Illinois Valley News, Thursday, September 30,1943 ________________ Page Two * ten on the subject, "Why We Keep Oregon Green”. The Association is interesteel in knowing of the services performed . An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest by the Green Guards in our fire j valley iri the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. prevention campaign. Many mem­ Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois bers have a very good chance fot I Valley Publishing Company. a prize for their services alone I . .tier June 11, 1937, at t •' « i'o-t Office at The essay is required for only the Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 first two groups of prizes, and was added to help those people Editor who have not found the opportun M C AIMEY ity t<> perform some outstanding 1 fete. Green Guards, get busy': SUBSCRIPTION PRICES You have a chance to win. In Josephine County >..• I • .r ................................... 50 jin Months ...................................................................................... Three Month« ............................... .......... 50 Illinois Valley News Everyone is invited to attend ne.-s exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people.” Pro-. these services. ——o------------- — verbs 14:34. sermon was "God I Rev. Gray’s BLESSED EVENT Cai es for Us.” His text from the ; BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence All things work to-1 Bible was. Wallace of Kerby, at the Jose­ gether for good for those who love j phine General hospital in Grants God.” Romans 8:28. Pass, Sunday, Sept. 26, at 4:05 Mrs. Clara Dick sang a beauti­ a. m.. a baby gjrl weighing eight ful solo, "That Stranger of Gali­ pounds 11 ounces. lee.” o- KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL ------------- o------------- BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH One Year Outside of Josephine County ....................................................... *2 00 To Illinois Valley News reserve- the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application REDWOOD EMPIRE 3_________ NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS Mesure* O rec 1 o ( ì T)N lwspì , per P U B 11 S H E R,s’ fl >[s 0 $1 A T I 0 N Unit.J NATIONAL fDITORIAI— IM! lu 11 ||J ■ > a « o S' atiok Sr ’ 'mil* BONDS IN THE VALLEY Harvest of the Easter lily buly crop in Oregon is now well undei way and will continue through mid October. Grading and packing will i be completed by the end of Oc-i tober. The largest crop yet taken from the Easter lily fields in Oivgmi will be harvested this year, according to horticultural isnpectors of the state department of agriculture. The Easter lily production in this state has developed commer­ cial proportions within the short span of five years and had its inception in the Bandon and liar bor areas through the enterprise of the late Mr. Croft, after whom the principal variety now being pro­ duced in this state was named. I Morning worship, 11 a. m. Young People’s service, 7:45 p. 1 in. Evening -ervice, 8:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, p. m. ---------------- 0----------------- Come to OWL PHARMACY In Grants Pass BONDS OVCB AMSBICA Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, 9:45 a. m. EASTER LILY BULB HARVEST BEST YET For Drugs, Toiletries Fountain Service “If they mean to have war, let it begin here.” Capt. John Parker cau­ tioned his 60 Minute­ men on Lexington Green, just before they fired “the »hot heard round the world.” • • • Lexington Green 8 ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH Of SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. I Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. ni. You are invited to meet with us. F. W. Cooper, elder. Cave Junc­ tion. ¡FREN( II LAUNDRYj , & DRY C LEANERS | Tin News wants to take this opportunity to con- I'.nttul; te Mr .J ,1. Villair and all her assistants in t lie fine record t hey have made (luring this third bond Observation Post News Agencies ’ Haynes Clothing Shop drive. The results have been most flatering, and the (Continued from Page Ont) wml done by Mr Villaii and her coworkers is grat­ in the Filter Center and on an ob­ | Wittrock’s Store, Kerby | Lew Hammer, Selma servation post. Typical of these ifying to the extreme. Ida May Striker and Sara I (’all: Wed. and Sat. The Cave Junction post office will have well over are Humphrey who serve both at the .