Illinois Valley News, Thursday, January 15, 1942 Page Five MICKEY ROONEY AND JUDY GARLAND COMING SATURDAY, SUNDAY’ ior* «"ior. to enlist in the reserve until their education is finished, then go into training as deck officers, as well as making it nossible for sophomores to finish this current year before going into training as flying cadets. He expressed confidence that the Oregon district would hold its position as the nation’s most pro­ ductive navy recruiting center throughout the year. Medford - Crescent City Truck Lines Grants Pass, Oregon ------------ o------------- OBITUARY ( provide the most thrills and laughs of any Hardy picture to date. Judy Garland returns to the Hardy fold in the new hit and, of course, Lew­ is Stone, Fay Holden and Ann dad’s help in the newest of the sultant adventures in the big city Rutherford are also present. It's "Goodbye to Carvel and on to New York” for Andy Hardy when he decides to carve out a career for himself without his MINING CHIEF (Continued from Page one) “I have your letter of the 3rd instant regarding a prospective stockpile locations. “So far as Metals Reserve Com­ pany is concerned you are working at the matter from the wrong end. v contracts that we may mak< . r domestic ores will require that the seller of the ore deliver into cars at the railroad station most convenient for him. "Where we will locate our stock­ pile is highly dependable upon the tail point or points at which the seller loads his ore into cars. Freight charges to our stockpiles are for our account. Until the contracts begin to come in and the sellers are ready to ship, giving us due notice under their contract provision, we will not advise them a to our stockpile location. “We will not set up a great number of local stockpiles but in­ tend to centralize, offsetting against freight costs the savings from centralized sampling, etc. “With all due courtesy, we want advise you firmly that this is Hardy hits, “Life Begins for An­ dy Hardy," coming to the Cave City theater, Saturday and Sun­ day, January 17 and 18. The re­ not a matter which can be handled mostly because of faulty teeth and in any other way than the one vision. A mathematically minded re­ stated above.” ------------- o-------------- cruiter figured out that the months recruiting activity gave the navy NAVY RECRUITS a total of 106.77 tons of young Oregon manhood, the average KEEP COMING weight being 153.85 pounds. If The old year really roared out laid end to end the men would l'ke a lion at the Navy Recruiting stretch a distance of 1 ’-2 miles. The , Station in Portland, headquarters average height was 68.41 inches.! The single week of December for recruiting activities in Ore­ gon, eastern Washington and 27th to January 2nd saw the ac-] ceptance of 556 apprentice seamen, I northern Idaho. Recruiters have been on the job 35 men in more advanced rates in 24 hours daily since December the reserve, 6 re-enlistments and I 7th, and state that the response to 9 men entered Class V-5 as candi-1 the navy's call for men has been dates for Flying Cadet. The files of the Recruiting Sta­ a veritable stampede. That the unceasing vigil of the tion still contain the names of recruiting personnel has paid divi­ over 500 men who are yet to be dends is attested to by the fact enlisted, and the numbers of new that this district leads the entire applicants have not diminished to nation in enlistments per 100,000 any appreciable degree. The largest single day’s enlist­ of population. The month of December saw a ment-to date was on Sunday, De­ total of 1388 men joining the navy cember 27, when 113 men were in­ in Portland, the largest number in ducted. the history of the station. During Lieutenant G. F. DeGrave, of­ the month a total of 2535 men ficer in charge of the Recruiting were examined by the medical de­ partment of the station. Only 623 Station, pointed out that the navy were rejected for physical reasons, has thrown open the gates for jun- Ida Larsen, wife of O. C. 1 arsen of Cave Junction, passed away at the Josephine General hospital in Grants Pass at 5:40 a m., Wednesday, January 7th, at the age of 58 years, 5 months and 5 days. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen came to Cave Junction July 2, 1941, to make this their home. Mrs. Lar­ sen lived a faithful Christian life for many years. She was a mem­ ber of the Methodist church and later the Lutheran. Since coming to Cave Junction she attended the Cave Junction Community church where she made many new friends and was loved by all. Mrs. Larsen leaves to mourn her loss, her husband O. C. Larsen of Cave Junction, two brothers of Elroy, Wisconsin one daughter, Bernice Christenson and one son, Oscar Larsen and four grandchild­ ren of Garden Grove, California, and a host of relatives and friends. Interment was made at Garden Grove, California, January 10. Daily service to the Illinois Valley from Grants Pass and all Points East and North; Crescent City raid all Points South. AGENTS ART DREWS Cave Junction SHORTY PHILLIPS Kerbv C. E. LAWSON O'Brien Sales Books THE NEWS ( ARRIES THEM IN STOC K Sales Books made to order for any store F H A LOANS BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE M0NTU Illinois Valley News Valley Lumber Co. Cave Junction, Oregon Phone 47 West F St. "3 : : : : : : : : : : ASK FOR ■' The World’s News Seen Through ♦ s' T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International Daily Ncu-s^a/ier Keibel’s PERFECTION BREAD ♦ A is Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Free from Sensational­ ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine .Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price fl 2.00 Yearly, or S 1 00 a Month Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $1 60 a Year Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. 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This is your opportunity to start saving Defense Stamps and join in our fight against the enemies of Freedom. THE STATE OF OREGON LEADS THE NATION IN PURCHASE OF DEFENSE BONDS, population considered. SUPPORT THE COUNTY DRIVE ON SUBSCRIP­ TION OF BOND SALES I ! I