Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, December 18, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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    Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 18, 1941
Page Two
latest Additions to America’s Sea Power
\ U/W
The Questions
Start of British-African Drive
Guardians of Our W estern Coast
Caught Short Behind the Enemy Lines
1. In British history, what is
meant by the star chamber?
2. What is a menage?
3. What name is given to a
poem in which the initial letters
of the lines, when taken in order,
form a word or words?
4. If London bridge should fall
down, into what river would it
5. What is the plural of the word
6. At what is a calligrapher
7. One-fourth of a barrel is
called what?
8. Who coached the “point-a-
minute" team famous in football
9. When was the first star
10. Which country first intro­
duced the lifeboat?
The Answers
1. An ancient high court which
sat without a jury.
2. A household.
3. An acrostic.
4. The Thames.
5. Mongooses.
6. Handwriting.
7. A firkin.
8. Fielding H. Yost.
9. Although the stars have been
| scientifically studied for hundreds
of years, not one was ever meas­
ured until December 13, 1920,
when the diameter of Betelgeuse
was determined with the aid of a
special type of interferometer at
the Mount Wilson observatory in
10. The lifeboat was a British in­
troduction. The first was launched
at South Shields in 1789. There
were many wrecks and great loss
of life in the stormy waters at
the entrance to the Tyne, and
South Shields residents offered a
prize for the design of a boat capa­
ble of riding the rough seas. The
best points in the various designs
submitted were combined in the
■ first boat.
People's Will
Nothing can ruin our country if
the people themselves will under­
take its safety—and nothing can
save it if they leave that safety
in any hands other than their own.
—Daniel Webster.
Tops in Chemistry
St. Nicholas Loved
lor Piety, Grace
Recovers Sight
• • •
i tri i tl < ii u i
e la getting increased
icept tlie poor postman
w ages.
The co st <of living has gone up but
itrike against the govern-
The s iv air corps is wind-tunnel
testing a new single-engine tighter
plane tliät will do 512 miles an hour.
100 rm les faster than any other
All the bugs
plane iin existence.
have be•en eliminated from the plane
except on<r—finding a pilot who can
safely fly a plane at that terrific
fN. [X. fX.. (X.. (X.. JX..
Washington, I). C.
With American industries crying
for war materials, the government
has finally got around to seizing a
giant horde of semi-manufactured
war materials originally intended
for the conquered countries.
Tons upon tons of steel bars, steei
rods, steel sheets, ship plates, tin
plate, copper wire were ordered by
Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Holland
and Belgium, some of it three years
ago. It has been in warehouses and
idle freight cars ever since, despite
the scarcity of raw materials and
despite the fact that some indus­
Our meihanized age certainly tries are even closing for lack of
puts Santa at a disadvantage, be­ them.
cause his reindeer never had trou­
Why this horde of priceless ma­
bles like this. Several Inches of terial remained untouched for so
snow prove too much for his modern long is a mystery. But the secret
carriage, so Santa Claus has to is first, government red tape and
wield a snow shovel in front of a bureaucracy; second, the fact that
New York store to free it. (Editor’s owners of these materials, who
note: Wonder what he does at the were holding them for higher
Above you see a "mosquito boat" of the U. S. navy zipping across the bows of a freighter in New Y’ork
North pole where the snow is really prices, did not want to sell.
The old Export Control board un­ harbor during a test run. Officially designated as “I’-T" boats, these little craft carry torpedo tubes and ma­
deep. )
der Gen. Russell Maxwell, who is chine guns in turrets and have terrific speed. Inset: Slipping into the waters of Los Angeles harbor is the
now devoting his abilities to the 10,000-ton John Paul Jones, its name reminiscent of an earlier American ship. The cost was $1,650,000.
Near East, did nothing about this
treasure horde.
But now Henry
Wallace's Economic Defense board
is finally moving in.
