Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, December 18, 1941, Image 1

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    University of Oregon
Gateway to The Oregon Caves
Illinois Valley News
A Live Wire Newspaper Published in the Interests of the Illinois Valley and Surrounding Districts
Volume V.
No. 33
Cave Junction, Oregon. Thursday, December 18, 1911
Starring three of Hollywood’s
foremost players and directed by
one of Hollywood’s most expert
megaphone-wielders, “The Shep
herd of the Hills," Paramount’s
film version in Technicolor of the
famous novel b\ Harold Bell
\\ l ight, opens Wednesday at the
Cave City theater.
The film based on Wright's lusty
tale of the Ozarks stars John
Wayne, Betty Field and Harry
Carey, and features in its excep­
tionally fine cast Beulah Bondi.
Western Star Chapter No. 164,
() E. S., met last Tuesday evening
in regular session with Worthy
Matron Clara Hammer presiding.
Election of officers was held
and the following were elected:
Worthy Matron, Cora Barnes.
Worthy Patron, George Wells.
.\s-< eiate Matron, Myrtle Wal­
Associate Pation, Raphael S.
Conductress, Frances Smith.
Associate Conductress, Freda
Secretary, Blanche Robinson.
Treasurer, Jessie Leonard.
The appointive officers will
given later by Mrs. Barnes.
Special musical numbers were
given by Miss Janet Martin and a
tiio consisting of Misses Dorothy
Hammer, Deanna and Doris Jones
with Louise Hammer, accompanist,
followed with group singing of
Christmas carols.
Around the beautifully deco-
inted Christmas tree members
gathered for their usual gift ex­
change. Later all adjourned to
John Wayne and Betty Field in
the banquet room where the retir­
ing Worthy Matron served dainty Shepherd of the Hills”.
James Barton, Samuel S. Hinds,
Marjorie Main and Marc Lawrence.
The salty, picturesque Ozark
characters delineated by Wright
IMPROVEMENT CLUB are ones to delight the heart of
any actor. It's easy to understand
why many of Hollywood’s most fa­
Last Saturday afternoon a very mous stars sought parts in the pic­
interesting and well attended ture. John Wayne, Betty Field
mel ting of the Holland School Im­ and Harry Carey were no doubt de­
provement club was helil at th«1 lighted when they succeeded in
home of Mrs. L. N. Maurer of winning roles ii; the film.
John Wayne, we understand, en­
After the business meeting and acts the role of Young Mart. He
other matters were disposed of, a is the reckless, romantic young
gift exchange in the form of a mountain buck, whose love is
Witch’« Basket was held, swelling spurned by Betty Field, in the role
the club's fund, a large part of of Sammy Lane, the vivacious
which is to be spent for the an­ young spitfire of the hills, because
nual Christmas treat for the she fears that Wayne’s hot-head­
yotin gsters.
edness might lead him one day into
Delicious refreshments were have a killing on his conscience.
served bv the co-hostesses. Mrs. Harry Carey portrays The Shep­
Flank Mellow. Mrs. W. W. Brahs herd, a role of great strength and
and Mr«. L. N. Maurer.
emotional opportunity, as written
The next meeting will be held by Harold Bell Wright.
January 16th at the home of Mrs.
With all these people of screen
Frank Mellow on Caves highway. importance involved in the making
Cue ts are always welcome.
of “The Shepherd of the Hills,” it
------------- o-
should be a picture well worth see­
For years, millions of readers of
\nyone wishing to donate any the Harold Bell Wright saga of the
-tuffs for Auxiliary Christmas Ozarks have been thrilled by the
bi kets please bring them Tuesday exciting story and moved by the
: fternoon, December 23, to the passionate romance.
Unit kitchen. Small toys will also
be appreciated.
------------ o
Home Economics
Look out for pedestrians.
Unit Meeting
The Home Economics Unit of
the Extension Service held one of
3.................................. -....................... feJ the most interesting and instruc
' etiilay. 10 A. M.- Illinois Valley five meetings of the year at the
Meii’s Sunday Morning Forum home of Mrs. A. A. Johnson on
December 9th.
in American Legion hall.
The meeting opened at 10:30
Friday, December 19—Box Social,
Takilma school, 7:30 p. m. Ev­ a. m , with a short business meet­
ing at which time Mrs. Ruth Hill
eryone invited.
installed as vice chairman and
Friday, Dec. 19—2 p. ni., Christ­
ie party of O’Brien Woman's M’s. Sophia Bunch, as treasurer.
club at the home of Mrs. Earl A delicious potluck luncheon fol­
lowed at noon.
