Illinois Valley News, Thursday. July 16. 1912 Page Four her family moved to Portland about a year ago where they have been making their home. — o— Mrs. Earl Boyd made a trip to. Grants Pass today (Thursday) where she met her daughter, Mrs. Eddie Martin who was coming north to spend several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin now make • their home in Wil- lows, Calif., where Mr. Martin is managing a meat market. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G. Saw­ yer transacted business in Grants Pass this week. Mrs. J. W. Hardie of San Fran­ cisco is visiting at the Chris Wendt home on the Caves highway. Mrs. Hardie is a sister of Mrs. Wendt. Model Cash Grocery Formerly SCHUMACHERS Mrs. Floyd White and daughteis Mrs. Ralph Baumberger gave Miss Alta and Miss Marie White a very pleasant birthday party for of Long Beach, Calif., arrived in her mother-in-law, Mrs. T. H. the valley Tuesday night for Baumberger and Mrs. Chester visit for a couple of weeks. Taylor last Saturday, at her home at the Cave City park. A deli­ Mrs. Mary Seat of Elsinore, cious dinner was served and mem­ Calif., is spending her vacation for bers of the two families spent an the summer at the home of her enjoyable evening. son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and -------------- o-------------- Mrs. Ortis Seat. E CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON U. S. Office Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Baumberg er drove into Grants Pass today (Thursday). Ralph went in to have a last check-up on his recent operation. He was out for the first time last Saturday and says he is feeling fine. Misses Dorothy and Adelaide McGrady spent the week «•nd vis­ iting relatives and friends in the valley. They left Monday morn ing for Eureka, where both are employed. —o--- Mrs. Ruth Porter, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. C. G. Morris on the Caves highway, and other relatives, returned to he home in Roseburg Monday after­ noon. Mrs. C. H. Thomas of San Fran cisco, who has been a guest of Mr and Mrs. Robert in O'Brien for the past 10 days, left today (Thursday) for her home in the south. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Balzke are sisters. —o— Word was received last week by relatives that Ellis Tycer, 17 yeai old son of Mrs. Ruth Tycer, was seriously injured in an accident in a freight elevator in Portland where he is employed. The report was that he had a broken neck and other injuries. Mrs. Tycer and I The first step in the citizen’s defense against war gases is to obtain a clear understanding of what gas can and cannot do. This series is designed in part to dis­ pel some of the current misinfor­ mation about war gases. Despite the increasing range and capacity of aircraft, a gas attack on a large enough scale to cause injury to a substantia] portion o*' a large city is not regarded in authoritative quarters as feasible. Even in limited areas gas, to be ef­ fective, must be used in great quantities. Gas might be used in an attack upon a city either alone or in con­ junction with other weapons, The better citizens are trained anti equipped to deal with gas the It’S' likely it is that gas will have any appreciable effect. Quick-acting types of gases may­ be used against a community to produce immediate c a s u a 1 t i es. throw the population into a stat, of panic and disrupt their protec­ tive services. Slow-acting types, which may remain effective for several days in a liquid form, may O. W. GREEN THESE PRICES ARE EFFECTIVE FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 17 and 18 a.............................. ■a Fruits and Vegetables | ORO SHORTENIN'! 