Illinois Valley New*. Thursday, October 14,1943 Page I wo ¿2 Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of .March 3, 1879 M C Production Corps Volunteers Make Millions Of Red Cross Garments I rmmniES Editor ATMEY ). SUBSCRIPTION PRICES $1 SO Outside of Josephine County The Illinois Valley News reserve- the right to reject any advertising copy which i> .teems objectionable. Advertising rates on application NEWSPAPER REDWOOD EMPIRE O reg O^NLVisFiPER P ublish E R.s' 4 StS (H)! A T I 0 N PUBLISHES Unit. NATIONAL/DITOR1A1- Morning worship, 11 a. m. Young People’s service. 7:45 i I Evening service, 8:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, m. -o-------------- s CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH 10/in V' ASSOCIVI i T Geo. IL Gray. Pastor. 10 a. in. Sunday School 11 a. m. Moin in ■ Worship 8 p. m. Song Service TIME TO GIVE The recent war bond drive went over the top in grand style all over the nation. In Josephine county our goal of $900,000 lias gone over a million, and we are indeed grateful. Now comes the time when we can GIVE to our country state and county, instead of investing. When we purchased bonds, we made an investment that pays dividends. Now we have the happy priv- elege of giving to those agencies that help make life happier and worth living.not as charity, but as a re­ construction for those who have been unfortunate, either in battle, or the home front. We have not been informed what manner of cam­ paign will be used in the valley, but whatever it is. let us give as freely as our purse will allow, to those who are rendering the most marvelous help that man can give to man. 1 Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. You are invited to meet with us. F. W. Cooper, elder, Cave Junc­ tion. i -------------- O--------------- i KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL j Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, I 9:45 a. ni. -o- $2 00 One Year BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH ILLINOIS VALLFY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS In Josephine County One Year Six Months Three Month* I Women volunteers in the Volunteer Special Services ot the Ameri­ can Red Cross of which there are more than 3,000,000 are ma'.ing one of the greatest contributions to the war effort. Since I’carl Harbor they have turned out 517,000,000 surgical dressings for the Army and Navy and other armed forci - of the United Nations; 3,962,362 knitted and other garments for able bodied members of the armed forces; 1.505,875 hospital garment- for hospitalized members of the armed forces and hundreds of thou-ands of layettes and millions of garments distributed in foreign relief work. These women volunteers worked nearly a billion hours during the past fiscal year. (American Red Cross for the Oilice of War Information) ator had printed in the Appendix of the Congressional Record, and a copy (not printed at government ex­ pense) of the address sent to (we suspicion) every newspaper in the state. All of this smacks of pre-election propaganda, for the good senator comes up for re-election next year. With all due regard to Senator Holman whether he is good or bad as a United States senator—this “prop­ aganda" is well chosen and well done, and it certainly will not hurt his chances of re-election among the -------------------- —O---------------------- Grangers of the state, and we are inclined to believe A LOAF DE BREAD that most of them will get a copy of the reprint. You know the old story— The early bird gets the '1'he News wants to call the attention of its read­ worm. ” Rufus is starting in early. Wonder if he ers to the advertising campaign that Fluhrer Bak­ likes worms? eries is printing. This firm is giving Southern Ore­ gon one of the best advertising campaigns for bakery goods in the entire state of Oregon, and we might en­ HEALTH ( LINK’ Brini Your Tin To large on this and take in the entire west and not over­ Ladies Auxiliary step the truth. Which all goes to credit of our sec­ The Health staff belli a very tion for having live w ires doing business in our midst. -ucce fill clinic Wcdiic Jay there If you don’t know what with your tin. smash it flat Since the Medford