In the afternoon the project
Friday, January 16 — Holland
Mr«. Effie Smith and Mrs.
School Improvement club meet
presented a lesson on
at the home of Mrs. Frank Mel-
“Keeping Our Balance in a World
low Caves highway,
Every second Tuesday H. E. U. of Propaganda.’’ A short history
Payne of the flag was given and then a
Mrs. Lena
ge» eral discussion on how the fam­
Every Tuesday—10 a. m. Gar- ily can best help its children build
sound attitudes toward informa­
• li talks over KUIN.
tion, “heresay,” propaganda.
I l l s Valley Development league
The term “propaganda" was de­
meets second Monday each
fined in several ways and a better
understanding of "how we are in­
■m, open from 2:30 to 4:30
fluenced by propaganda, how to
p m.
, determine good from bad and what
.. ...
Tuesday and Saturdays, Cave 'it
will accomplish were some of
. .
Junction Library at Auxiliary i the points
brought out.
Kerby Lodge. A. F. & A. M. meets
short Christmas program fol-
fourth Saturday each month
¡lowed with Mrs. Nellie Wilber in
Ladies' Auxiliary meet the first charge. Group singing was en-
ednesday of each . joyed and gifts were exchanged
i around a beautifully decorated j
Every Third Friday — Holland tree.
School Improvement club meet-1
o— —
I Subscribe for The New».
O.E.S. Elect
Price 5 Cents
Last Week
Party At
To Get Pen
Town House Pencil Set
Kerby News Notes
of General Interest Mass Meeting
(By Ed Dailey)
Mr. and Mrs Dan Pardue were
out for supplies from their mine
on Canyon creek.
To Be Held
Friday Nihgt
Alando Landers who mines on
A gala event that will long be
This is the last week of The
Canyon creek came out for sup­
Every resident in the Illinois
remembered took place last Fri­ News’ Christmas Gift offer of a
valley who can possibly attend,
day afternoon in the spacious handsome pen and pencil set with plies last week.
should be at the mass meeting to
clubhouse rooms, at the Lone Mt. each paid subscription. The dead­
George Hour was transacting be held Friday night in the Amer­
Valley resort, when members and line is Wednesday night. December
business in Grants Pass the first ican Legion hall in Cave Junction
visitors gathered to attend the an­ 2 1th and no sets will be available
the week.
at 3:00 p. m.
nual Christmas party and charity lifter that date.
— o—
to hear County Coordinator Har­
tea of the Illinois Valley Garden
If it is impossible for you to
Mrs. Clay Ramsey returned old Prestel. Harold Bowerman and
come to the office before that date,
home from Portland where she old Prestol, Harold Bowerman, and
It was a Christmas party in set­ ask us to lay aside your set and
visited relatives.
M. C. Athey explain what hap­
ting, in music and in spirit. The we will do it, but if you do not ask
pened at the state coordinators'
rooms were decorated attractively for the set we must return all set«
Bill Farlien went to Ashland and meeting in Salem last Monday.
for the occasion. The decorations not used to the manufacturer on
on returning home was accompan­
The County Civilian Defense
were the result of weeks of the above date.
ied hv his sister, Mrs. Land, who
thought in devising artistic effects
This gift from the News is the will visit at the Farlien home for Council has been organized for
some time, but action of a definite
ami endless hours in arranging only | remium or reduced price
a short visit.
nature has been hampered for the
festoons, sprays, wreaths, garlands that the News makes, and we will
lack of explicit instructions. These
and table decorations.
save something every Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Farlien left instructions were given Monday,
Through the generosity of Mr. for our subscribers, to show our
for their home in Los Angeles af­ and now the council knows what
E. Moyer of the Moy *r appreciation for your business.
ter visiting at the Bill Farlien
Nursery of Roseburg, members and
This year’s gift is a handsome home. J. A. and Bill are brothers. it can and can't do, and it is
hoped that the citizens of the
guests received sprays of holly pen and pencil set, in a nice box
county generally will rally behind
sent to the club.
for a gift if you so desire. It is
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wittrock re­ the county organization and do
Mrs. J. H. Dow read a paper on a wonderful gift either for seniors
turned last Tuesday from South­ what they can to help in cases of
' Holly” describing rarities and its or juniors and will be greatly ap-
ern California, and Arizona, where erne rgency.
cultivation. Mrs. II. O. Smith and nreciated. The sets are in several
they visited Mr. Wittrock’s rela­
Harold Prestel has lately been
Mrs. II. R. Floyd gave reports on different color combinations and tives. They were gone about three
county coordinator, taking
the lecture they recently attended they are guaranteed by the manu­ weeks and reported having a most
the place of the former manager
in Grants Pass, given by Mr. J. facturer. If anything is wrong, enjoyable trip.