A small haul was made earlier
this year in Hoboken, N J., of alu­
minum and other materials, but the
coming seizures are on a far great­
Early American colonies along the er scale. Of one commodity alone,
Atlantic seaboard could have been tin plate, there will be 100,000 cases,
located on different continents, so or 15,000 tons, taken from three
far as their Christmas celebrations areas. New York, Philadelphia, and
were concerned.
Many of the customs of England
The total haul of all commodities
were followed by the southern colo­ will be between 20 and 25 thousand
nics of Georgia, Carolina, Maryland I carloads, which, at an average of
and Virginia. Here the Christmas 50 tons to the car, means over a
season was a holiday in the true million tons.
sense of the word. Feasting and
The Economic Defense board will
merrymaking were common, but re­ I use only $200,000 to finance the
ligious worship and prayer were not requisitioning of all this material,
the value of which runs into many
In sharp contrast to this happy millions. Most of it will be seized
celebration was the manner in which and sold again on the same day, so
Christinas was marked in New tlie $200,000 will be merely a re­
England. Puritan leaders did their volving fund.
• • •
best to create a different concep­
tion of the day. Celebrations were
declared pagan in origin, and it was
One of the Italian ship officers in
believed such rites were out of keep­ detention at Fort Missoula, Mont.,
ing with Uie true spirit of the day. wrote his wife in Italy a letter
Their efforts were overcome after which U. S. officials are sure will
m number of years and New Eng
never reach her.
land yuletides gradually assumed a
The letter will get to Italy, all
character more like those of old right. Mail is still being exchanged
regularly between the two coun­
Christmas in the middle colonies tries. But authorities are certain
of New York, New Jersey, Penn­ that the officer's letter will not get
sylvania and Delaware was cele­ by II Duce's censors, for, in hungry,
The picture at the left, made somewhere on the Egyptian-Libyan border, shows a Bren carrier coming
brated in the manner that the col­ battered,
Italy this through barbed wire that marked the Egyptian-Libyan border as the British opened their attack on Axis
onists followed in their countries of poignant message would not be forces in the desert. At the right an artillery piece opens fire in a desert attack to push the Axis forces
origin In addition to England, these "good propaganda."
into the Mediterranean.—Soundphotos.
colonies were populated by people
This is the reason:
from Germany, Holland and Swe­
"We left Philadelphia for the city
The Germans, for example, of Missoula." wrote the husband.
brought to America the custom of "The journey lasted three days and
using the Christmas tree, but the three nights on a train and was a
Quakers of Philadelphia limited real pleasure. We did not lack a
their observance to religious cere­ thing because we traveled in a Pull­
man. At meal times we turned it
Family reunions marked the sea­ into a dining room and at night
son in both the middle and southern into a dormitory. The meals were
colonics. Houses were crowded with magnificent.
welcome guests who were treated
"I can tell you that for me (he
to the best of fowls, wines and journey was one I had dreamed of
for years and then, in an extraor­
Along the frontier Christmas was dinary way, it came true. As I
a season of active merrymaking said before, this place is beautiful,
which in places verged on rowdy all green with woods and surround­
ed by hills. The air is fine and
As time went on, Christmas in healthy, my appetite very good nnd
the various sections of the colonics the food abundant and exquisite.
• We d< > not lack milk, butter.
became fused until there is today
a considerable similarity of prac meat.
sugar <ar icoffee. When I am eating
tices throughout the United States
I always think of you, who are per-
haps without food.
No one can
coinplain about the guards. They
treat us with every respect and
cons kit•ration "
To Americans the effusive
descriptio n of the food as "abun-
The name of Santa Claus is mere­ uuni a nu exquisite" is interesting.
ly slurring the Dutch San Nicho- becaus e the alien prisoners at Fort
which is, of course. Saint Nich­ Missoula are fed straight army
olas American children are proba­ fare.
In quality and quantity
bly tile only ones who say it exactly their r a tu >ns are exactly the same
that way
as thos if U. 8. soldiers.
Prof. R. J. Williams of Texas,
Nicholas was an actual person,
• • •
(topi who was awarded the chemis­
lie was Bishop of Myra, in L.vcia.