firm took over two Grants Pass being eight school phy-ical exam­ bring it t to the stock pile at ination. and two |nt school, there bakeries, they have been giving the valley the best weie three adult patients, fi\t> t Auxiliary room. will find a stock pile service we have ever had, and their product is of the beiculin te-t V there, too. Silk and wool at ions. Mi­ superior variety. taken care of also. she was Bread is the staff of lite, so we are told, Why not as > Morii-on, conference patronize liberally a firm that believes in their pro­ be lit Id Xar wise Chairman. duct so sincerely that they spend hundreds of dollars good pl; i i’■ G i se Stamps today lettimr you know about it, and at the same t¡me pushes week’s trainin'.-. or country. Southern Oregon to the front. ---------------- o----------------- RUFUS STARTS EARIA The Sunday school lesson was Golden "What Is Reverence." Reverence text, “God is a Spilit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:241. » Rev. Gray's sermon was, “Re- ward of Christian living." His text from the Bible was, " Where- fore we labor, that, we may be accepted of Him. For we must all appear before the judgment -eat of Christ; that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.” II Corinthians 5. Mrs. Dorothy Gray and Mrs. Clara Dick sang a duet "Living for Jesus.” There will be a ’pecial song service at the Bridgeview church next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Every­ one is invited to attend. ------------- û-------------- BLESSED EVENT BORN'—To Mr. and Mrs. J. Ortis Seat. Sunday, October 10th, at 5:30 p. in., at Josephine General hospital in Grants Pass, a baby boy weighing -even pounds and six ounces. -------------- o--------------- Mr. and Mrs. Art Kellert and -on. Hairy, left Tuesday for Port­ land. Mrs. Kellert’s sister, Mrs. Johnstone, who visited here last week, will accompany Mrs. Kellert t> Northern Washington where they will visit relatives a little longer. Art will return this week end. Mrs. Baird is taking care of the cafe while Mrs. Kellert i- away. Ambulance Service DAY AND NIGHT PHONE 388 L. B. Hall Funeral Home Near County Courthouse Streets Grants Pass Beautifully Dressed From Tip to Toe I lu this weeks mail, we have a folder from the of­ fice of Senator Rufus C. Holman—a reprint from the Nation:».! Grange Monthly of September, 1913 issue. in which the magazine tells a considerable story of life of the senator. \l>o was enclosed a radio address which the sen- P l«< KA i L 3 (lurAh ’echan ty/ia ri ne ihr Xonf h Arn erican /rade Early trading with South America was marked with adventure of every description - hurricanes, pirat es. yellow fever and rev­ olutions. _ *z , Brazil opened her Is to shipping and the : ow:ig year the first car­ et coffee from that coun- ved in Salem.Mass. R'O OK JANE'RO ’^^mcrica quickly became a coffee drinking nation..By I860 we imported 46 mil lion pounds from the port of Rio a* Janeiro alone a . How’s It Back Home? ■ through the TSO end h’m a rea elit f agencies that —one of the 17 major war r have bunded togeth ;• with o’.: ■ own community agencies this \e r to bolster and relieve distress on the battle front mong the civilian victims of war . nd here at home, Just one con- tribution tlr'- Vt, r helps all ot these Make Make it NOW. ONA L Cooperatili!’ with U f!i world trade generally at a low ebb In the eighteen- Sixties, the cargoes of a new ly-discovered rich fertilizer from the Chincha Rrru. ptvveda loti ■■ M* f « chant Marine. / ••. W* OREGON WAR CHEM Now,in wartime, our vessels bring coffee, sugar.nitrale. Copper, tin and mjny other cargoes from South America for war production and civ­ ilian needs. _____ «vva ’s s . 4M» «>-<*« *S»rtT»»r **»■» a ^ -■*X v From .lo-ephine Count \ '10.000. • - THE GOLDEN RULE Grant* Pass, Oregon Her name is "Plassie," and she’s this year's wonder baby' She has long lashes and she cries if you tip her. Her plastic head (brand new idea!) tilts ard turns like a real baby’s She's 18 inches tall. Choose her now . . . V»e our Christmas Lay A Way plant for Däd or Freier ! '5..- j Lin Suri oal It’s Official in Size i «“IGI ope * ! 7.ÎJ5 finest grade «oft cape-kin with rayon and cotton plaid lining. Sires is to 46 Spa l