Illinois Valley News. Thursday, Dccemlwr 25, 1911 V ÿ Christmas Our Wish for You.. Our genuine “Merry Christmas to All” . . . our friends and customers. Pleasant times like Christ­ mas always remind us of the pleasure we have had in the privilege of going business with you. May good luck attend your every wish this Christmas! And may holiday good cheer brighten the hours of this glorious season! A A I I I A A I « A I Christmas Greetings I 1 A A I I 1 A I A A 1 A We are more than justified in feeling happy at the dawn of Howard Bearss Among the most cherished remembrances of the past year are the pleasant rela­ tionships we have enjoyed with the people of this com­ munity. i To old friends, to new friends, and to friends-to-be we extend the season’s greet­ ings. May all of you experi­ ence the choicest blessings of the Christmas season. ITlHE solemn beauty of our age old Christ- mas greetings, "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men” has a deeper meaning for all of us this year. sincere in appreciation for vour contribution to out success 1941. Our wishes for you are many and varied, and can hardly be but chief among them is the wish that vour every cloud may have a silver lining. May 1942 set down in this space, be rich in its blessings for you and yours. MARTIN S HARDWARE Cave Junction Muir Auto Court (iood will — after all, that’s about all there is to business, isn't it. the New Year, and take this opportunity of expressing our Now, it’s Christmas once tiXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX M So, to you and A A A A A a A more, the season of good will. yours we send our best wishes and good will and the hope that we will have yours. A Valiev Hardware ’hcmie Stratton, Isabel Krueger, Hazel Taylor, A A A «, A A A Grants Pass Marzetta Tavlor, Pearle Bird. Agatha Warren, Louise Everton, Mary Harlocher, Velma Simp- Alma Harloclier, Don Gantenbein, Ruth ä Hvde and Don McGregor. A A A 1 £ A McGregor Co ■ » 5-10-25 « 2 ■ £ ft? (¡RANTS PASS G R E E T I N G S ..s.-..,',.-.xxxxxx äs . 3. xxî.ï.xxxa.3.xxxxxxa.xx3. xî . xxxxxx The in season’s sincere greetings sent friendly and ap­ preciation of an asset money 4') ■ The same kind of a Christmas we knew when w" were bovs and girls, when bob-sleds plodded merrily over country roads and the brooding peace of Yule- tide dwelt everywhere in the hearts of men. . . . that is the kind of an old-fashioned Christmas we are wishing you now. cannot buy — good will. Christmas Merry YxC; -A*, v you Sam McConnell Our business is dependent upon our many loyal friends who have favored us in many wavs during the past year. It may have been through your patronage . . . it may have been through a kindly word of recom­ mendation on your part . . . but in whatever way you have favored us, we are grateful. to all of us. And with our wish may we extend a word of thanks and appreciation for your continued friend­ ship and patronage. PRESTEL MOTOR CO. Harry R. Floyd (¡rants Pass i ______________________ I Grants Pass ■Christmas fo All.. 1541 from all of i A g g g g A g A A It is our sincere and ardent wish that each of you may receive the full blessings of a joyous Yule- tide season. The GOLDEN RULE Grant» Pa»», Oregon c'fc'c-c'cf’c'« •«•««•«•cc ■e«***”«’««•c’« g g g A g .5 A g A A « TO in the heart, and Christmas AND OUR FRIENDS CUSTOMERS trees glowing from windows and out of doors. A most appropriate time to thank you for your patron­ age, and to wish you a Mei ry Chr stmas and a Happy and Prosperous Year. New Medford-( rescent City Truck Lincs . etj, anù ft! a he Cheer* Christmas * A »tar in the sky, new hope COMPilMENTS Of lilt SEASON Christmas is a sort of stop­ ping place where weary trav­ elers pause anil forget the long miles that lie behind, and recall the faith and loy­ alty of friends who have made their way most pleas­ ant. Permit us now to thank you for your many favors and to wish you a delightful Christ mas season. Illinois Valley lee Co. PHIL SAWYER MARIE WILSON Drew» Hotel Cafe Cave Junction .1. S. VVOLKE Oldsmobile Sale* and Service 6th and O Grants Pass AND HAI’I’Y NEW YEAR GRANTS PASS LAUNDRY ••• i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "Furniture You'll Admire I 112, 114 North 6th Street I Manchel’s Furniture at Price» You'll Appreciate” Granta Pass i I I I I I i I i I i i i I I i I i I I I The same old greeting, but with the added fervor of many years’ repetition. It is our sincere wish that each member of your family will enjoy the most bountiful and happiest Christmas ever! And may we adda word of thanks for your much appre­ ciated patronage during the year. Grants Pa»t Branch First National Bank of Portland Wishing You a Merry Christmas We choose the simple, age-old greeting, "Merry Christmas,” to hail you, our friends, in this joyous holiday season. We choose these time-worn words be­ cause we believe them best qualified to carry the full quota of sentiment and Christmas good will that we want to convey. To have served you from time to time has indeed been an enjoyable experience and we will strive to merit a continuance of your patronage and friendship during the coming year. Hannum ór Kelt Chevrolet Co. Rex De Fur á A A A A A A A A A A A ; i A A A Í A A A I I I I A A A A A A A A A