News, Thursday, December 25, 1911 Page Eight 9 a 0 Mrs. Tresa Cochran, of O’Brien made a trip to Grants Pass last week on business. Mrs. H. P. Bearss and her moth­ er, Mrs. Bell, were in Grants Pass transacting business Monday. THE STORE WILL BE OPEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE UN- TIL 9 30 P. M. WEDNESDAY EVENING. CHRISTMAS EVE, WITH A STORE FULL OF EX­ TRA FINE CHRISTMAS GOOD­ IES. I Mrs. Bert Badden and Mrs. Art Kellert were Christmas shopping this week in Grants Pass. Joe Franks and Clarence Strong of Takilma were business visitors in the county seat last Monday. Mrs. Lew Hammer with daugh- ter and son were in Grants Pass on Monday and Tuesday of this week. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Art Williams ac­ companied by Mrs. Robert Balzke were shopping in Grants Pass last Saturday. Louis Bidache left Monday morning for San Francisco where he will spend the holidays with Mrs. Bidache and his son and fam­ ily- —o— Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson of O’Brien were shopping in Grants Pass on Monday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Robert Balzke. For your many evidences of good will we thank you. and we look forward to a continuance of the happy relation­ ship we have enjoyed in the past. MIL AND MRS. (>. W. (¡KEEN Model Cash Grocery “Bit” Smith is spending the his family for the Christmas holi­ His many friends in the Christmas holidays with bis par­ days. ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. (). Smith valley wish him a speedy recovery. on Caves highway. “Bit” is now attending O. S. C. at Corvallis. — o— —o— Mrs. J. J. Villair returned from Arriving in the valley last week Portland where she spent several end to spend the Christmas holi­ days. She was accompanied home days with relatives were Gordon by her daughter, Miss Jeanne who Morris of Pendleton, Miss Mar­ is a freshman at U. of O. garet Morris of Bend and M ss Rev. (’. G Morris who has been seriously ill at the Josephine Gen­ eral hospital in Grants Pass ts at his home on Caves highway, He was anxious to be at home with NEW YEAR’S EVE Dance CAVE CITY COFFEE SHOP ot Rev. and Mrs. C. G. Morris. —o— Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Johnson left Monday evening from Grants Pass .Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Hout our be we Ladies of the \uxiliary serve midnight lunch. 1: RY IHRltTMZU MR. \ND MRS. ( . W. BAIRD AND A M APPY NEW IYE1R. TAKILMA, OREGON Most Sensational Techni color Hit Ever Film"1 Cave Junction Beauty Salon Gert rude Bloomingcamp Beauty shop will be closed until Wednesdav morning. Dee. .'list. NEWS AT 7 00 «nd 9 00 I EA I CRI ONCI ONI Y 7 30 SAT . SUN . DI ¿ 2/ ,'rt are TO YOU AND YOURS An old-fashioned Christmas . . . the kind of a Christmas that helped made the gay 90's gay . . . yes, the kind of a Christmas that the old family album could tell about so eloquently — that's the kind of a Christinas we wish for you and yours. We’re grateful for your pat- lonage during the past year, and hope for a continuance of our pleasant relations. termined, during 1942, to take «till further step» to merit your continued friend­ ship and loyalty to u«. May the undi of the hour- glax bring you many gold-n hours of happiness in the year to come. O) ■ A t '4 ■ ■ I rt fl fl « I A A .4 Your Rexall Store Cave Junction lltC! ’.Tiitma* Mr. and .Mrs. K. C. Hamilton Cine Junction Motor Court A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time Quick • Easy - Safe Write or call lor compiate informatioa- Among the most cher­ ished gifts bestowed by the passing year is the friendship and pleasant re- lations tuat have existed between us. We h< pc for a continuance of this frit 1 dship during ’he year to c-’me, and, in the spirit of the sesaon. we cordially greet you and wish you the most Merry or Merry Christmases. CARNER'S 1OMOTIVE SERVICE CO » II Cave City Drug Store M WED.. THURS.. 0 via train for Oakland, Calif., where they will spend the Christmas holi- days. They expect to be gone several weeks. A TOAST TO OUR FRIENDS Cave Junction Shell Oil Products CAVE CITY THEATER 0 6 0 Ä. Closed All Day Chriitmat WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 31 0 0 a 0 a 0 —o— Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Boyd left last Saturday for Woodland. < al., where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Martin over the holidays. —o--- Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hamilton of The Cave Junction Motor Court lift for Los Angeles to spend the holidays. 0 0 5 0 The Season of Peace since the angel choir was first heard over the fields of Bethlehem! Even amidst the thunder of war the magic of Christmas has, during all the centuries, sent its streams of good will around the world. During this Season of Peace we wish for you all the rich spirit­ ual joys that are our divine heritage at Christmastime, with an abundance of material blessings, too. George W. Martin made a trip to Medford on business last Mon­ day. Mrs. Martin shopped in Giants Pass. a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NFW YEAR €