Illinois Valley News, Thursday, April 16, 1912 Page Eight TAKILMA NATIONAL DEFENSE SOC IETY Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hockett of O’Brien transacted business in Grants Pass the first of the week. Jim Fox of Selma, was taken to the Josephine General hospital last Friday for medical treatment. W. B. Robert and son, of Med­ ford, attended the funeral of Mr. Robert’s uncle, C. J. Howard to­ day (Thursday). Mrs. Frank Freitas is reported improving in the Josephine Gen­ eral hospital where she underwent an operation last week. George Allen spent the week­ end at his home near Bridgeview. George is working in Medford at the cantonment. —o— Q. A. Woodcock left Monday for Fresno, California, where he will be employed by the Pine Logging company near Huntington Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jeffords and son of Medford were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hammer over the week end. Mr. Jeffords is a cous­ in of Lew. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lewis and family of Holland left for Pondosa, Calif., where Mr. Lewis will be employed, after spending the win ter in the valley. Roy Wells and Lew Mitchell were «elected to serve on the grand jury the first of the week. Jim Payne and Homer White were al so called, but were excused. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. White of Klamath Falls, are now domiciled on the farm owned by Mrs. Ada Buck near Kerby. Their son Bob and daughter, Helen, are now at- tending high school. —o— Otis Hussey who was taken to the hospital in Grants Pass on Wednesday is reported improv- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hussey spent the night in Grants Pass with their son. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mauk of Klamath Falls, owners of the Har­ old Hill ranch on the old Waldo road, came over this week to *ee how much damage was done by the recent fire on the place. —o— Mrs. Fritz Morrison left last Sunday for Gold Beach where she will join her husband who is em­ ployed by the forestry service. Mrs. Morrison is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd W. Jones of Kerby. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rexford and family am! Mr and Mrs. R. B. Rexford transacted business in Grants Pass this week. The child­ ren of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rex ford were taking medical treat merit for whooping cough and will be able to attend school shortly. - o Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coon and daughter Glenna of Grants Pass are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rexford over the week end. Mr. Coon left Wed nesday for Kodiak, Alaska, to re sume work on the government pro­ ject for another year. —o— - Max Caldwell of Portland spent several days in the valley last week visiting at the homes of his uncles. Martin and Louis Maurer. He has been teaching school in Browns vdle, Oregon, but was leaving Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stout re­ turned Wednesday afternoon from a short business trip to Portland ——O— Mr. ( harliv White left Sunday for Washington, where he has work with the forest service. Don Morrison ha-* just received a letter fr >m Senator McNary, stating that he had introduced a bill in the senate suspending as­ sessment woik on unpatented min­ ing claims that are not subject to priority. The Takilma National Defense society met at the old Waldo school house last Thursday. The first part of the afternoon was spent in cleaning and discussing plans for improving the building to make it more suitable for a Red Cross casualty station. The meeting then removed to the home of Mrs. Mor­ rison where a discussion was held on food conservation, production, etc. Red Cross knitting, although still in progress, will have to be restricted to spare moments be­ cause of the more active projects under way at present. Those present were: Mrs. C. C. Babcock, Mrs. A. O. Hungerford, Mrs. Cecil Owens, Mrs. Mary White, Mrs. C. R. Stout and Mrs. Irene Morrison. -------------- o--------------- NOTICE TO OWNERS OF LIVESTOCK The precincts of Althouse and Kerby and the new Cave Junction are closed to grazing by the vote of the people of these precincts, and a fine of $10 to $100 may be levied on all trespassers of live­ stock taken up in these precincts and also damages done by said livestock assessed to owners of the same. There is also a state law that can double the fine if owners of livestock turn out their stock in a closed district. Please be good citizens and obey the law and avoid trouble. It is too bad to close these areas where there is lots of grass goes to waste and dries up and is a cause of serious fire hazard but the will of the majority have to be obeyed and we should be good sports about it. The1 law says also that you can­ not herd stock on another’s prop­ erty without the owner's permis­ sion and that should be in writing to protect the herder. H. S. WATTS, By direction. > -- --- Q- ■ - - Notice for Aircraft Warning Volunteers This announcement is to AMER­ ICANS. The security of America depends upon you. If you have normal hearing and sight you are needed for service on your closes Aircraft Warning Service Post. Do your part in the service of your country as so many of Amer­ ica’s young men are now doing t theirs. Apply for assignment to duty at your county office of < 'ivi linn Defense. Uncle Sam needs you. There must be no more surprise attacks, Volunteer to do your part today. This work must be done ami publicity of this fact has proved the best aid in enlisting the assist­ ance of everyone. Every aid you can supply us will be appreciated. J. T. RUNYAN. 