St It \r IRON IO .1 IRAN
try medal of Columbia university
A i.i Minor, in Hie first part of the
Soon after word of the Japanese attack on Hawaii was flashed from for his discovery of panthothenic
For ye. irs. the heaviest foreign
Fourth century, A D. He was also buyer < < tJ. S. scrap iron was Japan. the White House. American aviators took to the air and the U. S. fleet acid. Below: His brother. Dr. R.
the youngest bishop in the history of Despite• n inch public protesting, the steamed out of Pearl Harbor to meet the stealthy Japanese. This photo R. Williams of New York, who re­
the church.
state depairtnnnt pe; nutted Nippon- (taken before the attack) shows the Pacific fleet steaming through the ceived same medal for isolation of
olas ese milita rists to import huge quan- Golden («ate.
Fro Ml tlu* iilav of his birth N
vitamin Bl.
rev ra led hii’ piety a nd gira<’0 He titles o f tlhis vital strategic niateri-
rcfusi•d on fast day s to ta
the al No w ,appeasement chickens are
n.iturial nour ishment <af a c Id.
corning h< une to roost.
With de fense production swinging
But N ich« )las was not a ti>a refoot
.*d ! 1' verty. 11
fa- into full t ide, tlie U. S. suddenly is
i wealthy merci at. and confrotiited with a serious scrap
thcr '
e. For v anous reasons, de-
his ri
nablcd hi in to be • a
efs are saying nothing
hi good thing: in life. tense
situation. But it it very
was about t
ft* ast of Saint Nich oli
\ number of steel makers
iber acute
elebrated on r
have |*ri\ atelv reported curtailed
ages truxi to
ress producta ori schedules in the offing
the fr st IV
* which g rew u
und because? o f inability to obtain need-
fest ival cd Slipjjliv s of scrap
iint a elm
iportant plant executive
u ent Si> tl ir as to describe his con-
( tarli.Iin x* ( • leht at e<l in 9N
says that Chris'
Tra diti
■ A I) 9H It
e held as
• rast
in A D. 137
record of
or.4 io
nit the lif
ut A n 340. sit Cy
m ade
litigation 1IS to t
carefi il ir
?hr'lat's birth and
date i
Dec er
r 2í> as the rrlost n<
th is
rect d ate F•ojx» Julius acci
led the fr stivai al Hi »tue
and eistai
on thi i d ate. which w as act »tec1 by
every na ti or . tn Christendo
J A General Quiz
Christmas Marked
In Early Colonies
lly Jollity, Feasting
This photograph, which was passed by the German censors and
Bernard M. Kellmurrav of New
received in New $ork, shows according to Its accompanying caption, llaven. Conn., who suddenly recov­
hundreds of Soviet prisorers, raptured behind the German lines. They ered his sight after being blind for
are being marc hed by their captors to an internment camp somew here nearly five years. He is shown with
behind the battle line on the eastern front.
I his "seeing eye" dog. Shop.
• In NR (Nature's Remedy) Tablets,
there are no chemicals, no mineral», no
phenol derivatives. NR Tablets are dif­
ferent—ad different. Purely testable—
combination of 10 vegetable ingredients
formulated over 50 years ago. Uncoated
or candy coated, their action is depend­
able, thorough, yet gentle, as millions
of NR's have proved. Get a 254 box
today ... or larger economy size.
Bearing Ills
We deem those happy who,
from the experience of life, have
learned to bear its ills, without be­
ing overcome by them.—Juvenal.
; middle - age ;
If you're cross, restless, nervous
—sutler hot flashes, dizziness-
caused by this period in a
womans life —try Lydia Pink­
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Made especially for women Helps
to relieve distress due to this
functional disturbance. Thou­
sands upon thousands of women
report remarkable benefits. Fol­
low label directions.
Poor Judgment
The foolish and vulgar are al­
ways accustomed to value equal­
ly the good and the bad.—Junius.
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