mail the bonds. If any of our making adjustments and ever was contageous. still readers purchased these bon ds Now we find the Russians just a little skeptical watch the clock to figure out from either bank and you have not where you are and where you arc yet received them, the banks are as to our good intentions. They have not permitted going. holding them for you. Write for any of our Allied t roops in their country to help them. I'll have to stop now but will them, or go in after them. Illinois Valley News Ambulance Service t PHONE 388 L B. Hall Funeral Home They have done their own fighting, and HOW! Our five senators took a look and came home with such caustic statements that caused a small revolu­ tion among diplomatic representatives, who hurriedly 1 ried to explain in diplomatic language of course, that the five senators didn’t amount to much anyway and not to pay too much attention to their remarks, at least we gather us much from reports. They saw anti travelled over many airfields we have constructed in different places, and of course they want u ■ to keep them after the war is over. Of course we sent money and men and equipment to build many airfields—where would we be if we had not done so. \\ In n the war is over, and the Allies make the peace, it may be possible that those coun­ tlie who have benefitted by our airports, may be \ : i \ gi ld to have some sort of protectorate declared that will ke« p them for future guarantees that then* will not l»e another war. If this is done the peaceful world will own them, and that's where they should be. The five enators are now busily trying to explain themselves out of a very pernicious state of affairs Department FARM FOLKS Comfort! Good Looks! Quality! Illness Requiring Hospital Care Need Cost You Only Emergency f I i I I I I I I * I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I i i I I $12.60 per year Beige or Cocoa Browa Entitles Every Member of the Family to 21 Days Benefit Gabardine •lacket MEMBERSHIPS OPEN FROM OCTOBER tOth TO NOVEMBER 15th 8.45 Room 9. I.iindlmi ■ : Building, 6th and E Streets Write or Call in Person JOSEPHINE COUNTY RURAL HEALTH PROTEC TION ASSN. • Siiti 36 to 46 • Full Rayon Lining r JOSEPHINE POWERS. Secretary-Trea.urer I I I I I A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time from the 1 « u Here's the jacket- you'll wear for a long, long time and always be ccr.fortable, always feel well dressed. Beautiful, high sheen gabardine. You Can Bake, Serve and Store in ’Em I Quick * Easy - Safe 1 1 Write or call lor complete information — -1 he war against spies and saboteurs etna nds the aid of every American. Vhen you see evidence of sabotage. tot if y the Federal Bureau of Inves jation at once. wVhen you suspect the presence c. enemy agents, tell it to the TBI. Beware of those who spread enemy ropaganda! Don't repeat v\' imors or vicious whisns Tell it to the TBI! ri re-Ki n j» O von w are Two-Year Guarantee lenitine . Fire King — Ovenware - 4hst exitles & 2-yexr iruarxntM ig.xmst beat breaka;e. Cook, serve and store in .ime diab Eun lo clean . .. easy on your budget! *** Ilie vi’orld’s News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor ’ J- Daily A) Casserole with Cover. < i« Truthful—Constructive— —I’nbiascd—Free from Senutional- i«m — Editorial« \rr Itnw'v and Instructive and It« Daily W eekk Magazine Section. Make e sture«, leu. il . i * ,h th le Monitor .in I«1«- I Newspaper for the Home. B) IO'/2.|nch Utility Pan »tian Science Publishing mv Street. Boston. Masc, « f 'nlrrul • ■ It r ■ al , • ae Humut af hraati/nttùui (C) 91/j-lnch Deep Loaf Pan......... i.Tc (E) 9-lnch Pie Plate 00 Yearly, or 11 00 i ...ling Magazine S- u Saturday I mu «’, r Introductory Offer. 6 Saturday Iiwes (D) 6-Oz. Custard Cups in< :19c 7c I I I I I I I i I I I I Hannum & Kelt Chevrolet » fcMad m mm m M S XMI’U COPY ON KI QUEST 411 South Sixth Street 4 I < I Grants Pass J