War conditions of the Grants Pass and Josephine
S. Racher of Swiss Floral Nursery just send it hack to them and they hurried their return home.
County Chamber of Commerce,
of Portland. Mrs. Gladys King will make it good with either re­
■■ o
Louis Hammer, Mr. Prestol did
added with a few remarks of her pairs or a new set. The company
Mrs. Clara Magill of Clara’s
impressions of English flower gar­ is very reliable and always makes Bungalow Coffee Shop visited in not take the managership of the
chamber, but is now the county
Cave Junction last Tuesday.
coordinator, He will be at the
Following the business meeting
The only way you can get this
meeting next Friday night, De-
------- O'
the program opened by group sing­ handsome set it to come in to the
19th, and will clarify a
ing of Christmas hymns and car­ office and renew your subscrip­
lot of misunderstanding on the
ols; whistling solo by Mrs. A. A. tion or get a new subscription. You AIR RAID
part of the general public towards
Johnson, reading by Mrs. E. J. Wil­ can get as many as you like. A PROTECTION
the Civilian Defense Council.
ber. Accompanist was Mrs. C. C.
The meeting is a very import­
scription. It would be a mighty
ant one, and the residents of the
Then followed the gift exchange. fine Christmas present for any boy
Gayly wrapped gifts, all shapes and in the service to have the home Helms, acting regional director of valley will receive much valuable
sizer were hanked around the large town paper each week. We would Civilian Defense for the Ninth information, and everyone who can
Christinas tree decorated in holi­ gladly give this ourselves, but if Civilian Defense Area, has issued possibly attend should do so. The
day attire and was in charge of you will figure how many boys the following air raid instructions: meeting will not last long. There
will be no arguments. Just an ex­
Mrs. R. S. Leonard, Mrs. Chris from this section are in the ser­
1—Familiarize yourself with planation of what the council can
vice and the cost of postage
Wendt and Mrs. M. C. Athey.
your local blackout and all clear do for the citizenship of the county
The hostesses, Mrs. Gladys King, throughout the entire year, you
I ater, another meeting can be held
Mi . J. .1. Villair, Mi H R. Floyd, will understand why we could not
necessary, where a general dis­
Mrs J. M. Smock and Mrs. G. W. stand the expense. Give the *> > s
Martin, served refreshments of an a Christmas p» t’cnt, send them out all house lights if you have cussion of pros and cons can be
your windows. had, but at the Friday meeting, the
orange cup beverage, dainty sand­ The News for j year and se i 1 not blacked out
bombs fall, residents will hear what the men
wiches, fruit squares and home­ them the pen and pi ncil set with it,
I’enicinbcr the (lead line, Wed­ lie down on the floor to avoid fly- learned at Salem from the gover­
made confections.
nor and state coordinator.
It was decided that proceeds nesday, December 24th. No sets ing glass.
front the tea would be used for after that date if you have net
into curb, turn out lights and get First Aid (’lass
emergency Red Cross work in the hs.xul for th-m t< be laid aside.
under cover and lie down Keep
vallev. Members worked on Red
Has Large Attendanre
away from crowded places and
Cro’s sewing during the afternoon,
with Mrs. W. O. Burch in charge. National Defense Society stay off the streets.
Last Tuesday night, the first
4— If incendiary bombs fall on meeting of the newly formed Red
Organized in Takilma
your house, cover them with dry Cross First Aid class got under
Keep sand bags in your
Ladies of Takilma and vicinity home. Keep garden hose attached way with the largest class ever
met at the home of Mary E. White- to faucet. Use a fine spray only assembled for such an event,
Tuesday afternoon and organized on bombs. A splash or jet of wa­ .'«early 70 men, women and stu­
dents were on hand to receive in­
the "Takilma National Defense ter will make them explode.
struction from Harold Bowerman,
Society.” Mrs. C. C. Babcock was
5— If you have a soda-and-acid
elected president; Irene Morrison, extinguisher (the kind you use up­ instructor.
