Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 9. 1912 Page Two Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the I ost Office at Cave Junction, » Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 M C Editor ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County These closures no doubt will in­ clude somebody’s favorite fishing place or camping spot, but the simple matter of forgetting that pleasure one year should be more CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY than repaid in better fire protec­ CHURCH tion and as a contribution toward Sunday school 10 to 11 a. m. winning the war by winning the Church services 11 to 12 a. m. forest fire battle. Senior Bible study, 7:45. C. Y. P. S. meeting .... 7:45 All young people invited. CLASSIFIED ADS 7:45 Bible class in side room Geo. H. Gray, Pastor. SEVERAL times lately I have exerting political pressure—if it isn’t good enough for the army to come and look at it, let’s let it stay the way it is. ()■ THE FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION Seldom has any small town or filial community presented a better celebration than that of last Satur­ day in Cave Junction, when, under the auspices of the American Legion, an old fashioned Fourth of July celebration was held. The weather was ideal, and the celebration voted by everyone a complete success. The Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce has asked that we make this event an annual one with the entire community rolling up its sleeves and making the celebration a civic enterprise. It’s a great idea. Let’s make the next one even better than the one just passed. o WHO Sil ML DECIDE? Drews of Portland, S. E. Epler of FOR SALE Nook table and four Ashland, Dale Epler and Alfred chairs, reasonable. Inquire at Pennington of Central Point, Miss 9-ltf News office. 'lma Griffin and Mrs. Ruth Grif- fj of Grants Pass, Mrs. Grover WANTED — Wool and Mohair, hides and pelts, junk batteries, Mayfield and Mr. and Mrs. Dean radiators, scrap iron and all Mayfield and family. scrap metals. Grants Pass Bar­ The C. Y. P. S. and Bible study gain House, 624-626 So. 6th St. class held a joint meeting Sunday Phone 86, 50-tf evening led by Miss Grace Iversen. Jimmie Hines had charge of the FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE In­ Bible quizz and scripture hunt. surance. See M. C. Athey at The Missionary society met this the News office. 4-tf Thursday at the home of Mrs. FRUIT JARS for your canning, j John Hines. quarts and some pints. Inquire ---------- o--------------- at News office. 9-tf BLESSED EVENTS BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tycer of Cave Junction, Tues­ day. June 30, at 2:01 p. m., at the Josephine General hospital in Grants Pass, a baby girl, weight seven pounds, eight ou nces. BORN To Mr. ami Mrs. Lester Frost of Selma. Tuesday, June 30, at 2:30 p. m., at Josephine General hospital in Grants Pass, a baby girl, weight eight pounds eleven ounces. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lemmon, of Wilderville, at 1 1 :50 a. m . Wednesday. July 1, at Josephine General hospital in Grants Pass, a baby girl, weight seven pounds five ounces Mrs. Lemmon is the daughter of Mr. and Mr>. E .1 WUbet ------------- o — FORESTS ARE CLOSED (Continued from Page On«> A beautiful Funeral Service, more than any other cere­ mony of contemporary life, serves humanity's finest sen­ sibilities and forms its deep­ est and most lasting impres­ sion*. If the Great Emergency struck your home tomorrow have you given thought as to whom you would call for aid- and as to what your needs would be? L.B.HALL fllNERAl NOME ’ french laundry ! & DRY CLEANERS Agencies Keibels PERFECTION BREAD In the Matter of the Guardian­ ship of George Porter, an incom­ petent person. NOW AT THIS TIME, upon reading a petition duly verified by Eli Morris, Guardian of the person and estate of George Por- ~ ter, an incompetent person, for license to sell the following de- scribed real property, to-wit: 18 rods East and West off the West side of the SW'* of Sec. 2; and the SEU of Sec. 3; And all of NE1* North of Grave Creek in Sec. 10; and 18 rods East and West off West Side of NW1* of NW *4 North of Grave Creek, and Harkness Ditch, in Sec. 11; And a parcel of land containing about 3.5 acres lying in the SW *4 of Sec. 2, and the SE1* of Sec. 3, described in deed records of Josephine Coun­ ty, Oregon, Book 85, page 608; all in Township 34 S. R. 6 W., W. M., Josephine County, Ore­ gon; to pay |ff the indebtedness and for the support and maintenance of the said incompetent, IT IS THEREFORE HEREBY ORDERED that the next of kin of said incompetent, and all persons interested in said estate appear be­ fore me in the County Court Room in the City of Grants Pass, Jose­ phine County, Oregon, on the 8th day of August, 1942, at 10:00 A. M., to show cause, if any