Page Two Illinois Valley News. Thursday, July 15, 1943 TIME BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH I NVESTIGATE C SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County Outside of Josephine County $2 One Year 00 NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS UniQ NATIONAL ÉDITORIAL— Ifl/p O reco O IJ |j P U B LI S HjE R,S ASSOCIATION z / r y •>. v* MEETING PROSPERITY The following verse should cut and put in your scrap book, and read it as often as you can. The poem is taken from “The Rambler,” and follows our idea of “Meeting Prosperity:” SUCCESS It’s doing your job the best you can And being just to your fellow-man; It’s making money, but holding friends, And staying true to your aims and ends; It’s figuring how and learning why, And looking forward and thinking high, And dreaming a little and doing much; It’s keeping always in closest touch With what is finest in word and deed; It’s being thorough, yet making speed; It’s daring blithely the field of chance, While making labor a brave romance; It’s going onward despite the defeat And fighting staunchly, but keeping sweet It’s being clean and it’s playing fair; It’s laughing lightly at Dame Despair; It’s looking up at the stars above, And drinking deeply of life and love; It’s struggling on with the will to win, But taking loss with a cheerful grin; It’s sharing sorrow and work, and mirth, And making better this good old earth; It’s serving, striving through strain and stress; It’s doing your noblest—that’s Success. --------------- o--------------- RAISE MORE FOOD Last Tuesday an Associated Press dispatch from Washington, D. C., asks the farmers to raise more food. We quote the first paragraph: Feed for chickens, turkeys, etc., is becoming so scarce that farmers who depend on the market for part of their feed in our section, are experiencing considerable difficulty in obtaining bare necessities to keep their flocks producing. .lust recently a truck driver who hauls feed and supplies for farmers to retail grocery stores so the farmer can buy feed, asked the office of Defense Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. : ! Sherman’s Camp Cave Junction KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL F H A LOANS BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH Valley Lumber Co. Transportation for a priority to buy a new truck, as his old one was worn out. After due consideration by the officials in Port­ land, the request was turned down as “not necessary.” One government agency asks the farmers to raise more chickens and eggs. Another says it is not neces­ sary to have a truck to haul feed so the farmers can raise more food. It is high time that government agencies get to­ gether and work for the success of the war effort, even if they do not feel the necessity of helping the farmer. Government officials ask all of us to be pa­ triotic and do all we can, while some (self styled im­ portant) official in Portland says in effect, “it isn’t necessary.” We believe this incident calls for a com­ plete investigation by somebody. WARDROBE CLEANERS Grants Pass Mail your cleaning and press­ ing work to us — We will mail it back cleaned and pressed. The Sunday school lesson was “Answering God’s Call’’. Golden text, “Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:10). Rev. Gray's sermon was “The Triple need of the Church’’. His text from the Bible was "When they saw the boldness of Peter and I John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled, and they took know­ ledge of them, that they had been with Jesus and beholding the man which was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it.’’ Acts 4. Mrs. Tracy Cross sang a beauti-' ful solo, “Still, Still With Thee!” ' There will be a special song and praise service next Sunday at this church, at 2:30 p. m. Everyone is invited to attend these services. GRANTS PASS HOTEL MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Granta Pass, Oregon HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service day or nita 210 West “A” (Continued from Page churches One) much interested in this proposal and it is believed they will act ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH accordingly. OF SEVENTH DAY Lucius Robinson asked for con- ADVENTISTS sideration for a new bridge over Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. the Applegate river on 199, giving Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. the present bridge over to another Prayer meeting Wednesday at crossing further down the river. 