3 Pounds for 4c CRYSTAL WHITE CLEANSER Per package ................................. TUNAFLAKES Per can MUSTARD 2 Pound jar for TOMATO JUICE Del Rogue, 46 ounce can BEANS, Pinto 3 Pounds for 100', WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR Crown brand, 10 lb. sack KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR 19 Pound sack for HONEY 5 Pound can for COFFEE, Bliss Pound can for OYSTERS, Select Cuts 2 ('ans for ..................... CORNED BEEF HASH No. 2 cans, each SOAP, P & G. 5 Bars for BORAX SOAP ( HIPS Per box ......................... FLY TON Pints Quarts 25c •>c 17c 25c 4»c 4.3» 7!)c MARSHMALLOW SQUARES 11 0 11 0 11 NEEDED Crown Flour and Feeds SON OF FURY SATURDAY JULY 18 i GET A NEW BATTERY WHILE American Legion hall Cave Junction YOU CAN! Featu ring Same Good Orchestra! Good Time! Aside from the sixty-mile an hour Mosquito Torpedo Boats, the Sub Chasers are the speedsters of our Navy. Light and fast, they are the eyes of the Fleet on the water They displace approximately 1,500 tons and cost about $2,400,000 each. ADMISSION GENTS Ladies 50c 15c Official 'll. S. July Values War Bond Quotas FOR JULY »» ( S.t/ev to be published soon) Mil, Mil» Jul> «luola Alabama .. $ 7.W1.IHI0 $ 5.285,000 1 .HÌ6.1KX) Arizona .... 2 W45.00U Ark.m,m .. 5,1179,000 3.. >50.000 California .. til 667.1MX) Colorado 6.840.IHM) 4 j27.(K)0 25.534.000 16.. >18.000 Connecticut Delaware 2.657.(MM) 1.649,000 Diat Columbia 6.250,000 5,958.000 Florida 9.842.000 6.716.000 Georgia .. 9,797 000 6 439.000 Idaho .... . 3,375,000 2.208.000 Illinois ... . 84.925,000 52,237(000 Indiana ... 18.000 14.910,000 Iowa .... 15.(MX).(MM) 13 870,000 Kansa, ... 8,073,000 5.290.(KM) Kentucky . 9,504 (MX) 6,177.000 Louisiana . 8.623.000 5,675.000 Maine 6.364,000 4.148.1X81 13.535,1X81 Maryland 8 392.000 Massachusetts 48 144 (MU’ 28.738,000 Michigan 39.408,000 26.240,000 Minnesota 19 580,000 12.574.000 Mississippi 5.343 (KM) 3.898.1X81 Missouri 27.827,000 18,713,18X1 Mentati.« 3.222.(XXI 2.156,0«X> Nebraska 7.235 000 4.590,000 Nevada 1,038 000 692,(XXI N Hampshire 3.260.000 2.168.000 New Jersey 35 247 000 22.889.000 New Mexico 1.771. (XXI 1,165.000 % \ I mi » •• or Mu II«* 1. w M.»y 1 • QU00.000 + 5.9 19.'.»26 n’ 2,905,000 17 075.000 t 9.6 2.785.000 —22 6 3.286 000 •* 39 7 1 581 (MX) 4 |9 ’ 1.895.000 + 14 4 26.727.000 14 4 1.055,000 + 12 3 i \lmiror M it ll< lu» M 1, Q iii ’I h Mate (|.) S'4 :)7 1.731.000 ! 239 «’ ’0 South Dakota 6.184.000 5.141.1' • 26.1 Tennessee 10.092.(8)0 18 94. O.K) ■ 20 9 •2.479.000 Texas ....... 33.677.000 2.879.000 Ll’Ol.tMX) • 71 3 2.057.000 I’tah ............... 1.235.000 • 20.3 Vermont ... 2.188.000 1.449.000 Virginia .... 12.698.000 9.(192.000 8,965.000 1.4 11.082.000 Washington . 13.415,000 7.581.(MX) 48 2 8. 111.(MX) 4,062.000 4.106.000 1.1 W Virginia . (XX) 11.977.000 + 2.5 Wisconsin ... 12.283.000 1.519.000 984. (XX) 1 003. (MX) I 9 Wyoming ... 738,000 492.000 198.000 + 143 5 Alaska ... • N 321.000 I eport) Canal Zone.. 8.439.000 992.000 503 3 5.985.000 Hawaii 183.000 214 0 M) Puerto Rico. 296.000 14.5 16.1XX) (Nio Report) 9.000 Virgin Islands •••• Unallocated ST.M0 '« «'• •Net distribuie d by Slates. T. tai ———— — ■ $1,000,001' KX) $034,356,000 $6tV W AX' Henry Mergrnthsu Jr , Secretary of the Treasury, t d.iy ma le public the official War Bond Quotas bv State« for the month of July, which places the nation on a Billion dollar a month basil to aid in meeting the War coat. The above table also give. May War Bond sales tn the vinous states in comparison