■2U.OO0 written in bonds by Saturday night when the Eugene Filter Center and take a drive ( nd . Postmaster Arnold had to send several regular shift at the Observation thou nd dollars worth o:' bonds into (¡rants Pass as Post on Spencer’s Butte. The members of the Corps come lie ran out of blanks, and the banks in (¡rants Pass from practically all walks of life. have* written in nv thou nds of dollars worth of Some are housewives taking their bonds for others. duties at the Center in addition to All in all, we expect t e valley to hit $50,000 be­ maintaining a home, such as Mrs. Alice Tibbits of Portland Mrs. fore the driv. is over, and we think this is remark­ Golda Nickell of Roseburg, and able We are sure that the county chairman and his Mrs. Blanche Mark of Eugene. staff appreciate w hat the valley has done. Then as the old saying goes, To the people in the valley who have so generous­ "Heaven will protect the working ” many of the people who ly purchas'd bonds, we have nothing but the highest girl, spend long hours at various jobs, praise for the splendid way you have helped in the wend their way to Filter Centers w hen their day’s work is done. Ev­ war effort. Back the Att ack,Buy an Extra $100 Bone Czechs, Dutchmen, Danes, Frenchmen, Norsemen, now living under the Nazi heel, remember their free­ dom and cherish their lost memorials now re­ placed by the black swastika. Cooperating with the Federal Government this Advertisement is published through the Courtesy of The GOLDEN R ULE Grants Pass, Oregon | | Ambulance Service DAY AND NIGHT PHONE 388 j WAR L. B. Hall Funeral Home County Courthouse J .r d LOAN 5th and “C” Near Streets Grants Pass Deer Creek (¡range To Hold Booster Night I South Fourth street, (¡rants Pass, lias joined the W WES, it was an­ nounced here yesterday by Re- , fruiting Specialist Herbert W I’ct'k G l.i Hgir No 371 will |( rein, in charge of the Medford the Ì r Ant mal Boostei I S. Navy Recruiting -ubstation, turday C\ « 'ning, Octobei I which handle- applications for the a program of Th( ■ W \ V ES in I hi- ai ea. numbers and here will hi 1 open house III ... 1’ \ mel ica cord tally invited. M MUON BROOKS, E\ci I I •.n t P t I (’reek (¡range Claudia ' Cleveland Enlisted Bv W \ \ ES (¡KEEN (¡CARDS I’D BE AWARDED XII member of tin Oregon tilein (liiani aie uig I to send in their completed manual- and serv u. records to Keep Oregon (¡reet e d pi n l i-, Salem. Oregon, he I ore (»et oliel 1 0, 11113. The contest for the' lii" prizes i- to be judged on the' basis of sum OUR DÜMOCRACY by Mi- ery night in Oregon, more than 70 tired women quit their desks. adding machines, counters, switch boards, or other places where they have been working all day to de­ vote an additional six hollis work me foi tin- Xircraft Warning Serv ice. Xinoiig th- volunteeis, praetic ally eveiy type of work now per­ formed by women is represented. an,| it -eenis that the busiest one- are the ones who find time to -pead an extra shift at the Filter ('enter. These ladies whose voie- r- meet you with "Army. Go ahead plea-. ’ are an important link in the vast network that makes up the A 'ria!' Warning Service. CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY' CHURCH Geo. H. Gray, Pastor 10 a. m. 11 a. m. 8 p. m. Sunday School Morning Worship Song Service 1'1 e Sunday -ehool I, sson was. "What Makes a Nation Great." The (¡olden Text was. "Righteous- If the end be 14 <11. all is urli** F' I n Y?unq arrested yçamy charge Standish New der, 1656- Keamc y organ; ¡tes inqmer. s party in \ art Jus*.ce s dies. 1941. Hopkins ree tr t.'p ot Devü s r Wy. : .mg, 1941. d War I Lo?t Bat i retK.ed. 1918. E ven though you ' ve bought amp bought , SOUGHT AHO THEYGC GO;\d w K?,GHT OH SiGHT/H6 UHT/L THEY W/W. BACK THE/R ATTACK W/TH EXTRA WAR BONDS THIS MONTH. Complete Line f IL S TIRES Recapping and Repairing DUCKWORTH The Tire Man Grants Pas»