there be, why license should not be granted to sell said real property, and that a copy of this order be served by ! publication in the Illinois Valley ' News for four successive weeks, or 28 days, from the date of the first publication of said citation. Dated this 7th day of July, 1942. W A. JOHNSON, Attest County Judge. BEN W. COUTANT, 10-13 County Clerk. The Siskiyou National Forest and all lands within its protection boundaries, as described below, are closed to entry except by per­ mit on and after July 8, 1942. The closure is applied under authority of Federal Regulations Tl-(I) : T. 36 S., Rs. 8 to 13 W., inc., Secs. 1 to 24, inc. and 27 to 33, inc., T. 37 S., R. 8 W. ; T. 37 S.» Rs. 9 to 13, inc.; T. 37’2 S„ Rs. 11 and 12 W.; Secs. 5 to 8, inc., Secs. 17 to 20, inc., and 29 to 32, inc., T. 38 S„ R. 8 W. ; T. 38 S„ Rs. 9 to 13 W., inc.; Those por­ tions of T. 39 S., Rs. 5 and 6 W., which lie to the south and west of the Williams Creek - Grayback Creek divide, except the Oregon Caves Highway and the Grayback Forest Camp; T. 39 S. Rs. 9, 10 i and 11 W.; Secs. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10 to 15, inc., and 19 to 36, inc., T. 39 S. R. 12 W ; T. 40 S . IL 6 W. except the Oregon Caves Na­ W., tional Monument and the Oregon Caves Highway; S'-.> T. 40 S., R. 7 W., that portion of T. 40 S., R. 9 W. to the west of the Redwood Highway; T. 40 S., Rs. 10, 11 and 12 W ; T. I1 S.. R< 6, 7 and s W. : T. 41 S., R. 9 W., except the . Redwood Highway; T. 41 S., Rs. 10 and 11 W.; Secs. 1 to 5, iuv., inc., and 7 to 18, inc., T. 41 S., R. 12 W.. Willamette Principal Merid- ian. And all of the lands within the boundaries of the Siskiyou National Forest lying in the State of California except the Redwood Highway and adjoining camps and residences. Haynei Clothing Shop Wittrock*» Store. Kerby ■v Hammer, Selma Call: Wed. and Sat. In the Matter of the Guardianship of FRANK DITTO, Jr., and RUTH M DITTO. Minors. NOW AT THIS TIME, upo" reading a petition duly verified by Margaret Richardson, Guardian of the persons and estate of Frank Ditto, Jr., and Ruth M. Ditto, mi­ nors, for license to sell the follow­ ing described real property, to- wit : The East half of the East half of the Southwest quar­ ter of the Southwest quar­ ter of Section 23, Township 36 South, Range 6, West of Willamette Meridian, contain­ ing 10 acres, more or less, sit­ uated in Josephine County, Oregon, for the nurture, education, sup­ port and maintenance of the said minors; And it appearing from said pe­ tition that the real property con­ sists of a l-24th interest each in the above described property and that no income is derived there­ from, IT IS THEREFORE HEREBY ORDERED that the next of kin of said minors, and all persons in­ terested in said estate, appear be­ fore me in the County Court Room at the Court House in the City of Grants Pass, County of Joseph­ ine, State of Oregon, on the 18th day of July, 1942, at ten o’clock A. M . to show cause if any there be why license should not be granted to the said Margaret Rich­ ardson to sell the real estate. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order be serv­ ed upon all persons interested in said estate by publication in the Illinois Valley News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, once each week for four succes­ sive weeks, or 28 days, from the date of the first publication of raid citation. Dated this the 17th day of June, 19 12 A JOHNSON County I ad te Awarded by the American In stitule of Laundering after : Passing Rigid Tests i i I Pickup and delivery every Mon day and Thur»day in Cave : Junction, Kerby and Holland GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY “Since 190Ü“ Q., ÍDR? Z N. COLLAIAN Naturopathic Phy«ici„n I Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 i 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. j Sherman’« Camp I J Cave Junction : : S' DR. A. W. BARLOW Naturopathic Phy«ician Redwoods Hotel Building Phone 516 for appointment Q rtcrqft L I CAmcpa shop PHOTOGRAPHS Cameras and Supplies 113 N 6th St., Grants Pass SISKIYOU FOREST CLOSED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Old newspapers for sale at The News office, 10 cents per ban­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF dle. THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF JO­ SEPHINE J « C 51*. Ttitvsx 585 \SK FOR IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF JOSEPHINE (3 THE VALLEY AIRPORT .......................... f Seal of Approval ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE -B been called to buy an animal that I considered unfit for hu­ ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH man consumption. If you know OF SEVENTH DAY Outside of Josephine County ADVENTISTS there is something wrong with $2 00 Ona Year Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. the animal