1st. I.t., Signal Corps, Roseburg Office, Comma tiding. INEv¿¿ t AA'PC’ .<¿3 A HECKLERS PJ2IVEP. WHO CODIO OUT CALE TCC u PLE , ! Model Cash Grocery fi Formerly SCHUMACHERS fl fi and 18—FRIDAY AND fl fi 33c POSTUM, 47c 8 ounce can PR E M 35c Per can COFFEE, Royal ( lub 30c Pound can .................. KRAUT Royal Club 27c 2 cans No. 2' I SARDINES. Royal Club, 29c 2 cans^*^ Oval ........................... STALEY’S GOLDEN SYRUP 4Oc 5 pound pail RAISINS, 1 pounds fi fl fi fl fi fl fi fl fi fl 23c 17c 25c 29c GRAPEFRUIT 6 for ............. ASPARAGUS, Local 2 pounds RHUBARB I pounds CAULIFLOWER Head BOSCO—A Delicious drink Jar PANCAKE FLOUR, Hungry Jack 10 pounds ................................................ 2Oc 25c 74c 27c 09c CRACKERS, C ascade 2 pound box fi SOS PADS fl fi fl fi fl SATURDAY FLOUR, Kitchen Queen 49 pounds ...................... 2 packages SPRY SHORTENING 3 pound can RICE, Brown 2 pounds PEACHES, Porto Brand No. 10 GOOSEBERRIES, No. 10 can CHERRIES, Sour No. 10 can The report of the nominating committee was given by Jesse Leonard resulting in the following being fully electde officers for the i coming year: President. Mrs Ruth, Wendt; vice presidet, Mrs. Hazel | Halm; secretary, Mrs. Margaret j Monroe; treasurer, Mrs. Lillian j Murdock. xaco Gas, Oil Greases wdl not have another car i The pensum treat the one vou have with ev- : cry connderation. Let u* help: SVtS ’ROUND AND NOTHIN I J1 THERE der. Lubrication ia BLESSED EVENT Card party at Auxiliary hall BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Saturday evening, April 18. Play, George of Cave Junction, Sun­ dine and compete for a prize. All day, April 12th, at 9:10 a. ni., a S “Drive it safely brother, you baby girl, at the Josephine Gen- for 25 cents. can’t get another!’’ eral hospital in Grants Pa ss. This is the title of a booklet The young miss weighed eight containing hints on how to make i pounds, fifteen ounces. .i..—1..-, motor vehicle equipment last I Watch for Our Big o- longer which has been made avail­ able to Oregon motorists free of Support the Fire Department. cost, Earl Snell, secretary of state, I announced today. April 29, 30. May 1, 2 The booklet, containing material prepared by the National Safety Council, will be sent to gropps or Watch Those individuals interested in conserv­ COUGHS and ing tires, gasoline, oil, batteries and other items of automotive (OLDS equipment. The booklet may be obtained by COD LIVER OIL writing the secretary of state’s of­ fice. traffic safety division, Salem, Oregon. REX SELTZER lc Sale Buy Your Furniture o where you know values and prices are right. Our store is always open for your inspection. No obliga­ tion to buy. Valley l-H Clubs Accepted by State Home Demonstration Agent Ruth E. Crawford reports that 4-H club charters have been received from Kerby, two clubs. Cave Junc-i tion and Selma. This means that each club ha»; ' sent |n Rs enrollment and pro- !gram, and that they have been i accepted by the state 4-H club of-1 fice. BIG BOTTLE 25 Tablets A leisurely inspection of fa­ cilities and an unhurried ex­ amination of designs and prices can thus be made. »' C V* »' s' s s Without any obligation in­ curred or implied, of course. s' s' s' s' s' s' s' s' portant. L.B.FIALL FUNERAL NOME J ’» C Jtx 5S I ,s s< 39c C4VE C/7Y DRUG STORE Manchel's Your Rexall Store GRANTS PASS CAVE JUNCTION ÄDS For SALE IN OUR NEXT ISSUE V or TO DO BUSINESS, ADVERTISE fi i liy MARKET EENJIIM ? NO/ I I fi Cave Junction, Oregon You 9 9a 95c fi 98c 9 Treat 'Em Kindly Boys, and Take Care of Your Tires! until after the war i> over—«O | fi • V Buy Defense Ronds and Stamps support your country. CEO. A. HICKS I« 9 9 fi w 9 fi Read and Govern Yourselves Thereby The Illinois Valley Home Exten­ sion Unit held a very interesting meeting Tuesday April 1 -1th at the home of Mrs. R. S. Leonard near. Holland. The meeting was called | to order by Chairman Lena Payne. ; The lesson on planning your| family's food supply and foods to I keep you fit was then given by project leader, Ruth Wendt and Lena Payne. A delicious luncheon was served at no in. Meeting was then called to order about 1:30 at which time I Mrs. Effie Smith gave a very fine, talk on Victory Gardens that was | instructive. Another very interesting lesson ! given by project leaders, Blanche | Robinson and Ada Jones on “Color, Clothes and You’’ was thoroughly enjoyed by those present. s ■J’Tg« 11 The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ferd W. Jones in Kerby at which time the newly elected officers will be installed. Viso at this meeting on May 12th, the 4-H club girls under the lead­ ership of Mis. Jones will have their work on display. IT JTOT READ THE AD$ 17 fi n 9 O. w. GREEN fi 9 5 SI. «3 9 ____________________________ L_. EFFECTIVE you keen it in good ruuning or Along With the New* CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON fl fl 9« The \X orld’s News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International Daily Neus^af^r " Truthful—Con«tnKtne—Vnbia«rd—Free from Senutiond- — Fdttoriali Are Timelv and Instructive and It« Daily Ftature,. Together with the Wteklv Magazine Section. Make t X • ~ tor an I Ideal J - - I w* r • » Home. Men Nrwtpaper for the The Christian Science Publishing Society One. Norway Street. Boston. Massachusetts Price 11 LOO Yearly, or JI 00 a Month Saturday i«ae. including M igarine Section. 42 60 a ’ Introductory Offer. 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents Name. ;» s' s' s'____ _ SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST