Page Four Illinois Valley News, Thursday, June 10, 1913 STOVE PIPES NEED LOOKING AFTER Stove pipe and stove pipe elbows will be obtainable only in limited quantities next winter. If you own of use heating stoves, you should give your stove pipes the best of care all summer, suggests Ruth E. Crawford, home demon­ stration agent. Guard against rust, repair small holes, ami then paint before storing the pipes for the summer. Sandpaper and fine scouring powder will usually remove rust. Asbestos furnace cement which is available at hardware stores is satisfactory for filling small holes and scratches. A good coat of heat resistant paint will protect the pipe against rusting in the future. Wrap pipes in heavy pa­ per and store for the summer in a dry place. A dry attic is us­ ually a good place to store them. This is just another way in which the homemaker can protect what is on hand through better care and repair. Tuberculosis Can Be Whipped With Early Diagnosis NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING ex* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. I.'-l, of Josephine County. State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of the said district will be held at High School Building, on the 28th day of June, 1943 at 2 o’clock p. m., for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal school year, beginning July 1, 1943, and ending June 30, 1944, hereinafter set forth, and to elect one director for a term of five years. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Young People's service, 7:45 P tn. Evening service, 8:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, P- m. o- BUDGET Estimated Receipt« and Available Cash Balance* Schedule I 1 2 ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. You are invited to meet with us. F. W. Cooper, elder, Cave Junc­ tion. ■o- Estimated available Cash Balance or Deficit at beginning of fiscal year for which this budget is made (Add Cash Balance—Deduct Deficit) .............................................................................................................................. Estimated Receipts from Delinquent Taxes during fiscal year for which this budget is made ....................................... .. .................................................................................... -........ Estimated Receipts from Vocational Education ............ Estimated Receipts from County School Fund .................. Estimated Receipts from Elementary School Fund Estimated Receipts from State Irreducible School Fund Estimated Receipts from High School Tuition ................... Estimated Receipts from Elementary Tuition ................... Estimated Receipts from High School Transportation Estimated Receipts from Elementary Transportation Estimated Receipts from Cafe;. Estimated Receipts from Interest ......................... Estimated Receipts from Rentals ...................................... Estimated Receipts from Sales of Supplies, Property, or Equipment...... Estimated Receipts from Other Sources........... ............................................... $ 180,00 Estimated Total Receipt« and Available Cash Balance or Deficit $ 180.00 KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, 9:45 a. m. o- ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH ITEM Geo. II. Gray, Pastor. Sunday School—10 a. m. Morning worship—11 a. m. Young People’s Society—8 p. m. Budget Allowance Expenditures in Detail GENERAL CONTROL Personal service: 1. “Follow the Example of the i 1 I Supei :ntend*-nt (2) Clerk $ 50.00 Armed Forces- Get a Chest X- (5j Other services ................... The Sunday School lesson was 35.00 Ray” is the slogan of the 1943 2. Supplies ............ ......................... 10.00 Early Diagnosis Campaign to fight “Facing Persecution Today.’’ Gol­ ,‘L Elections and publicity ..... 80.00 den text was “ For it is better, if tuberculosis. 4. Legal service (clerk’s bond, audit, etc.) 20.00 5. Other expense of general control I\ rsons who are unable to pay the will of God be so, that ye suf­ 60.00 for chest X-rays may get them free fer for well doing, than fol­ evil 6. Total Expense of General Control $ 255.00 of charge through the county doing." ti Peter 3:17). Rev. on Gray ’ s sermon was health association. INSTRUCTION—Supervision Seven men from Josephine j “Baptism and Communion.” His 1. Personal service: text was from Go ye the Bible county rave beet: rejected by th<- i I i Principals $2,000.00 2. Supplies, principals and supervisors 120.00 armed forces nc'-iuse of tubercu­ therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the losis. 5. Total Expense of Supervision $2,120.00 Investigation of your own con-1 Father and of the Son, and of the dition may prevent you from be­ Holy Ghost; teaching them to ob- III. INSTRUCTION—Teaching ing as unfortunate as these- men serve all things whatsoever I have Personal service: 1. commanded you and lo I am with were. ( 1 ) Teachers ...... $5,460.00 (2) ................................ Early diagnosis of tuberculosis, you alway, even unto the end of ................................................... plus prompt treatment under com-, the world.” (Matthtw 28). 2. Library supplies, repairs 75.00 Mrs. Clara Dick sang a beauti- petent medical supervision, speeds, 3. Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) 275.00 recovery and checks the spread of ful solo. I. Textbooks .................................... 30.00 Rev. Gray ] the disease. $5,840.00 7. Total Expense of Teaching Tiredness, lack of energy, loss' tismal service of appetite and weight and a cough1 All are welcome IV. OPERATION OF PLANT that hangs on may lie danger sig­ services. 1. Personal service: nals of tuberculosis. $ 960.00 (1) Janitors and other employees o- (2) ................... (31 SCHOOL TEACHERS •> 200.00 Janitors’ supplies ................ ENJOY VISIT IN VALLEY 3. Fuel ...................................................... 283.25 180.00 4. Light and power ....................... Mrs. R. M. Calhoun, living in 5. Water one of the cabins at the Esterly $1,603.25 8. Total Expense of Operation mine, had I as her guests for the past week, her sister, Miss Leia Battle of the Atlantic Peterson; Miss Margo Wright, V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 1. Repair and maintenance of furniture and equipment $ 125.00 A sinking smokestack, a great air and Miss Rose Hoosier all teachers •> Repair and maintenance of buildings and grounds: bubble, an empty lifeboat, all that from Heppner, Oregon, During 175.00 ( I I .... .............. is visible of a torpedoed tanker, all (2i ...................................... ................... that Is evident of the hard work, the their visit they enjoyed a trip 100.00 3. Other expense of maintenance and repairs savings we put into War Bonds to down the Illinois river to the Black build this tanker, to load it with Beauty chrome mine which was a $ 400.00 Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs 4. 50,000 gallons of high octane gas. new and interesting experience to them. They also enjoyed seeing VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES he Esterly home and hearing the Health service: 1. 15.00 $ (2) Supplies and other expenses ■arly history of the rich gold mines 2. Transportation of pupils: of this valley, which they stated, 900.00 (1 ) Personal service would add a bit of color and ro­ 450.00 (2) Supplies and other expenses mance to an Oregon history course. 750.00 (3) Repair and replacement of busses They left Saturday evening for 4. Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies $2 .1 15.00 Portland where Miss Peterson and Our money is still safe but the Mis Wright will be employed as VII FIXED CHARGES tanker is lost forever. Another and recreational directors in the city $ 160.08 1. Insurance another and another must be built parks for the summer months. 