you want to sell, save Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. your time and mine, for I The Illinois Valley News reserve the right to reject any advertising Prayer meeting Wednesday at WON’T BUY IT. I want the copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application 7 :30 p. m. best kind of cattle, and that is You are invited to meet with the kind of meat I am going to us. sell my patrons. Lynn .Tolliffee, elder, Cave Junc­ KEITH OWEN, _________________________ tion. Keith's Market. ^JlÉDtVOOD EMPIRI NI VSPAPER PUBLISHES ------------- o BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY FOR SALE —Child’s bed and mat­ CHURCH tress. Bed has sides and in ex­ Rev. Harold A. Rogerh, pastor. cellent condition. See Mrs. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Green at the Model Grocery, Morning worship, 11 a. m. Cave Junction. 10-ltc Young People’s service, 7:45 P FOR RENT — Modern 3-room m. house with porch. Address E. Evening service, 8:15 p. m. F. Vahrenwald, Cave Junction, Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 or phone Holland. 10-ltp P- m. ------------- O-------------- FOR RENT OR SALE—Cozy 4- It is past time—something should have been done KERBY SUNDAY SCHOOL house, furnished. A de­ long ago, about our Illinois Valley airport. Some peo­ Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall, room lightful home on the banks of ple tell us the government mows all about it. If they 9:45 a. m. the Illinois river. Inquire at do, they are permitting politics to dictate where air­ COMMUNITY CHURCH NOTES The News Office. 9-1 tf ports are located, or politi s is a tremendous factor in FURNITURE — When you need the selection of airports. Forty-five were present in Sun­ New or Used Furniture, think of All the valley residents are asking this—that the day school this week. The follow­ Manchel’s. Keep up the home army engineers make a complete survey of the airport ing numbers of the Junior class the boys are fighting for. Man- received lovely Bibles from their chel's Furniture, 112 N. 6th St., and the vicinity—then after this is done, if they do teacher, Miss Pauline Sherier, as Grants Pass. -2-tf. not want it, we will be quiet about the matter, but un­ awards for outstanding work in til a very complete investigation is made, the people lesson-preparation and memorizing FEET HURT? Why suffer with feet when they can be so read­ are going to keep on telling the world that we have Golden Texts: First prize, Mar­ ily helped with correct shoes or garet Smith aid Paul Sherier; sec ­ “what it takes” and we want something done about it. arch supports when needed. ond prize, Rebecca Freeman and As an interceptor field, the Illinois Valley airport third prize, John Smith, Jr., Misses DEWEY’S, 610 II street, Grants Pass, Oregon. Free X-Ray Shoe- could be made one of the outstanding fields in the na­ Georgia Goldsby and Lois B re wohl Fitting. 8-4tc tion, it has every advantage, and the government sang “What A Friend We Have in FOR RENT—Drag-saw. Splendid owns the property, there is nothing to buy. Plenty of Jesus." the text , Rev. Gray spoke from condition. Will rent by day or water, the best kind of climate, hid away from the Acts 2:42 "And they continued month to right party. Inquire ocean but close enough to be practically on the banks steadfastly in the apostles’ doc­ at News office. Judy Squire. of the Pacific, no bad air currents, every facility for trine and fellowship and in break­ ABSTRACTS — Title insurance, development waiting to begin—yet nothing is done, ing of bread, and in prayers.” affiliated with Commonwealth, A solo “ Memories of Galilee ” and the people are wondering why? Inc., Josephine County Abstract The people who are interested have refrained from was sung by Mrs. Tracy Cross. Co., Masonic Bldg., Grants Pass. Visitors were: Mr. anil Mrs. Art One Year Sis Months Three Month« I Wardrobe Cleaners The oldest and best since 1911 Free Pick up by Grant« Pas« Laundry HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance «ervice day or nite 210 West “A” Phone 334 (¡RANTS PASS HOTEL MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon F H A LOANS BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH Valley Lumber Co. West F St. Phone 47 ?— CHADWICK HOTELS •o COFFEE SHOPS In Connection : : HOTEL REDWOOD Grants Pass, Oregon HOTEL JACKSON Medford, Oregon HOTEL OREGON Eugene, Oregon : : HOTEL SENATOR Salem, Oregon HOTEL MARION Salem, Oregon McCredie Hot Mineral Spring«: McCredie Springs, Oregon : >.............................................................. d) SERVICE— NOT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING — BUT DOING WHAT YOU WANT DONE PROMPTLY. I N T E L L I - GENTLY AND ECONOM­ ICALLY .... AAA Towing Nash Sales and Service Phone 113 DEL ROGUE GARAGE 507 S. 6th Street, Grants Pass MAKE MONEY BY READING THE ADS