Illinois Valley News. Thursday. April 16, 1912 Page Four Illinois Valley News Inspection of Cover FIRE PROTECTION TRAILER Crop Under AAA An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, unuer the act of March 3. 1879 M C AAA cooperators who have cover crops to be turned under as green manure before August 31, 1942, should notify the county AAA office or their nearest AAA community committeeman for prior approval, the county AAA Awarded by the American In­ chairman has announced. stitute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Tests He mentioned further that in­ spection is necessary because cer­ Pickup and delivery every Mon day and Thursday in Cave tain specifications regarding these Junction, Kerby and crops must be met before they can Holland qualify for payment under the : 1942 Agricultural Conservation GRANTS PASS program. STEAM LAUNDRY Editor ATHEY SUBSCRIPT ION PRICE5 In Josepuine County One Year . ... Six Months Three Months $1 50 Outside of Josephine County $2 00 The Illinois Valley News reserve the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application ¿REDWOOD EMPIRE i The Seal of Approval “Since 1900” CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy and for the beautiful floral offerings in recent bereavement. Children and Grandchildren of the Family of the Late C. J. Howard. NI VS PAPER PUBLISHERS 1 i 1 3.. s ■0 r. DR. A. " n . COLLMAN? Naturopathic Physician : : Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 i 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. i Sherman'* Camp Cave Junction □ 0 Dr. Fred W. Gould CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH B. C. Fishermen’s Reserve Now Busy 0:1 Coastal Patrol YANKEE INGENUITY and S300 built this community operative fire protection unit. Jap bombs will cause no dam ge in Multnomah county's Riverdale district where 225 families pooh <1 resources and built this handy fire-fighting unit. Equipped v.ith universal trailer hitch, any car can hook on and take to s; ne ot blaze. State Keep Oregon Green officials are urging other Oregon rural communities to look this unit over. fishing season on the West I coast won’t open until May. but British Columbia fishermen are out bunting now—for bigger catches than salmon or halibut. They’re »iter submarines and mines. All up and down Canada's fjorded P:u itlc shore«, fishermen—member* .4 the Fishermen's Reserve of the Royal Canadian Navy—are volun­ tarily patrolling the seas, protect­ ing their own home waters. The chips In which they go to war are the same ones they made their liv­ ing in tiny wooden halibut boats and salmon boats. Organized by far-vlsloned naval authorities in 193S. the Fishermen’s Reserve Is playing nn Invaluable role in the defense of Canada. The hardy British Columbia coast, with its rocky approaches. Is the West's greatest natural safeguard. But It must be watched constantly since •ome of its inlets could serve as hideouts if submarines slipped JEEPTOONS ■W through the protecting ring ol British, United States und Canadian warships. It's a 100 per cent fisherman's job even to the boat. The halibut and salmon boats in the Reserve, valued at about 125.000 each, are owned mainly by their fishermen skippers who rent them to the Navy for an average of $S.OO a day. This, plus salary of $4.75 a day. earned with the rank of coxwain. Is just about half what a skipper made in peacetime. In a good pre-war season, he would clear between |1.... I and $10.000 for himself. His men would each make about $2.500. They have given up their comfortable peace­ time return for th® modest wage of an Able Seaman. But their sacrifice Is nothing compared with the satisfaction they get from accomplishing tils vital task of maintaining a sea free of prowlers off Canada's West coast By Fighting Men N . FiVt > THOU:ANO TANKS :o T WFsT CHAST . . .S'PCSED T'SAIL I RfDAV N Pl A BIA BL A SALEM — (Special) — Ore­ gon's no-man’s land, step-children communities, rural and suburban areas outside incorporated cities, heretofore without fire protec­ tion from possible Japanese in­ cendiary bombings, can now take new hope. With $300 and com- munity spirit, any district can build a fire protection trailer fully equipped with fire fighting gear. Oregon communities have been asked by Keep Oregon Green of­ ficials to study the fire fighting trailer built by Riverdale commun­ ity in Multnomah county. In that typically suburban American com­ munity 225 families, lead by Ed­ mund Hayes, hired a Portland me­ chanic to construct a trailer, which he did for $90—using retread tires. The trailer has a full com­ plement of fire fighting gear. Equipped with a universal 1 trailer hitch, any car can hook on and dash off to a fire at 50 miles an hour. The Riverdale people l left nothing undone. They have- two ladders, four back pumps, 300 feet of garden hose, 10 pails, electric torches, shovels, hoes, ax­ es, rope, sacks of sand, leather gloves, goggles, kerosene lamps. At Oregon State college where the Federal Cooperative Extension Service of Oregon is concerning itself with adequate protection of rural homes from fire, the River­ dale trailer unit has been studied and adapted as ideal in capacity for the average rural community, with the ideal feature of low cost making it particularly attrac­ tive. “We want every section of Ore. gon to be ready if the Japs call on us this summer and leave any ‘calling cards’,” R. C. Kuehner, state director of Keep Oregon Green, said at his Salem office yes­ Sunday school 10 to 11 a. m. Church services 11 to 12 a. m. Senior Bible study, 7:45. C. Y. P. S. meeting ........... 