Illinois Valley New», Thursday. April 1, 1913 An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class .matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 M C Editor ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County One Year . ... Six Months ... Three Month« ..... $1 SO .....................75 SO Outside of Josephine County $2 00 On« Y«ar The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application j _______ REDWOOD ÈMPI RE NEWSPAPER I’lBLISHE&S UniTJ NATIONAL EDITORIAL— RAPHAEL LEONARD The Illinois Valley, .Josephine county — yes the state of Oregon and the nation lost an extraordinary good citizen when Raphael Leonard slipped away from us last Thursday morning. This man in the flesh bent over backwards being honest and just to his fel­ low man. He would much rather have hurt himself rather than a friend or neighbor, and his spirit will live throughout this generation and generations to come as one of the outstanding citizens of our county. The entire community and hundreds of friends throughout the county join The News in extending their sympathies to the bereaved family and relatives. Dear Raphael: I missed you last meeting night. You have always stopped to pick me up and take me to lodge, but you Raphael OBITUARY Sebastian Leonard, ag­ didn’t show up, and I kind’a hated to go to lodge with­ ed 54, passed away at the Joseph­ out you. It certainly seemed that there was a vacant ine General hospital, Thursday, March 25th, after an illness of spot in lodge. BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY three weeks, He was born Oc- CHURCH We draped the altar for you, Raphael. You know, tober 29, 1888, at the Althouse, Sunday school, 10 a. m. we do that for all our brothers who have slipped away and spent most of his life in Ore­ Morning worship, 11 a. m. from us, but it wasn’t so easy for us to do it for you. gon. Young People’s service, 7:45 p. is survived by his wife, Jes­ You have always been so close to us that putting that sie He in. May Leonard and one son, Gor­ drape on the altar seemed like it was taking too much don R. Leonard, who came via Evening service, 8:15 p. m. away from us. None of us in lodge felt right about it. plane from Camp Rucker, Ala­ Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 m. to be with his father; a sis- We’re all very grateful for one thing, old top. If I bama, ------------- o ..... ter, Mrs. M. M. Lewis of Randall, the Good Lord said it was your time to come home, Washington nin,(on and a brother, Frank KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL we’re mighty grateful that the Wise One took you i J*“LeoSrd Zf 'wesrs'pr'ingfiZid" Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, 9:45 a. m. while you were peacefully sleeping and there was no Massachusetts. --------------o-------------- Funeral services were held Mon. jiain. We all believe you had that coming to you, and day afternoon, March 29th, at the CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY I mean it when I say, that I am mighty grateful to the Cave Junction Community church ' CHURCH Good Lord that it all happened the way it did, if it with the Rev. George H. Gray of­ Sunday school 10 to 11 a. m. had to happen—and I guess your name was called at ficiating, and graveside services, Church services 11 to 12 a. m. Bible study, 7:45. the Pearly Gates and you, like the good soldier you at the Kerby IOOF cemetery un­ Senior C. Y. P. S. meeting ........... 7:45 der the direction of Belt Lodge were, had to answer roll call. All young people invited. No. 18. A. F. & A. M. The L. B Geo. H. Gray, Pastor. 0. K. Old Pal. It won’t be so very long until some Hall Funeral home were in charge arrangements. of of the rest of us will be coming up, and I know you will The Missionary society met at be standing at the gate with a warm welcome when the church with 14 ladies present. The lesson for Sunday school we do. In the meantime I’m going to miss you like CARD OF THANKS ‘Jesus Returns to His Friends.’ blazes. Your good counsel was so sound and reliable, We thank our many friends for was The golden text was: “I am we all banked on your opinions. If you see me in a their kindness and sympathy dur­ alive forever more.” tight place some time, just snitch a little bit, and ing our recent bereavement, the Donald Richard and Dwain loss of our beloved husband, fath­ Marshal from California were new whisper down and tell me, will you? er, and brother, R. S. Leonard, and pupils. We were glad to welcome Good night, Raphael. I’m not wishing you God­ for the many floral offerings. them to our Sunday school: speed, for you have it. Good night. JESSIE M LEONARD, Dorothy and Byron Gray and GORDON R. LEONARD, family are with us again. They Ever your friend, MRS. M. M. LEWIS, have moved from Los Angeles and MOR NAY. FRANK J. LEONARD. are planning to make their home ------------- o ( APITAL PARADE (Continued from Page One) passed a bill providing for a $300 a year bonus for most postal em­ ployees. This is the first increase since 1925. It is for the duration only and applies to all except messengers and rush season work­ ers. DIVORCE FEE CUT VETOED “I share the view of those who believe that divorces are already too prevalent in this country,” wrote Governor Earl Snell in ve­ toing H. B. 276 which would lower divorce fees and curtain county' „ . 1 revel nues, in effect it would have taxpayers contribute to the cost of j divorces. Secretary of the Treasury Hen­ ry Morgenthau reported Monday that March income tax collections ran ahead of last year and reports indicate they will exceed treasury estimates by $250,000,000. READ THE AD$ Along With the New« here. Rev. Gray’s sermon was ‘‘At Home in the House of God.” His text was "Blessed are they that dwell in thy house; they will be still praising thee.” M rs. J. H. Dow sang “Peace Be Still.” A welcome is extended to all to attend these services. --------------o-------------- Buy your Defense Stamps today, and support your country. WARDROBE CLEANERS Grants Pass Mail your cleaning and press­ ing work to us — We will mail it back cleaned and pressed. T dr . Z n 7 collmani Naturopathic Physician j Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 1 = 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. | Sherman’« Camp Cave Junction H................... E F H A LOANS BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH V alley Lumber Co. West F St. Phone 47 F- • HULL & HULL * .. FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service day or nite 210 West “A” Phone 334 (¡RANTS PASS HOTEL MINERS HEADQUARTERS •IS "G" Street Grants Pass, Oregon ASK FOR ♦ Keibels PERFECTION BREAD KUIN . 7:15 - 7:30 P. M. Tuesdays and Thursdays ♦ Starting Thursday, April 1st At Your Grocer Dramatized Presentations of the Outstanding Events of the War Interpreted From the Re­ ports of the Associated Press. (9........................................... ¡FRENCH LAUNDR y I ( & DRY*CLEANERS Agencies Sponsored V a Sen ice To Southern Oregon Radio Listeners By ’ Haynes Clothing Shop I Wittrock's Store, Kerby lLe I THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY i I I I I I I I 1 I STAiM&BUF PROCESS