Illinois Valley News, Thursday, September 16,1912 Page Two A Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and ita surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 C M Editor ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County $1 SO .75 50 One Year Six Months Three Months Outside of Josephine County $2 00 The Illinois Valley News reserve-, the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application C red wood empire newspaper publishers unit.j NATIONAL ÉDITORIAL— SSOCIATION O reg o ( n jf P u B 11 S HJ R,S THE SMOKE JUMPERS During the recent electrical storm which set a number of forest fires, the Smoke Jumpers had an opportunity to prove their worth, and this they did to the entire satisfaction of forest officials and to the general public as well, for they were the instruments that probably stopped several bad forest fires. The Smoke .Jumpers stopped five fires from spreading in very inaccessible areas. Normally it would have tyken ground crews and pack trains 10 to 15 hours to reach these fires. This would have given them time to become dangerous fires that could have spread over several acres. The Smoke Jumpers were on the ground fighting the fires an hour after they were reported—before they had time to spread. The forest officials can be proud of the record the Smoke Jumpers stationed at the Redwood Ranger station have made this, their first season. And they can thank their lucky stars for such a personnel as is maintained at the Redwood station, from Ranger Harold Bowerman, Smoke Jumper superintendent, Jack Heintzelman and on down the list. --------------- o--------------- UNUSED PRODUCE It has come to our knowledge that much fruit and vegetables raised in the \alley is being thrown away. The farmers have used all they desire of the crop and they have so much left that it is being wasted. This is a problem for some branch of the government which said they would take care of all excess produce if given sufficient notice, so that nothing would be wasted. The farmers who have this produce, should let our County Agent, O. K. Beals know about it, so some­ thing can be done to save the crop, for there are mil­ lions of men. women and children hungry for it in foreign lands. We are throwing away enough fruit and vegetables to feed thousands of people in lands the Nazis have forced into privation. ON at an estimated rate of at least $30,000,000,000 each year the war lasts. Should this happen, with two more years of war, our money- supply would be inflated to a to­ tai almost FOUR TIMES what it was in 1939. You do not need to be an econ­ omist to realize that this progres­ sive enormous inflation of the na­ tion’s money-supply is at the same time piling up the difficulties of preventing a great and disorderly rise in prices. This wartime manufacture of new money must be LESSENED GREATLY, if such a disaster is to be averted. It is that necessity which ex­ plains the WHY behind the ernment’s colossal taxation borrowing program. You surely know that our Gov- eminent, if it is forced t|> do so, could get the extra money it needs to pay its current war bills by running the money off the print­ ing presses, the way Germany did in the twenties. Have you ever thought, “Why doesn’t it? Why does it tax me so heavily? Why does it bother me continuously about loans? The answer iS: the Govern­ ment in your long interests, must do everything possible TO KEEP TO A MINIMUM this wartime creation of new money. The best way to lessen this per­ ilous swelling of our money sup­ ply is by taxation. The next best way is for all of us—every indi­ vidual and every business firm— to lend the Government every dol­ lar we can reasonably spare. Whatever you pay in taxes whatever you lend, LESSENS BY SO MUCH the new money the Government is obliged to create. This is the crucial role each one of us, as an individual, plays in safeguarding the future of the na­ tion at home, while our boys do so abroad. Whatever else you may be hum­ bly doing for your country, in this momentous period, this basic re- sponsibility of a citizen must be added to it. It is hard and may get harder —on everyone, But whatever the inconveniences and sacriTices may be, how will they compare with what will have been done by the 10,000,000 young men and women who. at their best years, have broken their careers to win the war? of land shall we let What me home to? these bi ( bonos from Page One) In line with present interest in aircraft recognition, an energetic member of an observation post ob­ served an unusual plane passing, while she was on duty. After much quandry anjl reference to late magazines, she decided that it was an English DeHaviland Mos­ quito bomber being ferried thru the territory. A few nights later, she attended a dinner where sev­ eral Air Corps officers were pres­ ent from a nearby field. She thot this would be an excellent chance to get some expert advice, and turned to one of the officers and asked, “Do you have any DeHavi­ land Mosquitoes here?” The of­ ficer replied: "Why. I don’t know, I’m not a native of Oregon.” We don't tell this to discourage inter­ est. in aircraft