Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, June 17, 1913 Illinois Valley News JAP BOMBS OF 1943 An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as. second-class matter June 11, 1937, at th. Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879 SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County SI 50 .75 50 One Year . ... Six Months Three Months One $2 00 Year * The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i* deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application C rldwood EMPIRI NEWSPAPERPUBLISHERS O reg P ublish E NATIONAL ÉDITORIAL— 1049 ASSOCIATION 37 ^ . 4 Ä>PER ç)l A I I 0 N FATHERS HAY Sunday, .June 20th is Father’s Day. Lather’s Day is sort of an aftermath of Mother’s Day. The bright idea of honoring Mother was first conceived, and we did not want to leave Father out in the cold, so they made Father’s Day. We can’t imagine why they made two separate days for the purpose of honoring our parents. We think they both should have the same day, so we could show equal love and affection for both on the same day. Of course that is merely our idea. The ones who gave the nation these paternal days, must have had good reason for what they did—so our opinion doesn’t get very far. But, it’s our opinion, just the same. % But let’s get back to the old man of the house. We’ll wager a new penny against a dime, that he will work harder getting things ready for himself on HIS day than he does on regular Sundays, (’an you imag­ ine son saying—“Now Dad, you take it easy today, 1’11 do all the chores.’? But nevertheless. Dad, you know what the family thinks deep down in their hearts, and that’s all that counts. So whatever they do to you next Sunday, you know that all the love and affection the family can bestow on you is always yours, not just on any particular day, even if they do call it Father’s Day. Here’s to you Dad—May you live long and pros- LIRE DISTR ICT Evening ervice, 8:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m. o ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF If this bomb strikes in an area in the open where it can do no harm, it should be al­ lowed to burn out. If it strikes a structural target, however, control of the fire which it will create is a job too big for the householder. The fire de­ partment, which should be called, is equipped with what is known as fog nozzles. This type of equipment is essential to the control of fires created by such large quantities of solid oil. Because of technical difficulties a very large per­ centage of this type of bomb are “duds”. This bomb weighing 132 pounds is approximately 41 Mi inches in length including tail, is blue-gray in color with red- tipped tail fins. This bomb has a filler of solidified in­ flammable oil which has the appearance and consistency of wax surrounding a central ignition tube of thermit. An explosive propelling charge is located in the nose of the bomb. Upon impact the fuse sets off the propelling charge which ejects and scatters the solid oil. Simultaneously the thermit has been ignited and in turn sets fire to the m- flammable solid oil. court asking for such a move, in turn they will call for an election, and if a majority of the property owners vote for such a district, we will get it, and at the same election elect a board to govern the district. Let’s get the petition going. Get it started and get the district organized before it is too late. Along this line it would not be a bad idea to have a city-wide clean-up day and reduce fire hazards as much as possible. Let’s get going. O- WILL WE BE INVADED? The military authorities are taking the celebrated Korean, who gave our nation much information con­ cerning Japanese activities, very seriously, and are expecting a Jap invasion some time this summer. Their informant says it is coming, and he has not been wrong yet. It was this Korean who told our government that j Japan was going to bomb Honolulu on the 7th of De­ cember. He told them. But no one would believe him. He has told them several other things that have! happened just as he said they would, and now they ■ are listening to him. So they are expecting the Japs to land at Crescent City, If they do come, it will mean that the Crescent! City people will have to evacuate, some going north, some south, and many, many of them will come up the Smith river to Cave Junction. While we, personally, cannot bring ourselves to; believe the Japs will be silly enough to invade the west coast, yet the information comes from such a source that it is wise to be pr< pared for such an event. .1 0 0 ? 0 Í ? OUR DEMOCRACY- WE VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO BEAT THE ENEMY. The World’s News Seen Th rough T he C hristian S c ience M onitor Ä/f I utu national /) jz / > Newspaper Iruchful—Con tructixf—I n biased—Free from SensAtional- — Fditori.iL Arc I it iel\ and Instructive and Its Daily Feature«, Together with the U’erklv Magazine Section, Make the Moni’or Ide 1 Ncwnpap;’.- for the Home. is 1 lie Ctiri t»an Science Pab.nhing Society One Norway Street. Boston, M i^sachu etts Price Ml? <>0’y, or M! 00 a Month. Saturday issue, inc! 4ing M ea .n< S? 60 a Year Introductory Oller, b Saturda> Is uei 25 Cents. J »' ? 5 s *' Name......._______ »' Add ers____ SAMPI I COPY CN RFOUEST rz $ VtSSW.SVAWAW.SVW."AS*eW.".Vs T W * * Sv ' NOW Wt HAVE FREE MEN WHO MAKE BETTER SOLDIERS They can bar you from Oregon roads if WE HAVC FREE LABOR WHICH CAN MAKE MORE ANO BETTER weapons than the axis C an make with slave labor I nder the new state law recently passed by the Oregon Legislature, if you have an accident causing any damage whatsoever, or if you are convicted for any offense under the Oregon Motor Vehicle Laws, you must be able to prove you are financially responsible for $11,000. Otherw l ey does this for you. M. C. Athey at The News office ha- jv<- the policy that will protect you, and the cost is very small Don't gamble away your right to drive. Prove your financial > sponsibility for $11,000.00 now. this easy, inexpensive way. SEE we HAV« THE WILL TO OUR EARN i N o S to preserve our freedom , our enemies are fOtttP TO YIELD T heirs to DICTATORSHIPS. L. E. ATHEY NEWS OFFICE : Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. Sherman’* Camp Cave Junction m. 60 Kilo Solid Oil Incendiary Outside of Josephine County Naturopathic Physician Morning worship, 1. i Young People’s service, This is No. 4 in a series of 5 consecutive daily articles on the boiqbs now in actual use by our enemies, and the way to handle them. The Oregon State Defense Council emphasizes the fact that there is no assur­ ance that some other type of bomb may not be used in any attacks made on the Pacific Coast but those pictured and described here are the most recent types used by the Japs on other fronts. Editor ATHEY C M DR. A. N. COLLMAN CAVE JUNCTION. OREGON let ' s be FREE WITH OUR MONEY-Æ4W K4Æ sew as. •»•.•••.'••.•.•.•.SV.N'.W.W.NW.NNW.NV.'.NNSNSNNNN'.SNSN«.«. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Sabbth School at 9:30 a. n>. Preaching Service 11:00 a. tn Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. You are invited to meet with FH A LOANS BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH Valley Lumber Co. West F St. Phone 47 * WARDROBE CLEANERS Grants Pass Mail your cleaning and press- ing work to us — We will mail it back cleaned and pressed. o KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, 9:45 a. m. o GRANTS PASS HOTEL MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH Geo. H. Gray, Pastor. Sunday School—10 a. m. Morning worship—11 a. m. Young People's Society—8 p. m. HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance tervice day or nit« The Sunday lesson was “Our Response to G.xl’s Promises. 2 Peter 1:1-11. The Gohlen Text, “Whereby are given unto us ex­ ceeding great and precious prom­ ises; that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature.” 2 Peter 1:4. Rev. Sharp’s sermon was “Draw­ ing Near to God.” His text from the Bible wa> "It is good for nie to draw near to God.” I have put my trust in declare 73 :28. Mrs. Dow sang a solo, “The Christ of the Cross.” Everyone is welcome to attend these services. 210 West “A" Phone 334 ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Agencies Haynes Clothing Shop Wittrock’s Store, Kerby Lew Hammer, Selina ( all: Wed. and Sat. STAJMRRUF PROCESS (