The first night was taken up
secretary. The purpose of the so side down), place your finger over
with lectures and some
Citizens of Oregon eager to take ciety is to aid our country in ev­ nozzle to make spray. Do not use
bandage instruction. The studies
a tangible and active part in the
the small cylinders of liquid on will get mor«1 interesting as the
war activities can be of greatest with teachers and with other or­ bombs. They can be used on ord- class progresses. Mr. and Mrs. K.
aid at this time by purchasing de­ ganizations. Among other things inary fires.
C Hamilton will help Mr. Bower-
ft nse savings bond« and by pro­ will be a First Aid class conducted
6— Under raid conditions, fill man when practical instruction be­
moting this important phase of by Harold Bowerman.
your bathtub and all buckets in gins on how to treat injuries, etc.,
Meetings will be held once a case water mains are broken. Lo-
financing military program of the
when the class will be divided into
United States, declared Palmer week, the next meeting to be at cate your nearest fire alarm box s< veral divisions, as it would be
Hoyt, Portland, state chairman of the home of Mrs. C. C. Babcock, at Use it instead of telephone wher-
impossible for all to get first hand
the defense savings staff, in a 2 o’clcck next Tuesday afternoon, ever possible. The telephone lines information in one large class.
statement received here today.
should be kept clear in these per­
(Continued on Page Four)
"All of our war effoits depend vicinity is urged to attend.
Those present last Tuesday
on successful financing of the var­
7—If poison gas is used, go to
ious military programs," Mr. Hoyt were: Mrs. Mary E. White, Mrs. C the most inside room of your
«aid. “The government several C. Babcock, Mr* Chas. P. Johnson, house ( fewest doors ami windows). WHAT THE LEGION
months ago worked out a plan of Mrs. M. S. Young, Mrs. J. A. Al­ Paste paper over windows, stuff AUXILIARY IS DOING
borrowing direct from the people len Mrs. Chas. Baird, Mrs. Mary cracks in doors and windows with
through the sale of defense wv- McBriety, Mrs. L. W. Monroe, Mrs. rags.
Our membership for season of
ingr bonds. This has already yield­ C. R. Stout, Mrs. Crystal Lanning,
- Appoint one member of the 1942-43 has reached the ail time
and Mrs. Irene Morrison.
ed more than two billion dollars.
hou«e now as air raid warden to high of 33. Persons needing used
"Purchase of these bonds which
take charge and remember all the clothing and shoes please call any
National Defense, Unit rules.
may be obtained for as little as
second or fourth Wednesday of
American Legion Auxil-
113.75 for the $25 ten-year bond,
9— Don't believe rumors — the month at the Auxiliary kitchen.
now become« the first duty of ev-
spreading false rumors is part of
Enid Burch has been appointed
eiy citizen. Oregon already has
the enemy’s technique.
Red Cross chairman. In the Unit
a carefully organized plan for sale
10— Should you get an air raid 13 sweaters, 2 pair knitted sox,
and promotion of defense savings
warning, remember to shut off one layette, four dresses have al­
bonds, every county has its com­
gas stoves, gas furnaces, and gas ready been turned in at Grants
mittee. The state committee com­ BORN—To Mrs. Allan Currier, pilct lights on both. Bomb ex- Pass. There are still seven lay­
posed of 45 leading citizens of Ore­
December 13, at 2 a. m., in plosions may blow them out from ettes, 30 knitted sweaters and 12
gon also stands ready, Members
Grants Pass, a baby girl, weight blast effect. Gas that collects may dresses being finished to be com­
of our staff which includes all
about seven pounds.
explode later.
pleted before January 1.
committeemen throughout the
11— Anti-aircraft fire means
The hope chest displayed at Mar­
«tate are urged to carry on and BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. George falling shrapnel. You are safe tin’s store is almost complete, but
work to the utmost of their abil-
J. lx>gan of O’Brien, Thursday, from it indoors, away from win­ many nice things are being added
December 11, at 10 a rn., at the dowa.
each day to help pack the chest.
“Defense savings bonds are on
12— Above all, keep cool. Stay It is to be given at the Legion
Josephine General hospital in
»ale at all banks, post offices and
Grants Pass, a baby daughter. home. Put out lights. Lie down. dance Christmas eve. Contact any
savings and loan associations. De-
The little miss weighed 12 Keep away from windows.
auxiliary member for details. Past
f< n«e savings -tamps in denomin-
pounds, 3 ounces. Both doing
President’s club will meet Sunday,
Subscribe far the New»
7 p. m , at the kitchen.
(Continued on Pago Four)
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Bonds Now