Pape Eipht Illinois Valley News. Thursday, December 18, 1911 PRICES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 19-20- Mt. and Mrs. H. P. Bears* made a trip to Medford last Saturday. Mrs. Marie Lucas of Salem is visiting Mr. anil Mrs. Bill Haynes of the Haynes Dress Shop. — o— Frank Mellow made a hurried business trip to the county seat last Tuesday. —o— Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith were in Grants Pass transacting business this week. — o— Mrs. Earl Boyd and Mrs. E. J. Wilber wei shopping in Grants Pass on Wednesday. — o— Mrs. II. O. Smith was transact­ ing business and Christmas shop­ ping in Grants Pass today (Thurs­ day). —o— Mr. and Mrs. Anton Spinas of the Deer Creek district were shop­ ping and transacting business in Grants Pass the first of the week Li 5 i! 0 Li Í Li ORDER YOUR TURKEYS NOW! ULnllU SVEN SAKE! FUBCNASE OF 43 II. SACK I VANS 33' 10 lbs. U 5 MIXED NUTS GUM DROPS ORANGE SLICES ('hocolates, Commercial PLAIN MIX WALNUTS Per nound Others at, per pound PEANUT BRITTLE Per pound ( REAM CANDY Per pound 15c fl 19c and 23c ISc fl 15 c & L 10c PUMPKIN Diamond A, per can fl Mrs. C. E. Thacker and Mrs. Vivian Taylor were Christ mas shopping in Giants Pass last Tues- day. Nat Woolley, Mrs. Vivian Tay­ lor and W. K. Chapman went to Medford today (Thursday) trans­ acting business and Christmas shopping. —o--- Harold Bowerman and M. C. Athey returned from Salem Tues­ day morning where they attended the State Civilian Defense Coun­ cil. —o— Harry 0. Smith and Mrs. C. fl. Morris made a trip to Grants Pass the first of the week. They vis- Red Rev. ( ■ fl. Morris who is still confined to the hospital. —o — Mrs. E. J. Wilber received word from her husband who has been visiting relatives in Oroville. Cal­ ifornia, that he will remain a few weeks longer and roturn home around the first of the year. —o— fl fl 25c WEDNESDAY WE WILL HAVE FRESH VEGETABLES NEW POTATOES 1 Pounds for 27c ( RANBERRY SAUCE Royal Club, 2 cans l»c 29c POPCORN 2 Pounds for RIPE OLIVES 2 Cans for 3»c CHOCOLATE, Bakers Per package I Model fl fl Cave Junction ( ACCIIT IN THE DRAF1 7:00 and 9:00 NOH DOROTHt LAMOUR BOB HOPE JOINS \R\n IX \ILOLT COMEDY FILM There hi my. now that Bob has joined l ol America’s new defense army has its Hollywood counterpart in ‘‘Caught ip the Draft.” Para­ mount's up to-the minute comedy film which opens Saturday and Sunday li ght al th. Cave City the er. The picture burlesques the ials and tribulations of the rook­ 's life in the army. dy corps is headed by ami Dorothy I.amour bilious and ro- ibar. ’-s Deiotl.y. th«' colonel unts her rookie to be a hi fore she says "yes" ami till olonel into a kernel to maki (ream come tilie. Hope u t of a movie actor wh my as the bi'omeiam.'ed resu Correction for an item in last - News. The Kerby reporter giavc error in reporting a story in which the big supposed to get away, of the contention were caught the submitting th«* MAVPE THIN ü S \WILL LDO^ &ßlüHTER IF I WIPE WUi V/INPSHIELD HOLIDAY SPECIALS SKIRTS dence to the Illinois Valley editor either new or renewal. Get yours for verification (not consumption) today while the sets are available. unless th«* editor will attend the . Wednesday, December 24th is th«* January meeting of the Kerby Rod : last day. and Gun club at which time all , ■o paid up 1942 members are invited A classified ad in the News sure­ to a fish feed, the fish to be fur- I nished by the McLean clan. The ly produces results. That is why Kerby reporter is cordially in­ you are reading this now. Hundreds vited to come and partake of some of others will too. of the evidence. The regular an- , nual meeting of th«* Gun club was held Friday evening. Dec. 12 at *Dance Wednesdav Nite y the I. O. 0. F. hall. The follow ' y s ing i officers were elected: presi-I y A » dent, . Fred I.inkhart; vice presi-1 it dent. , Charles Baird; treasurer," y ■ Emil Dopyera; secretary, Win. J. y ■ McLean; five year director, Cecil y Owen. Directors holding over are y y R. T. Bavmberger, Ralph Huber, ■ <> y < lem Sauer, and Ken Robinson. y Ti i club voted to purchase two y y boo books of Defense Stamps, and ex- y y ton ' - f llest support to the y y def« . i*r< gram. A membership driv - being planned and mem­ berr ■ e urged to bring or mail thei* dues to the secretary. & CIILISTM.V* radio UEADOUARTER/ for CHRISTMAS GIFT WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21th American Legion hall Cave .Junction Good Music FOR MEN SHIRTS TIES SOCKS HANDKERCHIEFS Most Sensational Techni color Hit Ever Filme Il \»l I» nt 11 WR I G HT S Mr. and Mrs K Prices Begin at GEO. A HICKS Texaco Gas. Oil Gre; I M>IF s AUXILIARY WILL SERVE I.I NCH IX THEIR DINING ROOM. ■ ■ & I I y y y y y I y y y y ■ y y ZENITH PHILCO BATTERY AND ELECTRIC SETS CAVE CITY DRUG STORE C 4 *».Â5.k>: ■7» •' Hamilton v — — — NEWS AT 7 00 and 9 00 »TATURE ONCE ONLY 7 10 A CAVE JUNCTION GUTS WITH LASTING REMEMBRANCE THAT EVERY ONE WILL APPRECIATE 7*1/WU« XUlM ■ A Your Rexall Store > >3 ÀÀ> W hile wh a re on our vaca ■ lion during the Holidays, The Cav <• Junction Moor Court Standard Oil Service Station will continue to srrvr YOU with Bill Furlong in charge Come in and get jour 1942 (.air ndar and Table Favors. 4 Models — All Types wonderful Christmas gift t those handsome pen and i sets The News is giving .. yearly paid subscription. UH TO ANNOUNCE CHRISTMAS EVE. DEI 24 CHRIS rMAS Nl I I DEC 25 « Dance SILK HOSE SWEATERS TOWEL SETS Cave Junction, Oregon & fl & fl CHRISTMAS EVE JACKETS SLACKS HAYNES CLOTHING SUOI 18c fl O W. GREEN own practical jokes. He's the gun-shy goose pimply hero who’ll floor you with his brand new stock of army gags. and his two musketeer friends. Overman a n 1 Bracken, reach the -limax of this ali-out comedy film when they take part in some war games that rival any slapstick hair-raisers in the memory of this screen re- v lew er. Loaded with sparkling wit, tune, f l melodies and laugh-lines that • xplode in split-second precision, night in the Draft" is prize en- ainnient the k nd that even .'.my boys at the camps will 'e home about. -------------- o---------- — New Officers Elected l or Kerby Rod and Gun . u FEATURE At % 22c fl Grocery Formerly Schumacher's WHOSE GOING SLOTH enrollee in the army wants a ri