Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 25, 1913 Page Four Locals Mis. Marcella Jackson of Ker­ by made a shopping trip to Grants Pass last Friday. —o— BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11a. m. Young People’s service, 7:45 p Mis. Ella Campbell is now as­ sisting Mrs. Maggie Brewold in m. Evening service, 8:15 p. m. the Drews hotel cafe. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 Mrs. Violet Pickle left via Grey­ p. m. -------------- O--------------- hound Monday afternoon for sev­ KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL eral weeks visit in Myrtle Point. Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, —o— 9:45 a. m. Miss Donnis Sauer arrived from Portland last Monday to visit he father. Maurice Sauer of Kerby. ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS S. L. Jones returned last Sun­ Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. day from Tillamook where he has Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. been employed for the past several Prayer meeting Wednesday at months. 7:30 p. m. You are invited to meet with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith and ua. F. W. Cooper, elder, Cave Junc­ daughter, Alice and Harry O. Smith made a trip to Grants Pas- tion. ————o-------------- today (Thursday). Larry Musil returned to Cave Junction last Sunday from Kodiak. Alaska, where he has been em­ ployed on a government project for the past IS months. Larry’s plans are indefinite for the time being and he hasn't decided when he is going to be needed the most —o— Miss Dorothy Gibson, a former resident of Kerby, now living in Cottage Grove, spent the week­ end in Medford visiting Misses Gertrude Bloomingcamp and Ed­ da Burke, returning home Sunday evening. Miss Gibson is employ ed with the Mt. States Power Co. Friends in the valley will be glad to know that Grace Thrashei daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W Thrasher of Murphy, Oregon, for mer student of Southern Oregon College of Education, won third place in the annual Ted Olson po etry contest, sponsored by the American Quill club. —o— Mrs. Harry F. Floyd accompan ied by Mrs. H. O. Smith, Mrs. J. J. Villair. Mrs. J. 11. Dow and Mrs. B. L. Miller left Sunday for Klam­ ath Falls to attend the district meeting of the Federation of Gar den Clubs, returning Monday eve­ ning. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dow visited relatives while there. Visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Morrison at Takilma during the week-end was their son l.loyd Morrison, lie resumed his studies at Corvalis last Mon­ day. Another son. Kenneth is in the Navy Technical Training school at Norman, Okla., and Jer ry is in the Army Technical Train­ ing school at Miami Beach. Fla. —o— Sergeant Paul R. Snyder, sta­ tioned at Houlton, Maine, sends greetings to friends in the val­ ley. Says three other Buddies from Oregon enjoy sharing read ing the News with him. Good luck Paul, we are always glad to hear from you ami enjoy "The Hangar" w hich you send us occa- sionall.v. — o— \ v lat ion Cadet C. Gordon Mor- ris, meteor »logy student at 1 CLA arrived thi Week for several »lays visit with ns mother. Mrs. C. G. He Morris am 1 other relatives. will leave for the south Friday 1 night. Nli ing spirit of Uncle Sam’s Marines The Seal of Approva! in never-to-be-forgotten faith in this remarkable unit of our fight­ ing forces. Several times th«* Japs sent word for the Marines to surrender, cry time the word went back 'Come and get us.” It cost •laps a tremendous loss t., take Awarded by the American tiny island, and this episode stitute of Laundering"after World Wai No. 2 will live with Passing Rigid Tests the great achievements of our Pickup and delivery every Mon day and Thursday in Cave fighting forces. It is a picture Junction, Kerby and everyone will want to see. Come Holland early and get a good seat. News and other shorts will be GRANTS PASS shown with this big feature STEAM LAUNDRY ture. "Since 1900 ■o 25c 2Oc 27c RICE, Fancy Blue Rose 2 Pounds 25c WHITE ROSE BLEACH Half Gallon CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP ( HIPS Giant Size BRER RABBIT MOLASSES 2*4 Pound (’an 1 “Ttf* ■ • V 32c ( HASE & SAN BORN COFFEE Pound Package Stamp No. 26 Now Effective! GHIRARDELLI SWEET CHOCOLATE CROWN PANCAKE FLOUR 9 Pound Sack LIMA BEANS, Small 2 Pounds PLANT YOUR VICTORY GARDEN NOW ! WE HAVE THE SEEDS 0 WAKE ISLAND* WITH UNCLE SAM’S MARINES COMING ........ 4 ó*................. KIX 2 Packages I Ti 'Crown Flour and Feeds' 1____________________ ¿ Commisioners and Other County Men Go To Portland Leaving last Saturday, Com- missioners Lucius Robinson and Pete Fredrick ■ 1 -..¡< ■ jlie part I o North A!:i a and Russia