Illinois Valley News. Thursday. April 8, 1913 CLASSIFIED ADS Our ßreat America A Page Five — by Tryon FOR SALE—At a bargain, 40 acres, two miles from Cave Junction. Am called for the army so unable to work farm. Inquire at News office. 49-ltp WANTED—Man to do inside painting. Inquire Mrs. Helen Ulrich at Holland. 49-ltp fO PERCENT OF ALL INDUSTRIAL PAYROLLS AND TAXES OF AClFlC NORTHWEST ARE DERIVED FROM THE GROWING, ILARVESTING AND MILLING OF FOREST PRODUCTS WANTED—To contact members of the Church of Christ in this community. Address or see J. S. Bedingfield, Cemetery road. Cave Junction. 49-2tp LADIES—Uncle Sam needs your silk and Nylon hose. Leave them at the Haynes Clothing store or News office in Cave Junction, Floyd store in Hol­ land. Let’s sock the Japs with these needed articles. FURNITURE — When you need New or Used Furniture, think of Manchel’s. Keep up the home the boys are fighting for. Man- chel's Furniture, 112 N. 6th St.. Grants Pass. -2-tf. SELL IT if you don’t want it. A classified ad in this paper does the job. If you want something, it works that way too. The cost is so low it doesn't hurt a bit. FOR SALE- -Special gasoline for lamps, irons and stoves. Cave Junction Motor Court, K. C. Hamilton. ABSTRACTS — Title insurance, affiliated with Commonwealth, Inc., Josephine County Abstract Co., Masonic Bldg., Grants Pass. | HERE IS ONE MILE OF AllROAD IN THE U S FOR VERY 563 PEOPLE - THE REST OF THE WORLD THERE IS ONLY ONE MILE OF RAILROAD FOR EVERY 3, 620 PEOPL E IN THE FIELD U S SOLDIERS HAVE EXPERT CARE OF THEIR EVES. MOBILE OPTICAL SHOPS CARRY A COMPLETE SUPPLY OF LENSES FITTINGS AND EQUIPMENT TO CARE FOR THE NEEDS OF SOLDIERS WHO WEAR GLASSES Feature Dance to be given Sat­ urday, April 17th, under auspices of the American Legion in the Legion hall, Cave Junction. Gents, $1.00, ladies free. Good music and a good time assured. -------------- o-------------- Mrs. Ted Webb, nee Naue, re­ ceived word that her father had passed away in a New York hos­ pital. after an illness of more than 15 years. Mr. Naue was a veter­ an of World War I, and was also an artist of some note. He spe­ cialized in making pictures from - postage stamps, which he did while confined these many years in the ( hospital. Mrs. Webb is in pos­ session of some of his finest work. Dick Naue, of O’Brien, is a son. TIRES New 3rd Grade Tires on Hand In nearly all sizes. High grade valcanizing, recap-1 ping and general tire repair. S. & M Tire Shop at Junction Redwood and 0............................................................... Pacific Highways. 25-tf FOR SALE — Mining location blanks, both quartz and placer and trespass notices at the Illinois Valiev News office. Mr. and Mrs. A. Theurkauf of Crescent City visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Theurkauf last Sunday. Interesting Letter (Continued from Page One) and white, very thoroughly shat- tered the bottle of champagne on the boat and christened her the U. S. S. Alazon Bay." While she did this down on the ways, burners in pure white uniforms cut away the two large plates holding the ship, and the navy band struck up Navy Song. Fifty men were up on the boat but only a few of these ventured up on the flight deck for the ride down. Flags and pennants were strung from stern to bow in a large inverted V. Suddenly she broke lose and | with a bang! At approximately 26 . .................................................................... . FORMERLY JOHNSON S MINER S GROCERY War bond dollars provide food for our fighting men —-clothing — rifles — hand grenades — Every­ thing you can think of to help them keep their lives safe — to help them win victory soner. 60c per dozen FOR YOUR EGGS COME IN AND SEE US AT ONCE Rogue River Hardware Hodgen - Brewster Poultry Feeds “Where Most People Trade" Grants Pass, Oregon a. ■B Victory Fertilizer KERBY, OREGON DO YOU WANT While we at home do not have this marvelous privi­ lege of being in the front ranks, we do have the privilege of providing the necessary articles to make victory sure, anil the Rogue River Hardware is glad to add this thought to the people of the Il­ linois Valley and the county at large, and to urge all to do their utmost to make this War Loan the big success it must be. s*"" minutes after 12:00 the Alazon i | Bay slipped swiftly but so ma­ jestically into the Columbia river. Havoc reigned! Mrs. Roose­ velt stood in the christening stand, her new black outfit splattered with champagne; the workers cheered; airplanes hummed over­ ' head, and the band kept on play­ ing. What did I do? Well I re­ gretted not having done any real 1 work toward her completion and sang "Anchors Aweigh” at the top of my lungs. Sincerely Yours, DONN1S SAUER. BRUCE HANNA You Lend Your Money SUMMONS t f r- for Are completely fortified with ALL the essential Vitamins and Minerals through the use of Vitamin A and B Oil. The High Quality of the ingredients used and the Method of Blending Increase DIGESTABILITY and make it possible for the Chick to ASSIMILATE and make the most efficient use of the health building and promoting values of the Feed. “YOU MIGHT AS WELL HAVE THE BEST” YOU