Pajje Two Illinois V alley News, Thursday, August 19,1913 Illinois Valley News HOLLAND'S GALLOWS HUMO»? An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1379 M C ATHEY — A GERMAN COMMUNKAOCMt, CA8LE AMD SABOTAGING THE NEW ORDtR IN YOU ARE SENTENCED TO BE SHOT. FIFTY OF YOU WILL BE SENT TO CE AS HOSTAGES F or CHE Editor U.S.WAR BONDS SUBSCRIPTION PRICES ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS in Josephine County One Year Six Months Three Months $1 SO 62 00 The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application Membri SÑÚPER SOLUTION NATIONAL ÉDITORIAL— 1040 K"* ASSOCIATION $4.16; one web waist belt at 23 cents; two cotton neckties at 44 cents; 2 khaki caps at $1.26 and one twill jacket at $2.16. Total $18.74. An $18.75 war bond should make a marine comfortable for the night with a 23-pound mat­ tress at $4.20; two blankets at $13.54: a pillow at 56 cents and two pillow cases at 30 cents. Total $18.60. Or he could be provided with a rubber poncho at $4.77; a hel- met with its lining and other items of its assembly at $5.62; a rille cartridge belt at $2.15; a marine corps pack consisting of haversack, knapsack and suspenders at $5.10; a canteen and its cover at $1.05. Total $18.69. Those of you who worry about tile comfort of your boy in serv­ ice can help insure his comfort by buying war bonds. And 10 years from now you’ll take hack $25 for every $18.75 you put in. I • I Ho America qoesthecreditof the first successful steamship voyage-that i of Robert Fultons little Clermont, between New York and Albany. on August, 7.1007 ~ ITheClermont was followed in 1816. .by the larger and fasterbvingston. x / ns Thereafter our coastal and river steam shipping grew rapidly. „irm electric an ves are at/ ■ nance of steam_^/ used ___________ _ bro as fast ______ means of "boTs/on for the steady stream of cure? ' -rh'PS sailing the *cv'ds oceans ____ __ _ _____________ CO**Y* <>Mt ■•««> L HOT WEATHER NEEDS GOLD (REAMS— 1 OTIONS 5c 10c - 25c FRICTION TAFF. DRIPOI.ATORS 10c - 25c $1.25 POWDER PUFFS BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 10c - 25c EN\ELOPES 19c - 25c WATER JUGS o-------------- NIZWS ITEM: “Fifty percent of Holland’s cattle have been slaughter« i r«f these movements will sim­ ulate blackout conditions. This means that vehicles and troops; will move along the highways at | night without showing lights.’ Civilian vehicles proceeding at high speeds along these highways would be a dangerous menace to these troop and vehicles move­ ments. Accidents involving inili- •ary equipment will hold up train­ ing activities and thus hamper the maneuver program of the army. “Every civilian driver should consider it part of his duty to his country to cooperate with military authorities to prevent traffic acci­ dents in the maneuver area in this i state." the secretary of state de-1 dared. “It would be tragic irony should a civilian driver, through carelessness o r thoughtlessness, cause the death of army personnel being trained to fight for this country on the battlefields of the world.” Farrell laid special emphasis o 1 the need to comply with traffic di­ rections given by military police, and wherever possible, he said. avoid driving in the maneuver ar- eas at night. -O SAVE..TOBAY Start today to brighten- up, paint-up, fix-up the things you can’t replace! S herwin -W illiams P aints S her win - W illi a ms SEMI-LUSTRE Ideal for kitchen and bath­ room walls and ceilings— also woodwork. Amazingly washable. Beautiful col- S-W PORCH PAINT ... S-W MAR-NOT VARNISH .... S-W ENAMEL UNDERCOATER... S-W FLOOR ENAMEL .. S-W LINOLEUM VARNISH "Where Its Easy to be Thrifty” GRANTS PASS F H A LOANS BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH Valley Lumber Co. Geo. H. Gray, Pastor. Sunday School—10 a. m. Morning worship—11 a. m. Young People’s Society—8 p. m. The lesson for Sunday school was “How God Gives Daily Bread.” Golden text Matthew 6:11, "Give us our daily bread.” Rev. Gray’s sermon was “A Balanced Life”. Mrs. Tracy Cross sang “Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown?" Mrs. Dorothy Gray sang, “I’m So Glad I’m Acquainted With Je­ sus,” The song service was enjoyed by everyone Sunday afternoon. The Bridgeview and the Selma churches were well represented. The Missionary society gave Mrs. George A. Hicks a farewell party and handkerchief shower. - o——----------- Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps and support your country. West F St. Phone 47 GRANTS PASS HOTEL i MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G* Street Grants Pass, Oregon For Drugs, Toiletries Fountain Service Come to OWL PHARMACY In Grants Pass j FRENITI LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS S her win . W illi a ms SWP HOUSE PAINT Your home it your biggest and best investment. Pro­ tect it more thoroughly, 1 a stingly, with Amer­ ica's favorite house paint I 0 S herwin - W illi a ms ENAMELOID Brighten-up furniture, woodwork, toyi and tools with this easy-to-use, quick - dry­ ing one-coat e n a m e L 5TÄIKMUF PROCESS yio path of tfoueri leads to glory , AUGUST ) I — 20—Ben >amin Harrison 23rd I _ president, bom ¡833. 21— Charter Oak Hartford. Conn, blown down. 1856 k-----22— Samuel T Langeley in­ ventor of flying machine bom. 1834 CHADWICK HOTELS OKLA. 23—New Mexico annexed to the United States. 1846 24— Russo-Bri-.ish troops in- L vad* Iran. 1941. COFFEE SHOPS In Connection 25—Washington D C Balt: mere railroad opened. 1835. HOTEL REDWOOD Grants Pass, Oregon 26-2 isastrous McVickers theatre fire Chicago wwv «.-e : : HOTEL JACKSON Medford, Oregon I HOTEL OREGON Complete Line of U. S. TIRES Recepping and Repairing : Eugene, Oregon : HOTEL SENATOR Salem, Oregon HOTEL MARION DUCKWORTH The Tire Man Grant.« Pass Roque River Hardware * Call : Wed. and Sat. • May Be Tip Here For Permit Holders Dr. M. J. Belton, veterinarian for the state department of agri­ culture. was rushed to the James Sti inlechner farm north of Flor­ ence to investigate what the tele­ phone summons gave suspicion of wl ;it might be hog cholera. Belton found the 46 hogs were Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, 9:45 a. m. ------------- O-------------- Agencies Salem, Oregon McCredie Hot Mineral Sprint« McCredie Springs, Oregon ....................................................... .......................................................... -0 DO YOl WANT TO Sell Your Ranch LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH L. E. (TED) ATHEY Ambulance Service PHONE 388 s - kmjs Phone 334 Haynea Clothing Shop Wittrock’a Store, Kerby Lew Hammer, Selma 15c - 25c McGregor Co. 210 West “A” CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH 5c 35c FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service day or nit* KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL DAY AND NIGHT ANKLETS HULL& HULL Evening service, 8:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 FACIAL TISSUE 5c - 10c ( ANYAS GLOYES Grants Pass Mail your cleaning and press­ ing work to us — We will mail it back cleaned and pressed. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Young People’s service, 7:45 P U. S. Treasury Dtptrtmrnt DECORATED TUMBLERS ’ ! WARDROBE CLEANERS F. W. Cooper, elder, Cave Junc- Payroll Savings Buys Comfort For ìour Fighting Relatives Not all of your pat roll sav­ ings and other War Bund pur­ chases are used for tanks, p’r.ncs and gunpowder. A part of your investment goes for the comfort ot your lather, brother, son or friend. Put your war bond buying through your payroll savings p'an on a family basis to do the­ mes! effec tive job in providing for the i are and safety of your men in flu- armed forces. Fig­ ure it out for yourself how much beyond 10 per cent of the ag­ gregate income of your family you can put into war bonds above the cost of the necessities of life. Remember A singlo $18.75 war bond will buy for a lighting soldier on the front: Tyco cot­ ton undershirts at 44 cents; two pairs of cotton shorts at 76 cents; two pairs cd cotton socks at 34 cents; one pair of shoes at $1.31; a cotton khaki shirt at $4.64; pair twill trousers at [DR. A. N. COLLMAN? I Naturopathic Physician Sabbth School at 9:30 a. n>. Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Sherman’s Camp Prayer meeting Wednesday at Cave Junction 7:30 p. m. 0 0' You are invited to meet with Outside of Josephine County 5-io-25 reeling and wobbling around all right, and having not a little trou­ ble handling their posterior parts. But not because they had any dis­ ease—the hogs were drunk on fer­ mented whey! L. B. Hall Funeral Home Near County Courthouse 5th and “C” Streets ( Licensed Real Estate Broker) There are many people coming into the valley who want small ranches and homes. If you want to dispose of your propertv, list it now with Ted. : : L. E. Athey REAL ESTATE INSURANCE < Cave Junction