recognition, for in­ stead we would like very much to increase everyone» interest in it. However, quite often the sector sergeants find people asking ques­ tions about planes that do not hap­ pen to be included in the recogni­ tion manuals, and some that do. One afternoon recently, a number of observers on the Oswego obser­ vation post fell into a discussion' of a strange plane that was cir­ cling their vicinity. They finally decided that it was an A-20. They had plenty of time to look at it for there was a reason for its cir­ cling. Observer, Mrs. W. W. Dav­ is was waving her dish towel at the plane for one of the crew members was her son Bob. So the observers at the Oswego post can thank Bob Davis for giving them a good look, at an A-20. Naturopathic Phyiiciun Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. s Sherman’» Camp Cave Junction WARDROBE CLEANERS Grants Pass , your cleaning press- Mail j . ... and ... ing work to us — We will mail it back cleaned and pressed. HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME —o Ambulance service day or nite 210 West “A” Phone 334 KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, 9:45 a. m. -------------- o--------------- F H A LOANS BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH BR1DGEV1EW COMMUNITY CHURCH Valley Lumber Co. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Young People’s service, 7:45 !>• West F St. Phone 47 in. Evening rv;ce, 8:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 P- m. ( ROSS CUT SAWS Filed at Shell Service Station by -------- o— ( LINT HARDS ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Cave Junction GRANTS PASS HOTEL Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. You are invited to meet with us. F. W. Cooper, elder., Cave Junc- Ambulance Service J*. ' ■* CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH Geo. IL Gray, Pastor DAY AND NIGHT Sunday School 10 a. n Morning Worship 1 1 a. n Song Service 8 p. n The Sunday School lesson was WAR ■JT l LOAN MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon Subscribe for The News. PHONE 388 L B. Hall Funeral Home Near County Courthouse 5th and “C” Streets Grants Pass — more deadly Than a Jap incendiary • Over one fourth of all Oregon foreet hrev arc caused by careless smokers. Use your ash twice. break matches observe rules ot common sense! 1 K ms Oregon Green Ann. porotit Zar I F verywhere out forces are smash­ E University of Virginia Be Vigilant Buy War Bonds r : oven AMenicA "Eternal vigilance is the price of Lib- arty ” Thomas Jefler- son. author of these words, left a monument to It ce­ dimi. the Univer- f V at C h a r I o 11 C ri7R7Z"N'.''’cOI-LMANT BOMB! £ root cause of every disastrous in- I flation recorded in history. It is now going on in this coun try, by the billions of dollars monthly. Olli active money supply \I.RI- VIA increased $43,( 000,000 since the war began, lias more than doubled in time. If all of us individuals business firms do not lend government fur more than we 11 1942, this increase WILL I’.ige One (Continued “What God wants our Nation To Be.” Golden text, “Come thou with us, and we will do thee good.” Numbers 10:29. Rev. Gray’s sermon was "Made Perfect Through Suffering.” Text from the Bible “Blessed be God, who comforteth us in all our trib­ ulation. that we may be able to comfort them wherewith we our­ selves are comforted of God.” I Corinthians. Mrs. Clara Dick sang a beau­ tiful solo, "I love to tell the story.” There will be no service at this church next Sunday night. Everyone is invited to attend the song service next Sunday af­ ternoon at 2:30 at the Selma church. A DELAYED-ACTION Crays INFLATION Observation Post News ing lhe enemy back in the new aggres­ sive war of INVASION. SEPTEMBER P* 1 In Europe one of the oldest seats of learn­ ing is the University of Prague in Bohemia • IS. It was seized by the Nazis and now only Nazi theories of a super-race are taught pi i.i'i! c Mi’ii t' Federal Government this Advertisement is pub shed through the Courtesy of . % IS-Captain L n Smith r ri ' ter of • Vir • . ■■> ' - - ft 11 ■Shoot on siqht Roese- volt »el’s navy men. 194! Buy at least one extra $100 War Bond They are your sons, husband, brothers, during this $15,000,000,000 3rd War Loan Drive in addition to your regular bond­ They ask only one thing — that you back buying. Everyone who possibly can must them up ALL THE WAY. invest af least $100. Some ot With Victory coming you must invest thousands. nearer, you must not fail our Take it out of income, take boys—your soldier, sailor or it out of idle and accumu* marine. You're not asked to lated funds. Start "scratching k » Fort Duquvsn* expedition smashed P58 u s world s safest investment—War Eonds. sweetheart, lather, relatives and friends. give a cent — only to put 15 every dollar you can scrape up into ilio WAR LOAN gravel" now! n befere City e N Y VWV •»»'*> Complete Line of U. S TIRES Cooperating with the Federal Government this Advertisement is published through the courtesy of Rrcapping and Repairing DUCKWORTH The Tire Man Grants Pau 4 Clarke’s Insurance Agone* Hannum & Kelt Chevrolet Co. liadles ’s