GET IT IN HODGEN-BREWSTER FEEDS tí Victory Gardens SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE COUNTY OF JOSEPH 1NE. WINNIE G. EAKINS, plaintiff. vs. JESSE M EAKIN'S, defendant. To: The Above Named Defend­ ant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four (4) weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, which date is the 18th day of March, 1943. and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff will apply to the above court for a decree of di­ vorce forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and the above named plaintiff. This summons is published by order of the Hon. H. K. Hanna. Judge of the above entitled court dated March 12th. 1943, ordering publication hereof once each week for four successive weeks. W T. MILLER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoffice address: United States National Bank Bldg.. Grants Pass, Ore­ gon. M it* out war alcohol for the government for ammunition, tires, medical supplies and chemicals, they still are able to account for nearly a billion and a half dollars in taxes each year. That’s on account of the fact the beverage distillers, though working 100% for the government, are still able to supply the public with beverages from the reserve stocks made during peacetime. “Quite an unusual case, isn’t it. Jim?" Confer tnct of Alcoholic Htv fragt Industries, Inc They Give Their Lives-- FOR RENT or SALE—Cozy 3 ' room furnished house, on the I banks of the Illinois river. In-I quire at The News office. 23-ltf 4 Mr. and Mrs. Atlas M. Blown are here for a short time looking after their property. Ye Rustic Inn, on Redwoods highway. They are both doing defense work in Portland. 13 BILLION DOLLARS TO RENT — One Acre ground with house and barn at Holland. Good garden spot and fruit trees. Electricity and cold run­ ning water in house. Telephone or see Harry R. Floyd, Holland,! Oregon. 49-ltc i IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF' THE STATE OF OREGON FOR I THE COUNTY OF JOSEPH­ INE. ELMER I). TOOLEY. Plaintiff. vs. OPAL TOOLEY. Defendant. To the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and ans-! wer the complaint filed against1 you in the above entitled court1 and cause within four <4> weeks, from the date of first publication | of this summons, which date is the | 25th day of March. 1943, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff will apply to the above court for a decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and here-1 tofore existing between you and the above named plaintiff. This summons is published by order of the Hon. H. K. Hanna. Judge of the above entitled court, date March 20th, 1943, ordering publication hereof once each week for four successive weeks. W T. MILLER. Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoffice address: United States National Bank Bldg.. Grants Pass, Ore. “Had any news from George and his family since they moved away, Judge?” “ Yes, I had a letter from him day before yesterday. He’s in Kentucky ...the family's fine and they all like it there. George says he has a fine job in a beverage distillery. He brought out an interesting point in his letter I hadn’t thought of before. He said that while the beverage distillers are work­ ing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week turning ......................................................... B ates the work of the management and fully understands the efforts of the workers toward the war ef- fort. The presentation of flowers fol- lowed her speech and then the in­ vocation by Rev. Charles Stanley Mook of St. Luke’s Episcopal church of Vancouver. The launching was ---------- I can’t think of any word to des­ cribe it except beautiful. That’s the story of the Second War Loan for Uncle Mrs. Roosevelt, dressed in black Sam. This is the greatest financial drive in the history of the world, and this is the powder we need to send to the boys on the fighting front—to let them know we are doing our part the best we can. CALIFORNIA MINING J O U R- NAL for sale at the News office. Advertising and subscriptions for this magazine taken here. 4 Phil Sawyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Freeling Sawyer, arrived in the valley on several weeks fur­ lough from Ft. Lewis where he is stationed. While here Phil will enlarge his locker and storage capacity at his ice plant and make other necessary improvements. $1.0(1 for 100 pounds $1.50 for 25 pounds $2.50 for 50 pounds 80c for 10 pounds 15c f • 5 pounds ALSO COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER FOR COMMERCIAL USERS! (5-6-8, 3-10-10, Sulphate of Ammonia, Nitrate of Soda anti Triple Super) SPECIALS for Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 PEANUT BUTTER 2 Pound jar for KRAFT DINNER 2 Packages for BREAKFAST CUP (Delicious and saves Coffee) PLANTS LN SEASON! II-O OATS 3 Pound Box for GILL BROS. SEEDS IN BI LK. SWAN SOAP Large Bar, each COMPLETE LINE OF SPERRY FEEDS. Mack's Seed & Feed 514 SOUTH SIXTH STREET GRANTS PASS SAUER KRAUT (In Standard Mason Jars) No Points. Quart jar 58c 19c 19c 34c 19c Seasonable Fresh Fruits and Vegetables