to the May Quotas (June tales by states will be available for pi dilation i'i. rt,v ) -e percentage of Quotas range from '1 3 percent abov« quota in Utah, to 22 6 percent below tl quota in Montana, b • puts the nation as a whole above the $600,000,000 total May quota. Vulnerable Alaska ard Hawaii led . •<■« in sale of War Bonds on quota basis. ' Keerybody, -very pay day ten percent'*» the Treasury slogan which is expected to place one of the attrac­ tive new window stickers in every American home "W re Buving at Least 10“»” reads the sticker, prm'ed in the national colors. The new window stickers and the new 10’»’’ lapel button, which indi.ates that the wearer is in «resting st least ten percent of his income in XV ar Bends every pay day, are yardsticks of patriotism m the War Bond Dnvs V. Ji. 1 reu»»'y Prpa/tme«l I I I I I I ! JERGEN’S LOTION AND ( REAM Regulai .'Oc buttle of Jet-gens Lotion and 25c jar Jurgens Face Cream. Regular 75c value, both for WOODBl RY ( REAM AND POWDER 7."»c Regular 75c jar Woodbury Cold Cream and 25c b, \ of face powder. Regular $1.00 value—both for LADIES’ RAYON PANTIES An unusually large assortment of new styles at our most popular pi ice. Shop this department for ot h r lingerie needs. LADIES’ COTTON HOSE A fine quality mercerixed hose serviceable and o n«r «•■.•I'ing. Choice of shades and sizes. 2»c (OATS CROCHET THREAD balls, most economical size if you crochet All sizes and colors. ■ ■ — + 5.7 McGregor Co. GEO. A HICKS “Where It’s Easy to be Thrifty” Texaco Gas. Oil Greases Grants Pass, Oregon Cave Junction. Oregon 0 11 0 0 i workers. And many of these wo­ men will be mighty loathe to go back to “washing dishes" when it is all over. When that time comes it won't be the women who will have the “headaches” either. SAT. - SUN . JULY 119 38 Stales Top Quota; 10 States and District of Columbia Fall Short ? 11 CAVE CITY THEATER We need many of these powerful, fast little boats to cope with the treacherous submarine type of na- val warfare fostered by our ene- mies. Everybody can help pay for more Sub Chasers by putting at least ten percent of his income into War Bonds. Buy Bonds or Stamps every pay day Buy them from your bank, your post office, or from your office or factory through the Payroll Savings Plan 11 27c 9 3»c 11 25c 0 NO SUGAR RECIPE ON SIDE OF BOX Some of the defense workers are getting mighty fed up on all those stories about the efficiency of women workers, on defense pro­ jects. Many plants were reluct­ ant to employ women at first, but are now finding that the produc­ tion line is going up due to the deftness speed of women and May War Bond Scoreboard 0 11 *7*7 RICE KRISPIES MEN BEGIN TO WORRY Tyrone Power and Gene Tiernet 11 0 COMPLETE CANNING SUPPLIES Edison Marshall's thrilling story of Benjamin Blake ? 11 PANCAKE FLOUR, Hungry Jack 10 Pound sack for ........................ Cherries, Apricots, Cantaloupes, Peaches, To­ matoes, Bhnanas, Avocados, Cucumbers CORN KIX Two boxes for «a È.............................................................................. à PICNIC HAMS Per pound ............................. £........................................................................................................................................... [•) ORANGES ISO’s, Per dozen WATERMELONS Per pound H (Fresh and Cured Meat THE POSSIBILITY Gus Hart made a business trip OF GAS ATTACK to Grants Pass the first of the week. He was accompanied by his By Dr Ward L. Mould sister, Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Ida Winp Medical Gas Officer, and Mr. Ahlberg. of Civilian Defense 0 fl 0