Illinois Valley News, Thursday, August 27. 1912 Page Four Locals Mrs. F. F. Hibbard was trans­ acting business and shopping in Grants Pass last Monday. --- OH— Mr. and Mrs. James Howard of Cottage Grove, were visiting rela­ tives in the valley recently. —o--- Mrs. E. L. Oppie arrived Wed­ nesday from San Francisco for a visit with friends in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Leonard were in Grants Pass the first of the week attending to business mat- ter». Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor were shopping in Grants Pass last .Mon- day. Mr. Taylor is now manag­ ing the Cave City theater. ——o--- American Legion dance this coming Saturday night. August 29th. Same good music. A good time for all. working on government projects in northern Idaho. --o- - Miss Vivian McCasland took over the rural route No. 1 of the Cave Junction postoffice last Tuesday. Nat Woolley, rural car­ rier has been inducted into the army and will leave soon for his new army duties. —o— Elwood Hussey brought some good looking tomatoes and roast­ ing ears to The News office this week, raised on his garden on the Illinois river. Elwood and Bert Watkins have worked many hours in developing the garden and they ire both proud of their efforts. Mrs. J. H. Bernard and little daughter JoAnn, who have been in Honolulu for over a year, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. E. N. Cooke, of O’Brien. Mrs. Bernard was one of the evacuees ■hat sailed from Honolulu in July. I Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Yocom of Med­ ford, accompanied Mrs. Bernard Io O’Brien. The many friends of Irving Mrs. Chris Wendt accompanied Tweedy will be shocked to hear of by Mrs. Jim Payne and Mrs. Scot­ ty Taylor were in Grants Pass last lis death July 29th, resulting from njuries sustained in an auto ac- Monday shopping. •ident at Pismo Beach, Calif. His wife, Carrie Tweedy preceded him Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Hicks n death April 30th. They leave were visitors in the county seat wo daughters. Mrs. Eleanor John- last Monday on business connected on and Miss Donna Tweedy. with their chrome mine. —o— — o— Dr. ami Mrs. William A. Brown Martin Sachse, of Sache’s gar­ had as their guest last week, Mrs for San Fran ­ age, Kerby, left ail Sumner Knopf, widow of the cisco, last Friday, ile expects to late president of Willamette uni­ work in some important war work versity, who was en route to Los in the south. Vngeles where she will make her —o— future home. The Knopfs were Mrs. N'ola Pertle and children friends of Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Tuscan, Ariz., was visiting Mrs. when both families lived in Los Pertle's uncle, Ed Basey at Ta­ Angeles, and where Dr. Knopf was kilma last week. She returned connected with the University of home Tuesday. Southern California. This past week Mrs. J. J. Villair have had as guests at her home the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur L. Rice from Tulare, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Bowen of Seattle, Wash —o — Mrs. Sam Smith, wife of the popular Cave City drug store pro­ prietor, is reported much unproved in health, but is still confined in the General hospital in Grants Pass. Miss Leona Kindel of Ft. Dick. Calif., spent the past week as guest of Miss Wanda Brown of O’Brien. Before returning to her home they spent part of the time at the Brown chrome mine at High Plateau. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Messengei and their daughter Miss Elva were visiting over the week end at Eli rekn, Calif., whole they met their son Richard who was on a short leave from his company. ——o— Mrs. John Anderson, whose bus band Is an officer in the same company with Lieut. John Ulrich, was in Holland lust week visiting Mrs. Ulrich. She left foi her home in Portland Tuesday. ——o— Mr. and Mrs. Art Drews came home Tuesday and «ill spend n week here. They now reside in Portland where Art i- working They expect to do considerable re pairing on their property while here. Notice to Rural Mail Route Patrons CAVE CITY THEATER SATURDAY .nd SUNDAY AUGUST 29 - 30 DOUBLE F EAT l RF Ex erv patron on the rural route out of Cave Junction, has received a card with the number of their box. It is very important that al1 you r mail come addressed with that number. Do not put the number on youi box. but send it to all persons miiiling letters, packages or news papers to you. This is done in case of substitutes carrying th« mail, so service can be maintained at all times. Your rural box number on your cort esnondence will materially help in getting your mail earlier EDW ARD G ROBINSON and EDWARD ARNOI D in Unholy Partners NEWS — SHORTS FIRST SHOW STARTS AT 7 O’CLOCK! ■F ( AVE JUNCTION, OREGON S...................................................................................................................B a.................................................................................................................. ? È.................................... B..................................... BANANAS, ORANGES, ( ANTS, MELONS, PICKLING ONIONS, GRAPES. SWEET PO­ TATOES, CARROTS, CABBAGE, LETTUCE, RADISHES, GREEN ONIONS RAISINS 1 pound package ( RANBERRY SAUCE. Ocean Spray Fadi 4Oc I * • V RICE KRISPIES 2 for PINEAPPLE JUK E No. 2 can CASCADE SODA CRACKERS 2 pound box 18c 21c I 31c 0 FRYERS