7:45 All young people invited. Bible class in side room ...... 7:45 Geo. H. Gray, Pastor. ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS r Physician Phone 516 for appointment w RrCRAFT n KERBY UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL Clarence E. Eggers The Kerby Union Sunday school I JEWELER invites everyone to their Sunday Del Rogue Hotel Building school, which is held every Sunday a....................... at 9:45 a. m. in the I. O. O. F. hall. -------------o------------- BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH : □ Wardrobe Cleaners The oldest and best since 1911 Rev. Harold A. Rogers, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m. ' Morning worship, 11 a. m. Young People’s service, 7:45 p- “Any fire is an enemy m. Evening service, 8:15 p. m. fire. Grass fires can spread into Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 valuable stand of timber, and make P- m. ideal enemy smoke screens, We can’t take any chances.” COMMUNITY CHURCH Free Pick up by Grant* Pas» Laundry terday. QUOTAS AND WHEAT PRICES HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service day or nite 210 Wot "A" Phone 334 Josephine county wheat grow­ ers who have an allotment of 15 acres or more will have a vote in the wheat marketing referendum on May 2, Carl Stephens chairman of the county AAA committee an­ nounced recently. It was also pointed out that continuance of a federal price support program for wheat de- pends entirely on marketing quo- tas receiving at least a two-thirds favorable v >te at the referendum. No existing legislation provides ■ form of support to wheat Sunday school attendance num­ (¡RANTS PASS except loans, and the law bered 52 this week with Miss Betty ally provides that if quotas Mclrvin a visitor in the Senior ectcd, the loan program MINERS HEADQUARTERS Young People’s class. Offering be continued, Stephens de- 615 “G" Street was $2.48. Grants Pass, Oregon Rev. Gray’s text was from I What will happen to wheat Cor. 15-1-26 and Acts 1:1-3. “For prices in event quotas f-ail annd the since by man came death, by man lean is withdrawn is anyone’s F H A LOANS came also the resurrection of the gut "When you consider that dead. For as in Adam all die, BUILD NOW — PAY BY th" United States has a surplus of THE MONTH even so in Christ shall all be made 700 million bushels, and Canada alive." I Cor. 15-21, 22. V alley Lumber Co. ami Argentine wheat fanners are Mrs. Orie Lee and Miss Lucile \\ • F St. Phone 47 •I’ttir.g around 50c a bushel, it’s Griggs sang a beautiful duet “No t ot difficult to determine which One Ever Cared for Me Like Je­ □ way I’, b. wheat prices will go.” sus." 9................................ Sunday evening the senior Bibb­ study group took up the subject <>f “Faith" under the leadership of Mn E. Wag-taff. Next Sunday this meeting will be in charge of COFFEE SHCPS Olaf I.arsen. In Connection The C. Y. P. s opened their I HOTEL REDWOOD meeting with a song service. After Grants Pass, Oregon A0CH6 TUF HOTEL OREGON repent and obey." Miss Clara AUTOMOB, l£ - Eugene, Oregon Hines received the prize for being first in the scripture hunt last HOTEL SENATOR Salem, Oregon month. All young people invited. HOTEL MARION Last Thursday the Missionary Salem, Oregon society met at the home of Mr« : McCrcdie Hot Mineral Springs: Wm. Miller and the day spent do­ McCredie Springs, Oregon : ing Red Cross knitting. On April : 23, the group will meet with Mrs. ................................................................... © Lew Hill. HOTEL ASK FOR ♦ Y 'u/c V .y i Keibel’s LAÇT . // 5 7Tz< <• OS vr-'i VW VAC Vit 4M-* * : PERFECTION BREAD : : : : : : -A TSAT SA M.A-JTS TU« COWCeML ■» ABCVWP 3SOOO At Your Grocer I 7 I S" ' 1 ¡CHADWICK ¡HOTELS a E A IT'S YOUR MOVE He re Are Money Savers Naturopathic Redwoods Hotel Building I COMPLETE REPAIR Service; WATCHES and CLOCKS i Reasonable Charges TfcSE POCKETBOOK ^KNOWLEDGE Men of the fighting service* are adept with pen and brush, as proven in art groups in USO clubs. USO presents examples of their work in a series of "Jeeptoon*.’' DR. A. W. BARLOW Sabbth School at 9:30 a. rr>. CtìfflOPA SHOP Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at PHOTOGRAPHS 7 :30 p. m. Cameras and Supplies You are invited to meet with 113 N 6th St., Grants Pass us. Lynn .Tolliffee, elder, Cave Junc­ 3........................................................ ... tion. h*r> DONT •a NOTES - < Dental Surgeon Tuffs Building Phone 4 Grants Pa»»« >