2.40 2. Rent ........... to take its place Miss Hoosier ieturned to Eastern 4. Total Fixed Charge« $ 162.48 The men who sail ihe seas are Oregon. They all agreed that the giving (heir lives to win the Battle Illinois valley was n wonderful of tlie Atlantic. We are asked only VIII CAPITAL OUTLAYS place to spend a much longer va­ to lend our money. 2. New buildings $ 250.00 V. .y / rrjtHty M 1 cation. 3. Alteration of buildings (not repairs) 556.25 4. New furniture, equipment and replacements 6. Other capital outlays: 100.00 (1) Library books ........... ........ . ..... * Expenditures for Three Fiscal Years Next Preceding the Current School Year Detailed First Year Second Year Expenditures for the Last C.ive Yearly (îive Yearly Year of the Totals Totals Three-Year Period Expenditures anti Budget Allowance for Six Months of Current School Year Estimated Expenditures for the Ensuing School Year 35.00 2.20 75.40 $ $ $ $ $ 874.58 $ 128.75 900.00 65.00 40.00 35.00 10.00 42.00 12.32 61.16 965.00 $1,900.00 30.00 147.00 10.00 53.61 6.28 $ 390.00 $2,707.00 $ $ $ 187.50 $ $ 106 43 13.75 $ $1,036.82 $ 528.78 $ 532.50 $ 534.29 $ 160.08 2.40 $ 160.08 1.20 $ 320.16 2.40 $ 906.25 161.28 $ $ $ $ 322.56 150.00 180.00 1 .328.92 370.80 20.20 50.00 71.96 $ 170.20 $1 ,771 68 230.00 1. 2. Interest on warrants Interest on other indebtedness $ 25.00 $ .75 $ • 62.50 90.00 $ 117.79 180.00 3. Total Debt Service $ 25.00 $ 75 $ 152.50 $ 297.79 $ 500 OO DEBT SERVICE IX. X. EMERGENCY Total Schedule ¡1—General Fund--- Total estimated ex- peases for the veal sum of items I 6. II-5, 111-7. IV-8, $13.926 98 V 4. VI 4. VI1-4, VII1-7, 1X-3, X. $ 949.02 $ 835.55 $ 305.65 $ 142.88 $ 123.84 177.07 524.77 13.75 $ $4,280.58 9.52 $ $ 162.48 $4,343.44 31.20 13.05 525.00 $ $1,800.49 484.53 $ 252 50 7.50 $1.900.00 125.71 208.80 117.31 20.00 10.00 25.00 $ 186.58 585.00 $ $ 653.70 596.70 106.43 $5,067.39 100.00 153.70 100.00 92.11 75.00 30.19 9.40 $ 300.00 $ 196.58 $1,800.00 100.00 15.00 $2,007.50 $ 200.48 $5,007.50 Will IIIIMI.'i $ 805.00 69.58 $ $ $2,520.00 'What'Lfou ßutf. With Total Capital Outlays 112.60 25.00 17.50 6.25 40.00 10.00 30.00 $1,992.50 ★ 7. $ $ $4 045.01 $5.783 23 $11.659 79 300.00 52.00 $ $ 570.00 50.30 $1.140.00 100.60 $ $ 620.30 $1.240 60 $ 182.22 $ $ 964 12 $5.077.52 $ 358 01 $ $9.199 04 166 64 $12,791.15 Schedule 111 —Bond Interest and Sinking Fund Debt Service Bond Interest and Sinking Fund I. Principal on bonds (include negotiable interest-bear­ •» ing will rants issued under section 111-1016. O. C. I 1 Interest on bonds A.$ 3. Total Schedule III — $ 352 00 $ 500.00 Debt Service 16.80 16.80 $1.318.30 $ 706 90 Special Improvement Fund—Capital Outlay« 3. Alteration of buildings (not repair*) 7 Total Schedule V—Capital Outlay*—Special Improve- $ ment Fund Schedule VI 50000 Summary of Estimates of Expenditure«, Receipt« and Available Cash Balance«, and fax Levies Total Total estimated expenditures DEDUCT , Total estimated receipts and available cash balances (Schedule I) TOTAL Estimated Tax Levies for Ensuing Fiscal Year $14.778.98 •> 3 4 General Fumi Total Schedule 11 Sinking Fund Total Sc hedule 111 Sfievial Impnivemen Fund Total Schedule V $13.926.98 $ 352.00 $ 500.00 $13.926 98 $ 35200 $ 500 00 180.00 $14.598 98 INDEBTEDNESS 1. Ml Fund* Amount of bonded indebtedness (include all negotiable interest-bearing warrants issued under section 111-1016. $6.10.00 O C 1. A Amount of warrant indebtedness on warrants issued and endorsed "not paid for want of funds" Amount of other indebtedness $630 00 Total Iindebtedness («urn« of item« I. 2. 3 Dated this "rd day of June. 1943 Signed EFFIE M. SMITH, District Clerk LUCIUS ROBINSON, Chairman Board of Directors. Approves! by Budget Committee May 3. 1943. Signed: EFFIE M SMITH LUCIUS ROBINSON Secretary. Budget Committee Chairman, Budget Committee