Per pound ALBER’S FLAPJACK FLOUR 10 pound bag A CONSISTENT HELP IN riMl Ol EMERGENCY W p will help vou with your tire», vour battrrv and tell you when your car need* lub­ ricating 0 fi 0 & 0 & 0 FORMAY SHORTENING 3 pound can LUMBER JACK SYRUP •/2 Gallon Glass (OVE OYSTERS Per can MINUTE MAN SOUP MIX 3 for X WHITE ROSE h HHjs/uny i loihti, and poors 0 fi 0 fi 25c 15c V "J 7, ? REBEKAHS HOLD ENJOYABLE MEET Mattie Seyferth directed an amusing guessing contest for the good of the order program at Marguerite Rebekah lodge last Wednesday. Emily Kellert re- ceiveil an award for the largest number of correct answers. A eaid shower for past noble grand Agnes Smith, who is recov­ ering from a bad fall, was plan­ ned by the members. Refreshments of boysenberry shoilcake and cofee were served by noble grand Hazel George and Mabel Ramsey. Tables were dec­ orated with gladioli in pastel col­ ors from the garden of Mis. Harry Smith. -o--- Crown Flour and Feeds A deliberately taken the Holland sec­ tion as the choice spot of the val­ ley to roost in. There are about a dozen or 15 in the band, and they so much re- senible cranes, that one can be easily fooled, they look so near alike, These birds, however, are believed to be herons, for they have the heron characteristics. If anyone desires to see them, drive up to Holland and look on either the J. 11. Buck place or the A. G. Kaufman place, where they -trut about in the fields. Several large white herons, at least they are believed to be her- ons. have chosen the Illinois Val- ley for their home. They have 40 HOMMES 8 CHEVAUX j _ _ A JI i ÍTA7 ■ y-. y Buy Every Pay Day KEEPING» ÍH& REAR VISION CLEAN MAM SAVE '/111) H1)M öEifiNO A’TICKtT SATURDAY. American Legion hall (’ave Junction riCKETS SOMETHING DIFFERENT! 50c 15c Many veterans of the last A. E. F. will remem­ It’s not that way this time. Now the U. S. rail­ roads are moving a great many more of our fighting men in sleeping cars than in the last war. And these men have clean bedding and porter service. AUGUST 29 ADMISSION Not this time I ber how- they traveled to the eastern seaboard in coaches, and through France in tiny freight cars w ith the legend ”40 Hommes, 8 Chevaux” painted on the side. "Forty men, eight horses.” Dance GENTS Ladies Mi', and Mrs. William Bumby arrived today (Thursday) to visit Mr. Buniby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bumby near O’Brien. Mrs. Messenger took them from Cave Junction to their stopping place. War Bonds LARGE WHITE BIRDS FOUND IN VALLEY NOV ELTY Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Green of Gasquet, came to the valley this week and will make their future home here. Mr. Green is with the Forest Service and will work out of the Redwood station. Our Job is to Save Bellas GEORGE A. HICKS Texaco Gas. Oil. Greases This is one of the reasons why you may not al­ ways be able to get just the Pullman accom­ modations vou want. f ive Junction. Oregon Last Calli Wilt ' FIRST ....................(il Half Gallon Quarts DENNIS O'KEEF I «nd JANE WYATT in Week End For Three I 0 O. W. GREEN » THESE PRICES ARE EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY. AUG. 28. 29. 31 0 fi I Fruits and Vegetables | Fresh and Cured Meat 0 » PICNIC HAMS GRAPEFRUIT 25c Per pound........ 4 for 0 BACON SQUARES TOMATOES 20c & 17c Per Pound 3 pounds for FAT HENS 0 ONIONS 24c 15c Per pound I pounds for . Formerly SCHUMACHERS DEPENDENTS TO GET ALLOWANCES —o Dopy eia and daugh Model Cash Grocery --------------- o--------------- The senate last week approved a bill permitting living allowances due the dependents of service men to be paid as soon as the necessary bookkeeping can be completed. It wipes out a provision in the orig­ inal allotment bill which barred any payments until after Nuvem- her 1. The measure now goes to the White House. Whether the bill actually will speed the payment of sums accum­ ulated since the law went into ef­ fect June 1 was a matter of con­ jecture. War department officials told the senate military commit­ tee that it would be a physical im possibility to make all the neces sary computations ami write the checks before November 1. Numerous lawmakers have (lo­ dared their mail is heavy with re quests for relief of hardship eases Senator Clark (D Mo) said some service men’s dependents were be­ ing forced to rely on charity for their living expenses. Clark said James V. Forrestal, undersecretary of the navy, had in­ formed Rep. Bulwinkle (D-NC), acting speaker of the House, that the navy could make its payments now and recommended doing it for the sake of morale. -------------- Q-------------- 0 Radios are going to be a thing of the past until after the duration. We have only a few left. If you want a radio, GET IT NOW! $12.50 1 Fairbanks, used. 5 lube Radio 821.95 1 Zenith. 5 tulx’, new 1 Zenith. 6 wave hand. 7 tube portable, it'- a pip $85.00 So far the difficulties of wartime travel here have been very minor ones, compared with otht/r warring nations. We can all be thankful that we are living in a country where these problems can be worked out by sympathetic cooperation between a railroad and its cus­ tomers. and not by the orders of a dictator. The War Bondi you buy now will help pay SP for a new home The Friendly after the war. Southern Pacific Cave City Drug Store YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE CAVE JUNCTION \ «56