Illinois Valley News, Thursday. March 1, 1913 Page Tw o Illinois Valley News THAT'S THE 'UNION' TO STRIKE FOR NOW! An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 C M 3,500,000,000 Pounds Beet Sugar Produced in 1912 Domestic beet sugar production reached nearly three and a half billion pounds in 1942, an increase ¿W U.S.WAR BONDS of approximately three hundred million pounds over the year be­ fore, according to the United fl)R. A. N. COLEMAN! States Beet Sugar Association. Naturopathic Phytici^n Record acreage was planted to : Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 sugar beets last spring in response 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. to wartime sugar demands and Sherman*» Camp government need for all-out pro­ Cave Junction duction. The production of sugar S' !••••••••••« ■I•••••••III•••»•••••«••»••••••••• which was achieved represents an amount sufficient to supply current household ration for F II A LOANS ery man, woman and child in BUILD NOW — PAY BY United States for one year. THE MONTH Editor ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County $1 so One Year . — Six Months Three Months Outside of Josephine County I s I $2 00 One Year The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application Kl DWO0I) EMPIRE flavor and food values and to pre­ vent excessive shrinkage. Avoid overcooking for the same reasons. -------------- o NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS * Valley Lumber Co. Phone 47 West F St. 0 R Ed|O(N> P U B LIS »¿E IS* BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH I AT I 0 N By CpI. George Siigliele, Jr. OFF IN A CORNER WITH I’HIL SNORT Bedding Supplies In Offing You say he can't stand the Army. Dear Ed. The life is too rough for him For several reasons I am steal­ Du you think that he is better Than some other mother’s Tom oi ing time from other duties to get you my usual letter—one about Jim? every two weeks. The main rea­ son that a number of your read­ You raised him up like a girl He neither smokes nor drinks is ers signify that they want and ex­ pect them. Another reason is your brag, Farm families who are members that I enjoy writing them because If all the boys were like him of the Farm Security Program in it’s the only way I have to visit What would happen to our flag. with the most of my Illinois Val­ ' Josephine County will have the op- You say let the roughnecks do the ley neighbors; so here goes for a portunity to replenish bedding sup­ plies, especially mattresses and short chat with them. fighting. The weather is always a wel- comforters, according to Bernice They are used to the beans and the stew. come subject with almost every S. Kellogg, county home manage­ I’m glad I am classed as a rough one, and as this winter will go ment supervisor, who states that down in history as among our fin- a welcomed number of bales of neck Who would fight for the Red, est, I shall briefly comment on the surplus cotton have been delivered weather as experienced by those to the county for use by the fam­ White and Blue. of us in Elk valsey. We had 19 ilies and advises that full particu­ You say his girl couldn’t stand it. days of sunshine during January, lars are available at the local of- 7 days of hard rain and the rest fice in the Lunuburg building. To send him off with the rest. Miss Kellogg, supervisor for Do you think for a minute she'd clouds and sunshine. During Feb­ both Josephine and Jackson coun­ enjoy ruary we have had 22 days of pure Feeling a Jap’s breath on her unadulterated sunshine, the rest ties whose headquarters is now in both sun and clouds, some mist, Medford, will supervise the making breast. very little fog, yet on morning of of the mattresses A small charge 8th we awoke to find six inches of will be made to cover the costs of Think of the women in Belgium Of the cruelties they had to bear snow that had fallen during the storage and supplies. Since many folks are new in Jo­ Do you want this same thing to night. Our average morning temperature has been about 35, for sephine county and could not avail happen To your innocent daughter so fair. February. Compare the foregoing themselves to the cotton offered with below zero weather through­ through the extension program, You can thank God that the stars out the middle west and east. So the Fann Security Administration far as climate is concerned I be­ has secured the surplus cotton in Old Glory, .Are not blurred with those kinds lieve we have the finest in the I which was already in storage near- world. of stains, Why goldern it, I hain’t 1 by. It is left overs from pre-war Because there are 10.000,000 of worn underclothes in over 25 I days. Miss Kellogg stated, and all years! Can any one east of the i mattresses will be made by the in- rough necks Who have red blood in their veins. Cascades say the same and tell the | dividual« who receive them and the work will be done in the homes. truth? I don't think so. Sign-up for mattresses begins We go to drill in bad weather o immediately at the local county of­ And come in with a smile on our fice. KERBY HIGH SCHOOL face. While your darling son sits in the parlor \nd lets another man fight in his that time The War Ration Board place. suggested that those unable to get their books semi their consumers' Maybe we do smoke and gamble. declarations and Ration Books 1 to But we fight a» uui forefathers the Grunts Pass Ration Board did. from where the Hook 2 would be THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE rM A h FMFPdrNCY lanchó \ V'l HELP i AN NOW St WADE » in 6 HOCL’S By Mt ANS OF INTERLOCKING STI IL MAIS LAir,»» TMt 6ROLINP ¿T*t «ITA \ hm ’ AKtircty -»»wrpiV • w». '!5ri L ATEST COMi’RESsfD FOOO IS the POTATO . •BRICK* DEVELOPED FOR THE X ARWV THE Size of a shoe Bo» \ it will S upply masheo ------X. POTATOES FOR IOO MEN FLAME PROOF clothing OF A TREATED FABRIC SIMILAR. TO TERRy CLOTH 4 NFW rgfi iwN WEIGHING MAiMINt USED to Pt tret uusi on MFTAL WE AHURIS LOADS IN UNITS OF 10/1.000 oooooo OF AN OUNi I AF4P ^ElOHs BUST TO THE lo»l I OF A Sis*.. I lAvtSOI ATOMS THE MAC X Nt IV .» AttP N A uLAss Tear Weep i« mui important in THE BUIlPlNli OF MOVEMN P attieships AJ'.ooo hoabp rttrev li «St» I*. OSCO in BOIL C 440 O n E l TOVS SUPER WA0ON« FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service dav or nite 210 West “A" Evening -service, 8:15 p. in. senteeism was many times greaterI Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 than the time lost due to strikes1 P- m. or shutdowns, and that such loss | of time and production had been KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL increasing during the past year, Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, rather than decreasing. 