7 :30 p. m. Commissioner Pete Fredrickson You are invited to meet with said he did not want to burden the us. commissioners with his personal F. W. Cooper, elder, Cave Junc­ views, saying that the state high­ tion. way engineers had al] the data that the county court would like to pre­ sent. < Baek the attack by upping M. C. Athey who attended the your payroll savings your very next payday. Measure meeting, accompanied by Sam Mil­ your savings by your new ler, paid the commissioners a com. higher income. plinient when he said that he want­ ed to congratulate the commission on the road crew they had in the Illinois valley, stating that this Filed at Shell Service Station crew was one of the best in the by state and was doing an all-fired good job in keeping the highway Cave Junction fit for travel under the heaviest; traffic the highway has ever seen, lie also asked the commissioners -fe' to help this section in having the Happy Camp highway changed. 1 --------------- o Help hold the home front by preventing forest fires. They are n military threat that might turn ! ( ROSS CUT SAWS ( LINT HARDS ASK FOR Phone 334 ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Agencies Haynes Clothing Shop * Wittrock's Store, Kerby Lew Hammer, Selma Call: Wed. and Sat. STAiNKRUF PROCESS Every dog has his day”—Certantes STATE HIGHWAY Phone 47 West F St. Geo. H. Gray, Pastor. Sunday School—10 a. m. Morning worship—11 a. m. Young People’s Society—8 p. m. The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application ^REDWOOD EMPIRE i Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, ■ 9:45 a. m. --------------- o CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH One Year . — Six Months Three Month* a . N. COLLMANi Naturopathic Physician Evening service, 8:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, p. m. Editor ATHEY T : dr . Morning worship, 11 a. m. Young People's service, 7:45 p An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 M rjw.......... JULY >16—Perry lifts anchor and sails for North Pole. 1905. 17—John Jacob Astor, trader, born, 1763. ' 9— Wrong Way" Corhgan flies to Ireland. 1938. 19—Rebecca Nurse excom- j. municated in Massachu- setts as a witch, 1692. Bring i our 90—Great fire at Baltimore Maryland. 1873. PRESCRIPTIONS to the deciares war Germany 1^17 WMV 1 Complete Line of Where they will be Accurately Filled U. S. TIRES Recapping and Repairing DUCKWORTH The Tire Man Grants Pass I I Grants Pass, Oregon ❖ Bruce H anna Formerly Johnson's Miner’s G rocery Kerby ♦ : Keibels PERFECTION BREAD ♦ TO COMPLETELY : OUTFIT A SOLDIER At Your Grocer REQUIRES *¿0 TIMES AS MUCH J A beautiful Funeral Service, more than any other cere­ mony of contemporary life, serves humanity's finest sen­ sibilities and forms its deep- , est and most lasting impres sions. illll Figure It Out Yourself How can 'u effectively join in saving all the little children of the world from hu­ man slavery, death and injury from the N.u s and Japanese ’ 1 .it more and more of your pay into war bi nds ex cry payday Your saving* will go to war in the form of war equipment and ot! er mun.ti •■« H< w much more should you put into war bonds' The only ones who can answer that . re you and your fa.Ti­ lt s up to you to decide just much more you’ll do to win the AR.E USED IN AXLES OF ARMY TRUCKS E TANKS *HEEP- ik íKIN UNING* ¿T* GO INTO A PILOT* HELMET, JACKET, PANT9, GLOVE*, £ BOOTÇ YOUR . ooals L : were fighting in the Solo- in Africa or forcing a land- je you'd like to teel that the f. lks at home were back of you —all the way—you'd be proud of your fan .lx and your friends if you knew they were buying war bonds not at 10 per cent or 15 per cent, but w ith every cent beyond that which they need for necessities. t’ S Trmuri Dret"”>rit If the Great Emergency struck your home tomorrow —have you given thought as to whom you would call for aid—and as to what your need« would be? L.B.MALL fUNERAL fl’«». HOME I EVERY DAY PRICES CORN BREAD MIX Per box HO OATS 2 Pounds ALBERS OATS 9 Pounds CORN MEAL Yellow. I12 pounds WAXTEX PAPER 125 Foot roll, 2 rolls for MATCHES, American brand Per carton \ : POT CLEANERS 2 For MILK—Sego, Carnation, Pet. Oregon. 3 cans for HUSKIES Dog Food I': Pound* tor SW \NSOAP 4 bars for JELLO 3 Packages for IMITATION COCOA 1 Pound for 21c 25c 48c 24c 37c 28c 17c 29c 52c 25c 23c 24c I I I I I I i I I I I I I