9:45 a. m. Trying to break up black mar­ kets. Price Administrator Brown announced this week ceiling prices on pork and beef will be estab- I lished shortly. ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS At the White House this week, j a delegation of Democratic Na- j tional committeemen called on the' president and while there some asked the question about a fourth] term for the president. It is re-1 --------------- O--------------- ported that the president laughed 1 CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY the question off. ft is rumored i CHURCH that the president may seek a Sunday school 10 to 11 a. m. fourth term if the war continues. Church services 11 to 12 a. tn. Senior Bible study, 7:45. The county court has announced C. Y. P. S. meeting ... .7:45 the appointment of Mrs. Lenore All young people invited. Dow, who has been superintendent Geo. H. Gray, Pastor. of nurses at the county hospital, The Missionary Society met at to the position of general manager the church for an all day meeting. of the hospital. This appointment The Canteen dinner served last takes a load off the shoulders of week to a large number brought the court, who have been trying to many compliments. The Mission­ locate a manager the past week. ary Society donated funds to the .................. o--------------- Red Cross. The Sunday school lesson was Spare The Meat You "Jesus Is Stronger than Death.” Cook, Says Home Agent Scripture text John 11. Rev. Gray’s sermon was When the supply of meat is lim­ visible Things." John 3:1-8. His ited, it is doubly important that text, John 3:8 "The wind bloweth homemakers cook the meat prop­ where it listeth, and thou hearest erly. so as to get the most from the sound thereof, but canst not every pound, according to Ruth tell whence it cometh, and whither E. Crawford, home demonstration it goeth, so is every one that is agent, As a result of years of re­ born of the Spirit.” search in meat cookery, certain Mrs. Ruth Hill and Mis. Fay Ar­ basic principles have been de­ rant« sang “Rock of Ages." veloped which apply to all meth- A welcome is extended to all to ------ o I ods of preparation. attend these services. In general, the tender cuts of HERE AM) THERE 0 meat are cooked by dry heat — a that is. they are cooked in an un­ (Continued from Page One) covered pan with no water added. us plenty of trouble, and when and I Veal and pork chops ami steaks if it comes to our shores, it will be are exceptions because they are on the west coast. Eternal vigil- always cooked b.V AND moist heat, ence is still the watchword. The less tender cuts are cooked —o— by moist heat — by braising — Production of lumber in the Il­ that is biown the meat in a heavy linois valley has begun to look like kettle, then add a tight fitting lid last summer when trucks were and a small amount of liquid, if Onion Sets running night and day to fill war necessary, Pork chops should be Early Cabbage orders. Chrome trucks are now braised without added liquid. showing signs of life. Normally Another moist heat method — Cauliflower 75 trucks a day out of the valley cooking in water — is used for Lettuce Plants to Grants Pass loaded with war soups ami stews. Cover the meat material is the rule. This year with water, cover kettle closely, Rhubarb Roots the valley will send more than 100 and cook at simmering tempera­ Seed Peas trucks a day into Grants Pass. ture until tender. —o— And All Other Garden Cook all meats at a moderate Secretary of the Navy Knox temperature in order to retain SEEDS! testified before a committee in congress yesterday, that he had received reports to the effect that The American Legion will give 3 MACK’S time lost in war plants th in SEED AND FEED the hall at Cave Junction. Good music and a good evenings enjoy­ Cave Junction mailed. The Kerby high and grade ment is assured all who attend school teachers handled the reg- stration with efficiency and out causing registrants to wait in line. MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon □ \mong new books recently ad­ ded to the high school library an "Sky Hostess," “History f Latin America". “Mathematics i Avia t on", "Toughen Up Americ.i, " an< "Building and Flying Mo< el Air planes.” Physics class has been i study mg Fundamentals of Elc • ctricit) since the beginning of the ■ second semester. This week’s project- | included the building of Voltaic. Daniell, and storage cells ... -o—■■ The Junior girls «re -tudying clothing and the Senioi girls foods this semester in their Home Eco­ nomics classes A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time ta I : : ASK FOR ♦ : Keibel's PERFECTION BREAD ♦ At Your Grocer : Gone up tn Smoke! You can’t afford to be Without Insurance Don’t Wait Until it is TOO LATE! FEED SEED Phone 334 GRANTS PASS HOTEL Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. You are invited to meet with us. Lynn .Tolliffee, elder, Cave Junc­ tion. W omen WELDERS NOW HAL 6 HI LL & HULL Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11a.m. Young People’s service, 7:45 P So go warm the milk for his bottle Thank God we don’t need your kid. Benson County Farmer, N. I). Thank God We Don’t NEED YOUR SON *> SEE M C. ATHEY nt The News Office 0' E ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY ( & DRY CLEANERS : r 1 Agencies ' Haynei Clothing Shop I Wittrock'« Store, Kerby I Lew Hammer, Selma I ( all : \\ ed. and Sat. STÄIORÜF PROCESS CHADWICK HOTELS COFFEE SHOPS In Connection , HOTEL REDWOOD Grants Pass. Oregon Quick * Easy - Safe HOTEL JACKSON Medford. Oregon Write or call for compiiti information— HOTEL OREGON Eugene. Oregon HOTEL SENATOR Salem, Oregon r HOTEL MARION United States National Bank Salem, Oregon McCredie Hot Mineral Springs : McCredie Springs. Oregon .............................. ............ ;